21 resultados para cascade of pi-circuits
The standard model (SM) of particle physics is a theory, describing three out of four fundamental forces. In this model the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix describes the transformation between the mass and weak eigenstates of quarks. The matrix properties can be visualized as triangles in the complex plane. A precise measurement of all triangle parameters can be used to verify the validity of the SM. The least precisely measured parameter of the triangle is related to the CKM element |Vtd|, accessible through the mixing frequency (oscillation) of neutral B mesons, where mixing is the transition of a neutral meson into its anti-particle and vice versa. It is possible to calculate the CKM element |Vtd| and a related element |Vts| by measuring the mass differences Dmd (Dms ) between neutral Bd and bar{Bd} (Bs and bar{Bs}) meson mass eigenstates. This measurement is accomplished by tagging the initial and final state of decaying B mesons and determining their lifetime. Currently the Fermilab Tevatron Collider (providing pbar{p} collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV) is the only place, where Bs oscillations can be studied. The first selection of the "golden", fully hadronic decay mode Bs->Ds pi(phi pi)X at DØ is presented in this thesis. All data, taken between April 2002 and August 2007 with the DØ detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of int{L}dt=2.8/fb is used. The oscillation frequency Dms and the ratio |Vtd|/|Vts| are determined as Dms = (16.6 +0.5-0.4(stat) +0.4-0.3(sys)) 1/ps, |Vtd|/|Vts| = 0.213 +0.004-0.003(exp)pm 0.008(theor). These results are consistent with the standard model expectations and no evidence for new physics is observable.
The goal of this thesis was an experimental test of an effective theory of strong interactions at low energy, called Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). Weak decays of kaon mesons provide such a test. In particular, K± → π±γγ decays are interesting because there is no tree-level O(p2) contribution in ChPT, and the leading contributions start at O(p4). At this order, these decays include one undetermined coupling constant, ĉ. Both the branching ratio and the spectrum shape of K± → π±γγ decays are sensitive to this parameter. O(p6) contributions to K± → π±γγ ChPT predict a 30-40% increase in the branching ratio. From the measurement of the branching ratio and spectrum shape of K± → π±γγ decays, it is possible to determine a model dependent value of ĉ and also to examine whether the O(p6) corrections are necessary and enough to explain the rate.About 40% of the data collected in the year 2003 by the NA48/2 experiment have been analyzed and 908 K± → π±γγ candidates with about 8% background contamination have been selected in the region with z = mγγ2/mK2 ≥ 0.2. Using 5,750,121 selected K± → π±π0 decays as normalization channel, a model independent differential branching ratio of K± → π±γγ has been measured to be:BR(K± → π±γγ, z ≥ 0.2) = (1.018 ± 0.038stat ± 0.039syst ± 0.004ext) ∙10-6. From the fit to the O(p6) ChPT prediction of the measured branching ratio and the shape of the z-spectrum, a value of ĉ = 1.54 ± 0.15stat ± 0.18syst has been extracted. Using the measured ĉ value and the O(p6) ChPT prediction, the branching ratio for z =mγγ2/mK2 <0.2 was computed and added to the measured result. The value obtained for the total branching ratio is:BR(K± → π±γγ) = (1.055 ± 0.038stat ± 0.039syst ± 0.004ext + 0.003ĉ -0.002ĉ) ∙10-6, where the last error reflects the uncertainty on ĉ.The branching ratio result presented here agrees with previous experimental results, improving the precision of the measurement by at least a factor of five. The precision on the ĉ measurement has been improved by approximately a factor of three. A slight disagreement with the O(p6) ChPT branching ratio prediction as a function of ĉ has been observed. This mightrnbe due to the possible existence of non-negligible terms not yet included in the theory. Within the scope of this thesis, η-η' mixing effects in O(p4) ChPT have also been measured.
The systematic exploration of excited meson and baryon states was the central topic of the COMPASS physics program in the years 2008 and 2009 at the CERN facility. A hadron beam of 190 GeV/c particle momentum was impinging on a 40 cm long liquid hydrogen target to create excited states of beam particles by diffractive processes. The presented work is about the study of the process $K^- p rightarrow K^- pi^+ pi^- p_{recoil}$ where special emphasis is put on how kaons were distinguished from pions with the CEDAR detectors in the initial channel as well as with the RICH detector in the final states. At the end formed 270 000 events an invariant K pi pi mass distribution of overlapping resonances. In addition a detailed MC simulation study of 44 million decays in the range of 0.8 < m(K pi pi) [GeV/c^2] < 3.0 was performed and analysed for acceptance corrections.All information was combined into a mass independent partial wave analysis to observe resonances of individual particles. The main contribution was found in the JP = 0+, 1+, 2- and 2+ spin-parity states.
Among all possible realizations of quark and antiquark assembly, the nucleon (the proton and the neutron) is the most stable of all hadrons and consequently has been the subject of intensive studies. Mass, shape, radius and more complex representations of its internal structure are measured since several decades using different probes. The proton (spin 1/2) is described by the electric GE and magnetic GM form factors which characterise its internal structure. The simplest way to measure the proton form factors consists in measuring the angular distribution of the electron-proton elastic scattering accessing the so-called Space-Like region where q2 < 0. Using the crossed channel antiproton proton <--> e+e-, one accesses another kinematical region, the so-called Time-Like region where q2 > 0. However, due to the antiproton proton <--> e+e- threshold q2th, only the kinematical domain q2 > q2th > 0 is available. To access the unphysical region, one may use the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction where the pi0 takes away a part of the system energy allowing q2 to be varied between q2th and almost 0. This thesis aims to show the feasibility of such measurements with the PANDA detector which will be installed on the new high intensity antiproton ring at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt. To describe the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction, a Lagrangian based approach is developed. The 5-fold differential cross section is determined and related to linear combinations of hadronic tensors. Under the assumption of one nucleon exchange, the hadronic tensors are expressed in terms of the 2 complex proton electromagnetic form factors. An extraction method which provides an access to the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio R = |GE|/|GM| and for the first time in an unpolarized experiment to the cosine of the phase difference is developed. Such measurements have never been performed in the unphysical region up to now. Extended simulations were performed to show how the ratio R and the cosine can be extracted from the positron angular distribution. Furthermore, a model is developed for the antiproton proton --> pi0 pi+ pi- background reaction considered as the most dangerous one. The background to signal cross section ratio was estimated under different cut combinations of the particle identification information from the different detectors and of the kinematic fits. The background contribution can be reduced to the percent level or even less. The corresponding signal efficiency ranges from a few % to 30%. The precision on the determination of the ratio R and of the cosine is determined using the expected counting rates via Monte Carlo method. A part of this thesis is also dedicated to more technical work with the study of the prototype of the electromagnetic calorimeter and the determination of its resolution.
One of the most precisely measured quantities in particle physics is the magnetic moment of the muon, which describes its coupling to an external magnetic field. It is expressed in form of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu=(g_mu-2)/2 and has been determined experimentally with a precision of 0.5 parts per million. The current direct measurement and the theoretical prediction of the standard model differ by more than 3.5 standard deviations. Concerning theory, the contribution of the QED and weak interaction to a_mu can be calculated with very high precision in a perturbative approach.rnAt low energies, however, perturbation theory cannot be used to determine the hadronic contribution a^had_mu. On the other hand, a^had_mu may be derived via a dispersion relation from the sum of measured cross sections of exclusive hadronic reactions. Decreasing the experimental uncertainty on these hadronic cross sections is of utmost importance for an improved standard model prediction of a_mu.rnrnIn addition to traditional energy scan experiments, the method of Initial State Radiation (ISR) is used to measure hadronic cross sections. This approach allows experiments at colliders running at a fixed centre-of-mass energy to access smaller effective energies by studying events which contain a high-energetic photon emitted from the initial electron or positron. Using the technique of ISR, the energy range from threshold up to 4.5GeV can be accessed at Babar.rnrnThe cross section e+e- -> pi+pi- contributes with approximately 70% to the hadronic part of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu^had. This important channel has been measured with a precision of better than 1%. Therefore, the leading contribution to the uncertainty of a_mu^had at present stems from the invariant mass region between 1GeV and 2GeV. In this energy range, the channels e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- and e+e- -> pi+pi-pi0pi0 dominate the inclusive hadronic cross section. The measurement of the process e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- will be presented in this thesis. This channel has been previously measured by Babar based on 25% of the total dataset. The new analysis includes a more detailed study of the background contamination from other ISR and non-radiative background reactions. In addition, sophisticated studies of the track reconstruction as well as the photon efficiency difference between the data and the simulation of the Babar detector are performed. With these auxiliary studies, a reduction of the systematic uncertainty from 5.0% to 2.4% in the peak region was achieved.rnrnThe pi+pi-pi+pi- final state has a rich internal structure. Hints are seen for the intermediate states rho(770)^0 f_2(1270), rho(770)^0 f_0(980), as well as a_1(1260)pi. In addition, the branching ratios BR(jpsi -> pi+pi-pi+pi-) and BR(psitwos -> jpsi pi+pi-) are extracted.rn
The future goal of modern physics is the discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model. One of the most significant hints for New Physics can be seen in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon - one of the most precise measured variables in modern physics and the main motivation of this work. This variable is associated with the coupling of the muon, an elementary particle, to an external electromagnetic field and is defined as a = (g - 2)/2, whereas g is the gyromagnetic factor of the muon. The muon anomaly has been measured with a relative accuracy of 0.5·10-6. However, a difference between the direct measurement and the Standard Model prediction of 3.6 standard deviations can be observed. This could be a hint for the existence of New Physics. Unfortunately, it is, yet, not significant enough to claim an observation and, thus, more precise measurements and calculations have to be performed.rnThe muon anomaly has three contributions, whereas the ones from quantum electrodynamics and weak interaction can be determined from perturbative calculations. This cannot be done in case of the hadronic contributions at low energies. The leading order contribution - the hadronic vacuum polarization - can be computed via a dispersion integral, which needs as input hadronic cross section measurements from electron-positron annihilations. Hence, it is essential for a precise prediction of the muon anomaly to measure these hadronic cross sections, σ(e+e-→hadrons), with high accuracy. With a contribution of more than 70%, the final state containing two charged pions is the most important one in this context.rnIn this thesis, a new measurement of the σ(e+e-→π+π-) cross section and the pion form factor is performed with an accuracy of 0.9% in the dominant ρ(770) resonance region between 600 and rn900 MeV at the BESIII experiment. The two-pion contribution to the leading-order (LO) hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g - 2) from the BESIII result, obtained in this work, is computed to be a(ππ,LO,600-900 MeV) = (368.2±2.5stat±3.3sys)·10-10. With the result presented in this thesis, we make an important contribution on the way to solve the (g - 2) puzzle.