4 resultados para Critical current degradation
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Pr"{a}paration, Charakterisierung und Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften von d"{u}nnen Schichten des Hochtemperatursupraleiters HgReBa$_{2}$Ca$_{n-1}$Cu$_{n}$O$_{y}$, die mittels gepulster Laser-Deposition hergestellt wurden. Die HgRe1212-Filme zeigen in der AC-Suszeptibilit"{a}t einen scharfen "{U}bergang in die supraleitende Phase bei 124 K mit einer "{U}bergangsbreite von 2 K. Die resistiven "{U}berg"{a}nge der Proben wurden mit zunehmender St"{a}rke des externen Magnetfeldes breiter. Aus der Steigung der Arrheniusplots konnte die Aktivierungsenergie f"{u}r verschiedene Feldst"{a}rken bestimmt werden. Weiterhin wurde die Winkelabh"{a}ngigkeit des Depinning-Feldes $B_{dp}(theta)$ der Filme gemessen. Hieraus wurde ein Anisotropiewert von $gamma$ = 7.7 bei 105 K ermittelt. Dies ist relevant, um den f"{u}r Anwendungen wichtigen Bereich im $T$-$B$-$theta$-Phasenraum des Materials absch"{a}tzen zu k"{o}nnen. Die kritische Stromdichte $J_{c}$ der d"{u}nnen Filme aus HgRe-1212 wurde mit Hilfe eines SQUID-Magnetometers gemessen. Die entsprechenden $M$-$H$ Kurven bzw. das magnetische Moment dieser Filme wurde f"{u}r einen weiten Temperatur- und Feldbereich mit einem magnetischen Feld senkrecht zum Film aufgenommen. F"{u}r einen HgRe-1212-Film konnte bei 5 K eine kritische Stromdichte von 1.2 x 10$^{7}$ A/cm$^{2}$ und etwa 2 x 10$^{6}$ A/cm$^{2}$ bei 77 K ermittelt werden. Es wurde die Magnetfeld- und die Temperaturabh"{a}ngigkeit des Hall-Effekts im normalleitenden und im Mischzustand in Magnetfeldern senkrecht zur $ab$-Ebene bis zu 12 T gemessen. Oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur $T_{c}$ steigt der longitudinale spezifische Widerstand $rho_{xx}$ linear mit der Temperatur, w"{a}hrend der spezifische Hall-Widerstand $rho_{yx}$ sich umgekehrt proportional zur Temperatur "{a}ndert. In der N"{a}he von $T_{c}$ und in Feldern kleiner als 3 T wurde eine doppelte Vorzeichen"{a}nderung des spezifischen Hall-Widerstandes beobachtet. Der Hall-Winkel im Normalzustand, cot $theta_{H}= alpha T^{2} + beta$, folgt einer universellen $textit{T }^{2}$-Abh"{a}ngigkeit in allen magnetischen Feldern. In der N"{a}he des Nullwiderstand-Zustandes h"{a}ngt der spezifische Hall-Widerstand $rho_{yx}$ "{u}ber ein Potenzgesetz mit dem longitudinalen Widerstand $rho_{xx}$ zusammen. Das Skalenverhalten zwischen $rho_{yx}$ und $rho_{xx}$ weist eine starke Feld-Abh"{a}ngigkeit auf. Der Skalenexponent $beta$ in der Gleichung $rho_{yx}$ =A $rho_{xx}^{beta}$ steigt von 1.0 bis 1.7, w"{a}hrend das Feld von 1.0 bis 12 T zunimmt.
This work addresses the electronical properties of the superconductors UPd2Al3 and UNi2Al3 on the basis of thin film experiments. These isotructural compounds are ideal candiates to study the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity due to the differences of their magnetically ordered states, as well as the experimental evidence for a magnetic pairing mechanism in UPd2Al3. Epitaxial thin film samples of UPd2Al3 and UNi2Al3 were prepared using UHV Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). For UPd2Al3, the change of the growth direction from the intrinsic (001) to epitaxial (100) was predicted and sucessfully demonstrated using LaAlO3 substrates cut in (110) direction. With optimized deposition process parameters for UPd2Al3 (100) on LaAlO3 (110) superconducting samples with critical temperatures up to Tc = 1.75K were obtained. UPd2Al3-AlOx-Ag mesa junctions with superconducting base electrode were prepared and shown to be in the tunneling regime. However, no signatures of a superconducting density of states were observed in the tunneling spectra. The resistive superconducting transition was probed for a possible dependence on the current direction. In contrast to UNi2Al3, the existence of such feature was excluded in UPd2Al3 (100) thin films. The second focus of this work is the dependence of the resisitive transition in UNi2Al3 (100) thin films on the current direction. The experimental fact that the resisitive transition occurs at slightly higher temperatures for I║a than for I║c can be explained within a model of two weakly coupled superconducting bands. Evidence is presented for the key assumption of the two-band model, namely that transport in and out of the ab-plane is generated on different, weakly coupled parts of the Fermi surface. Main indications are the angle dependence of the superconducting transition and the dependence of the upper critical field Bc2 on current and field orientation. Additionally, several possible alternative explanations for the directional splitting of the transition are excluded in this work. An origin due to scattering on crystal defects or impurities is ruled out, likewise a relation to ohmic heating or vortex dynamics. The shift of the transition temperature as function of the current density was found to behave as predicted by the Ginzburg-Landau theory for critical current depairing, which plays a significant role in the two-band model. In conclusion, the directional splitting of the resisitive transition has to be regarded an intrinsic and unique property of UNi2Al3 up to now. Therefore, UNi2Al3 is proposed as a role model for weakly coupled multiband superconductivity. Magnetoresistance in the normalconducting state was measured for UPd2Al3 and UNi2Al3. For UNi2Al3, a negative contribution was observed close to the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN only for I║a, which can be associated to reduced spin-disorder scattering. In agreement with previous results it is concluded that the magnetic moments have to be attributed to the same part of the Fermi surface which generates transport in the ab-plane.
The heavy fermion compound UNi2Al3 exhibits the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order at low temperatures, stimulating speculations about possible exotic Cooper-pairing interaction in this superconductor. However, the preparation of good quality bulk single crystals of UNi2Al3 has proven to be a non-trivial task due to metallurgical problems, which result in the formation of an UAl2 impurity phase and hence a strongly reduced sample purity. The present work concentrates on the preparation, characterization and electronic properties investigation of UNi2Al3 single crystalline thin film samples. The preparation of thin films was accomplished in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (100)-oriented epitaxial thin films of UNi2Al3 were grown on single crystalline YAlO3 substrates cut in (010)- or (112)-direction. The high crystallographic quality of the samples was proved by several characterisation methods, such as X-ray analysis, RHEED and TEM. To study the magnetic structure of epitaxial thin films resonant magnetic x-ray scattering was employed. The magnetic order of thin the film samples, the formation of magnetic domains with different moment directions, and the magnetic correlation length were discussed. The electronic properties of the UNi2Al3 thin films in the normal and superconducting states were investigated by means of transport measurements. A pronounced anisotropy of the temperature dependent resistivity ρ(T) was observed. Moreover, it was found that the temperature of the resistive superconducting transition depends on the current direction, providing evidence for multiband superconductivity in UNi2Al3. The initial slope of the upper critical field H′c2(T) of the thin film samples suggests an unconventional spin-singlet superconducting state, as opposed to bulk single crystal data. To probe the superconducting gap of UNi2Al3 directly by means of tunnelling spectroscopy many planar junctions of different design employing different techniques were prepared. Despite the tunneling regime of the junctions, no features of the superconducting density of state of UNi2Al3 were ever observed. It is assumed that the absence of UNi2Al3 gap features in the tunneling spectra was caused by imperfections of the tunnelling contacts. The superconductivity of UNi2Al3 was probably suppressed just in a degraded surface layer, resulting in tunneling into non superconducting UNi2Al3. However, alternative explanations such as intrinsic pair breaking effects at the interface to the barrier are also possible.
Intense research is being done in the field of organic photovoltaics in order to synthesize low band-gap organic molecules. These molecules are electron donors which feature in combination with acceptor molecules, typically fullerene derivarntives, forming an active blend. This active blend has phase separated bicontinuous morphology on a nanometer scale. The highest recorded power conversionrnefficiencies for such cells have been 10.6%. Organic semiconductors differ from inorganic ones due to the presence of tightly bonded excitons (electron-hole pairs)resulting from their low dielectric constant (εr ≈2-4). An additional driving force is required to separate such Frenkel excitons since their binding energy (0.3-1 eV) is too large to be dissociated by an electric field alone. This additional driving force arises from the energy difference between the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the donor and the acceptor materials. Moreover, the efficiency of the cells also depends on the difference between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the donor and LUMO of the acceptor. Therefore, a precise control and estimation of these energy levels are required. Furthermore any external influences that change the energy levels will cause a degradation of the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cell materials. In particular, the role of photo-induced degradation on the morphology and electrical performance is a major contribution to degradation and needs to be understood on a nanometer scale. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) offers the resolution to image the nanometer scale bicontinuous morphology. In addition SPM can be operated to measure the local contact potential difference (CPD) of materials from which energy levels in the materials can be derived. Thus SPM is an unique method for the characterization of surface morphology, potential changes and conductivity changes under operating conditions. In the present work, I describe investigations of organic photovoltaic materials upon photo-oxidation which is one of the major causes of degradation of these solar cell materials. SPM, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and UV-Vis spectroscopy studies allowed me to identify the chemical reactions occurring inside the active layer upon photo-oxidation. From the measured data, it was possible to deduce the energy levels and explain the various shifts which gave a better understanding of the physics of the device. In addition, I was able to quantify the degradation by correlating the local changes in the CPD and conductivity to the device characteristics, i.e., open circuit voltage and short circuit current. Furthermore, time-resolved electrostatic force microscopy (tr-EFM) allowed us to probe dynamic processes like the charging rate of the individual donor and acceptor domains within the active blend. Upon photo-oxidation, it was observed, that the acceptor molecules got oxidized first preventing the donor polymer from degrading. Work functions of electrodes can be tailored by modifying the interface with monomolecular thin layers of molecules which are made by a chemical reaction in liquids. These modifications in the work function are particularly attractive for opto-electronic devices whose performance depends on the band alignment between the electrodes and the active material. In order to measure the shift in work function on a nanometer scale, I used KPFM in situ, which means in liquids, to follow changes in the work function of Au upon hexadecanethiol adsorption from decane. All the above investigations give us a better understanding of the photo-degradation processes of the active material at the nanoscale. Also, a method to compare various new materials used for organic solar cells for stability is proposed which eliminates the requirement to make fully functional devices saving time and additional engineering efforts.