10 resultados para DIP

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Am Mainzer Mikrotron MAMI wurden Messungen zur Untersuchungvon Korrelationenzwischen Nukleonen im Atomkern unternommen. Dazu wurden miteinem hochauflösendenSpektrometer zusammen mit einer 4-Pi BGO-Kristallkugel diehadronischenEndzust'ande direkt vermessen. Der inklusiveWirkungsquerschnitt der Reaktion12C(e,e') wurde im Bereich 30 MeV <= omega <= 480 MeVvollst'andig vermessen.Im Energie'ubertragsbereich 170 MeV <= omega <= 280 MeV (DipRegion)wurden Wirkungsquerschnitte der Reaktionen12C(e,e'p) und 12C(e,e'pp) gemessen und mit den Rechnungender kerntheoretischen Gruppender Universit'aten Gent und Valencia verglichen.Die Messungen der Reaktion 12C(e,e') und 12C(e,e'p) zeigten,da's die Absorption desvirtuellen Photons an einem Proton-Neutron-Paar und diePionproduktiongen'ugen, um die Hauptst'arke des Wirkungsquerschnitts inder Dip Region zubeschreiben.Die Messungen der Reaktion 12C(e,e'pp) wiesen dasHerausschlagen zweier Protonenaus den Schalen von 12C nach, und zeigten, da's daskorrelierte Protonenpaar im Kern als S-Zustand vorliegt. Eswurden aber auchHinweise auf Einfl'usse der Reaktion des initialen Paaresmit demRestkern erkannt. Die Messungen zeigten weiterhin, da's dieh'ochsteSensitivit'at f'ur Korrelationsmodelle in dersuperparallelen Kinematikerreicht wird. Die beste 'Ubereinstimmung mit den Datenlieferte dabei eineRechnung basierend auf einer G-Matrix Korrelationsfunktion.


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A study of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been perfomed by inversion of gravity and magnetic data. The geophysical inverse problem has been solved by means of the damped nonlinear least-squares method. To ensure stability and convergence of the solution of the inverse problem, a mathematical tool, consisting in data weighting and model scaling, has been worked out. Theoretical gravity and magnetic modeling of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been conducted in order to get information, which is used for a simple rough qualitative and/or quantitative interpretation. The information also serves as a priori information to design models for the inversion and/or to assist the interpretation of inversion results. The results of theoretical modeling have been used to roughly estimate the heights and the dip angles of the walls of eight Eifel maar-diatremes — each taken as a whole. Inversemodeling has been conducted for the Schönfeld Maar (magnetics) and the Hausten-Morswiesen Maar (gravity and magnetics). The geometrical parameters of these maars, as well as the density and magnetic properties of the rocks filling them, have been estimated. For a reliable interpretation of the inversion results, beside the knowledge from theoretical modeling, it was resorted to other tools such like field transformations and spectral analysis for complementary information. Geologic models, based on thesynthesis of the respective interpretation results, are presented for the two maars mentioned above. The results gave more insight into the genesis, physics and posteruptive development of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. A classification of the maar-diatreme volcanoes into three main types has been elaborated. Relatively high magnetic anomalies are indicative of scoria cones embeded within maar-diatremes if they are not caused by a strong remanent component of the magnetization. Smaller (weaker) secondary gravity and magnetic anomalies on the background of the main anomaly of a maar-diatreme — especially in the boundary areas — are indicative for subsidence processes, which probably occurred in the late sedimentation phase of the posteruptive development. Contrary to postulates referring to kimberlite pipes, there exists no generalized systematics between diameter and height nor between geophysical anomaly and the dimensions of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. Although both maar-diatreme volcanoes and kimberlite pipes are products of phreatomagmatism, they probably formed in different thermodynamic and hydrogeological environments. In the case of kimberlite pipes, large amounts of magma and groundwater, certainly supplied by deep and large reservoirs, interacted under high pressure and temperature conditions. This led to a long period phreatomagmatic process and hence to the formation of large structures. Concerning the maar-diatreme and tuff-ring-diatreme volcanoes, the phreatomagmatic process takes place due to an interaction between magma from small and shallow magma chambers (probably segregated magmas) and small amounts of near-surface groundwater under low pressure and temperature conditions. This leads to shorter time eruptions and consequently to structures of smaller size in comparison with kimberlite pipes. Nevertheless, the results show that the diameter to height ratio for 50% of the studied maar-diatremes is around 1, whereby the dip angle of the diatreme walls is similar to that of the kimberlite pipes and lies between 70 and 85°. Note that these numerical characteristics, especially the dip angle, hold for the maars the diatremes of which — estimated by modeling — have the shape of a truncated cone. This indicates that the diatreme can not be completely resolved by inversion.


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X-ray laser fluorescence spectroscopy of the 2s-2p transition in Li-like ions is promising to become a widely applicable tool to provide information on the nuclear charge radii of stable and radioactive isotopes. For performing such experiments at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR, and the future NESR within the FAIR Project, a grazing incidence pumped (GRIP) x-ray laser (XRL) was set up at GSI Darmstadt using PHELIX (Petawatt High Energy Laser for heavy Ions eXperiments). The experiments demonstrated that lasing using the GRIP geometry could be achieved with relatively low pump energy, a prerequisite for higher repetition rate. In the first chapter the need of a plasma XRL is motivated and a short history of the plasma XRL is presented. The distinctive characteristic of the GRIP method is the controlled deposition of the pump laser energy into the desired plasma density region. While up to now the analysis performed were mostly concerned with the plasma density at the turning point of the main pump pulse, in this thesis it is demonstrated that also the energy deposition is significantly modified for the GRIP method, being sensitive in different ways to a large number of parameters. In the second chapter, the theoretical description of the plasma evolution, active medium and XRL emission properties are reviewed. In addition an innovative analysis of the laser absorption in plasma which includes an inverse Bremsstrahlung (IB) correction factor is presented. The third chapter gives an overview of the experimental set-up and diagnostics, providing an analytical formula for the average and instantaneous traveling wave speed generated with a tilted, on-axis spherical mirror, the only focusing system used up to now in GRIP XRL. The fourth chapter describes the experimental optimization and results. The emphasis is on the effect of the incidence angle of the main pump pulse on the absorption in plasma and on output and gain in different lasing lines. This is compared to the theoretical results for two different incidence angles. Significant corrections for the temperature evolution during the main pump pulse due to the incidence angle are demonstrated in comparison to a simple analytical model which does not take into account the pumping geometry. A much better agreement is reached by the model developed in this thesis. An interesting result is also the appearance of a central dip in the spatially resolved keV emission which was observed in the XRL experiments for the first time and correlates well with previous near field imaging and plasma density profile measurements. In the conclusion also an outlook to the generation of shorter wavelength XRL’s is given.


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The present study describes a Late Miocene (early Tortonian - early Messinian) transitional carbonate system that combines elements of tropical and cool-water carbonate systems (Irakleion Basin, island of Crete, Greece). As documented by stratal geometries, the submarine topography of the basin was controlled by tilting blocks. Coral reefs formed by Porites and Tarbellastrea occurred in a narrow clastic coastal belt along a „central Cretan landmass“, and steep escarpments formed by faulting. Extensive covers of level-bottom communities existed in a low-energy environment on the gentle dip-slope ramps of the blocks that show the widest geographical distribution within the basin. Consistent patterns of landward and basinward shift of coastal onlap in all outcrop studies reveal an overriding control of 3rd and 4th order sea level changes on sediment dynamics and facies distributions over block movements. An increasingly dry climate and the complex submarine topography of the fault block mosaic kept sediment and nutrient discharge at a minimum. The skeletal limestone facies therefore reflects oligotrophic conditions and a sea surface temperature (SST) near the lower threshold temperature of coral reefs in a climatic position transitional between the tropical coral reef belt and the temperate zone. Stable isotope records (δ18O, δ13C) from massiv, exceptionally preserved Late Miocene aragonite coral skeletons reflect seasonal changes in sea surface temperature and symbiont autotrophy. Spectral analysis of a 69 years coral δ18O record reveals significant variance at interannual time scales (5-6 years) that matches the present-day eastern Mediterranean climate variability controlled by the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/NAO), the Northern Hemisphere’s dominant mode of atmospheric variability. Supported by simulations with a complex atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model, it is suggested, that climate dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean and central Europe reflect atmospheric variability related to the Icelandic Low 10 million years ago. Usually, Miocene corals are transformed in calcite spar in geological time and isotope values are reset by diagenetic alteration. It is demonstrated that the relicts of growth bands represent an intriguing source of information for the growth conditions of fossil corals. Recrystallized growth bands were measured systematically in massive Porites from Crete. The Late Miocene corals were growing slowly with 2-4 mm/yr, compatible with present-day Porites from high latitude reefs, a relationship that fits the position of Crete at the margin of the Miocene tropical reef belt. Over Late Miocene time (Tortonian - early Messinian) growth rates remained remarkably constant, and if the modern growth temperature relationship for massive Porites applies to the Neogene, minimum (winter) SST did not exceed 19-21°C.


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A new class of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers could successfully been prepared by the combination of different polymerization techniques. The access to a broad range of organic polymers incorporated into the hybrid polymer was realized using two independent approaches.rnIn the first approach a functional poly(silsesquioxane) (PSSQ) network was pre-formed, which was capable to initiate a controlled radical polymerization to graft organic vinyl-type monomers from the PSSQ precursor. As controlled radical polymerization techniques atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), as well as reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization could be used after defined tuning of the PSSQ precursor either toward a PSSQ macro-initiator or to a PSSQ macro-chain-transfer-agent. The polymerization pathway, consisting of polycondensation of trialkoxy-silanes followed by grafting-from polymerization of different monomers, allowed synthesis of various functional hybrid polymers. A controlled synthesis of the PSSQ precursors could successfully be performed using a microreactor setup; the molecular weight could be adjusted easily while the polydispersity index could be decreased well below 2.rnThe second approach aimed to incorporate differently derived organic polymers. As examples, polycarbonate and poly(ethylene glycol) were end-group-modified using trialkoxysilanes. After end-group-functionalization these organic polymers could be incorporated into a PSSQ network.rnThese different hybrid polymers showed extraordinary coating abilities. All polymers could be processed from solution by spin-coating or dip-coating. The high amount of reactive silanol moieties in the PSSQ part could be cross-linked after application by annealing at 130° for 1h. Not only cross-linking of the whole film was achieved, which resulted in mechanical interlocking with the substrate, also chemical bonds to metal or metal oxide surfaces were formed. All coating materials showed high stability and adhesion onto various underlying materials, reaching from metals (like steel or gold) and metal oxides (like glass) to plastics (like polycarbonate or polytetrafluoroethylene).rnAs the material and the synthetic pathway were very tolerant toward different functionalities, various functional monomers could be incorporated in the final coating material. The incorporation of N-isopropylacrylamide yielded in temperature-responsive surface coatings, whereas the incorporation of redox-active monomers allowed the preparation of semi-conductive coatings, capable to produce smooth hole-injection layers on transparent conductive electrodes used in optoelectronic devices.rnThe range of possible applications could be increased tremendously by incorporation of reactive monomers, capable to undergo fast and quantitative conversions by polymer-analogous reactions. For example, grafting active esters from a PSSQ precursor yielded a reactive surface coating after application onto numerous substrates. Just by dipping the coated substrate into a solution of a functionalized amine, the desired function could be immobilized at the interface as well as throughout the whole film. The obtained reactive surface coatings could be used as basis for different functional coatings for various applications. The conversion with specifically tuned amines yielded in surfaces with adjustable wetting behaviors, switchable wetting behaviors or as recognition element for surface-oriented bio-analytical devices. The combination of hybrid materials with orthogonal reactivities allowed for the first time the preparation of multi-reactive surfaces which could be functionalized sequentially with defined fractions of different groups at the interface. rnThe introduced concept to synthesis functional hybrid polymers unifies the main requirements on an ideal coating material. Strong adhesion on a wide range of underlying materials was achieved by secondary condensation of the PSSQ part, whereas the organic part allowed incorporation of various functionalities. Thus, a flexible platform to create functional and reactive surface coatings was achieved, which could be applied to different substrates. rn


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The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are fundamental quantities sensitive to the distribution of charge and magnetization inside the proton. Precise knowledge of the form factors, in particular of the charge and magnetization radii provide strong tests for theory in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. However, the existing data at Q^2 below 1 (GeV/c)^2 are not precise enough for a hard test of theoretical predictions.rnrnFor a more precise determination of the form factors, within this work more than 1400 cross sections of the reaction H(e,e′)p were measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI using the 3-spectrometer-facility of the A1-collaboration. The data were taken in three periods in the years 2006 and 2007 using beam energies of 180, 315, 450, 585, 720 and 855 MeV. They cover the Q^2 region from 0.004 to 1 (GeV/c)^2 with counting rate uncertainties below 0.2% for most of the data points. The relative luminosity of the measurements was determined using one of the spectrometers as a luminosity monitor. The overlapping acceptances of the measurements maximize the internal redundancy of the data and allow, together with several additions to the standard experimental setup, for tight control of systematic uncertainties.rnTo account for the radiative processes, an event generator was developed and implemented in the simulation package of the analysis software which works without peaking approximation by explicitly calculating the Bethe-Heitler and Born Feynman diagrams for each event.rnTo separate the form factors and to determine the radii, the data were analyzed by fitting a wide selection of form factor models directly to the measured cross sections. These fits also determined the absolute normalization of the different data subsets. The validity of this method was tested with extensive simulations. The results were compared to an extraction via the standard Rosenbluth technique.rnrnThe dip structure in G_E that was seen in the analysis of the previous world data shows up in a modified form. When compared to the standard-dipole form factor as a smooth curve, the extracted G_E exhibits a strong change of the slope around 0.1 (GeV/c)^2, and in the magnetic form factor a dip around 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 is found. This may be taken as indications for a pion cloud. For higher Q^2, the fits yield larger values for G_M than previous measurements, in agreement with form factor ratios from recent precise polarized measurements in the Q2 region up to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2.rnrnThe charge and magnetic rms radii are determined as rn⟨r_e⟩=0.879 ± 0.005(stat.) ± 0.004(syst.) ± 0.002(model) ± 0.004(group) fm,rn⟨r_m⟩=0.777 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.009(syst.) ± 0.005(model) ± 0.002(group) fm.rnThis charge radius is significantly larger than theoretical predictions and than the radius of the standard dipole. However, it is in agreement with earlier results measured at the Mainz linear accelerator and with determinations from Hydrogen Lamb shift measurements. The extracted magnetic radius is smaller than previous determinations and than the standard-dipole value.


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In this work polymer brushes on both flat and curved substrates were prepared by grafting from and grafting to techniques. The brushes on flat substrates were patterned on the µm-scale with the use of an inkjet printer. Thus it was demonstrated that chemistry with an inkjet printer is feasible. The inkjet printer was used to deposit microdroplets of acid. The saponification of surface-immobilized ATRP initiators containing an ester bond occurred in these microdroplets. The changes in the monolayer of ester molecules due to saponification were amplified by SI-ATRP. It was possible to correlate the polymer brush thickness to effectiveness of saponification. The use of an inkjet printer allowed for simultaneously screening of parameters such as type of acid, concentration of acid, and contact time between acid and surface. A dip-coater was utilized in order to test the saponification independent of droplet evaporation. The advantage of this developed process is its versatility. It can be applied to all surface-immobilized initiators containing ester bonds. The technique has additionally been used to selectively defunctionalize the initiator molecules covering a microcantilever on one side of a cantilever. An asymmetric coating of the cantilever with polymer brushes was thus generated. An asymmetric coating allows the use of a microcantilever for sensing applications. The preparation of nanocomposites comprised of polyorganosiloxane microgel particles functionalized with poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) brushes and linear, but entangled, PEMA chains is described in the second major part of this thesis. Measurement of the interparticle distance was performed using scanning probe microscopy and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering. The matrix molecular weight at which the nanocomposite showed microphase separation was related to abrupt changes in inter-particle distance. Microphase separation occurred once the matrix molecular exceeded the molecular weight of the brushes. The trigger for the microphase separation was a contraction of the polymer brushes, as the measurements of inter-particle distance have revealed. The brushes became impenetrable for the matrix chains upon contraction and thus behaved as hard spheres. The contraction led to a loss of anchoring between particles and matrix, as shown by nanowear tests using an atomic force microscope. Polyorganosiloxane microgel particles were functionalized with 13C enriched poly(ethyl methacrylate) brushes. New synthetic pathways were developed in order to enrich not the entire brush with 13C, but only exclusively selected regions. 13C chemical shift anisotropy, an advanced NMR technique, can thus be used in order to gather information about the extended conformations in the 13C enriched regions of the PEMA chains immobilized on the µ-gel-g-PEMA particles. The third part of this thesis deals with the grafting to of polymeric fullerene materials on silicon substrates. Active ester chemistry was employed in order to prepare the polymeric fullerene materials and graft these materials covalently on amino-functionalized silicon substrates.rn


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen des konjugierten Modell-Polymers MEH-PPV untersucht. Dazu wurde Fällungs-fraktionierung eingesetzt, um MEH-PPV mit unterschiedlichem Molekulargewicht (Mw) zu erhalten, insbesondere MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw, da dieses für optische Wellenleiterbauelemente optimal geeignet ist Wir konnten feststellen, dass die Präparation einer ausreichenden Menge von MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw und geringer Mw-Verteilung wesentlich von der geeigneten Wahl des Lösungsmittels und der Temperatur während der Zugabe des Fällungsmittels abhängt. Alternativ dazu wurden UV-induzierte Kettenspaltungseffekte untersucht. Wir folgern aus dem Vergleich beider Vorgehensweisen, dass die Fällungsfraktionierung verglichen mit der UV-Behandlung besser geeignet ist zur Herstellung von MEH-PPV mit spezifischem Mw, da das UV-Licht Kettendefekte längs des Polymerrückgrats erzeugt. 1H NMR and FTIR Spektroskopie wurden zur Untersuchung dieser Kettendefekte herangezogen. Wir konnten außerdem beobachten, dass die Wellenlängen der Absorptionsmaxima der MEH-PPV Fraktionen mit der Kettenlänge zunehmen bis die Zahl der Wiederholeinheiten n  110 erreicht ist. Dieser Wert ist signifikant größer als früher berichtet. rnOptische Eigenschaften von MEH-PPV Wellenleitern wurden untersucht und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die optischen Konstanten ausgezeichnet reproduzieren lassen. Wir haben die Einflüsse der Lösungsmittel und Temperatur beim Spincoaten auf Schichtdicke, Oberflächenrauigkeit, Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung und Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverlust untersucht. Wir fanden, dass mit der Erhöhung der Siedetemperatur der Lösungsmittel die Schichtdicke und die Rauigkeit kleiner werden, während Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung sowie Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverluste zunahmen. Wir schließen daraus, dass hohe Siedetemperaturen der Lösungsmittel niedrige Verdampfungsraten erzeugen, was die Aggregatbildung während des Spincoatings begünstigt. Hingegen bewirkt eine erhöhte Temperatur während der Schichtpräparation eine Erhöhung von Schichtdicke und Rauhigkeit. Jedoch nehmen Brechungsindex und der Doppelbrechung dabei ab.rn Für die Schichtpräparation auf Glassubstraten und Quarzglas-Fasern kam das Dip-Coating Verfahren zum Einsatz. Die Schichtdicke der Filme hängt ab von Konzentration der Lösung, Transfergeschwindigkeit und Immersionszeit. Mit Tauchbeschichtung haben wir Schichten von MEH-PPV auf Flaschen-Mikroresonatoren aufgebracht zur Untersuchung von rein-optischen Schaltprozessen. Dieses Verfahren erweist sich insbesondere für MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw als vielversprechend für die rein-optische Signalverarbeitung mit großer Bandbreite.rn Zusätzlich wurde auch die Morphologie dünner Schichten aus anderen PPV-Derivaten mit Hilfe von FTIR Spektroskopie untersucht. Wir konnten herausfinden, dass der Alkyl-Substitutionsgrad einen starken Einfluss auf die mittlere Orientierung der Polymerrückgrate in dünnen Filmen hat.rn


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Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Kontrolle von Selbstorganisation und Mikrostruktur von organischen Halbleitern und deren Einsatz in OFETs. In Kapiteln 3, 4 und 5 eine neue Lösungsmittel-basierte Verabeitungsmethode, genannt als Lösungsmitteldampfdiffusion, ist konzipiert, um die Selbstorganisation von Halbleitermolekülen auf der Oberfläche zu steuern. Diese Methode als wirkungsvolles Werkzeug erlaubt eine genaue Kontrolle über die Mikrostruktur, wie in Kapitel 3 am Beispiel einer D-A Dyad bestehend aus Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) als Donor und Perylene Diimide (PDI) als Akzeptor beweisen. Die Kombination aus Oberflächenmodifikation und Lösungsmitteldampf kann die Entnetzungseffekte ausgleichen, so dass die gewüschte Mikrostruktur und molekulare Organisation auf der Oberfläche erreicht werden kann. In Kapiteln 4 und 5 wurde diese Methode eingesetzt, um die Selbstorganisation von Dithieno[2, 3-d;2’, 3’-d’] benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b’]dithiophene (DTBDT) und Cyclopentadithiophene -benzothiadiazole copolymer (CDT-BTZ) Copolymer zu steuern. Die Ergebnisse könnten weitere Studien stimulieren und werfen Licht aus andere leistungsfaähige konjugierte Polymere. rnIn Kapiteln 6 und 7 Monolagen und deren anschlieβende Mikrostruktur von zwei konjugierten Polymeren, Poly (2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) PBTTT und Poly{[N,N ′-bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis (dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5′- (2,2′-bithiophene)}, P(NDI2OD-T2)) wurden auf steife Oberflächen mittels Tauchbeschichtung aufgebracht. Da sist das erste Mal, dass es gelungen ist, Polymer Monolagen aus der Lösung aufzubringen. Dieser Ansatz kann weiter auf eine breite Reihe von anderen konjugierten Polymeren ausgeweitet werden.rnIn Kapitel 8 wurden PDI-CN2 Filme erfolgreich von Monolagen zu Bi- und Tri-Schichten auf Oberflächen aufgebracht, die unterschiedliche Rauigkeiten besitzen. Für das erste Mal, wurde der Einfluss der Rauigkeit auf Lösungsmittel-verarbeitete dünne Schichten klar beschrieben.rn


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Zusammenfassung Der ca. 1.555 m lange Tunnel Fernthal wurde von 1998 bis 2000 im Zuge der Bundesbahn-Neubaustrecke Köln – Rhein/Main erstellt. Der Tunnel durchquert devonische Schichten des Rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirges. Die Ton- und Sandsteine sind tiefgründig verwittert, intensiv verfaltet mit wechselnden Vergenzen der Faltenschenkel und zudem stark durch Trennflächen zerlegt. Beim Auffahren des Tunnel Fernthal sind Phänomene in Bezug auf die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Grundwasser und dem Tunnel sowie dem Fels und dem Tunnel beobachtet worden, die vom Verfasser der vorliegenden Arbeit im Nachgang der Baumaßnahme vertieft ausgewertet und interpretiert werden.Innerhalb von zwanzig strukturgeologischen Homogenbereichen wurden die geotechnisch und strukturgeologisch bestimmenden Einflussfaktoren (z.B. ungünstig zum Hohlraum einfallende Schichtung oder Querklüftung mit hohem Durchtrennungsgrad) im Hinblick auf Ihre Auswirkung auf die Sicherung der Ortsbrust und damit die Vortriebsgeschwindigkeit quantifiziert. Über das Produkt der den Vortrieb bestimmenden Einzelfaktoren wurde für den jeweiligen Homogenbereich ein Gesamteinflussfaktor errechnet.Aus dem neu eingeführten Gesamteinflussfaktors fn gesamt lassen sich dabei Empfehlungen über die notwendigen Sicherungsmaßnahmen im Bereich der Ortsbrust ableiten und Einteilungen in Ausbruchsklassen vornehmen. Über die Bewertungsmatrix und den sich daraus ergebenen Gesamteinflussfaktor können reduzierte Vortriebsgeschwindigkeiten ausgehend von einer 'idealen' Vortriebsgeschwindigkeit näherungsweise errechnet werden. Mithilfe der Bewertungsmatrix lässt sich die bautechnischen Eigenschaften des Gebirges besser bewerten. So zeigt sich im Rahmen dieser Arbeit deutlich, dass es bei einem vergenten Faltengebirge günstiger ist, den Tunnel gegen die Vergenz von Faltenschenkeln aufzufahren. Somit können schon im Vorfeld einer Tunnelbaumaßnahme verschiedene Vortriebsschemata durchrechnet werden. Neben der besseren Prognose von notwendigen Sicherungsmaßnahmen kann durch den Zeitgewinn auch ein finanzieller Vorteil für die Beteiligten entstehen.