10 resultados para Immune Privilege
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
In Tumoren und Onkogen-transformierten Zellen finden sich häufig Defizienzen in der Expression von Komponenten der MHC Klasse I-Antigenprozessierung, die mit einer verminderten MHC Klasse I-Oberflächenexpression und einer reduzierten Sensitivität der Zellen gegenüber einer ZTL-vermittelten Lyse gekoppelt sein können. Da in den meisten Fällen die reduzierten Expressionsmuster über Zytokine revertiert werden können, werden verschiedene Regulationsmechanismen als Ursache für die Defizienzen postuliert. Auch in Zellen, die den „human epidermal growth factor receptor 2“ (HER-2/neu) überexprimieren, wurden derartige „Immune escape“-Mechanismen identifiziert. Aufgrund der Amplifikation und/oder Überexpression dieses Onkogens in Tumoren, die mit einer schnellen Progression der Erkrankung und einer schlechten Heilungsprognose assoziiert ist, wurden zahlreiche Therapien entwickelt, die auf einer Mobilisierung des Immunsystems gegenüber HER-2/neu oder dessen Blockade durch spezifische Antikörper abzielen. Die bisher jedoch nur unzureichenden Erfolge dieser Therapien könnten ihre Ursache in einer verminderten Immunogenität der HER-2/neu+-Zellen aufgrund von Defizienzen in der MHC Klasse I-Antigenprozessierung haben, weshalb die Untersuchung der molekularen Ursachen dieser Suppression für die Therapie von HER-2/neu+-Tumoren von besonderer Bedeutung ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde anhand eines in vitro-Systems ein HER-2/neu-vermittelter „Immune escape“-Phänotyp charakterisiert und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen untersucht. Hierzu wurden murine, HER-2/neu--NIH3T3-Zellen mit HER-2/neu-transfizierten NIH3T3-Zellen verglichen. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass die Oberflächenexpression von MHC Klasse I-Antigenen bei einer HER-2/neu-Überexpression vermindert ist. Dies ist assoziiert mit reduzierten Expressionen von LMP2, LMP10, PA28a, PA28b, ERAAP, TAP1, TAP2, und Tapasin, einem blockiertem TAP-Transport und einer fehlenden Sensitivität gegenüber einer ZTL-vermittelten Lyse. Da die analysierten Defekte durch eine Stimulation mit IFN‑g wieder revertiert werden können, wird eine transkriptionelle oder translationelle Regulation der betroffenen Gene durch HER-2/neu postuliert. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse ist eine T-Zell-vermittelte Therapie von HER-2/neu+-Tumoren als kritisch anzusehen. Die Untersuchung der Promotoren von TAP1/LMP2, TAP2 und Tapasin ergab geringere und durch IFN‑g-induzierbare Promotoraktivitäten in den HER-2/neu+-Zellen im Vergleich zu den HER-2/neu—-Zellen. Mittels Mutagenese-PCR und Gelretardationsanalysen konnte die Bindung eines Komplexes an zwei E2F- und einer P300-Bindungsstelle im Tapasin-Promotor identifiziert werden, die für die HER-2/neu-vermittelte Hemmung der Tapasin-Promotoraktivität essentiell ist. Eine Inaktivierung der E2F- und P300-Motve in den TAP1/LMP2- und TAP2-Promotoren hatte dagegen keinen Einfluss auf die HER-2/neu-vermittelte Blockade der Promotoraktivität. Ein Vergleich der Promotoraktivitäten der HER-2/neu+- mit Ras-transformierten Zellen ergab, dass die TAP1/LMP2- und TAP2-Promotoren in beiden Zellen supprimiert werden, während der Tapasin-Promotor bei Ras-Transformation nicht beeinträchtigt ist. Der Einsatz von Inhibitoren zeigte, dass die Suppression des Tapasin-Promotors vermutlich über die PLC-g-PKC-Kaskade erfolgt. Dagegen konnte mit Inhibitoren gegen MAPK und PI3Kinase kein vergleichbarer Effekt erzielt werden. Aufgrund dieser Daten wird postuliert, dass HER-2/neu über die Signalkaskade PLC-g–PKC–E2F/P300 die Tapasin-Promotoraktivität supprimiert, wohingegen noch bisher unbekannte Signalkaskaden von HER-2/neu und Ras zu einer Hemmung der TAP1/LMP2- und TAP2-Promotoraktivität führen. Da die Komplexbildung von E2F und P300 auch im Zellzyklus eine Rolle spielt, wird eine negative Korrelation zwischen Zell-Proliferation und MHC Klasse I-Antigenpräsentation postuliert, die Gegenstand künftiger Studien sein wird.
Matrix metalloproteinases are the components of the tumour microenvironment which play a crucial role in tumour progression. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is expressed in a variety of tumours and the expression is associated with an aggressive malignant phenotype and poor prognosis. A role for MMP-7 in the immune escape of tumours has been postulated, but the mechanisms are not clearly understood. The present study was focused on identifying physiological inactivators of MMP-7 and also to unravel the mechanisms involved in MMP-7 mediated immune escape. This study shows that human leukocyte elastase (HLE), secreted by polymorphonuclear leukocytes cleaves MMP-7 in the catalytic domain as revealed by N-terminal sequencing. Further analysis demonstrates that the activity of MMP-7 was drastically decreased after HLE treatment in a time and dose dependent manner. MMP-7 induces apoptosis resistance in tumour cells by cleaving CD95 and CD95L. The effect of HLE on MMP-7 mediated apoptosis resistance was analysed. In vitro stimulation of apoptosis by anti-Apo-1 (anti-CD95 antibody) and the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin is reduced by MMP-7. Also tumour specific cytotoxic T cells do not effectively kill tumour cells in the presence of MMP-7. This study revealed that HLE abrogates the negative effect of MMP-7 on apoptosis induced by CD95 stimulation, doxorubicin or cytotoxic T cells and restores apoptosis sensitivity of tumour cells. To gain insight into the possible immune modulatory functions of MMP-7, experiments were performed to identify new immune relevant substrates. The human T cell line, Jurkat, was selected for these studies. Hsc70 which is involved in uncoating of clathrin vesicles was found in the supernatants of the MMP-7 treated cells indicating a modulatory role of MMP-7 on endocytosis. Further studies demonstrated that MMP-7 leads to decreased clathrin staining in HEK293, HepG2, Jurkat, CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells. Results also show MMP-7 treatment increased surface expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein-4 (CTLA-4) which accumulated due to inhibition of the clathrin mediated internalization in CD4+CD25+ cells.
Immunantwort von immundefizienten Mäusen gegenüber Infektionen mit Cryptosporidium parvum. Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer, protozoischer Krankheitserreger, der im immunkompromittierten Wirt zu lebensbedrohender Enteritis führen kann. CD4+ T-Zellen und Interferon (IFN)-γ spielen wesentliche Rollen bei der Wirtsimmunantwort gegen die Infektion. Dennoch sind die Effektormechanismen, die zur Resistenz führen nur wenig verstanden. In dieser Studie wurde die Immunantwort von IFN-γ- und Interleukin (IL)-12-Defektmäusen parallel zu Wildtypmäusen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse identifizierten IFN-γ als Schlüsselzytokin bei der natürlichen und erworbenen Immunität während der Erst- und Folgeinfektion mit C. parvum. Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF)-α ist möglicherweise ein Induktor der frühen IFN-γ-Antwort in IL-12 Knockout-Mäusen. Weiterhin tragen offenbar sowohl Th1- als auch Th2-Zytokine zur Überwindung der Primärinfektion bei, die ersten mehr als die letztgenannten. Zytokingene waren am Ort der Infektion (Ileum) dramatisch verändert, nicht aber in den lokalen Lymphknoten und der Milz. Nach Folgeinfektion ergab sich in Abwesenheit von IFN-γ eine signifikante Erhöhung der Th2-Zytokine IL-5 and IL-13. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass das Th1-Zytokin IL-18 zur Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum beiträgt, möglicherweise durch verschiedene Immunfunktionen, wie der Regulation von Serum-IFN-γ während der Infektion und/oder der Erhaltung der Homeostase der Th1/Th2-Zytokine durch Regulation der Th2-Zytokine. Weiterhin zeigten diese Untersuchungen den Transfer von Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum von infizierten auf naïve Mäuse mittels stimulierter intraepithelialer Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die Gegenwart von C. parvum-spezifischen CD4+ T-Zellen in anderen lymphatischen Geweben neben der Darmmukosa hin. Eine Stimulation der Spendertiere durch Infektion war notwendig für eine übertragbare schützende Immunität. Dennoch konnte die übertragene Immunität nicht die Infektion der Empfängertiere vollständig verhindern; eine Verdopplung der Spenderzellen führte zu keinem besseren Ergebnis. Weiterhin ergab der Transfer von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen (Pan-T-Zellen) keinen erhöhten Schutz der naiven Empfängertiere als der alleinige Transfer von CD4+ T-Zellen. Dies weist auf die fehlende Bedeutung der CD8+ T-Zellen beim Schutz vor C. parvum-Infektion hin.
Survivin, a unique member of the family of inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) proteins, orchestrates intracellular pathways during cell division and apoptosis. Its central regulatory function in vertebrate molecular pathways as mitotic regulator and inhibitor of apoptotic cell death has major implications for tumor cell proliferation and viability, and has inspired several approaches that target survivin for cancer therapy. Analyses in early-branching Metazoa so far propose an exclusive role of survivin as a chromosomal passenger protein, whereas only later during evolution the second, complementary antiapoptotic function might have arisen, concurrent with increased organismal complexity. To lift the veil on the ancestral function(s) of this key regulatory molecule, a survivin homologue of the phylogenetically oldest extant metazoan taxon (phylum Porifera) was identified and functionally characterized. SURVL of the demosponge Suberites domuncula shares significant similarities with its metazoan homologues, ranging from conserved exon/intron structures to the presence of localization signal and protein-interaction domains, characteristic of IAP proteins. Whereas sponge tissue displayed a very low steady-state level, SURVL expression was significantly up-regulated in rapidly proliferating primmorph cells. In addition, challenge of sponge tissue and primmorphs with cadmium and the lipopeptide Pam3Cys-Ser-(Lys)4 stimulated SURVL expression, concurrent with the expression of newly discovered poriferan caspases (CASL and CASL2). Complementary functional analyses in transfected HEK-293 revealed that heterologous expression of poriferan survivin in human cells not only promotes cell proliferation but also augments resistance to cadmium-induced cell death. Taken together, these results demonstrate both a deep evolutionary conserved and fundamental dual role of survivin, and an equally conserved central position of this key regulatory molecule in interconnected pathways of cell cycle and apoptosis. Additionally, SDCASL, SDCASL2, and SDTILRc (TIR-LRR containing protein) may represent new components of the innate defense sentinel in sponges. SDCASL and SDCASL2 are two new caspase-homolog proteins with a singular structure. In addition to their CASc domains, SDCASL and SDCASL2 feature a small prodomain NH2-terminal (effector caspases) and a remarkably long COOH-terminal domain containing one or several functional double stranded RNA binding domains (dsrm). This new caspase prototype can characterize a caspase specialization coupling pathogen sensing and apoptosis, and could represent a very efficient defense mechanism. SDTILRc encompasses also a unique combination of domains: several leucine rich repeats (LRR) and a Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain. This unusual domain association may correspond to a new family of intracellular sensing protein, forming a subclass of pattern recognition receptors (PRR).
CYLD is a deubiquitinating enzyme, which negatively regulates NF-κB signaling by removing Lys63-linked polyubiquitin chains from its substrates. In mice, there are two variants of CYLD: full-length CYLD (FL-CYLD) and its short splice variant sCYLD. sCYLD lacks the NEMO and TRAF2 binding sites and CYLDex7/8 mice, which have been generated in our laboratory, overexpress sCYLD in the absence of the full length transcript. In this thesis, we show that bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDCs) overexpressing sCYLD display a hyperactive phenotype. They have increased levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNFα, have exaggerated stimulatory capacity and fail to induce tolerance in in vivo experiments. CYLDex7/8 BMDCs have increased levels of nuclear Bcl-3, which we could show to be directly induced by sCYLD expression. NF-κB signaling was markedly upregulated in CYLDex7/8 BMDCs.rnBcl-3 overexpressing BMDCs with normal CYLD expression, however, were not hyperactive, suggesting that Bcl-3 overexpression is not sufficient for causing the observed phenotype. Taken together we propose a model in which the exclusive overexpression of sCYLD with high nuclear levels of Bcl-3 in BMDCs is accompanied by an increased NF-κB activation, resulting in a hyperactive phenotype.rnWe further analyzed macrophages overexpressing sCYLD using the LysMcre CyldFL/FL strain, but could not detect differences in activation marker expression, cytokine secretion or iNOS production. LysMcre CyldFL/FL mice immunized with MOG35-55 peptide showed a more severe course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), which could not be explained by enhanced levels of MHC class II on CNS-resident macrophages and microglia or increased T cell infiltration.rnMice overexpressing Bcl-3 in T cells develop spontaneous colitis. They have less peripheral memory/effector T cells and less Th1 cells, whereas Th17 numbers are normal. Naïve T cells overexpressing Bcl-3 show defects in in vitro differentiation to the Th1 or Th17 fate. CD4+ T cells overexpressing Bcl-3 show enhanced survival capacity in in vitro culture, but have a defect in proliferative capacity when stimulated in vitro or when adoptively transferred into lymphopenic hosts.
This thesis focuses on different aspects of immune regulation, both at the cellular and molecular levels. More specifically, this work concentrates on the importance of Interleukin-10, B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator (BTLA), and dendritic cells in respect to immune regulation, with special emphasis on autoimmunity. In this thesis, we show that the cellular source of IL10 production can dramatically influence the outcome of an autoimmune response. We show that T cell-derived IL10 plays an important role in controlling the viability of recently activated T cells, allowing them to become fully functional T effector cells. T cell-specific IL10-deficient mice failed to induce EAE when immunized with MOG peptide. Furthermore, when re-challenged with MOG or other stimuli, these T cells exhibited increased apoptosis rates. Here we report for the first time the generation of a novel mouse model that allows the conditional over-expression of BTLA. We show that BTLA can negatively regulate CD4+ T cells responses, when expressed by the T cells themselves. BTLA over-expression by CD8+ T cells or dendritic cells, however, resulted in enhanced viral clearance. In this study, we show that depletion of DCs, either early on from birth or later in adulthood, does not prevent EAE induction, but instead leads to a lower state of tolerance and stronger immune response. We also show that DCs are responsible for the upregulation of PD-1 on antigen-specific T cells and subsequently induce the formation of Tregs during immune responses.
Immune modulation by herpesviruses, such as cytomegalovirus, is critical for the establishment of acute and persistent infection confronting a vigorous antiviral immune response of the host. Therefore, the action of immune-modulatory proteins has long been the subject of research, with the final goal to identify new strategies for antiviral therapy.rnIn the case of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV), the viral m152 protein has been identified to play a major role in targeting components of both the innate and the adaptive immune system in terms of infected host-cell recognition in the effector phase of the antiviral immune response. On the one hand, it inhibits cell surface expression of RAE-1 and thereby prevents ligation of the activating natural killer (NK)-cell receptor NKG2D. On the other hand, it decreases cell surface expression of peptide-loaded MHC class I molecules thereby preventing antigen presentation to CD8 T cells. Ultimately, the outcome of CMV infection is determined by the interplay between viral and cellular factors.rnIn this context, the work presented here has revealed a novel and intriguing connection between viral m152 and cellular interferon (IFN), a key cytokine of the immune system: rnthe m152 promoter region contains an interferon regulatory factor element (IRFE) perfectly matching the consensus sequence of cellular IRFEs.rnThe biological relevance of this regulatory element was first suggested by sequence comparisons revealing its evolutionary conservation among various established laboratory strains of mCMV and more recent low-passage wild-derived virus isolates. Moreover, search of the mCMV genome revealed only three IRFE sites in the complete sequence. Importantly, the functionality of the IRFE in the m152 promoter was confirmed with the use of a mutant virus, representing a functional deletion of the IRFE, and its corresponding revertant virus. In particular, m152 gene expression was found to be inhibited in an IRFE-dependent manner in infected cells. Essentially, this inhibition proved to have a severe impact on the immune-modulatory function of m152, first demonstrated by a restored direct antigen presentation on infected cells for CD8 T-cell activation. Even more importantly, this effect of IRFE-mediated IFN signaling was validated in vivo by showing that the protective antiviral capacity of adoptively-transferred, antigen-specific CD8 T cells is also significantly restored by the IRFE-dependent inhibition of m152. Somewhat curious and surprising, the decrease in m152 protein simultaneously prevented an enhanced activation of NK cells in acute-infected mice, apparently independent of the RAE-1/NKG2D ligand/receptor interaction but rather due to reduced ‘missing-self’ recognition.rnTaken together, this work presents a so far unknown mechanism of IFN signaling to control mCMV immune modulation in acute infection.rnrn
Die Suppression von autoreaktiven T-Zellen ist eine Funktion von CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs). CD4+CD25+ Tregs unterdrücken autoaggressive Immunantworten. Galectin-10 und Foxp3 sind wichtige Proteine, die an dem supprimierenden Mechanismus der Tregs beteiligt sind. Galectin-10 ist eines der ältesten bekannten humanen Proteine, die nicht in anderen Spezies gefunden worden sind. Foxp3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der in menschlichen CD4+CD25+ Tregs und in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen nach Aktivierung exprimiert wird. Ein siRNA-vermittelter Knockdown dieses intrazellulären löslichen Proteins hebt die supprimierende Funktion der humanen CD4+CD25+ Tregs auf.rnDiese Arbeit beinhaltet in vitro durchgeführte Untersuchungen zur Ermöglichung eines Knockdown von Galectin-10 und/oder Foxp3 in humanisierten Mäusen. Es war möglich, ein Verfahren für die Produktion von lentiviralen Partikeln zu etablierten, die sich als effizientes Vehikel für den Gentransfer in humane Stammzellen und verschiedene Tumor- und Immunzellen erwiesen. Nach der Transduktion von AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen mit GFP-codierenden lentiviralen Partikeln konnte eine langfristige Expression von GFP erreicht werden. Außerdem war es möglich lentivirale Partikel zu erzeugen, die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codiert waren. Die erzeugten Partikel erwiesen sich als funktionell, indem sie eine deutliche Herunterregulation von Galectin-10 in konstitutiv Galectin-10 exprimierenden AML14.3D10 Tumorzellen bewirkten. Unsere Studie präsentierte außerdem eine erstmalige Untersuchung zum Nachweis von Galectin-10-Protein in Eosinophilen aus humanen CD34+ hämatopoetischen Stammzellen (HSC). Diese stabile in vitro Galectin-10-Expression bietet ein alternatives Untersuchungsmodell zu CD4+CD25+ Tregs, die nicht aus CD34+ HSC differenziert werden können. Der zusätzliche Einbau des GFP-Gens in die mit shRNA gegen Galectin-10 codierende lentivirale Partikel war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Markierung von Zellen, die einen Galectin-10-Knockdown aufwiesen. Die neuen bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikel erwiesen sich sowohl in aus CD34+ HSC differenzierten Eosinophilen als auch in AML14.3D10 Zellen, die einen eosinophilen Phänotyp aufweisen, als funktionell. Schließlich konnte mit den bicistronischen lentiviralen Partikeln, die mit GFP und shRNA gegen Foxp3 codiert waren, eine Herunterregulation von Foxp3 in CD4+CD25- T-Effektor-Zellen erreicht werden, was erneut die erfolgreiche Herstellung von funktionellen lentiviralen Partikeln bewies.rn
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive astrocytic tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) in adults. The standard treatment consisting of surgery, followed by a combinatorial radio- and chemotherapy, is only palliative and prolongs patient median survival to 12 to 15 months. The tumor subpopulation of stem cell-like glioma-initiating cells (GICs) shows resistance against radiation as well as chemotherapy, and has been suggested to be responsible for relapses of more aggressive tumors after therapy. The efficacy of immunotherapies, which exploit the immune system to specifically recognize and eliminate malignant cells, is limited due to strong immunosuppressive activities of the GICs and the generation of a specialized protective microenvironment. The molecular mechanisms underlying the therapy resistance of GICs are largely unknown. rnThe first aim of this study was to identify immune evasion mechanisms in GICs triggered by radiation. A model was used in which patient-derived GICs were treated in vitro with fractionated ionizing radiation (2.5 Gy in 7 consecutive passages) to select for a more radio-resistant phenotype. In the model cell line 1080, this selection process resulted in increased proliferative but diminished migratory capacities in comparison to untreated control GICs. Furthermore, radio-selected GICs downregulated various proteins involved in antigen processing and presentation, resulting in decreased expression of MHC class I molecules on the cellular surface and diminished recognition potential by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Thus, sub-lethal fractionated radiation can promote immune evasion and hamper the success of adjuvant immunotherapy. Among several immune-associated proteins, interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) was found to be upregulated in radio-selected GICs. While high expression of IFITM3 was associated with a worse overall survival of GBM patients (TCGA database) and increased proliferation and migration of differentiated glioma cell lines, a strong contribution of IFITM3 to proliferation in vitro as well as tumor growth and invasiveness in a xenograft model could not be observed. rnMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the CNS in young adults of the Western World, which leads to progressive disability in genetically susceptible individuals, possibly triggered by environmental factors. It is assumed that self-reactive, myelin-specific T helper cell 1 (Th1) and Th17 cells, which have escaped the control mechanisms of the immune system, are critical in the pathogenesis of the human disease and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It was observed that in vitro differentiated interleukin 17 (IL-17) producing Th17 cells co-expressed the Th1-phenotypic cytokine Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in combination with the two respective lineage-associated transcription factors RORγt and T-bet after re-isolation from the CNS of diseased mice. Pathogenic molecular mechanisms that render a CD4+ T cell encephalitogenic have scarcely been investigated up to date. rnIn the second part of the thesis, whole transcriptional changes occurring in in vitro differentiated Th17 cells in the course of EAE were analyzed. Evaluation of signaling networks revealed an overrepresentation of genes involved in communication between the innate and adaptive immune system and metabolic alterations including cholesterol biosynthesis. The transcription factors Cebpa, Fos, Klf4, Nfatc1 and Spi1, associated with thymocyte development and naïve T cells were upregulated in encephalitogenic CNS-isolated CD4+ T cells, proposing a contribution to T cell plasticity. Correlation of the murine T-cell gene expression dataset to putative MS risk genes, which were selected based on their proximity (± 500 kb; ensembl database, release 75) to the MS risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) proposed by the most recent multiple sclerosis GWAS in 2011, revealed that 67.3% of the MS risk genes were differentially expressed in EAE. Expression patterns of Bach2, Il2ra, Irf8, Mertk, Odf3b, Plek, Rgs1, Slc30a7, and Thada were confirmed in independent experiments, suggesting a contribution to T cell pathogenicity. Functional analysis of Nfatc1 revealed that Nfatc1-deficient CD4+ T cells were restrained in their ability to induce clinical signs of EAE. Nfatc1-deficiency allowed proper T cell activation, but diminished their potential to fully differentiate into Th17 cells and to express high amounts of lineage cytokines. As the inducible Nfatc1/αA transcript is distinct from the other family members, it could represent an interesting target for therapeutic intervention in MS.rn
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria with a strong global prevalence. They cause infections of the eye, lung and the genital tract and can either replicate in inclusion compartments or persist inside their host cell. In this thesis we focused on two aspects of chlamydiae infection. We hypothesize that transcription factor AP-1 is crucial for a replicative chlamydiae infection in epithelial cells. In addition we suggest that chlamydiae hide inside apoptotic blebs for a silent uptake by macrophages as immune evasion strategy.rnFocusing on AP-1, we could demonstrate that during Chlamydia pneumoniae infection, protein expression and phosphorylation of the AP-1 family member c-Jun significantly increased in a time and dose dependent manner. A siRNA knockdown of c-Jun in HEp-2 cells reduced chlamydial load, resulting in smaller inclusions and a significant lower chlamydial recovery. Furthermore, inhibition of the c-Jun containing AP-1 complexes, using Tanshinone IIA, changed the replicative infection into a persistent phenotype, characterized by (i) smaller, aberrant inclusions, (ii) a strong decrease in chlamydial load, as well as by (iii) its reversibility after removal of Tanshinone IIA. As chlamydiae are energy parasites, we investigated whether Tanshinone IIA interferes with energy/metabolism related processes. rnA role for autophagy or gene expression of glut-1 and c-jun in persistence could not be determined. However we could demonstrate Tanshinone IIA treatment to be accompanied by a significant decrease of ATP levels, probably causing a chlamydiae persistent phenotype.rnRegarding the chlamydial interaction with human primary cells we characterized infection of different chlamydiae species in either pro-inflammatory (type I) or anti-inflammatory (type II) human monocyte derived macrophages (hMDM). We found both phenotypes to be susceptible to chlamydiae infection. Furthermore, we observed that upon Chlamydia trachomatis and GFP-expressing Chlamydia trachomatis infection more hMDM type II were infected. However the chlamydial load was higher in hMDM type I and correspondingly, more replicative-like inclusions were found in this phenotype. Next, we focused on the chlamydial transfer using a combination of high speed live cell imaging and GFP-expressing Chlamydia trachomatis for optimal visualization. Thereby, we could successfully visualize the formation of apoptotic, chlamydiae-containing blebs and the interaction of hMDM with these blebs. Moreover, we observed the development of a replicative infection in hMDM. rnIn conclusion, we demonstrated a crucial role of AP-1 for C. pneumoniae development and preliminary time lapse data suggest that chlamydiae can be transferred to hMDMs via apoptotic blebs. In all, these data may contribute to a better understanding of chlamydial infection processes in humans.rn