8 resultados para Bubble catcher

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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ABSTARCT Biotechnology has enabled the modification of agricultural materials in a very precise way. Crops have been modified through the insertion of new traits or the inhibition of existing gene functions, named Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), and resulted in improved tolerance of herbicide and/or increased resistance against pests, viruses and fungi. Commercial cultivation of GMO started in 1996 and increased rapidly in 2003 according to a recently released report by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA), depicted continuing consumer resistance in Europe and other part of the world. Upon these developments, the European Union regulations mandated labeling of GMOs containing food and as a consequence, the labeling of GMO containing product in the case of exceeding the1% threshold of alien DNA is required. The aim of the study is to be able to detect and quantify the GMO from the mixture of natural food components. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique combined with fluorescence was used for this purpose. During the presented studies, two key issues are addressed and tried to solve; what is the best strategy to design and built an interfacial architecture of a probe oligonucletide layer either on a two dimensional surface or on an array platform; and what is the best detection method allowing for a sensitive monitoring of the hybridisation events. The study includes two parts: first part includes characterization of different PNAs on a 2D planar surface by defining affinity constants using the very well established optical method “Surface Plasmon Fluorescence Spectroscopy”(SPFS) and on the array platform by “Surface Plasmon Fluorescence Microscopy” (SPFM), and at the end comparison of the sensitivity of these two techniques. The second part is composed of detection of alien DNA in food components by using DNA and PNA catcher probes on the array platform in real-time by SPFM.


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Sterne mit einer Anfangsmasse zwischen etwa 8 und 25 Sonnenmassen enden ihre Existenz mit einer gewaltigen Explosion, einer Typ II Supernova. Die hierbei entstehende Hoch-Entropie-Blase ist ein Bereich am Rande des sich bildenden Neutronensterns und gilt als möglicher Ort für den r-Prozess. Wegen der hohen Temperatur T innerhalb der Blase ist die Materie dort vollkommen photodesintegriert. Das Verhältnis von Neutronen zu Protonen wird durch die Elektronenhäufigkeit Ye beschrieben. Die thermodynamische Entwicklung des Systems wird durch die Entropie S gegeben. Da die Expansion der Blase schnell vonstatten geht, kann sie als adiabatisch betrachtet werden. Die Entropie S ist dann proportional zu T^3/rho, wobei rho die Dichte darstellt. Die explizite Zeitentwicklung von T und rho sowie die Prozessdauer hängen von Vexp, der Expansionsgeschwindigkeit der Blase, ab. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess der Reaktionen mit geladenen Teilchen, dem alpha-Prozess. Dieser Prozess endet bei Temperaturen von etwa 3 mal 10^9 K, dem sogenannten "alpha-reichen" Freezeout, wobei überwiegend alpha-Teilchen, freie Neutronen sowie ein kleiner Anteil von mittelschweren "Saat"-Kernen im Massenbereich um A=100 gebildet werden. Das Verhältnis von freien Neutronen zu Saatkernen Yn/Yseed ist entscheidend für den möglichen Ablauf eines r-Prozesses. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem eigentlichen r-Prozess, der bei Neutronenanzahldichten von bis zu 10^27 Neutronen pro cm^3 stattfindet, und innerhalb von maximal 400 ms sehr neutronenreiche "Progenitor"-Isotope von Elementen bis zum Thorium und Uran bildet. Bei dem sich anschliessendem Ausfrieren der Neutroneneinfangreaktionen bei 10^9 K und 10^20 Neutronen pro cm^3 erfolgt dann der beta-Rückzerfall der ursprünglichen r-Prozesskerne zum Tal der Stabilität. Diese Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Phase wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit in einer Parameterstudie eingehend untersucht. Abschliessend werden astrophysikalische Bedingungen definiert, unter denen die gesamte Verteilung der solaren r-Prozess-Isotopenhäufigkeiten reproduziert werden können.


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Plasma polymerization technique is widely accepted as an effective and simple method for the preparation of functional thin films. By careful choice of precursors and deposition parameters, plasma polymers bearing various functional groups could be easily obtained. In this work, I explored the deposition of four kinds of plasma polymerised functional thin films, including the protein-resistant coatings, the thermosensitive coatings, as well as, the coatings bearing amine or epoxide groups. The deposited plasma polymers were characterized by various techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atom force microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, optical waveguide spectroscopy, and so on. As expected, high retention of various functional groups could be achieved either at low plasma input power or at low duty cycle (duty cycle = Ton/(Ton+Toff)). The deposited functional thin films were found to contain some soluble materials, which could be removed simply by extraction treatment. Besides the thermosentive plasma polymer (see Chapter 9), other plasma polymers were used for developing DNA sensors. DNA sensing in this study was achieved using surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy. The nonfouling thin films (i.e., ppEO2, plasma polymerization of di(ethylene glycol) monovinyl ether) were used to make a multilayer protein-resistant DNA sensor (see Chapter 5). The resulted DNA sensors show good anti-fouling properties towards either BSA or fibrinogen. This sensor was successfully employed to discriminate different DNA sequences from protein-containing sample solutions. In Chapter 6, I investigated the immobilization of DNA probes onto the plasma polymerized epoxide surfaces (i.e., ppGMA, plasma polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate). The ppGMA prepared at a low duty cycle showed good reactivity with amine-modified DNA probes in a mild basic environment. A DNA sensor based on the ppGMA was successfully used to distinguish different DNA sequences. While most DNA detection systems rely on the immobilization of DNA probes onto sensor surfaces, a new homogeneous DNA detection method was demonstrated in Chapter 8. The labeled PNA serves not only as the DNA catcher recognizing a particular target DNA, but also as a fluorescent indicator. Plasma polymerized allylamine (ppAA) films were used here to provide a positively charged surface.


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The development and characterization of biomolecule sensor formats based on the optical technique Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopy and electrochemical methods were investigated. The study can be divided into two parts of different scope. In the first part new novel detection schemes for labeled targets were developed on the basis of the investigations in Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Spectroscopy (SPFS). The first one is SPR fluorescence imaging formats, Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Fluorescence Microscopy (SPFM). Patterned self assembled monolayers (SAMs) were prepared and used to direct the spatial distribution of biomolecules immobilized on surfaces. Here the patterned monolayers would serve as molecular templates to secure different biomolecules to known locations on a surface. The binding processed of labeled target biomolecules from solution to sensor surface were visually and kinetically recorded by the fluorescence microscope, in which fluorescence was excited by the evanescent field of propagating plasmon surface polaritons. The second format which also originates from SPFS technique, Surface-plamon Field Enhanced Fluorescence Spectrometry (SPFSm), concerns the coupling of a fluorometry to normal SPR setup. A spectrograph mounted in place of photomultiplier or microscope can provide the information of fluorescence spectrum as well as fluorescence intensity. This study also firstly demonstrated the analytical combination of surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence detection with analyte tagged by semiconducting nano- crystals (QDs). Electrochemically addressable fabrication of DNA biosensor arrays in aqueous environment was also developed. An electrochemical method was introduced for the directed in-situ assembly of various specific oligonucleotide catcher probes onto different sensing elements of a multi-electrode array in the aqueous environment of a flow cell. Surface plasmon microscopy (SPM) is utilized for the on-line recording of the various functionalization steps. Hybridization reactions between targets from solution to the different surface-bound complementary probes are monitored by surface-plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence microscopy (SPFM) using targets that are either labeled with organic dyes or with semiconducting quantum dots for color-multiplexing. This study provides a new approach for the fabrication of (small) DNA arrays and the recording and quantitative evaluation of parallel hybridization reactions. In the second part of this work, the ideas of combining the SP optical and electrochemical characterization were extended to tethered bilayer lipid membrane (tBLM) format. Tethered bilayer lipid membranes provide a versatile model platform for the study of many membrane related processes. The thiolipids were firstly self-assembled on ultraflat gold substrates. Fusion of the monolayers with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) formed the distal layer and the membranes thus obtained have the sealing properties comparable to those of natural membranes. The fusion could be monitored optically by SPR as an increase in reflectivity (thickness) upon formation of the outer leaflet of the bilayer. With EIS, a drop in capacitance and a steady increase in resistance could be observed leading to a tightly sealing membrane with low leakage currents. The assembly of tBLMs and the subsequent incorporation of membrane proteins were investigated with respect to their potential use as a biosensing system. In the case of valinomycin the potassium transport mediated by the ion carrier could be shown by a decrease in resistance upon increasing potassium concentration. Potential mediation of membrane pores could be shown for the ion channel forming peptide alamethicin (Alm). It was shown that at high positive dc bias (cis negative) Alm channels stay at relatively low conductance levels and show higher permeability to potassium than to tetramethylammonium. The addition of inhibitor amiloride can partially block the Alm channels and results in increase of membrane resistance. tBLMs are robust and versatile model membrane architectures that can mimic certain properties of biological membranes. tBLMs with incorporated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipid A mimicking bacteria membranes were used to probe the interactions of antibodies against LPS and to investigate the binding and incorporation of the small antimicrobial peptide V4. The influence of membrane composition and charge on the behavior of V4 was also probed. This study displays the possibility of using tBLM platform to record and valuate the efficiency or potency of numerous synthesized antimicrobial peptides as potential drug candidates.


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Intermediärfilamente (IFs) sind neben Mikrotubuli und Aktinfilamenten die dritte filamentäre Komponente des Zytoskeletts. Sie wirken als mechanische Stabilisatoren, sind außerdem an Zelldifferenzierung, Proliferation und Apoptose beteiligt und tragen zu Zellpolarität bei. IFs sind dynamische Strukturen, die zelltypspezifisch in unterschiedlichen Anordnungen und Abundanzen vorkommen und von Signalkaskaden beeinflusst werden. Die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen dieser fein abgestimmten Prozesse sind weitgehend unbekannt. In dieser Arbeit sollte deswegen ein Tiermodell entwickelt werden, um Regulatoren der IF-(Netzwerk)-Organisation in vivo zu untersuchen und zu identifizieren. Dazu wurde C. elegans ausgewählt, da es sich hierbei um einen genetisch gut charakterisierten und leicht manipulierbaren Organismus handelt, in dessen Genom elf Gene für zytoplasmatische IFs kodieren. Zunächst wurden stabil transgene C. elegans-Linien generiert, die fluoreszierende IFs exprimieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das darmspezifische IFB-2::CFP im Bereich des apikalen Junktionskomplex verankert ist und nahezu vollständig im subapikalen Terminalgeflecht der Enterozyten lokalisiert, das als Teil der endotube besonders stabil und widerstandsfähig ist. Wenn diese Tiere mit dsRNA gegen das ebenfalls im Terminalgeflecht exprimierte IF ifc-2 behandelt wurden, entwickelten sich blasenförmige Ausstülpungen des Darmlumens, die auf eine Schwächung der rigiden und formgebenden endotube hinwiesen und damit einen direkten in vivo-Beweis für die stressprotektive Funktion des intestinalen IF-Netzwerks lieferten. Die leichte Detektierbarkeit des IFB-2::CFP-Musters wurde in einem optischen Screen ausgenutzt, bei dem nach chemischer Mutagenese nach Veränderungen im IF-Muster gefahndet wurde. Hierbei wurden drei Mutanten isoliert. In Komplementationsanalysen stellte sich heraus, dass es sich in zwei Fällen um Allele desselben Gens handelt. Die Identifizierung der betroffenen Gene gelang durch eine PCR-basierte Kartierung von single nucleotide polymorphisms nach Verpaarung mit dem Hawaii-Stamm (snp-mapping) und anschließender RNAi-Analyse der Einzelgene in den identifizierten Chromosomenabschnitten. Im einen Fall handelte es sich um das sma-5-Gen, einer Serin/Threonin-Kinase mit Homologie zu den MAP-Kinasen MAPK7/ERK5 der Säuger. Hier wurden, ebenso wie beim ifc-2 (RNAi)-Phänotyp, progressive blasenförmige Ausstülpungen des Darmlumens beobachtet. Die beiden anderen Allele tragen Mutationen in einem bisher nicht näher charakterisierten Gen. In diesen Würmern kommt es zu einem vollständigen Auflösung des IFB-2::CFP-Netzwerks mit prominenten Akkumulationen um die apikalen Junktionen. Das Darmlumen ist stellenweise geweitet und das elektronendichte Terminalgeflecht fehlt fast vollständig, die Integrität des Darmepithels ist jedoch nicht kompromittiert. Die anderen IFs des Terminalgeflechts sind ebenfalls fehlverteilt, und die intestinale Expression von Aktin ist stark reduziert. Expressionskonstrukte des Gens zeigten weiterhin, dass es darmspezifisch synthetisiert wird und mit den IFs im Terminalgeflecht kolokalisiert. Das Protein ist, ähnlich wie das IF-assoziierte Filaggrin der Säuger ausgesprochen histidinreich. Es enthält außerdem eine Prolin-reiche Domäne, die Teil einer potentiellen Aktin-Bindedomäne ist. Auf Grund all dieser Eigenschaften wird die Bezeichnung IFO-1 (intermediate filament organizer) für das neue Protein vorgeschlagen, das möglicherweise als struktureller Zytoskelett-Linker wirkt. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse untermauern die Bedeutung von C. elegans für die Identifizierung von Faktoren, die IF-Netzwerke regulieren, und die Möglichkeit, Defekte im lebenden Gesamtorganismus zu bestimmen.


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Rapid and sensitive detection of chemical and biological analytes becomes increasingly important in areas such as medical diagnostics, food control and environmental monitoring. Optical biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and optical waveguide spectroscopy have been extensively pushed forward in these fields. In this study, we combine SPR, surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) and optical waveguide spectroscopy with hydrogel thin film for highly sensitive detection of molecular analytes.rnrnA novel biosensor based on SPFS which was advanced through the excitation of long range surface plasmons (LRSPs) is reported in this study. LRSPs are special surface plasmon waves propagating along thin metal films with orders of magnitude higher electromagnetic field intensity and lower damping than conventional SPs. Therefore, their excitation on the sensor surface provides further increased fluorescence signal. An inhibition immunoassay based on LRSP-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (LRSP-FS) was developed for the detection of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk. The biosensor allowed for the detection of AFM1 in milk at concentrations as low as 0.6 pg mL-1, which is about two orders of magnitude lower than the maximum AFM1 residue level in milk stipulated by the European Commission legislation.rnrnIn addition, LRSPs probe the medium adjacent to the metallic surface with more extended evanescent field than regular SPs. Therefore, three-dimensional binding matrices with up to micrometer thickness have been proposed for the immobilization of biomolecular recognition elements with large surface density that allows to exploit the whole evanescent field of LRSP. A photocrosslinkable carboxymethyl dextran (PCDM) hydrogel thin film is used as a binding matrix, and it is applied for the detection of free prostate specific antigen (f-PSA) based on the LRSP-FS and sandwich immunoassay. We show that this approach allows for the detection of f-PSA at low femto-molar range, which is approximately four orders of magnitude lower than that for direct detection of f-PSA based on the monitoring of binding-induced refractive index changes.rnrnHowever, a three dimensional hydrogel binding matrix with micrometer thickness can also serve as an optical waveguide. Based on the measurement of binding-induced refractive index changes, a hydrogel optical waveguide spectroscopy (HOWS) is reported for a label-free biosensor. This biosensor is implemented by using a SPR optical setup in which a carboxylated poly(N-isoproprylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) hydrogel film is attached on a metallic surface and modified by protein catcher molecules. Compared to regular SPR biosensor with thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM), HOWS provides an order of magnitude improved resolution in the refractive index measurements and enlarged binding capacity owing to its low damping and large swelling ratio, respectively. A model immunoassay experiment revealed that HOWS allowed detection of IgG molecules with a 10 pM limit of detection (LOD) that was five-fold lower than that achieved for SPR with thiol SAM. For the high capacity hydrogel matrix, the affinity binding was mass transport limited.rnrnThe mass transport of target molecules to the sensor surface can play as critical a role as the chemical reaction itself. In order to overcome the diffusion-limited mass transfer, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were employed. The magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can serve both as labels providing enhancement of the refractive index changes, and “vehicles” for rapidly delivering the analytes from sample solution to an SPR sensor surface with a gradient magnetic field. A model sandwich assay for the detection of β human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) has been utilized on a gold sensor surface with metallic diffraction grating structure supporting the excitation of SPs. Various detection formats including a) direct detection, b) sandwich assay, c) MNPs immunoassay without and d) with applied magnetic field were compared. The results show that the highly-sensitive MNPs immunoassay improves the LOD on the detection of βhCG by a factor of 5 orders of magnitude with respect to the direct detection.rn


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Allgemein erlaubt adaptive Gitterverfeinerung eine Steigerung der Effizienz numerischer Simulationen ohne dabei die Genauigkeit des Ergebnisses signifikant zu verschlechtern. Es ist jedoch noch nicht erforscht, in welchen Bereichen des Rechengebietes die räumliche Auflösung tatsächlich vergröbert werden kann, ohne die Genauigkeit des Ergebnisses signifikant zu beeinflussen. Diese Frage wird hier für ein konkretes Beispiel von trockener atmosphärischer Konvektion untersucht, nämlich der Simulation von warmen Luftblasen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein neuartiges numerisches Modell entwickelt, das auf diese spezielle Anwendung ausgerichtet ist. Die kompressiblen Euler-Gleichungen werden mit einer unstetigen Galerkin Methode gelöst. Die Zeitintegration geschieht mit einer semi-implizite Methode und die dynamische Adaptivität verwendet raumfüllende Kurven mit Hilfe der Funktionsbibliothek AMATOS. Das numerische Modell wird validiert mit Hilfe einer Konvergenzstudie und fünf Standard-Testfällen. Eine Methode zum Vergleich der Genauigkeit von Simulationen mit verschiedenen Verfeinerungsgebieten wird eingeführt, die ohne das Vorhandensein einer exakten Lösung auskommt. Im Wesentlichen geschieht dies durch den Vergleich von Eigenschaften der Lösung, die stark von der verwendeten räumlichen Auflösung abhängen. Im Fall einer aufsteigenden Warmluftblase ist der zusätzliche numerische Fehler durch die Verwendung der Adaptivität kleiner als 1% des gesamten numerischen Fehlers, wenn die adaptive Simulation mehr als 50% der Elemente einer uniformen hoch-aufgelösten Simulation verwendet. Entsprechend ist die adaptive Simulation fast doppelt so schnell wie die uniforme Simulation.


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One of the basic concepts of molecular self-assembly is that the morphology of the aggregate is directly related to the structure and interaction of the aggregating molecules. This is not only true for the aggregation in bulk solution, but also for the formation of Langmuir films at the air/water interface. Thus, molecules at the interface do not necessarily form flat monomolecular films but can also aggregate into multilayers or surface micelles. In this context, various novel synthetic molecules were investigated in terms of their morphology at the air/water interface and in transferred films. rnFirst, the self-assembly of semifluorinated alkanes and their molecular orientation at the air/water interface and in transferred films was studied employing scanning force microscopy (SFM) and Kelvin potential force microscopy. Here it was found, that the investigated semifluorinated alkanes aggregate to form circular surface micelles with a diameter of 30 nm, which are constituted of smaller muffin-shaped subunits with a diameter of 10 nm. A further result is that the introduction of an aromatic core into the molecular structure leads to the formation of elongated surface micelles and thus implements a directionality to the self-assembly. rnSecond, the self-assembly of two different amphiphilic hybrid materials containing a short single stranded desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence was investigated at the air/water interface. The first molecule was a single stranded DNA (11mer) molecule with two hydrophobically modified 5-(dodec-1-ynyl)uracil nucleobases at the terminal 5'-end of the oligonucleotide sequence. Isotherm measurements revealed the formation of semi-stable films at the air/water interface. SFM imaging of films transferred via Langmuir-Blodgett technique supported this finding and indicated mono-, bi- and multilayer formation, according to the surface pressure applied upon transfer. Within these films, the hydrophilic DNA sequence was oriented towards air covering 95% of the substrate.rnSimilar results were obtained with a second type of amphiphile, a DNA block copolymer. Furthermore, the potential to perform molecular recognition experiments at the air/water interface with these DNA hybrid materials was evaluated.rnThird, polyglycerol ester molecules (PGE), which are known to form very stable foams, were studies. Aim was to elucidate the molecular structure of PGE molecules at the air/water interface in order to comprehend the foam stabilization mechanism. Several model systems mimicking the air/water interface of a PGE foam and methods for a noninvasive transfer were tested and characterized by SFM. It could be shown, that PGE stabilizes the air/water interface of a foam bubble by formation of multiple surfactant layers. Additionally, a new transfer technique, the bubble film transfer was established and characterized by high speed camera imaging.The results demonstrate the diversity of structures, which can be formed by amphiphilic molecules at the air/water interface and after film transfer, as well as the impact of the chemical structure on the aggregate morphology.