12 resultados para FITS

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Entwicklung und Test einesneuartigen Interferometers mit zwei örtlich separierten,phasenkorrelierten Röntgenquellen zur Messung des Realteilsdes komplexen Brechungsindex von dünnen, freitragendenFolien beschrieben. Die Röntgenquellen sind zwei Folien, indenen relativistische Elektronen der Energie 855 MeVÜbergangsstrahlung erzeugen. Das am Mainzer Mikrotron MAMIrealisierte Interferometer besteht aus einer Berylliumfolieeiner Dicke von 10 Mikrometer und einer Nickel-Probefolieeiner Dicke von 2.1 Mikrometer. Die räumlichenInterferenzstrukturen werden als Funktion desFolienabstandes in einer ortsauflösenden pn-CCD nach derFourier-Analyse des Strahlungsimpulses mittels einesSilizium-Einkristallspektrometers gemessen. Die Phase derIntensitätsoszillationen enthält Informationen über dieDispersion, die die in der strahlaufwärtigen Folie erzeugteWelle in der strahlabwärtigen Probefolie erfährt. AlsFallstudie wurde die Dispersion von Nickel im Bereich um dieK-Absorptionskane bei 8333 eV, sowie bei Photonenenergien um9930 eV gemessen. Bei beiden Energien wurden deutlicheInterferenzstrukturen nachgewiesen, wobei die Kohärenz wegenWinkelmischungen mit steigendem Folienabstand bzw.Beobachtungswinkel abnimmt. Es wurden Anpassungen vonSimulationsrechnungen an die Messdaten durchgeführt, die diekohärenzvermindernden Effekte berücksichtigen. Aus diesenAnpassungen konnte bei beiden untersuchten Energien dieDispersion der Nickelprobe mit einer relativen Genauigkeitvon kleiner gleich 1.5 % in guter Übereinstimmung mit derLiteratur bestimmt werden.


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt ein Experiment zur Photoproduktionneutraler Pionen am Proton im Schwellenbereich. DurchVerwendung linear polarisierter Photonen konnte neben dentotalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitten zum erstenMal die Photonasymmetrie nahe der Schwelle gemessen werden.Besonderes Interesse galt dem aus diesen physikalischenObservablen bestimmbaren s-Wellen-Multipol E0+ sowie der erstmaligen Bestimmung aller drei p-Wellen-KombinationenP1, P2 und P3 im Bereich der Schwelle.Das Experiment wurde 1995/1996 am ElektronenbeschleunigerMAMI (Mainzer Mikrotron) der Universität Mainz durchgeführt.Durch Verwendung eines Diamanten als Bremsstrahltarget fürdie Elektronen wurden über den Prozeß der kohärentenBremsstrahlung linear polarisierte Photonen erzeugt. DieEnergie der Photonen wurde über die Messung der Energie der gestreuten Elektronen in der MainzerPhotonenmarkierungsanlage bestimmt. Der Detektor TAPS, eineAnordnung aus 504 BaF2-Modulen, war um einFlüssigwasserstofftarget aufgebaut. In den Modulen wurdendie im Target produzierten neutralen Pionen über ihrenZerfall in zwei Photonen nachgewiesen.Die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte wurdenim Energiebereich zwischen der Schwelle von 144.7 MeV und168 MeV gemessen. Die erstmals gemessene Photonasymmetriefür 159.5 MeV ist positiv und hat einen Wert von+0.217+/-0.046 für einen Polarwinkel von 90 Grad. Der Multipol E0+ und die drei p-Wellen-Kombinationen wurden andie physikalischen Observablen über zwei unterschiedlicheMethoden angepaßt, die übereinstimmende Ergebnisselieferten. Die Vorhersagen der Niederenergietheoreme derchiralen Störungstheorie für P1 und P2 stimmen beiEinbeziehung der statistischen und systematischen Fehler mitden experimentellen Werten überein.


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In this treatise we consider finite systems of branching particles where the particles move independently of each other according to d-dimensional diffusions. Particles are killed at a position dependent rate, leaving at their death position a random number of descendants according to a position dependent reproduction law. In addition particles immigrate at constant rate (one immigrant per immigration time). A process with above properties is called a branching diffusion withimmigration (BDI). In the first part we present the model in detail and discuss the properties of the BDI under our basic assumptions. In the second part we consider the problem of reconstruction of the trajectory of a BDI from discrete observations. We observe positions of the particles at discrete times; in particular we assume that we have no information about the pedigree of the particles. A natural question arises if we want to apply statistical procedures on the discrete observations: How can we find couples of particle positions which belong to the same particle? We give an easy to implement 'reconstruction scheme' which allows us to redraw or 'reconstruct' parts of the trajectory of the BDI with high accuracy. Moreover asymptotically the whole path can be reconstructed. Further we present simulations which show that our partial reconstruction rule is tractable in practice. In the third part we study how the partial reconstruction rule fits into statistical applications. As an extensive example we present a nonparametric estimator for the diffusion coefficient of a BDI where the particles move according to one-dimensional diffusions. This estimator is based on the Nadaraya-Watson estimator for the diffusion coefficient of one-dimensional diffusions and it uses the partial reconstruction rule developed in the second part above. We are able to prove a rate of convergence of this estimator and finally we present simulations which show that the estimator works well even if we leave our set of assumptions.


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The present study describes a Late Miocene (early Tortonian - early Messinian) transitional carbonate system that combines elements of tropical and cool-water carbonate systems (Irakleion Basin, island of Crete, Greece). As documented by stratal geometries, the submarine topography of the basin was controlled by tilting blocks. Coral reefs formed by Porites and Tarbellastrea occurred in a narrow clastic coastal belt along a „central Cretan landmass“, and steep escarpments formed by faulting. Extensive covers of level-bottom communities existed in a low-energy environment on the gentle dip-slope ramps of the blocks that show the widest geographical distribution within the basin. Consistent patterns of landward and basinward shift of coastal onlap in all outcrop studies reveal an overriding control of 3rd and 4th order sea level changes on sediment dynamics and facies distributions over block movements. An increasingly dry climate and the complex submarine topography of the fault block mosaic kept sediment and nutrient discharge at a minimum. The skeletal limestone facies therefore reflects oligotrophic conditions and a sea surface temperature (SST) near the lower threshold temperature of coral reefs in a climatic position transitional between the tropical coral reef belt and the temperate zone. Stable isotope records (δ18O, δ13C) from massiv, exceptionally preserved Late Miocene aragonite coral skeletons reflect seasonal changes in sea surface temperature and symbiont autotrophy. Spectral analysis of a 69 years coral δ18O record reveals significant variance at interannual time scales (5-6 years) that matches the present-day eastern Mediterranean climate variability controlled by the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/NAO), the Northern Hemisphere’s dominant mode of atmospheric variability. Supported by simulations with a complex atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model, it is suggested, that climate dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean and central Europe reflect atmospheric variability related to the Icelandic Low 10 million years ago. Usually, Miocene corals are transformed in calcite spar in geological time and isotope values are reset by diagenetic alteration. It is demonstrated that the relicts of growth bands represent an intriguing source of information for the growth conditions of fossil corals. Recrystallized growth bands were measured systematically in massive Porites from Crete. The Late Miocene corals were growing slowly with 2-4 mm/yr, compatible with present-day Porites from high latitude reefs, a relationship that fits the position of Crete at the margin of the Miocene tropical reef belt. Over Late Miocene time (Tortonian - early Messinian) growth rates remained remarkably constant, and if the modern growth temperature relationship for massive Porites applies to the Neogene, minimum (winter) SST did not exceed 19-21°C.


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Die Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy) ist eine wichtige Methode zur Speziation von Schwermetallen in einem weiten Bereich von umweltrelevanten Systemen. Um Strukturparameter wie Koordinationszahl, Atomabstand und Debye-Waller Faktoren für die nächsten Nachbarn eines absorbierenden Atoms zu bestimmen, ist es für experimentelle EXAFS-Spektren üblich, unter Verwendung von Modellstrukturen einen „Least-Squares-Fit“ durchzuführen. Oft können verschiedene Modellstrukturen mit völlig unterschiedlicher chemischer Bedeutung die experimentellen EXAFS-Daten gleich gut beschreiben. Als gute Alternative zum konventionellen Kurven-Fit bietet sich das modifizierte Tikhonov-Regularisationsverfahren an. Ergänzend zur Tikhonov-Standardvariationsmethode enthält der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Algorithmus zwei weitere Schritte, nämlich die Anwendung des „Method of Separating Functionals“ und ein Iterationsverfahren mit Filtration im realen Raum. Um das modifizierte Tikhonov-Regularisationsverfahren zu testen und zu bestätigen wurden sowohl simulierte als auch experimentell gemessene EXAFS-Spektren einer kristallinen U(VI)-Verbindung mit bekannter Struktur, nämlich Soddyit (UO2)2SiO4 x 2H2O, untersucht. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser neuen Methode zur Auswertung von EXAFS-Spektren wird durch ihre Anwendung auf die Analyse von Proben mit unbekannter Struktur gezeigt, wie sie bei der Sorption von U(VI) bzw. von Pu(III)/Pu(IV) an Kaolinit auftreten. Ziel der Dissertation war es, die immer noch nicht voll ausgeschöpften Möglichkeiten des modifizierten Tikhonov-Regularisationsverfahrens für die Auswertung von EXAFS-Spektren aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich in zwei Kategorien einteilen. Die erste beinhaltet die Entwicklung des Tikhonov-Regularisationsverfahrens für die Analyse von EXAFS-Spektren von Mehrkomponentensystemen, insbesondere die Wahl bestimmter Regularisationsparameter und den Einfluss von Mehrfachstreuung, experimentell bedingtem Rauschen, etc. auf die Strukturparameter. Der zweite Teil beinhaltet die Speziation von sorbiertem U(VI) und Pu(III)/Pu(IV) an Kaolinit, basierend auf experimentellen EXAFS-Spektren, die mit Hilfe des modifizierten Tikhonov-Regularisationsverfahren ausgewertet und mit Hilfe konventioneller EXAFS-Analyse durch „Least-Squares-Fit“ bestätigt wurden.


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The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are fundamental quantities sensitive to the distribution of charge and magnetization inside the proton. Precise knowledge of the form factors, in particular of the charge and magnetization radii provide strong tests for theory in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. However, the existing data at Q^2 below 1 (GeV/c)^2 are not precise enough for a hard test of theoretical predictions.rnrnFor a more precise determination of the form factors, within this work more than 1400 cross sections of the reaction H(e,e′)p were measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI using the 3-spectrometer-facility of the A1-collaboration. The data were taken in three periods in the years 2006 and 2007 using beam energies of 180, 315, 450, 585, 720 and 855 MeV. They cover the Q^2 region from 0.004 to 1 (GeV/c)^2 with counting rate uncertainties below 0.2% for most of the data points. The relative luminosity of the measurements was determined using one of the spectrometers as a luminosity monitor. The overlapping acceptances of the measurements maximize the internal redundancy of the data and allow, together with several additions to the standard experimental setup, for tight control of systematic uncertainties.rnTo account for the radiative processes, an event generator was developed and implemented in the simulation package of the analysis software which works without peaking approximation by explicitly calculating the Bethe-Heitler and Born Feynman diagrams for each event.rnTo separate the form factors and to determine the radii, the data were analyzed by fitting a wide selection of form factor models directly to the measured cross sections. These fits also determined the absolute normalization of the different data subsets. The validity of this method was tested with extensive simulations. The results were compared to an extraction via the standard Rosenbluth technique.rnrnThe dip structure in G_E that was seen in the analysis of the previous world data shows up in a modified form. When compared to the standard-dipole form factor as a smooth curve, the extracted G_E exhibits a strong change of the slope around 0.1 (GeV/c)^2, and in the magnetic form factor a dip around 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 is found. This may be taken as indications for a pion cloud. For higher Q^2, the fits yield larger values for G_M than previous measurements, in agreement with form factor ratios from recent precise polarized measurements in the Q2 region up to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2.rnrnThe charge and magnetic rms radii are determined as rn⟨r_e⟩=0.879 ± 0.005(stat.) ± 0.004(syst.) ± 0.002(model) ± 0.004(group) fm,rn⟨r_m⟩=0.777 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.009(syst.) ± 0.005(model) ± 0.002(group) fm.rnThis charge radius is significantly larger than theoretical predictions and than the radius of the standard dipole. However, it is in agreement with earlier results measured at the Mainz linear accelerator and with determinations from Hydrogen Lamb shift measurements. The extracted magnetic radius is smaller than previous determinations and than the standard-dipole value.


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Der semileptonische Zerfall K^±→π^0 μ^± υ ist ein geeigneter Kanal zur Be-stimmung des CKM-Matrixelementes 〖|V〗_us |. Das hadronische Matrixelement dieses Zerfalls wird durch zwei dimensionslose Formfaktoren f_± (t) beschrieben. Diese sind abhängig vom Impulsübertrag t=〖(p_K-p_π)〗^2 auf das Leptonpaar. Zur Bestimmung von 〖|V〗_us | dienen die Formfaktoren als wichtige Parameter zur Berechnung des Phasenraumintegrals dieses Zerfalls. Eine präzise Messung der Formfaktoren ist zusätzlich dadurch motiviert, dass das Resultat des NA48-Experimentes von den übrigen Messungen der Experimente KLOE, KTeV und ISTRA+ abweicht. Die Daten einer Messperiode des NA48/2 -Experimentes mit offenem Trigger aus dem Jahre 2004 wurden analysiert. Daraus wählte ich 1.8 Millionen K_μ3^±-Zerfallskandidaten mit einem Untergrundanteil von weniger als 0.1% aus. Zur Bestimmung der Formfaktoren diente die zweidimensionale Dalitz-Verteilung der Daten, nachdem sie auf Akzeptanz des Detektors und auf radiative Effekte korrigiert war. An diese Verteilung wurde die theoretische Parameter-abhängige Funktion mit einer Chiquadrat-Methode angepasst. Es ergeben sich für quadratische, Pol- und dispersive Parametrisierung folgende Formfaktoren: λ_0=(14.82±〖1.67〗_stat±〖0.62〗_sys )×〖10〗^(-3) λ_+^'=(25.53±〖3.51〗_stat±〖1.90〗_sys )×〖10〗^(-3) λ_+^''=( 1.40±〖1.30〗_stat±〖0.48〗_sys )×〖10〗^(-3) m_S=1204.8±〖32.0〗_stat±〖11.4〗_(sys ) MeV/c^2 m_V=(877.4±〖11.1〗_stat±〖11.2〗_(sys ) MeV/c^2 LnC=0.1871±〖0.0088〗_stat±〖0.0031〗_(sys )±=〖0.0056〗_ext Λ_+=(25.42±〖0.73〗_stat±〖0.73〗_(sys )±=〖1.52〗_ext )×〖10〗^(-3) Die Resultate stimmen mit den Messungen der Experimente KLOE, KTeV und ISTRA+ gut überein, und ermöglichen eine Verbesserung des globalen Fits der Formfaktoren. Mit Hilfe der dispersiven Parametrisierung der Formfaktoren, unter Verwendung des Callan-Treiman-Theorems, ist es möglich, einen Wert für f_± (0) zu bestimmen. Das Resultat lautet: f_+ (0)=0.987±〖0.011〗_(NA48/2)±〖0.008〗_(ext ) Der für f_+ (0) berechnete Wert stimmt im Fehler gut mit den vorherigen Messungen von KTeV, KLOE und ISTRA+ überein, weicht jedoch um knapp zwei Standardabweichungen von der theoretischen Vorhersage ab.


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Ice clouds have a strong effect on the Earth-atmosphere radiative energy balance, on the distribution of condensable gases in the atmosphere, as well as on the chemical composition of the air. The ice particles in these clouds can take on a variety of shapes which makes the description of the cloud microphysical properties more difficult. In the tropical upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS), a region where ice cloud abundance is relatively high, different types of ice clouds can be observed. However, in situ measurements are rare due to the high altitude of these clouds and the few available research aircraft, only three worldwide, that can fly at such altitudes.rnThis work focuses on in situ measurements of the tropical UTLS clouds performedrnwith a Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) and a Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probern(FSSP-100), whereof the CIP is the key instrument of this thesis. The CIP is anrnairborne in situ instrument that obtains two-dimensional shadow images of cloud particles. Several cloud microphysical parameters can be derived from these measurements, e.g. number concentrations and size distributions. In order to obtain a high quality data set, a careful image analysis and several corrections need to be applied to the CIP observations. These methods are described in detail.rnMeasurements within the tropical UTLS have been performed during two campaigns:rnSCOUT-O3, 2005 in Northern Australia and SCOUT-AMMA, 2006 inWest Africa. Thernobtained data set includes first observations of subvisible cirrus clouds over a continental area and observations of the anvils of deep convective clouds. The latter can be further divided into clouds in mesoscale convective system outflows of different ages and clouds in overshooting cloud turrets that even penetrated the stratosphere. The microphysical properties of these three cloud types are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the vertical structure of the ice clouds in the UTLS is investigated. The values of the microphysical parameters were found to decrease with increasing altitude in the upper troposphere. Particle numbers and maximum sizes were also decreasing with increasing age of the outflow clouds. Further differences between the deep convective clouds and subvisible cirrus were found in the particle morphology as well as in the ratio of the observed aerosol particles to cloud particles which indicates that the different freezing processes (deposition, contact, immersion freezing) play different roles in the formation of the respective clouds. For the achievementrnof a better microphysical characterisation and description numerical fits have been adjusted onto the cloud particle size distributions of the subvisible cirrus as well as on the size distributions of the clouds at different altitudes in the UTLS.


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Among all possible realizations of quark and antiquark assembly, the nucleon (the proton and the neutron) is the most stable of all hadrons and consequently has been the subject of intensive studies. Mass, shape, radius and more complex representations of its internal structure are measured since several decades using different probes. The proton (spin 1/2) is described by the electric GE and magnetic GM form factors which characterise its internal structure. The simplest way to measure the proton form factors consists in measuring the angular distribution of the electron-proton elastic scattering accessing the so-called Space-Like region where q2 < 0. Using the crossed channel antiproton proton <--> e+e-, one accesses another kinematical region, the so-called Time-Like region where q2 > 0. However, due to the antiproton proton <--> e+e- threshold q2th, only the kinematical domain q2 > q2th > 0 is available. To access the unphysical region, one may use the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction where the pi0 takes away a part of the system energy allowing q2 to be varied between q2th and almost 0. This thesis aims to show the feasibility of such measurements with the PANDA detector which will be installed on the new high intensity antiproton ring at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt. To describe the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction, a Lagrangian based approach is developed. The 5-fold differential cross section is determined and related to linear combinations of hadronic tensors. Under the assumption of one nucleon exchange, the hadronic tensors are expressed in terms of the 2 complex proton electromagnetic form factors. An extraction method which provides an access to the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio R = |GE|/|GM| and for the first time in an unpolarized experiment to the cosine of the phase difference is developed. Such measurements have never been performed in the unphysical region up to now. Extended simulations were performed to show how the ratio R and the cosine can be extracted from the positron angular distribution. Furthermore, a model is developed for the antiproton proton --> pi0 pi+ pi- background reaction considered as the most dangerous one. The background to signal cross section ratio was estimated under different cut combinations of the particle identification information from the different detectors and of the kinematic fits. The background contribution can be reduced to the percent level or even less. The corresponding signal efficiency ranges from a few % to 30%. The precision on the determination of the ratio R and of the cosine is determined using the expected counting rates via Monte Carlo method. A part of this thesis is also dedicated to more technical work with the study of the prototype of the electromagnetic calorimeter and the determination of its resolution.


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Die Analyse optischer Spektren liefert einen kernmodellunabhängigen Zugang zur Bestimmung der Kernspins, Ladungsradien und elektromagnetischen Momente von Atomkernen im Grundzustand und von langlebigen Isomeren. Eine der vielseitigsten Methoden zur optischen Spektroskopie an kurzlebigen Isotopen ist die kollineare Laserspektroskopie. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zum einen die TRIGA-LASER Strahlstrecke am Institut für Kernchemie der Universität Mainz durch die Implementierung einer neuen offline Oberflächenionenquelle für hohe Verdampfungstemperaturen und eines Strahlanalysesystems weiterentwickelt. Zum anderen wurde kollineare Laserspektroskopie an kurzlebigen Praseodym- und Cadmiumisotopen an ISOLDE/CERN durchgeführt. Die neue Ionenquelle ermöglichte dabei den Test der kollinearen Laserspektroskopie an Praseodymionen am TRIGA-LASER Experiment. Die Spektroskopie der Prasdeodymionen motivierte sich aus der Beobachtung einer zeitlichen Modulation der EC-Zerfallsrate von wasserstoffähnlichem 140Pr58+. Für die Erklärung dieser sogenannten GSI Oszillationen wird unter anderem das magnetische Moment des Kerns benötigt, welches bislang noch nicht experimentell bestimmt wurde. Zudem wurde für wasserstoffähnliches 140Pr58+ überraschenderweise eine kleinere EC-Zerfallskonstante gemessen als für heliumähnliches 140Pr57+. Die Erklärung dieses Phänomens setzt ein positives magnetisches Moment voraus. Bei der Spektroskopie am COLLAPS Experiment wurden erstmals die magnetischen Momente von 135Pr, 136Pr und 137Pr vermessen. Aufgrund zu geringer Produktionsraten war die Spektroskopie des gewünschten Isotops 140Pr jedoch nicht erfolgreich. Die Untersuchung der Cadmiumisotope ist kernphysikalisch motiviert. In der Zinnregion erstrecken sich die Isotope über die beiden magischen Zahlen N=50 und N=82 bei gleichzeitiger Nähe des Z=50 Schalenabschlusses. Hier können verschiedene Kernmodelle getestet werden, die sich beispielsweise hinsichtlich der Stärke des N=82 Schalenabschlusses widersprechen. Diese Arbeit berichtet über erste Ergebnisse der Spektroskopie an Cadmiumatomen, die sich über die Isotope 106−124,126Cd sowie die zugehörigen langlebigen I=11/2− Isomere erstreckt. Die zuvor experimentell bekannten oder aus dem erweiterten Schalenmodell abgeleiteten Kernspins konnten für alle Isotope bis auf 119Cd bestätigt werden. Der Kernspin von 119Cd wurde eindeutig zu I=1/2 bestimmt. Die elektrischen Quadrupolmomente der Isomere zeigen ein bemerkenswert lineares Verhalten in Abhängigkeit von der Neutronenzahl und dies über die eigentliche Kapazität der 1h11/2 Unterschale hinaus. Die Änderungen der mittleren quadratischen Ladungsradien zeigen den auch an Indium- und Zinnisotopen beobachteten stetigen Verlauf. Der lineare Anteil passt sehr gut zu den Berechnung des Tröpfchenmodells in der Parametrisierung nach Berchidevsky und Tondeur. Die Differenzen der mittleren quadratischen Ladungsradien zwischen Grund- und isomeren Zustand der ungeraden Cadmiumisotope zeigen einen interessanten parabolischen Verlauf mit einem Minimum zwischen A=117 und A=119.


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This study presents geo-scientific evidence for Holocene tsunami impact along the shores of the Eastern Ionian Sea. Cefalonia Island, the Gulf of Kyparissia and the Gialova Lagoon were subject of detailed geo-scientific investigations. It is well known that the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean were hit by the destructive influence of tsunamis in the past. The seismically highly active Hellenic Trench is considered as the most significant tsunami source in the Eastern Ionian Sea. This study focuses on the reconstruction and detection of sedimentary signatures of palaeotsunami events and their influence on the Holocene palaeogeographical evolution. The results of fine grained near coast geo-archives are discussed and interpreted in detail to differentiate between tsunami, storm and sea level highstands as sedimentation processes.rnA multi-method approach was applied using geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical and microfaunal analyses to detect Holocene tsunamigenic impact. Chronological data were based on radiocarbondatings and archaeological age estimations to reconstruct local geo-chronostratigraphies and to correlate them on supra-regional scales.rnDistinct sedimentary signatures of 5 generations of tsunami impact were found along the coasts of Cefalonia in the Livadi coastal plain. The results show that the overall coastal evolution was influenced by tsunamigenic impact that occured around 5700 cal BC (I), 4250 cal BC (II), at the beginning of the 2nd millennium cal BC (III), in the 1st millennium cal BC (IV) and posterior to 780 cal AD (V). Sea level reconstructions and the palaeogeographical evolution show that the local Holocene sea level has never been higher than at present.rnAt the former Mouria Lagoon along the Gulf of Kyparissia almost four allochtonous layers of tsunamigenic origin were identified. The stratigraphical record and palaeogeographical reconstructions show that major environmental coastal changes were linked to these extreme events. At the southern end of the Agoulenitsa Lagoon at modern Kato Samikon high-energy traces were found more than 2 km inland and upt ot 9 m above present sea level. The geo-chronological framework deciphered tsunami landfall for the 5th millennium cal BC (I), mid to late 2nd mill. BC (II), Roman times (1st cent. BC to early 4th cent. AD) (III) and most possible one of the historically well-known 365 AD or 521/551 AD tsunamis (IV).rnCoarse-grained allochthonous sediments of marine origin were found intersecting muddy deposits of the quisecent sediments of the Gialova Lagoon on the southwestern Peloponnese. Radiocarbondatings suggest 6 generations of major tsunami impact. Tsunami generations were dated to around 3300 cal BC (I), around the end of 4th and the beginning of 3rd millennium BC (II), after around 1100 cal BC (III), after the 4th to 2nd cent. BC (IV), between the 8th and early 15th cent. AD (V) and between the mid 14th to beginning of 15th cent. AD (VI). Palaeogeographical and morphological characteristics in the environs of the Gialova Lagoon were controlled by high-energy influence.rnSedimentary findings in all study areas are in good accordance to traces of tsunami events found all over the Ionian Sea. The correlation of geo-chronological data fits very well to coastal Akarnania, the western Peloponnese and finding along the coasts of southern Italy and the Aegean. Supra-regional influence of tsunamigenic impact significant for the investigated sites. The palaeogeographical evolution and palaeo-geomorphological setting of the each study area was strongly affected by tsunamigenic impact.rnThe selected geo-archives represent extraordinary sediment traps for the reconstruction of Holocene coastal evolution. Our result therefore give new insight to the exceptional high tsunami risk in the eastern Mediterranean and emphasize the underestimation of the overall tsunami hazard.


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The lattice formulation of Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) has become a reliable tool providing an ab initio calculation of low-energy quantities. Despite numerous successes, systematic uncertainties, such as discretisation effects, finite-size effects, and contaminations from excited states, are inherent in any lattice calculation. Simulations with controlled systematic uncertainties and close to the physical pion mass have become state-of-the-art. We present such a calculation for various hadronic matrix elements using non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions with two dynamical light quark flavours. The main topics covered in this thesis are the axial charge of the nucleon, the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, and the leading hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Lattice simulations typically tend to underestimate the axial charge of the nucleon by 5 − 10%. We show that including excited state contaminations using the summed operator insertion method leads to agreement with the experimentally determined value. Further studies of systematic uncertainties reveal only small discretisation effects. For the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, we see a similar contamination from excited states as for the axial charge. The electro-magnetic radii, extracted from a dipole fit to the momentum dependence of the form factors, show no indication of finite-size or cutoff effects. If we include excited states using the summed operator insertion method, we achieve better agreement with the radii from phenomenology. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon can be measured and predicted to very high precision. The theoretical prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment receives contribution from strong, weak, and electro-magnetic interactions, where the hadronic contributions dominate the uncertainties. A persistent 3σ tension between the experimental determination and the theoretical calculation is found, which is considered to be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model. We present a calculation of the connected part of the hadronic vacuum polarisation using lattice QCD. Partially twisted boundary conditions lead to a significant improvement of the vacuum polarisation in the region of small momentum transfer, which is crucial in the extraction of the hadronic vacuum polarisation.