7 resultados para Eastern Hemisphere

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In the present thesis, the geochemistry, petrology and geochronology of ophiolite complexes from central northern Greece were studied in detail in order to gain insights on the petrogenetic pathways and geodynamic processes that lead to their formation and evolution. The major- and trace-element content of minerals and whole rocks from all four ophiolite complexes was determined using high-precision analytical equipment. These results were then coupled with Nd and Sr isotopic measurements. In order to precisely place the evolution of these ophiolites in time, U-Pb geochronology on zircons was conducted using a SHRIMP-II. The data obtained suggest that the ophiolites studied invariably show typical characteristics of subduction-zone magmatism (e.g. negative Nb anomalies, Th enrichment). In N-MORB-normalised multielement profiles the high field-strength elements display patterns that vary from depleted to N-MORB-like. Chondrite-normalised rare-earth element (REE) profiles show flat heavy-REE patterns suggesting a shallow regime of source melting for all the ophiolites, well within the stability field of spinel lherzolite. The majority of the samples have light-REE depleted patterns. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios range from 0.703184 to 0.715853 and are in cases influenced by alteration. The εNd values are positive (the majority of the mafic samples is typically 7.1-3.1) but lower than N-MORB and depleted mantle. With the exception of the Thessaloniki ophiolite that has uniform island-arc tholeiitic chemical characteristics, the rest of the ophiolites show dual chemistry consisting of rocks with minor subduction-zone characteristics that resemble chemically back-arc basin basalts (BABB) and rocks with more pronounced subduction-zone characteristics. Tectonomagmatic discrimination schemes classify the samples as island-arc tholeiites and back-arc basin basalts or N-MORB. Melting modelling carried out to evaluate source properties and degree of melting verifies the dual nature of the ophiolites. The samples that resemble back-arc basin basalts require very small degrees of melting (<10%) of fertile sources, whereas the rest of the samples require higher degrees (25-15%) of melting. As deduced from the present geochemical and petrological investigation, the ophiolites from Guevguely, Oraeokastro, Thessaloniki, and Chalkidiki represent relics of supra-subduction zone crust that formed in succeeding stages of island-arc rifting and back-arc spreading as well as in a fore arc setting. The geochronological results have provided precise determination of the timing of formation of these complexes. The age of the Guevguely ophiolite has been determined as 167±1.2 Ma, that of Thessaloniki as 169±1.4 Ma, that of Kassandra as 167±2.2 Ma and that of Sithonia as 160±1.2 Ma.


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In this PhD thesis, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out on metagranitoids and paragneisses from the Eastern Rhodope Massif, northern Greece, to decipher the pre-Alpine magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the Rhodope Massif and to correlate the eastern part with the western/central parts of the orogen. The Rhodope Massif, which occupies the major part of NE Greece and S Bulgaria, represents the easternmost part of the Internal Hellenides. It is regarded as a nappe stack of high-grade units, which is classically subdivided into an upper unit and a lower unit, separated by a SSE-NNW trending thrust plane, the Nestos thrust. Recent research in the central Greek Rhodope Massif revealed that the two units correspond to two distinct terranes of different age, the Permo-Carboniferous Thracia Terrane, which was overthrusted by the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Rhodope Terrane. These terranes are separated by the Nestos suture, a composite zone comprising metapelites, metabasites, metagranitoids and marbles, which record high-pressure and even ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in places. Similar characteristic rock associations were investigated during this study along several well-constrained cross sections in vincity to the Ada, Sidiro and Kimi villages in the Greek Eastern Rhodope Massif. Field evidence revealed that the contact zone of the two terranes in the Eastern Rhodope Massif is characterized by a mélange of metapelites, migmatitic amphibolites/eclogites, strongly sheared orthogneisses and marbles. The systematical occurrence of this characteristic rock association between the terranes implies that the Nestos suture is a continuous belt throughout the Greek Rhodope Massif. In this study, a new UHP locality could be established and for the first time in the Greek Rhodope, metamorphic microdiamonds were identified in situ in their host zircons using Laser-Raman spectroscopy. The presence of the diamonds as well as element distribution patterns of the zircons, obtained by TOF-SIMS, indicate metamorphic conditions of T > 1000 °C and P > 4 GPa. The high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks of the mélange zone are considered to have formed during the subduction of the Nestos Ocean in Jurassic times at ~150 Ma. Melting of metapelitic rocks at UHP conditions facilitated the exhumation to lower crustal levels. To identify major crust forming events, basement granitoids were dated by LA-SF-ICPMS and SHRIMP-II U-Pb analyses of zircons. The geochronological results revealed that the Eastern Rhodope Massif consists of two crustal units, a structurally lower Permo-Carboniferous unit corresponding to the Thracia Terrane and a structurally upper Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous unit corresponding to the Rhodope Terrane, like it was documented for the Central Rhodope Massif. Inherited zircons in the orthogneisses from the Thracia Terrane of the Eastern Rhodope Massif indicate the presence of a pre-existing Neoproterozoic and Ordovician-Silurian basement in this region. Triassic magmatism is witnessed by the zircons of few orthogneisses from the easternmost Rhodope Massif and is interpreted to be related to rifting processes. Whole-rock major and trace element analyses indicate that the metagranitoids from both terranes originated in a subduction-related magmatic-arc environment. The Sr-Nd isotope data for both terranes of the Eastern and Central Rhodope Massif suggest a mixed crust-mantle source with variable contributions of older crustal material as already indicated by the presence of inherited zircons. Geochemical and isotopic similarity of the basement of the Thracia Terrane and the Pelagonian Zone implies that the Thracia Terrane is a fragment of a formerly unique Permo-Carboniferous basement, separated by rifting and opening of the Meliata-Maliac ocean system in Triassic times. A branch of the Meliata-Maliac ocean system, the Nestos Ocean, subducted northwards in Late Jurassic times leading to the formation of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Rhodope magmatic arc on remnants of the Thracia Terrane as suggested by inherited Permo-Carboniferous zircons. The ~150 Ma zircon ages of the orthogneisses from the Rhodope Terrane indicate that subduction-related magmatism and HP/UHP metamorphism occurred during the same subduction phase. Subduction ceased due to the closure of the Nestos Ocean in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous. The post-Jurassic evolution of the Rhodope Massif is characterized by the exhumation of the Rhodope core complex in the course of extensional tectonics associated with late granite intrusions in Eocene to Miocene times.


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The present-day climate in the Mediterranean region is characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. There is contradictory evidence as to whether the present-day conditions (“Mediterranean climate”) already existed in the Late Miocene. This thesis presents seasonally-resolved isotope and element proxy data obtained from Late Miocene reef corals from Crete (Southern Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean) in order to illustrate climate conditions in the Mediterranean region during this time. There was a transition from greenhouse to icehouse conditions without a Greenland ice sheet during the Late Miocene. Since the Greenland ice sheet is predicted to melt fully within the next millennia, Late Miocene climate mechanisms can be considered as useful analogues in evaluating models of Northern Hemispheric climate conditions in the future. So far, high resolution chemical proxy data on Late Miocene environments are limited. In order to enlarge the proxy database for this time span, coral genus Tarbellastraea was evaluated as a new proxy archive, and proved reliable based on consistent oxygen isotope records of Tarbellastraea and the established paleoenvironmental archive of coral genus Porites. In combination with lithostratigraphic data, global 87Sr/86Sr seawater chronostratigraphy was used to constrain the numerical age of the coral sites, assuming the Mediterranean Sea to be equilibrated with global open ocean water. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Tarbellastraea and Porites from eight stratigraphically different sampling sites were measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. The ratios range from 0.708900 to 0.708958 corresponding to ages of 10 to 7 Ma (Tortonian to Early Messinian). Spectral analyses of multi-decadal time-series yield interannual δ18O variability with periods of ~2 and ~5 years, similar to that of modern records, indicating that pressure field systems comparable to those controlling the seasonality of present-day Mediterranean climate existed, at least intermittently, already during the Late Miocene. In addition to sea surface temperature (SST), δ18O composition of coral aragonite is controlled by other parameters such as local seawater composition which as a result of precipitation and evaporation, influences sea surface salinity (SSS). The Sr/Ca ratio is considered to be independent of salinity, and was used, therefore, as an additional proxy to estimate seasonality in SST. Major and trace element concentrations in coral aragonite determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry yield significant variations along a transect perpendicular to coral growth increments, and record varying environmental conditions. The comparison between the average SST seasonality of 7°C and 9°C, derived from average annual δ18O (1.1‰) and Sr/Ca (0.579 mmol/mol) amplitudes, respectively, indicates that the δ18O-derived SST seasonality is biased by seawater composition, reducing the δ18O amplitude by 0.3‰. This value is equivalent to a seasonal SSS variation of 1‰, as observed under present-day Aegean Sea conditions. Concentration patterns of non-lattice bound major and trace elements, related to trapped particles within the coral skeleton, reflect seasonal input of suspended load into the reef environment. δ18O, Sr/Ca and non-lattice bound element proxy records, as well as geochemical compositions of the trapped particles, provide evidence for intense precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean during winters. Winter rain caused freshwater discharge and transport of weathering products from the hinterland into the reef environment. There is a trend in coral δ18O data to more positive mean δ18O values (–2.7‰ to –1.7‰) coupled with decreased seasonal δ18O amplitudes (1.1‰ to 0.7‰) from 10 to 7 Ma. This relationship is most easily explained in terms of more positive summer δ18O. Since coral diversity and annual growth rates indicate more or less constant average SST for the Mediterranean from the Tortonian to the Early Messinian, more positive mean and summer δ18O indicate increasing aridity during the Late Miocene, and more pronounced during summers. The analytical results implicate that winter rainfall and summer drought, the main characteristics of the present-day Mediterranean climate, were already present in the Mediterranean region during the Late Miocene. Some models have argued that the Mediterranean climate did not exist in this region prior to the Pliocene. However, the data presented here show that conditions comparable to those of the present-day existed either intermittently or permanently since at least about 10 Ma.


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All currently available human skeletal remains from the Wadi Howar (Eastern Sahara, Sudan) were employed in an anthropological study. The study’s first aim was to describe this unique 5th to 2nd millennium BCE material, which comprised representatives of all three prehistoric occupation phases of the region. Detecting diachronic differences in robusticity, occupational stress levels and health within the spatially, temporally and culturally heterogeneous sample was its second objective. The study’s third goal was to reveal metric and non-metric affinities between the different parts of the series and between the Wadi Howar material and other relevant prehistoric as well as modern African populations. rnThe reconstruction and comprehensive osteological analysis of 23 as yet unpublished individuals, the bulk of the Wadi Howar series, constituted the first stage of the study. The analyses focused on each individual’s in situ position, state of preservation, sex, age at death, living height, living weight, physique, biological ancestry, epigenetic traits, robusticity, occupational stress markers, health and metric as well as morphological characteristics. Building on the results of these efforts and the re-examination of the rest of the material, the Wadi Howar series as a whole, altogether 32 individuals, could be described. rnA wide variety of robusticity, occupational stress and health variables was evaluated. The pre-Leiterband (hunter-gatherer-fisher/hunter-gatherer-fisher-herder) and the Leiterband (herder-gatherer) data of over a third of these variables differed statistically significantly or in tendency from each other. The Leiterband sub-sample was characterised by higher enamel hypoplasia frequencies, lower mean ages at death and less pronounced expressions of occupational stress traits. This pattern was interpreted as evidence that the adoption and intensification of animal husbandry did probably not constitute reactions to worsening conditions. Apart from that, the relevant observations, noteworthy tendencies and significant differences were explained as results of a broader spectrum of pre-Leiterband subsistence activities and the negative side effects of the increasingly specialised herder-gatherer economy of the Leiterband phase. rnUsing only the data which could actually be collected from it, multiple, separate, individualised discriminant function analyses were carried out for each Wadi Howar skeleton to determine which prehistoric and which modern comparative sample it was most similar to. The results of all individual analyses were then summarised and examined as a whole. Thus it became possible to draw conclusions about the affinities the Wadi Howar material shared with prehistoric as well as modern populations and to answer questions concerning the diachronic links between the Wadi Howar’s prehistoric populations. When the Wadi Howar remains were positioned in the context of the selected prehistoric (Jebel Sahaba/Tushka, A-Group, Malian Sahara) and modern comparative samples (Southern Sudan, Chad, Mandinka, Somalis, Haya) in this fashion three main findings emerged. Firstly, the series as a whole displayed very strong affinities with the prehistoric sample from the Malian Sahara (Hassi el Abiod, Kobadi, Erg Ine Sakane, etc.) and the modern material from Southern Sudan and, to a lesser extent, Chad. Secondly, the pre-Leiterband and the Leiterband sub-sample were closer to the prehistoric Malian as well as the modern Southern Sudanese material than they were to each other. Thirdly, the group of pre-Leiterband individuals approached the Late Pleistocene sample from Jebel Sahaba/Tushka under certain circumstances. A theory offering explanations for these findings was developed. According to this theory, the entire prehistoric population of the Wadi Howar belonged to a Saharo-Nilotic population complex. The Jebel Sahaba/Tushka population constituted an old Nilotic and the early population of the Malian Sahara a younger Saharan part of this complex. The pre-Leiterband groups probably colonised the Wadi Howar from the east, either during or soon after the original Saharo-Nilotic expansion. Unlike the pre-Leiterband groups, the Leiterband people originated somewhere west of the Wadi Howar. They entered the region in the context of a later, secondary Saharo-Nilotic expansion. In the process, the incoming Leiterband groups absorbed many members of the Wadi Howar’s older pre-Leiterband population. The increasing aridification of the Wadi Howar region ultimately forced its prehistoric inhabitants to abandon the wadi. Most of them migrated south and west. They, or groups closely related to them, probably were the ancestors of the majority of the Nilo-Saharan-speaking pastoralists of modern-day Southern Sudan and Eastern Chad.


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The development of extratropical cyclones can be seen as an interplay of three positive potential vorticity (PV) anomalies: an upper-level stratospheric intrusion, low-tropospheric diabatically produced PV, and a warm anomaly at the surface acting as a surrogate PV anomaly. In the mature stage they become vertically aligned and form a “PV tower” associated with strong cyclonic circulation. This paradigm of extratropical cyclone development provides the basis of this thesis, which will use a climatological dataset and numerical model experiments to investigate the amplitude of the three anomalies and the processes leading in particular to the formation of the diabatically produced low-tropospheric PV anomaly.rnrnThe first part of this study, based on the interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) dataset, quantifies the amplitude of the three PV anomalies in mature extratropical cyclones in different regions in the Northern Hemisphere on a climatological basis. A tracking algorithm is applied to sea level pressure (SLP) fields to identify cyclone tracks. Surface potential temperature anomalies ∆θ and vertical profiles of PV anomalies ∆PV are calculated at the time of the cyclones’ minimum SLP and during the intensification phase 24 hours before in a vertical cylinder with a radius of 200 km around the surface cyclone center. To compare the characteristics of the cyclones, they are grouped according to their location (8 regions) and intensity, where the central SLP is used as a measure of intensity. Composites of ∆PV profiles and ∆θ are calculated for each region and intensity class at the time of minimum SLP and during the cyclone intensification phase.rnrnDuring the cyclones’ development stage the amplitudes of all three anomalies increase on average. In the mature stage all three anomalies are typically larger for intense than for weak winter cyclones [e.g., 0.6 versus 0.2 potential vorticity units (PVU) at lower levels, and 1.5 versus 0.5 PVU at upper levels].rnThe regional variability of the cyclones’ vertical structure and the profile evolution is prominent (cyclones in some regions are more sensitive to the amplitude of a particular anomaly than in other regions). Values of ∆θ and low-level ∆PV are on average larger in the western parts of the oceans than in the eastern parts. In addition, a large seasonal variability can be identified, with fewer and weaker cyclones especially in the summer, associated with higher low-tropospheric PV values, but also with a higher tropopause and much weaker surface potential temperature anomalies (compared to winter cyclones).rnrnIn the second part, we were interested in the diabatic low-level part of PV towers. Evaporative sources were identified of moisture that was involved in PV production through condensation. Lagrangian backward trajectories were calculated from the region with high PV values at low-levels in the cyclones. PV production regions were identified along these trajectories and from these regions a new set of backward trajectories was calculated and moisture uptakes were traced along them. The main contribution from surface evaporation to the specific humidity of the trajectories is collected 12-72 hours prior to therntime of PV production. The uptake region for weaker cyclones with less PV in the centre is typically more localized with reduced uptake values compared to intense cyclones. However, in a qualitative sense uptakes and other variables along single trajectories do not vary much between cyclones of different intensity in different regions.rnrnA sensitivity study with the COSMO model comprises the last part of this work. The study aims at investigating the influence of synthetic moisture modification in the cyclone environment in different stages of its development. Moisture was eliminated in three regions, which were identified as important moisture source regions for PV production. Moisture suppression affected the cyclone the most in its early phase. It led to cyclolysis shortly after its genesis. Nevertheles, a new cyclone formed on the other side of a dry box and developed relatively quickly. Also in other experiments, moisture elimination led to strong intensity reduction of the surface cyclone, limited upper-level development, and delayed or missing interaction between the two.rnrnIn summary, this thesis provides novel insight into the structure of different intensity categories of extratropical cyclones from a PV perspective, which corroborates the findings from a series of previous case studies. It reveals that all three PV anomalies are typically enhanced for more intense cyclones, with important regional differences concerning the relative amplitude of the three anomalies. The moisture source analysis is the first of this kind to study the evaporation-condensation cycle related to the intensification of extratropical cyclones. Interestingly, most of the evaporation occurs during the 3 days prior to the time of maximum cyclone intensity and typically extends over fairly large areas along the track of the cyclone. The numerical model case study complements this analysis by analyzing the impact of regionally confined moisture sources for the evolution of the cyclone.


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The accretionary shells of bivalve mollusks can provide environmental information, such as water temperature, precipitation, freshwater fluxes, primary productivity and anthropogenic activities in the form of variable growth rates and variable geochemical properties, such as stable oxygen and carbon isotopes. However, paleoenvironmental reconstructions are constrained by uncertainties about isotopic equilibrium fractionation during shell formation, which is generally acknowledged as a reasonable assumption for bivalves, but it has been disputed in several species. Furthermore, the variation in shell growth rates is accepted to rely on multiple environmental variables, such as temperature, food availability and salinity, but can differ from species to species. Therefore, it is necessary to perform species-specific calibration studies for both isotope proxies and shell growth rates before they can be used with confidence for environmental interpretations of the past. Accordingly, the principal objective of this Ph.D research is to examine the reliability of selected bivalve species, the long-lived Eurhomalea exalbida (Dillwyn), the short-lived and fast growing species Paphia undulata (Born 1778), and the freshwater mussel Margaritifera falcata (Gould 1850), as paleoenvironmental proxy archives.rnThe first part is focused on δ18Oshell and shell growth history of live-collected E. exalbida from the Falkland Islands. The most remarkable finding, however, is that E. exalbida formed its shell with an offset of -0.48‰ to -1.91‰ from the expected oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the ambient water. If this remained unnoticed, paleotemperature estimates would overestimate actual water temperatures by 2.1-8.3°C. With increasing ontogenetic age, the discrepancy between measured and reconstructed temperatures increased exponentially, irrespective of the seasonally varying shell growth rates. This study clearly demonstrates that, when the disequilibrium fractionation effect is taken into account, E. exalbida can serve as a high-resolution paleoclimate archive for the southern South America. The species therefore provides quantifiable temperature estimates, which yields new insights into long-term paleoclimate dynamics for mid to high latitudes on the southern hemisphere.rnThe stable carbon isotope of biogenic carbonates is generally considered to be useful for reconstruction of seawater dissolved inorganic carbon. The δ13Cshell composition of E. exalbida was therefore, investigated in the second part of this study. This chapter focuses on inter-annual and intra-annual variations in δ13Cshell. Environmental records in δ13Cshell are found to be strongly obscured by changes in shell growth rates, even if removing the ontogenetic decreasing trend. This suggests that δ13Cshell in E. exalbida may not be useful as an environmental proxy, but a potential tool for ecological investigations. rnIn addition to long-lived bivalve species, short-lived species that secrete their shells extremely fast, can also be useful for environmental reconstructions, especially as a high-resolution recorder. Therefore, P. undulata from Daya Bay, South China Sea was utilized in Chapter 4 to evaluate and establish a potential proxy archive for past variations of the East Asian monsoon on shorter time-scales. The δ18Oshell can provide qualitative estimates of the amount of monsoonal rain and terrestrial runoff and the δ13Cshell likely reflect the relative amount of isotopically light terrestrial carbon that reaches the ocean during the summer monsoon season. Therefore, shells of P. undulata can provide serviceable proxy archives to reconstruct the frequency of exceptional summer monsoons in the past. The relative strength of monsoon-related precipitation and associated changes in ocean salinity and the δ13C ratios of the dissolved inorganic carbon signature (δ13CDIC) can be estimated from the δ18Oshell and δ13Cshell values as well as shell growth patterns. rnIn the final part, the freshwater pearl shell M. falcata from four rivers in British Columbia, Canada was preliminarily studied concerning the lifespans and the shell growth rates. Two groups separated by the Georgia Strait can be clearly distinguished. Specimens from the western group exhibit a shorter lifespan, while the eastern group live longer. Moreover, the average lifespan seems to decrease from south to north. The computed growth equations from the eastern and western groups differ as well. The western group exhibits a lower growth rate, while bivalves from the eastern group grow faster. The land use history seems to be responsible for the differences in lifespans of the specimens from the two groups. Differences in growth rate may be induced by differences in water temperature or nutrient input also related to the land use activities.


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This study presents geo-scientific evidence for Holocene tsunami impact along the shores of the Eastern Ionian Sea. Cefalonia Island, the Gulf of Kyparissia and the Gialova Lagoon were subject of detailed geo-scientific investigations. It is well known that the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean were hit by the destructive influence of tsunamis in the past. The seismically highly active Hellenic Trench is considered as the most significant tsunami source in the Eastern Ionian Sea. This study focuses on the reconstruction and detection of sedimentary signatures of palaeotsunami events and their influence on the Holocene palaeogeographical evolution. The results of fine grained near coast geo-archives are discussed and interpreted in detail to differentiate between tsunami, storm and sea level highstands as sedimentation processes.rnA multi-method approach was applied using geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical and microfaunal analyses to detect Holocene tsunamigenic impact. Chronological data were based on radiocarbondatings and archaeological age estimations to reconstruct local geo-chronostratigraphies and to correlate them on supra-regional scales.rnDistinct sedimentary signatures of 5 generations of tsunami impact were found along the coasts of Cefalonia in the Livadi coastal plain. The results show that the overall coastal evolution was influenced by tsunamigenic impact that occured around 5700 cal BC (I), 4250 cal BC (II), at the beginning of the 2nd millennium cal BC (III), in the 1st millennium cal BC (IV) and posterior to 780 cal AD (V). Sea level reconstructions and the palaeogeographical evolution show that the local Holocene sea level has never been higher than at present.rnAt the former Mouria Lagoon along the Gulf of Kyparissia almost four allochtonous layers of tsunamigenic origin were identified. The stratigraphical record and palaeogeographical reconstructions show that major environmental coastal changes were linked to these extreme events. At the southern end of the Agoulenitsa Lagoon at modern Kato Samikon high-energy traces were found more than 2 km inland and upt ot 9 m above present sea level. The geo-chronological framework deciphered tsunami landfall for the 5th millennium cal BC (I), mid to late 2nd mill. BC (II), Roman times (1st cent. BC to early 4th cent. AD) (III) and most possible one of the historically well-known 365 AD or 521/551 AD tsunamis (IV).rnCoarse-grained allochthonous sediments of marine origin were found intersecting muddy deposits of the quisecent sediments of the Gialova Lagoon on the southwestern Peloponnese. Radiocarbondatings suggest 6 generations of major tsunami impact. Tsunami generations were dated to around 3300 cal BC (I), around the end of 4th and the beginning of 3rd millennium BC (II), after around 1100 cal BC (III), after the 4th to 2nd cent. BC (IV), between the 8th and early 15th cent. AD (V) and between the mid 14th to beginning of 15th cent. AD (VI). Palaeogeographical and morphological characteristics in the environs of the Gialova Lagoon were controlled by high-energy influence.rnSedimentary findings in all study areas are in good accordance to traces of tsunami events found all over the Ionian Sea. The correlation of geo-chronological data fits very well to coastal Akarnania, the western Peloponnese and finding along the coasts of southern Italy and the Aegean. Supra-regional influence of tsunamigenic impact significant for the investigated sites. The palaeogeographical evolution and palaeo-geomorphological setting of the each study area was strongly affected by tsunamigenic impact.rnThe selected geo-archives represent extraordinary sediment traps for the reconstruction of Holocene coastal evolution. Our result therefore give new insight to the exceptional high tsunami risk in the eastern Mediterranean and emphasize the underestimation of the overall tsunami hazard.