em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In dieser Arbeit werden Synthesen und Eigenschaften von Verbindungen mit einer oder mehreren Ferrocen- bzw. Biferroceneinheiten beschrieben, die über Amid-, Anhydrid- oder Harnstoff-Funktionen verknüpft oder mittels Amidfunktion an α-Aminosäurederivate gebunden sind. Als Zentralbausteine dienen die künstlichen Aminosäuren 1’-Aminoferrocen-1-carbonsäure (Fca) bzw. 1’-Aminobiferrocen-1-carbonsäure (Bfca). Die Ferroceneinheit agiert als redoxschaltbares Gelenk, die Amidfunktion ermöglicht die Ausbildung von Sekundärstrukturen und die Bindung von Anionen. Das redoxschaltbare „Multiwellenlängen“-Sensorpaar [Dansyl-Ala-Fca-Ala-CH2-Naphthyl]0/+ ist in der Lage, insgesamt sieben Anionen aufgrund von sechs einfach zu erhaltenden optischen Messwerten eindeutig zu diskriminieren. Die Vorzugskonformation des neutralen Rezeptors mit intramolekularen Wasserstoffbrücken wird mittels X-Ray, NMR- und DFT-Methoden im Festkörper, in Lösung und in der Gasphase bestimmt. Die oligomeren Fca-Verbindungen SG-Fcan-HN-Fc (SG = Boc, Fmoc; n = 1, 2) und SG-Fca2-OMe (SG = Boc, Fmoc) werden mittels Peptidkupplung in Lösung hergestellt, Fmoc-Fca3-Gly-OMe, Fmoc-Fcan-OMe (n = 3-5) und Fmoc-Fca4-NH2 dagegen durch ein neu entwickeltes Festphasensynthese-Protokoll. Die amidverknüpften Verbindungen bilden eine „Zick-Zack“-Struktur mit 1,2’-Konformation der Fca-Einheiten und achtgliedrigen intramolekularen Wasserstoffbrücken-Ringen, wie durch X-Ray, 2D-NMR-, DFT-Methoden und Dipolmoment-Bestimmung gezeigt wird. Elektrochemische Experimente belegen eine elektronische Wechselwirkung der Eisenzentren. Die gemischt-valenten Verbindungen zeichnen sich durch IVCT-Banden im nahen Infrarot aus. Die elektronische Kopplungskonstante beträgt Hab ≈ 145-215 cm–1 für einen einzelnen FeII/FeIII-Übergang und belegt die Zugehörigkeit der Verbindungen zur Robin-Day-Klasse II. Im Festkörper sind die Valenzen gemäß Mößbauerspektren lokalisiert. Die vollständig oxidierten Verbindungen liegen nach DFT-Rechnungen nicht mehr in einer „Zick-Zack“-Struktur, sondern in einer gestreckten Konformation vor. Als Nebenprodukte bei der Amidkupplung werden die Anhydride SG-(Fca)2O (SG = Ac, Boc, Fmoc) isoliert. Diese zählen aufgrund des Fehlens einer IVCT-Bande zur Klasse I-II. Die ferrocenyloge Bfca wird in Form der N- und C-geschützten Bfca auf zwei Wegen synthetisiert. Schlüsselschritte stellen die Cu(II)-vermittelte Homokupplung bzw. die Pd-katalysierte Stille-Kupplung dar. Bfca und die amid- und harnstoffverknüpften Bis-Bfca-Verbindungen besitzen keine nachweisbare Vorzugskonformation in Lösung. Die gemischt-valenten Bfca-Kationen zeigen eine IVCT-Bande (Hab ≈ 300-600 cm–1) und gehören eher zur Klasse II-III. Die gemischt-valenten Verbindungen des als Nebenprodukt isolierten Tetraferrocenylstannans Sn[Fn(COOMe)4] (Fn = 1,1’-Ferrocenylen) mit einatomiger σ-Brücke zwischen den Ferroceneinheiten, zeigen IVCT-Banden im NIR-Spektrum und gehören somit zur Klasse II. Die elektronischen Kopplungen in Sn[Fn(COOMe)4]+/2+ betragen Hab ≈ 145 und 220 cm–1.


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Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is used in a broad range of applications due to its unique combination of properties and is approved use in formulations for body-care products, edibles and medicine. This thesis aims at the synthesis and characterization of novel heterofunctional PEG structures and the establishment of diethyl squarate as a suitable linker for the covalent attachment to proteins. Chapter 1 is an introduction on the properties and applications of PEG as well as the fascinating chemistry of squaric acid derivatives. In Chapter 1.1, the synthesis and properties of PEG are described, and the versatile applications of PEG derivatives in everyday products are emphasized with a focus on PEG-based pharmaceuticals and nonionic surfactants. This chapter is written in German, as it was published in the German Journal Chemie in unserer Zeit. Chapter 1.2 deals with PEGs major drawbacks, its non-biodegradability, which impedes parenteral administration of PEG conjugates with polyethers exceeding the renal excretion limit, although these would improve blood circulation times and passive tumor targeting. This section gives a comprehensive overview of the cleavable groups that have been implemented in the polyether backbone to tackle this issue as well as the synthetic strategies employed to accomplish this task. Chapter 1.3 briefly summarizes the chemical properties of alkyl squarates and the advantages in protein conjugation chemistry that can be taken from its use as a coupling agent. In Chapter 2, the application of diethyl squarate as a coupling agent in the PEGylation of proteins is illustrated. Chapter 2.1 describes the straightforward synthesis and characterization of squaric acid ethyl ester amido PEGs with terminal hydroxyl functions or methoxy groups. The reactivity and selectivity of theses activated PEGs are explored in kinetic studies on the reactions with different lysine and other amino acid derivatives, followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Further, the efficient attachment of the novel PEGs to a model protein, i.e., bovine serum albumin (BSA), demonstrates the usefulness of the new linker for the PEGylation with heterofunctional PEGs. In Chapter 2.3 initial studies on the biocompatibility of polyether/BSA conjugates synthesized by the squaric acid mediated PEGylation are presented. No cytotoxic effects on human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to various concentrations of the conjugates were observed in a WST-1 assay. A cell adhesion molecule - enzyme immunosorbent assay did not reveal the expression of E-selectin or ICAM-1, cell adhesion molecules involved in inflammation processes. The focus of Chapter 3 lies on the syntheses of novel heterofunctional PEG structures which are suitable candidates for the squaric acid mediated PEGylation and exhibit superior features compared to established PEGs applied in bioconjugation. Chapter 3.1 describes the synthetic route to well-defined, linear heterobifunctional PEGs carrying a single acid-sensitive moiety either at the initiation site or at a tunable position in the polyether backbone. A universal concept for the implementation of acetal moieties into initiators for the anionic ring-opening polymerization (AROP) of epoxides is presented and proven to grant access to the degradable PEG structures aimed at. The hydrolysis of the heterofunctional PEG with the acetal moiety at the initiating site is followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy in deuterium oxide at different pH. In an exploratory study, the same polymer is attached to BSA via the squarate acid coupling and subsequently cleaved from the conjugate under acidic conditions. Furthermore, the concept for the generation of acetal-modified AROP initiators is demonstrated to be suitable for cholesterol, and the respective amphiphilic cholesteryl-PEG is cleaved at lowered pH. In Chapter 3.2, the straightforward synthesis of α-amino ω2-dihydroxyl star-shaped three-arm PEGs is described. To assure a symmetric length of the hydroxyl-terminated PEG arms, a novel AROP initiator is presented, who’s primary and secondary hydroxyl groups are separated by an acetal moiety. Upon polymerization of ethylene oxide for these functionalities and subsequent cleavage of the acid-labile unit no difference in the degree of polymerization is seen for both polyether fragments.


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Xanthene dyes, including fluorescein, are a well-known class of fluorescent dyes, which have widespread applications in natural sciences. The synthesis of xanthene derivatives via acid catalyzed condensation of substituted phenols with phthalic anhydride, to afford the asymmetric derivatives, is well established. The high temperature, harsh reaction conditions and often low yields make this method less convenient. The synthesis of xanthene dyes by direct modification of the fluorophore moiety is a great option to circumvent the above mentioned drawbacks. rnOur new synthetic strategy for the preparation of novel asymmetric xanthene dyes via direct conversion of hydroxyl groups on 3'- and 6'-positions into leaving groups by mesylation is reported. It was discovered that 3',6'-di-mesylated fluorescein underwent a nucleophilic aromatic substitution with sulfur nucleophiles and afforded new asymmetric xanthene sulfides. rnThe impact of substituents possessing an electron-withdrawing character such as chlorines and bromines was investigated with the aim to improve the aromatic substitution on the electron-rich fluorescein structure. It was observed that the incorporation of these groups did not considerably affect the substitution reaction and the yields were comparable with the unsubstituted fluorescein. rnThis strategy provided novel fluorescent probes with the linker suitable to further modifications. The modifications of the linker delivered fluorescein derivatives that could be used as fluorescent labels in peptides, oligonucleotides and for cell imaging. rnThe hydroxyl group on the linker was modified to achieve potent bioconjugate functionality such as azide. The new fluorescent azides were obtained in a 4-step synthesis, namely 2-(6-(2-azidoethylthio)-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid with an overall yield of 13%, its 2',7'-dichloro derivative with an overall yield of 10% and its 2',4',5'-tribromo derivative with an overall yield of 1%, respectively. rnAn asymmetric xanthene sulfide with an amino functionality placed on the aliphatic linker, namely 2-(6-((2-aminoethyl)thio)-3-oxo-3H-xanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid, was obtained in a 3-step synthesis with an overall yield of 33%. rnThe impact of the substitution with sulfur nucleophiles on the 6'-position of the xanthene moiety on its fluorescent characteristics was investigated. In comparison with fluorescein new asymmetric xanthene sulfides afforded lower extinction coefficients and fluorescent quantum yields. On the other hand, the substitution with a sulfur nucleophile significantly improved the photostability of xanthene dyes. It was shown that after 10 hours of continuous excitation, the asymmetric sulfur-containing xanthene fluorophores exhibited 58-94% of their initial fluorescent intensities. This observation suggested that the novel dyes were 1-2 orders of magnitude more stable than fluorescein. rnThe azido-modified xanthenes were “clicked” via Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition with an oligonucleotide, which contained the terminal alkyne residue. rn