4 resultados para EXPONENTIAL-GROWTH

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of activities in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology worldwide, driven both by the excitement of understanding new science and by the potential hope for applications and economic impacts. The largest activity in this field up to date has been in the synthesis and characterization of new materials consisting of particles with dimensions in the order of a few nanometers, so-called nanocrystalline materials. [1-8] Semiconductor nanomaterials such as III/V or II/VI compound semiconductors exhibit strong quantum confinement behavior in the size range from 1 to 10 nm. Therefore, preparation of high quality semiconductor nanocrystals has been a challenge for synthetic chemists, leading to the recent rapid progress in delivering a wide variety of semiconducting nanomaterials. Semiconductor nanocrystals, also called quantum dots, possess physical properties distinctly different from those of the bulk material. Typically, in the size range from 1 to 10 nm, when the particle size is changed, the band gap between the valence and the conduction band will change, too. In a simple approximation a particle in a box model has been used to describe the phenomenon[9]: at nanoscale dimensions the degenerate energy states of a semiconductor separate into discrete states and the system behaves like one big molecule. The size-dependent transformation of the energy levels of the particles is called “quantum size-effect”. Quantum confinement of both the electron and hole in all three dimensions leads to an increase in the effective bandgap of the material with decreasing crystallite size. Consequently, both the optical absorption and emission of semiconductor nanaocrystals shift to the blue (higher energies) as the size of the particles gets smaller. This color tuning is well documented for CdSe nanocrystals whose absorption and emission covers almost the whole visible spectral range. As particle sizes become smaller the ratio of surface atoms to those in the interior increases, which has a strong impact on particle properties, too. Prominent examples are the low melting point [8] and size/shape dependent pressure resistance [10] of semiconductor nanocrystals. Given the size dependence of particle properties, chemists and material scientists now have the unique opportunity to change the electronic and chemical properties of a material by simply controlling the particle size. In particular, CdSe nanocrystals have been widely investigated. Mainly due to their size-dependent optoelectronic properties [11, 12] and flexible chemical processibility [13], they have played a distinguished role for a number of seminal studies [11, 12, 14, 15]. Potential technical applications have been discussed, too. [8, 16-27] Improvement of the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals is still a prominent research topic. One of the most important approaches is fabricating composite type-I core-shell structures which exhibit improved properties, making them attractive from both a fundamental and a practical point of view. Overcoating of nanocrystallites with higher band gap inorganic materials has been shown to increase the photoluminescence quantum yields by eliminating surface nonradiative recombination sites. [28] Particles passivated with inorganic shells are more robust than nanocrystals covered by organic ligands only and have greater tolerance to processing conditions necessary for incorporation into solid state structures or for other applications. Some examples of core-shell nanocrystals reported earlier include CdS on CdSe [29], CdSe on CdS, [30], ZnS on CdS, [31] ZnS on CdSe[28, 32], ZnSe on CdSe [33] and CdS/HgS/CdS [34]. The characterization and preparation of a new core-shell structure, CdSe nanocrystals overcoated by different shells (CdS, ZnS), is presented in chapter 4. Type-I core-shell structures as mentioned above greatly improve the photoluminescence quantum yield and chemical and photochemical stability of nanocrystals. The emission wavelengths of type-I core/shell nanocrystals typically only shows a small red-shift when compared to the plain core nanocrystals. [30, 31, 35] In contrast to type-I core-shell nanocrystals, only few studies have been conducted on colloidal type-II core/shell structures [36-38] which are characterized by a staggered alignment of conduction and valence bands giving rise to a broad tunability of absorption and emission wavelengths, as was shown for CdTe/CdSe core-shell nanocrystals. [36] The emission of type-II core/shell nanocrystals mainly originates from the radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs across the core-shell interface leading to a long photoluminescence lifetime. Type-II core/shell nanocrystals are promising with respect to photoconduction or photovoltaic applications as has been discussed in the literature.[39] Novel type-II core-shell structures with ZnTe cores are reported in chapter 5. The recent progress in the shape control of semiconductor nanocrystals opens new fields of applications. For instance, rod shaped CdSe nanocrystals can enhance the photo-electro conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, [40, 41] and also allow for polarized emission in light emitting diodes. [42, 43] Shape control of anisotropic nanocrystals can be achieved by the use of surfactants, [44, 45] regular or inverse micelles as regulating agents, [46, 47] electrochemical processes, [48] template-assisted [49, 50] and solution-liquid-solution (SLS) growth mechnism. [51-53] Recently, formation of various CdSe nanocrystal shapes has been reported by the groups of Alivisatos [54] and Peng, [55] respectively. Furthermore, it has been reported by the group of Prasad [56] that noble metal nanoparticles can induce anisotropic growth of CdSe nanocrystals at lower temperatures than typically used in other methods for preparing anisotropic CdSe structures. Although several approaches for anisotropic crystal growth have been reported by now, developing new synthetic methods for the shape control of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals remains an important goal. Accordingly, we have attempted to utilize a crystal phase control approach for the controllable synthesis of colloidal ZnE/CdSe (E = S, Se, Te) heterostructures in a variety of morphologies. The complex heterostructures obtained are presented in chapter 6. The unique optical properties of nanocrystals make them appealing as in vivo and in vitro fluorophores in a variety of biological and chemical investigations, in which traditional fluorescence labels based on organic molecules fall short of providing long-term stability and simultaneous detection of multiple emission colours [References]. The ability to prepare water soluble nanocrystals with high stability and quantum yield has led to promising applications in cellular labeling, [57, 58] deep-tissue imaging, [59, 60] and assay labeling [61, 62]. Furthermore, appropriately solubilized nanocrystals have been used as donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) couples. [63-65] Despite recent progress, much work still needs to be done to achieve reproducible and robust surface functionalization and develop flexible (bio-) conjugation techniques. Based on multi-shell CdSe nanocrystals, several new solubilization and ligand exchange protocols have been developed which are presented in chapter 7. The organization of this thesis is as follows: A short overview describing synthesis and properties of CdSe nanocrystals is given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is the experimental part providing some background information about the optical and analytical methods used in this thesis. The following chapters report the results of this work: synthesis and characterization of type-I multi-shell and type-II core/shell nanocrystals are described in chapter 4 and chapter 5, respectively. In chapter 6, a high–yield synthesis of various CdSe architectures by crystal phase control is reported. Experiments about surface modification of nanocrystals are described in chapter 7. At last, a short summary of the results is given in chapter 8.


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Die Arbeit behandelt das Problem der Skalierbarkeit von Reinforcement Lernen auf hochdimensionale und komplexe Aufgabenstellungen. Unter Reinforcement Lernen versteht man dabei eine auf approximativem Dynamischen Programmieren basierende Klasse von Lernverfahren, die speziell Anwendung in der Künstlichen Intelligenz findet und zur autonomen Steuerung simulierter Agenten oder realer Hardwareroboter in dynamischen und unwägbaren Umwelten genutzt werden kann. Dazu wird mittels Regression aus Stichproben eine Funktion bestimmt, die die Lösung einer "Optimalitätsgleichung" (Bellman) ist und aus der sich näherungsweise optimale Entscheidungen ableiten lassen. Eine große Hürde stellt dabei die Dimensionalität des Zustandsraums dar, die häufig hoch und daher traditionellen gitterbasierten Approximationsverfahren wenig zugänglich ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Reinforcement Lernen durch nichtparametrisierte Funktionsapproximation (genauer, Regularisierungsnetze) auf -- im Prinzip beliebig -- hochdimensionale Probleme anwendbar zu machen. Regularisierungsnetze sind eine Verallgemeinerung von gewöhnlichen Basisfunktionsnetzen, die die gesuchte Lösung durch die Daten parametrisieren, wodurch die explizite Wahl von Knoten/Basisfunktionen entfällt und so bei hochdimensionalen Eingaben der "Fluch der Dimension" umgangen werden kann. Gleichzeitig sind Regularisierungsnetze aber auch lineare Approximatoren, die technisch einfach handhabbar sind und für die die bestehenden Konvergenzaussagen von Reinforcement Lernen Gültigkeit behalten (anders als etwa bei Feed-Forward Neuronalen Netzen). Allen diesen theoretischen Vorteilen gegenüber steht allerdings ein sehr praktisches Problem: der Rechenaufwand bei der Verwendung von Regularisierungsnetzen skaliert von Natur aus wie O(n**3), wobei n die Anzahl der Daten ist. Das ist besonders deswegen problematisch, weil bei Reinforcement Lernen der Lernprozeß online erfolgt -- die Stichproben werden von einem Agenten/Roboter erzeugt, während er mit der Umwelt interagiert. Anpassungen an der Lösung müssen daher sofort und mit wenig Rechenaufwand vorgenommen werden. Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit gliedert sich daher in zwei Teile: Im ersten Teil der Arbeit formulieren wir für Regularisierungsnetze einen effizienten Lernalgorithmus zum Lösen allgemeiner Regressionsaufgaben, der speziell auf die Anforderungen von Online-Lernen zugeschnitten ist. Unser Ansatz basiert auf der Vorgehensweise von Recursive Least-Squares, kann aber mit konstantem Zeitaufwand nicht nur neue Daten sondern auch neue Basisfunktionen in das bestehende Modell einfügen. Ermöglicht wird das durch die "Subset of Regressors" Approximation, wodurch der Kern durch eine stark reduzierte Auswahl von Trainingsdaten approximiert wird, und einer gierigen Auswahlwahlprozedur, die diese Basiselemente direkt aus dem Datenstrom zur Laufzeit selektiert. Im zweiten Teil übertragen wir diesen Algorithmus auf approximative Politik-Evaluation mittels Least-Squares basiertem Temporal-Difference Lernen, und integrieren diesen Baustein in ein Gesamtsystem zum autonomen Lernen von optimalem Verhalten. Insgesamt entwickeln wir ein in hohem Maße dateneffizientes Verfahren, das insbesondere für Lernprobleme aus der Robotik mit kontinuierlichen und hochdimensionalen Zustandsräumen sowie stochastischen Zustandsübergängen geeignet ist. Dabei sind wir nicht auf ein Modell der Umwelt angewiesen, arbeiten weitestgehend unabhängig von der Dimension des Zustandsraums, erzielen Konvergenz bereits mit relativ wenigen Agent-Umwelt Interaktionen, und können dank des effizienten Online-Algorithmus auch im Kontext zeitkritischer Echtzeitanwendungen operieren. Wir demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit unseres Ansatzes anhand von zwei realistischen und komplexen Anwendungsbeispielen: dem Problem RoboCup-Keepaway, sowie der Steuerung eines (simulierten) Oktopus-Tentakels.


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Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit strong light scattering efficiency due to the oscillations of their conductive electrons (plasmon), which are excited by light. For rod-shaped nanoparticles, the resonance position is highly tunable by the aspect ratio (length/width) and the sensitivity to changes in the refractive index in the local environment depends on their diameter, hence, their volume. Therefore, rod-shaped nanoparticles are highly suitable as plasmonic sensors.rnWithin this thesis, I study the formation of gold nanorods and nanorods from a gold-copper alloy using a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering and optical extinction spectroscopy. The latter represents one of the first metal alloy nanoparticle synthesis protocols for producing rod-shaped single crystalline gold-copper (AuxCu(1-x)) alloyed nanoparticles. I find that both length and width independently follow an exponential growth behavior with different time-constants, which intrinsically leads to a switch between positive and negative aspect ratio growth during the course of the synthesis. In a parameter study, I find linear relations for the rate constants as a function of [HAuCl4]/[CTAB] ratio and [HAuCl4]/[seed] ratio. Furthermore, I find a correlation of final aspect ratio and ratio of rate constants for length and width growth rate for different [AgNO3]/[HAuCl4] ratios. I identify ascorbic acid as the yield limiting species in the reaction by the use of spectroscopic monitoring and TEM. Finally, I present the use of plasmonic nanorods that absorb light at 1064nm as contrast agents for photoacoustic imaging (BMBF project Polysound). rnIn the physics part, I present my automated dark-field microscope that is capable of collecting spectra in the range of 450nm to 1750 nm. I show the characteristics of that setup for the spectra acquisition in the UV-VIS range and how I use this information to simulate measurements. I show the major noise sources of the measurements and ways to reduce the noise and how the combination of setup charactersitics and simulations of sensitivity and sensing volume can be used to select appropriate gold rods for single unlabeled protein detection. Using my setup, I show how to estimate the size of gold nano-rods directly from the plasmon linewidth measured from optical single particle spectra. Then, I use this information to reduce the distribution (between particles) of the measured plasmonic sensitivity S by 30% by correcting for the systematic error introduced from the variation in particle size. I investigate the single particle scattering of bowtie structures — structures consisting of two (mostly) equilateral triangles pointing one tip at each other. I simulate the spectra of the structures considering the oblique illumination angle in my setup, which leads to additional plasmon modes in the spectra. The simulations agree well with the measurements form a qualitative point of view.rn


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Aerosol particles and water vapour are two important constituents of the atmosphere. Their interaction, i.e. thecondensation of water vapour on particles, brings about the formation of cloud, fog, and raindrops, causing the water cycle on the earth, and being responsible for climate changes. Understanding the roles of water vapour and aerosol particles in this interaction has become an essential part of understanding the atmosphere. In this work, the heterogeneous nucleation on pre-existing aerosol particles by the condensation of water vapour in theflow of a capillary nozzle was investigated. Theoretical and numerical modelling as well as experiments on thiscondensation process were included. Based on reasonable results from the theoretical and numerical modelling, an idea of designing a new nozzle condensation nucleus counter (Nozzle-CNC), that is to utilise the capillary nozzle to create an expanding water saturated air flow, was then put forward and various experiments were carried out with this Nozzle-CNC under different experimental conditions. Firstly, the air stream in the long capillary nozzle with inner diameter of 1.0~mm was modelled as a steady, compressible and heat-conducting turbulence flow by CFX-FLOW3D computational program. An adiabatic and isentropic cooling in the nozzle was found. A supersaturation in the nozzle can be created if the inlet flow is water saturated, and its value depends principally on flow velocity or flow rate through the nozzle. Secondly, a particle condensational growth model in air stream was developed. An extended Mason's diffusion growthequation with size correction for particles beyond the continuum regime and with the correction for a certain particle Reynolds number in an accelerating state was given. The modelling results show the rapid condensational growth of aerosol particles, especially for fine size particles, in the nozzle stream, which, on the one hand, may induce evident `over-sizing' and `over-numbering' effects in aerosol measurements as nozzle designs are widely employed for producing accelerating and focused aerosol beams in aerosol instruments like optical particle counter (OPC) and aerodynamical particle sizer (APS). It can, on the other hand, be applied in constructing the Nozzle-CNC. Thirdly, based on the optimisation of theoretical and numerical results, the new Nozzle-CNC was built. Under various experimental conditions such as flow rate, ambient temperature, and the fraction of aerosol in the total flow, experiments with this instrument were carried out. An interesting exponential relation between the saturation in the nozzle and the number concentration of atmospheric nuclei, including hygroscopic nuclei (HN), cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and traditionally measured atmospheric condensation nuclei (CN), was found. This relation differs from the relation for the number concentration of CCN obtained by other researchers. The minimum detectable size of this Nozzle-CNC is 0.04?m. Although further improvements are still needed, this Nozzle-CNC, in comparison with other CNCs, has severaladvantages such as no condensation delay as particles larger than the critical size grow simultaneously, low diffusion losses of particles, little water condensation at the inner wall of the instrument, and adjustable saturation --- therefore the wide counting region, as well as no calibration compared to non-water condensation substances.