7 resultados para Amount hydrate-bound CH4
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Zusammenfassung Der Lichtsammlerkomplex (LHCII) aus PhotosystemII hoeherer Pflanzen kann in vitro rekonstituiert werden. Es werden drei Reaktionszeiten (<10 s; <1 min; <10 min) aufgeloest. Dabei werden bei allen Reaktionszeiten Pigmente durch das Apoprotein gebunden. Chlorophylle (Chl a und Chl b) und Xanthophylle wirken limitierend auf die Rekonstitution. Chl a beschleunigt die zweite Reaktionszeit, ein ausgeglichenes Chl a/b-Verhaeltnis verkürzt die dritte Reaktionszeit. Ein molekularer Mechanismus als Interpretation dieser Effekte wird vorgeschlagen. Native Lipide verlaengern nichtspezifisch die Rekonstitution. Abiotische Faktoren haben einen spezifischen Einfluss auf die Rekonstitution. Spezifische Einfluesse der o. a. Bedingungen auf die thermische Stabilitaet des rekonstituierten LHCII wurden bestimmt.
The g-factor is a constant which connects the magnetic moment $vec{mu}$ of a charged particle, of charge q and mass m, with its angular momentum $vec{J}$. Thus, the magnetic moment can be writen $ vec{mu}_J=g_Jfrac{q}{2m}vec{J}$. The g-factor for a free particle of spin s=1/2 should take the value g=2. But due to quantum electro-dynamical effects it deviates from this value by a small amount, the so called g-factor anomaly $a_e$, which is of the order of $10^{-3}$ for the free electron. This deviation is even bigger if the electron is exposed to high electric fields. Therefore highly charged ions, where electric field strength gets values on the order of $10^{13}-10^{16}$V/cm at the position of the bound electron, are an interesting field of investigations to test QED-calculations. In previous experiments [H"aff00,Ver04] using a single hydrogen-like ion confined in a Penning trap an accuracy of few parts in $10^{-9}$ was obtained. In the present work a new method for precise measurement of magnetic the electronic g-factor of hydrogen-like ions is discussed. Due to the unavoidable magnetic field inhomogeneity in a Penning trap, a very important contribution to the systematic uncertainty in the previous measurements arose from the elevated energy of the ion required for the measurement of its motional frequencies. Then it was necessary to extrapolate the result to vanishing energies. In the new method the energy in the cyclotron degree of freedom is reduced to the minimum attainable energy. This method consist in measuring the reduced cyclotron frequency $nu_{+}$ indirectly by coupling the axial to the reduced cyclotron motion by irradiation of the radio frequency $nu_{coup}=nu_{+}-nu_{ax}+delta$ where $delta$ is, in principle, an unknown detuning that can be obtained from the knowledge of the coupling process. Then the only unknown parameter is the desired value of $nu_+$. As a test, a measurement with, for simplicity, artificially increased axial energy was performed yielding the result $g_{exp}=2.000~047~020~8(24)(44)$. This is in perfect agreement with both the theoretical result $g_{theo}=2.000~047~020~2(6)$ and the previous experimental result $g_{exp1}=2.000~047~025~4(15)(44).$ In the experimental results the second error-bar is due to the uncertainty in the accepted value for the electron's mass. Thus, with the new method a higher accuracy in the g-factor could lead by comparison to the theoretical value to an improved value of the electron's mass. [H"af00] H. H"affner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5308 [Ver04] J. Verd'u et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 093002-1
Investigations were performed during the years 1999 to 2001 on a limed and unlimed plot within a high-elevated sessile oak forest. The oak forest (with 90 years old European beech at the understorey) was 170 to 197 years old. It is located at forest district Merzalben, location 04/0705, which is situated in the Palatinate Forest in south-west Germany. Liming was performed in December 1988 when 6 tons/ha of powdered Dolomite were brought up by the forestry department. Liming was performed to counteract the effects of soil acidification (pH(H2O) at Horizon A (0-10 cm): 3.9), which is induced by long-term (anthropogenic) acidic cloud cover and precipitation. Potentially toxic Al3+ ions, which become solubilized below pH 5, were suspected to be responsible for forest dieback and sudden death of the mature oaks. The most logical entry point for these toxic ions was suspected to occur in the highly absorptive region of the ectomycorrhizae (fungal covered root tips). However, the diversity and abundance of oak-ectomycorrhizal species and their actual roles in aluminum translocation (or blockage) were unknown. It was hypothesized that the ectomycorrhizae of sessile oaks in a limed forest would exhibit greater seasonal diversity and abundance with less evidence of incorporated aluminum than similar oak ectomycorrhizae from unlimed soils. To test this hypothesis, 12 oaks in the limed plot and 12 in an adjacent unlimed plot were selected. Each spring and fall for 2 years (1999 & 2000), 2 sets of soil cylinders (9.9 cm dia.) were extracted from Horizon A (0-10 cm), Horizon B (30-40 cm) and Horizon C (50-60 cm depth) at a distance of 1 meter from each tree base. Roots were extracted from each probe by gentle sieving and rinsing. Soil samples were retained for pH (H2O, CaCl2, and KCl) and moisture analysis. One set of roots was sorted by size and air-dried for biomass analysis. The finest mycorrhizal roots of this set were used for bound and unbound (cytosolic) mineral [Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Mn, S, Zn, Fe, Cd and Pb] analysis (by Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Rheinland Palatinate (LUFA)). Within 7 days of collection, the mycorrhizal tips from the second set of probes were excised, sorted, identified (using Agerer’s Color Atlas), counted and weighed. Seasonal diversity and abundance was characterized for 50 of the 93 isolates. The location and relative abundance of Al within the fungal and root cell walls was characterized for 68 species using 0.01% Morin dye and fluorescence microscopy. Morin complexes with Al to produce an intense yellow fluorescence. The 4 most common species (Cenococcum geophilum, Quercirhiza fibulocsytidiata, Lactarius subdulcis, Piceirhiza chordata) were prepared for bound Al, Ca, Fe and K mineral analysis by LUFA. The unlimed and limed plots were then compared. Only 46 of the 93 isolated ectomycorrhizal species had been previously associated with oaks in the literature. Mycorrhizal biomass was most abundant in Horizon A, declining with depth, drought and progressive soil acidification. Mycorrhizae were most diverse (32 species) in the limed plot, but individual species abundance was low (R Selection) in comparison to the unlimed plot, where there were fewer species (24) but each species present was abundant (K Selection). Liming increased diversity and altered dominance hierarchy, seasonal distributions and succession trends of ectomycorrhizae at all depths. Despite an expected reduction in Al content, the limed ectomycorrhizae both qualitatively (fluorescence analysis) and quantitatively (mineral analysis) contained more bound Al, especially so in Horizon A. The Al content qualitatively and quantitatively increased with depth in the unlimed and limed plots. The bound Al content fluctuated between 4000-and 20000 ppm while the unbound component was consistently lower (4 -14 ppm). The relative amount of unbound Al declined upon liming implying less availability for translocation to the crown area of the trees. This correspouds with the findings of good crown appearance and lower tree mortality in the limed zone. Each ectomycorrhizal species was unique in its ability to block, sequester (hold) or translocate Aluminum. In several species, Al uptake varied with changes in moisture, pH, depth and liming. According to the fluorescence study, about 48% of the isolated ectomycorrhizal species blocked and/or sequestered (held) Al in their mantle and/or Hartig net walls, qualitatively lowering bound Al in the adjacent root cell walls. Generally, if Al was more concentrated in the fungal walls, it was less evident in the cortex and xylem and conversely, if Al was low or absent from the fungal walls it was frequently more evident in the cortex and xylem.
Die für Metazoen einzigartige Fähigkeit, hochdifferenzierte Silikatstrukturen herzustellen und als Gerüstsubstanz zu verwenden, steht bei den Porifera in einem scheinbaren Gegensatz zu der niedrigen Konzentration an Silizium in dem die Schwämme umgebenden Medium. In der zweiten bedeutenden silikatpolymerisierenden Species, den einzelligen Kieselalgen (Diatomeen), konnte bereits ein Silikattransporter identifiziert werden, dessen Sequenzdaten jedoch aufgrund der phylogenetisch geringen Verwandtschaft der Demospongien mit den Diatomeen keine Verwendung finden konnte Im Zuge der Suche nach einem Silikat-Transportsystem im Schwamm Suberites domuncula wurde ein potentielles Kandidatengen mittels molekularbiologischer Techniken aus einer cDNA Bank des Instituts isoliert, vervollständigt und analysiert. Es zeigte sich, dass dieser Transporter durch seine Sequenzdaten der Familie der Bikarbonattransporter angehörte, und somit membranständig war. Seine Transportfunktion zeigte sich mittels spezifischer Inhibitoren hemmbar. Damit der Schwamm in der Lage ist, eine regulierbare und schnelle Anreicherung von Silikat durchführen zu können, lag eine Annahme einer Induzierbarkeit der Transportergene durch das Substrat Silikat nahe. Mittels Northern-Blot Analyse konnte in einem Primmorphensystem des Schwammes eine Hochregulation der Transkription der Transportergene festgestellt werden. Die Lokalisation der Exprimierung des Transporters innerhalb des Schwammgewebes konnte mittels In situ Hybridisierung untersucht werden und zeigte eine direkte Nähe zu den Polysilikatstrukturen des Schwammes. Um Hinweise auf eine Bifunktionalität des Transporters aufgrund der Ähnlichkeit von Carbonat und Silikat zu erhärten, wurden fluoreszenzmikroskopische Studien an isolierten Zellkulturen des Schwammes durchgeführt. Es kam zu einer intensive Reaktion der Zellen auf Silikat als Substrat. Dieser Effekt konnte nicht nur durch einen spezifischen Transportinhibitor (DIDS) gehemmt werden, sondern zeigt auch eine deutliche Temperaturabhängigkeit. Um den potentiellen Silikattransporter in Zusammenhang mit dem Gesamtmechanismus der Silikatnadelherstellung in Schwämmen zu bringen, wurden zusätzliche elektronenmikroskopische Studien angestellt. Hier konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, wie sich das die Polykondensation auslösende und dirigierende Proteinfilament des Schwammes bei der Nadelbildung entwickelt. Mittels einer darauf folgenden Immunogold-Markierung des Hauptaxialfilamentproteins des Schwammes in elektronenmikroskopischen Gewebepräparaten, konnte dessen Vorkommen nicht nur im Zentrum der Silikatnadel, sondern auch in den die Nadel umgebenden Strukturen nachgewiesen werden
Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) monooxygenase plays an important role in the metabolism of environmental pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs). Oxidation of these compounds converts them to the metabolites that subsequently can be conjugated to hydrophilic endogenous entities e.g. glutathione. Derivates generated in this way are water soluble and can be excreted in bile or urine, which is a defense mechanism. Besides detoxification, metabolism by CYP1A1 may lead to deleterious effects since the highly reactive intermediate metabolites are able to react with DNA and thus cause mutagenic effects, as it is in the case of benzo(a) pyrene (B[a]P). CYP1A1 is normally not expressed or expressed at a very low level in the cells but it is inducible by many PAHs and HAHs e.g. by B[a]P or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Transcriptional activation of the CYP1A1 gene is mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor. In the absence of a ligand AHR stays predominantly in the cytoplasm. Ligand binding causes translocation of AHR to the nuclear compartment, its heterodimerization with another bHLH protein, the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and binding of the AHR/ARNT heterodimer to a DNA motif designated dioxin responsive element (DRE). This process leads to the transcriptional activation of the responsive genes containing DREs in their regulatory regions, e.g. that coding for CYP1A1. TCDD is the most potent known agonist of AHR. Since it is not metabolized by the activated enzymes, exposure to this compound leads to a persisting activation of AHR resulting in diverse toxic effects in the organism. To enlighten the molecular mechanisms that mediate the toxicity of xenobiotics like TCDD and related compounds, the AHR-dependent regulation of the CYP1A1 gene was investigated in two cell lines: human cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and mouse hepatoma (Hepa). Study of AHR activation and its consequence concerning expression of the CYP1A1 enzyme confirmed the TCDD-dependent formation of the AHR/ARNT complex on DRE leading to an increase of the CYP1A1 transcription in Hepa cells. In contrast, in HeLa cells formation of the AHR/ARNT heterodimer and binding of a protein complex containing AHR and ARNT to DRE occurred naturally in the absence of TCDD. Moreover, treatment with TCDD did not affect the AHR/ARNT dimer formation and binding of these proteins to DRE in these cells. Even though the constitutive complex on DRE exists in HeLa, transcription of the CYP1A1 gene was not increased. Furthermore, the CYP1A1 level in HeLa cells remained unchanged in the presence of TCDD suggesting repressional mechanism of the AHR complex function which may hinder the TCDD-dependent mechanisms in these cells. Similar to the native, the mouse CYP1A1-driven reporter constructs containing different regulatory elements were not inducible by TCDD in HeLa cells, which supported a presence of cell type specific trans-acting factor in HeLa cells able to repress both the native CYP1A1 and CYP1A1-driven reporter genes rather than species specific differences between CYP1A1 genes of human and rodent origin. The different regulation of the AHR-mediated transcription of CYP1A1 gene in Hepa and HeLa cells was further explored in order to elucidate two aspects of the AHR function: (I) mechanism involved in the activation of AHR in the absence of exogenous ligand and (II) factor that repress function of the exogenous ligand-independent AHR/ARNT complex. Since preliminary studies revealed that the activation of PKA causes an activation of AHR in Hepa cells in the absence of TCDD, the PKA-dependent signalling pathway was the proposed endogenous mechanism leading to the TCDD-independent activation of AHR in HeLa cells. Activation of PKA by forskolin or db-cAMP as well as inhibition of the kinase by H89 in both HeLa and Hepa cells did not lead to alterations in the AHR interaction with ARNT in the absence of TCDD and had no effect on binding of these proteins to DRE. Moreover, the modulators of PKA did not influence the CYP1A1 activity in these cells in the presence and in the absence of TCDD. Thus, an involvement of PKA in the regulation of the CYP1A1 Gen in HeLa cells was not evaluated in the course of this study. Repression of genes by transcription factors bound to their responsive elements in the absence of ligands has been described for nuclear receptors. These receptors interact with protein complex containing histone deacetylase (HDAC), enzyme responsible for the repressional effect. Thus, a participation of histone deacetylase in the transcriptional modulation of CYP1A1 gene by the constitutively DNA-bound AHR/ARNT complex was supposed. Inhibition of the HDAC activity by trichostatin A (TSA) or sodium butyrate (NaBu) led to an increase of the CYP1A1 transcription in the presence but not in the absence of TCDD in Hepa and HeLa cells. Since amount of the AHR and ARNT proteins remained unchanged upon treatment of the cells with TSA or NaBu, the transcriptional upregulation of CYP1A1 gene was not due to an increased expression of the regulatory proteins. These findings strongly suggest an involvement of HDAC in the repression of the CYP1A1 gene. Similar to the native human CYP1A1 also the mouse CYP1A1-driven reporter gene transfected into HeLa cells was repressed by histone deacetylase since the presence of TSA or NaBu led to an increase in the reporter activity. Induction of reporter gene did not require a presence of the promoter or negative regulatory regions of the CYP1A1 gene. A promoter-distal fragment containing three DREs together with surrounding sequences was sufficient to mediate the effects of the HDAC inhibitors suggesting that the AHR/ARNT binding to its specific DNA recognition site may be important for the CYP1A1 repression. Histone deacetylase is recruited to the specific genes by corepressors, proteins that bind to the transcription factors and interact with other members of the HDAC complex. Western blot analyses revealed a presence of HDAC1 and the corepressors mSin3A (mammalian homolog of yeast Sin3) and SMRT (silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone receptor) in both cell types, while the corepressor NCoR (nuclear receptor corepressor) was expressed exclusively in HeLa cells. Thus the high inducibility of CYP1A1 in Hepa cells may be due to the absence of NCoR in these cells in contrast to the non-responsive HeLa cells, where the presence of NCoR would support repression of the gene by histone deacetylase. This hypothesis was verified in reporter gene experiments where expression constructs coding for the particular members of the HDAC complex were cotransfected in Hepa cells together with the TCDD-inducible reporter constructs containing the CYP1A1 regulatory sequences. An overexpression of NCoR however did not decrease but instead led to a slight increase of the reporter gene activity in the cells. The expected inhibition was observed solely in the case of SMRT that slightly reduced constitutive and TCDD-induced reporter gene activity. A simultaneous expression of NCoR and SMRT shown no further effects and coexpression of HDAC1 with the two corepressors did not alter this situation. Thus, additional factors that are likely involved in the repression of CYP1A1 gene by HDAC complex remained to be identified. Taking together, characterisation of an exogenous ligand independent AHR/ARNT complex on DRE in HeLa cells that repress transcription of the CYP1A1 gene creates a model system enabling investigation of endogenous processes involved in the regulation of AHR function. This study implicates HDAC-mediated repression of CYP1A1 gene that contributes to the xenobiotic-induced expression in a tissue specific manner. Elucidation of these processes gains an insight into mechanisms leading to deleterious effects of TCDD and related compounds.
This thesis describes the ultra-precise determination of the g-factor of the electron bound to hydrogenlike 28Si13+. The experiment is based on the simultaneous determination of the cyclotron- and Larmor frequency of a single ion, which is stored in a triple Penning-trap setup. The continuous Stern-Gerlach effect is used to couple the spin of the bound electron to the motional frequencies of the ion via a magnetic bottle, which allows the non-destructive determination of the spin state. To this end, a highly sensitive, cryogenic detection system was developed, which allowed the direct, non-destructive detection of the eigenfrequencies with the required precision.rnThe development of a novel, phase sensitive detection technique finally allowed the determination of the g-factor with a relative accuracy of 40 ppt, which was previously inconceivable. The comparison of the hereby determined value with the value predicted by quantumelectrodynamics (QED) allows the verification of the validity of this fundamental theory under the extreme conditions of the strong binding potential of a highly charged ion. The exact agreement of theory and experiment is an impressive demonstration of the exactness of QED. The experimental possibilities created in this work will allow in the near future not only further tests of theory, but also the determination of the mass of the electron with a precision that exceeds the current literature value by more than an order of magnitude.
Das Lichtsammlerprotein (light harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein, LHCP) ist das Apoprotein des Haupt-Lichtsammelkomplexes (LHCII) und stellt das häufigste Membranprotein der Erde dar. Nicht nur aufgrund seiner Abundanz, sondern auch wegen seiner speziellen Translokation als stark hydrophobes Membranprotein durch hauptsächlich wässrige Milieus von cytosolischen Ribosomen bis in die Thylakoidmembran der Chloroplasten ist der Biogeneseweg dieses Proteins von besonderem Interesse. LHCP ist kernkodiert und wird nach seinem Import in Chloroplasten als Transitkomplex mit dem stromalen Signalerkennungsprotein (cpSRP) zur Thylakoide geleitet. Der cpSRP-Komplex besteht aus dem cpSRP43 mit Chaperonfunktion für das LHCP sowie dem Co-Chaperon cpSRP54, welches eine entscheidende Rolle in der stromalen Zielführung des Transitkomplexes spielt. Sowohl die Proteinkonformation des LHCP während seiner Biogenese als auch der in vivo Faltungsablauf während der Thylakoidinsertion sind noch völlig unklar. Mithilfe der Elektronen-paramagnetischen Resonanz (EPR-)Spektroskopie sollte in dieser Arbeit der Faltungszustand des LHCP im Transitkomplex mit dem cpSRP oder in Teilkomplexen davon ermittelt werden.rnKopplungen von cpSRP43 und LHCP bestätigten, dass das Chaperon als Minimaleinheit zur quantitativen Solubilisierung des Membranproteins genügt. Gelfiltrationschromatographische (GFC-) Untersuchungen solcher Komplexe wiesen jedoch mit einem apparenten MW von ≥ 600 kDa ein sehr hochmolekulares Laufverhalten auf. Variierende Proteinstöchiometrien im Komplex zeigten in densitometrischen Auswertungen eine undefinierte Aggregation. Zusätze von Agenzien zur Vermeidung unspezifischer Wechselwirkungen wie z.B. Detergentien oder auch Salzzugabe zeigten keinen Einfluss auf die Aggregate. Volllängen-Transitkomplexe dagegen wiesen trotz unterschiedlichem Angebot von Einzelproteinen reproduzierbar definierte Stöchiometrien auf. Diese zeigten eine LHCP:cpSRP43-Stöchiometrie von 1,25. Dennoch hatten diese Komplexe mit einem apparenten MW von > 300 kDa einen mindestens dimeren Assemblierungsgrad. Eine Voraussetzung für eindeutige EPR-spektroskopische Distanzmessungen zwischen definierten Positionen im LHCP ist jedoch dessen monomolekularisiertes Vorliegen im Chaperonkomplex. Die Darstellung von ternären Transitkomplexen mit einem zu erwartenden apparenten MW von ~175 kDa war auch durch Zusatz verschiedener Proteinaggregationshemmer nicht möglich. Transitkomplexe mit einer verkürzten Version des cpSRP54 zeigten schließlich eine definierte 1:1-Komplexstöchiometrie bei gleichzeitiger polydisperser Komplexzusammensetzung. Es konnten ~60% dieser sogenannten 54M-Transitkomplexe nach GFC-Daten und densitometrischer Auswertung als potentiell ternär eingeschätzt werden. Darüber hinaus gelang es solche Ansätze durch GFC-Fraktionierung zusätzlich von oligomerisierten Spezies aufzureinigen. Dennoch zeigten die Präparate vor GFC-Fraktionierung ein (noch) zu hohes Aggregationssignal im Hintergrund und nach Fraktionierung ein zu schwaches Signal, um eine eindeutige Aussage der EPR-Daten zuzulassen. Dennoch bietet dieses ausgearbeitete Komplexbildungsprotoll in Verbindung mit der Verwendung von verkürztem cpSRP54 eine solide Basis, um weitere Versuche zu EPR-Messungen an cpSRP-gebundenem LHCP durchzuführen. rn