2 resultados para Alternative genetic decoding

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Im Laufe der Evolution müssen Sauerstoff-metabolisierende Organismen eine Reihe von Anpassungen entwickelt haben, um in der zytotoxischen oxidativen Umgebung der sauerstoff-haltigen Erdatmosphäre überleben zu können. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten vergleichenden Analysen mitochondrial kodierter und kern-kodierter Proteome mehrerer hundert Spezies haben ergeben, dass die Evolution eines alternativen genetischen Codes in Mitochondrien eine moderne Adaptation in diesem Sinne war. Viele aerobe Tiere und Pilze dekodieren in Abweichung vom genetischen Standard-Code das Codon AUA als Methionin. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass diese Spezies dadurch eine massive Akkumulation der sehr leicht oxidierbaren Aminosäure Methionin in ihren Atmungskettenkomplexen erreichen, die generell ein bevorzugtes Ziel reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies sind. Der gewonnene Befund lässt sich widerspruchsfrei nur unter Annahme einer antioxidativen Wirkung dieser Aminosäure erklären, wie sie erstmals 1996 von R. Levine anhand von Oxidationsmessungen in Modellproteinen postuliert worden war. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird diese Hypothese nun direkt mittels neuartiger Modellsubstanzen in lebenden Zellen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten bioinformatischen Analysen und zellbiologischen Experimente belegen, dass kollektive Proteinveränderungen die Triebkraft für die Evolution abweichender genetischer Codes sein können.rnDie Bedeutung von oxidativem Stress wurde darüber hinaus auch im Referenzrahmen einer akuten oxidativen Schädigung im Einzelorganismus untersucht. Da oxidativer Stress in der Pathogenese altersassoziierter neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie der Alzheimerschen Krankheit prominent involviert zu sein scheint, wurden die Auswirkungungen von Umwelt-induziertem oxidativem Stress auf den histopathologischen Verlauf in einem transgenen Modell der Alzheimerschen Krankheit in vivo untersucht. Dabei wurden transgene Mäuse des Modells APP23 im Rahmen von Fütterungsversuchen einer lebenslangen Defizienz der Antioxidantien Selen oder Vitamin E ausgesetzt. Während die Selenoproteinexpression durch die selendefiziente Diät gewebespezifisch reduziert wurde, ergaben sich keine Anzeichen eines beschleunigten Auftretens pathologischer Marker wie amyloider Plaques oder Neurodegeneration. Es war vielmehr ein unerwarteter Trend hinsichtlich einer geringeren Plaquebelastung in Vitamin E-defizienten Alzheimermäusen zu erkennen. Auch wenn diese Daten aufgrund einer geringen Versuchstiergruppengröße nur mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden dürfen, so scheint doch ein Mangel an essentiellen antioxidativen Nährstoffen die Progression in einem anerkannten Alzheimermodell nicht negativ zu beeinflussen.rn


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Inbreeding can lead to a fitness reduction due to the unmasking of deleterious recessive alleles and the loss of heterosis. Therefore, most sexually reproducing organisms avoid inbreeding, often by disperal. Besides the avoidance of inbreeding, dispersal lowers intraspecific competition on a local scale and leads to a spreading of genotypes into new habitats. In social insects, winged reproductives disperse and mate during nuptial flights. Therafter, queens independently found a new colony. However, some species also produce wingless sexuals as an alternative reproductive tactic. Wingless sexuals mate within or close to their colony and queens either stay in the nest or they found a new colony by budding. During this dependent colony foundation, wingless queens are accompanied by a fraction of nestmate workers. The production of wingless reproductives therefore circumvents the risks associated with dispersal and independent colony foundation. However, the absence of dispersal can lead to inbreeding and local competition.rnIn my PhD-project, I investigated the mating biology of Hypoponera opacior, an ant that produces winged and wingless reproductives in a population in Arizona. Besides the investigation of the annual reproductive cycle, I particularly focused on the consequences of wingless reproduction. An analysis of sex ratios in wingless sexuals should reveal the relative importance of local resource competition among queens (that mainly compete for the help of workers) and local mate competition among males. Further, sexual selection was expected to act on wingless males that were previously found to mate with and mate-guard pupal queens in response to local mate competition. We studied whether males are able to adapt their mating behaviour to the current competitive situation in the nest and which traits are under selection in this mating situation. Last, we investigated the extent and effects of inbreeding. As the species appeared to produce non-dispersive males and queens quite frequently, we assumed to find no or only weak negative effects of inbreeding and potentially mechanisms that moderate inbreeding levels despite frequent nest-matings.rnWe found that winged and wingless males and queens are produced during two separate seasons of the year. Winged sexuals emerge in early summer and conduct nuptial flights in July, when climate conditions due to frequent rainfalls lower the risks of dispersal and independent colony foundation. In fall, wingless sexuals are produced that reproduce within the colonies leading to an expansion on the local scale. The absence of dispersal during this second reproductive season resulted in a local genetic population viscosity and high levels of inbreeding within the colonies. Male-biased sex ratios in fall indicated a greater importance of local resource competition among queens than local mate competition among males. Males were observed to adjust mate-guarding durations to the competitive situation (i.e. the number of competing males and pupae) in the nest, an adaptation that helps maximising their reproductive success. Further, sexual selection was found to act on the timing of emergence as well as on body size in these males, i.e. earlier emerging and larger males show a higher mating success. Genetic analyses revealed that wingless males do not actively avoid inbreeding by choosing less related queens as mating partners. Further, we detected diploid males, a male type that is produced instead of diploid females if close relatives mate. In contrast to many other Hymenopteran species, diploid males were here viable and able to sire sterile triploid offspring. They did not differ in lifespan, body size and mating success from “normal” haploid males. Hence, diploid male production in H. opacior is less costly than in other social Hymenopteran species. No evidence of inbreeding depression was found on the colony level but more inbred colonies invested more resources into the production of sexuals. This effect was more pronounced in the dispersive summer generation. The increased investment in outbreeding sexuals can be regarded as an active strategy to moderate the extent and effects of inbreeding. rnIn summary, my thesis describes an ant species that has evolved alternative reproductive tactics as an adaptation to seasonal environmental variations. Hereby, the species is able to maintain its adaptive mating system without suffering from negative effects due to the absence of dispersal flights in fall.rn