23 resultados para Chemical-structure
In the present study, the quaternary structures of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 and Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin, both proteins from the hemocyanin superfamily, were elucidated to a 10 Å resolution with the technique of cryo-EM 3D-reconstruction. Furthermore, molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting allowed a detailed insight into the cryo-EM structures at atomic level. The results are summarised as follows: Hexamerin 1. The cryo-EM structure of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 is the first quaternary structure of a protein from the group of the insect storage proteins. 2. The hexamerin LSP-2 is a hexamer of six bean-shaped subunits that occupy the corners of a trigonal antiprism, yielding a D3 (32) point-group symmetry. 3. Molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting of the hexamerin LSP-2 sequence showed a significant correlation between amino acid inserts in the primary structure and additional masses of the cryo-EM structure that are not present in the published quaternary structures of chelicerate and crustacean hemocyanins. 4. The cryo-EM structure of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 confirms that the arthropod hexameric structure is applicable to insect storage proteins. Hemocyanin 1. The cryo-EM structure of the 8×6mer Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin is the highest resolved quaternary structure of an oligo-hexameric arthropod hemocyanin so far. 2. The hemocyanin is build of 48 bean-shaped subunits which are arranged in eight hexamers, yielding an 8×6mer with a D2 (222) point-group symmetry. The 'basic building blocks' are four 2×6mers that form two 4×6mers in an anti-parallel manner, latter aggregate 'face-to-face' to the 8×6mer. 3. The morphology of the 8×6mer was gauged and described very precisely on the basis of the cryo-EM structure. 4. Based on earlier topology studies of the eight different subunit types of Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin, eleven types of interhexamer interfaces have been identified that in the native 8×6mer sum up to 46 inter-hexamer bridges - 24 within the four 2×6mers, 10 to establish the two 4×6mers, and 12 to assemble the two 4×6mers into an 8×6mer. 5. Molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting of Limulus polyphemus and orthologous Erypelma californicum sequences allowed to assign very few amino acids to each of these interfaces. These amino acids now serve as candidates for the chemical bonds between the eight hexamers. 6. Most of the inter-hexamer contacts are conspicuously histidine-rich and evince constellations of amino acids that could constitute the basis for the allosteric interactions between the hexamers. 7. The cryo-EM structure of Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin opens the door to a fundamental understanding of the function of this highly cooperative protein.
In dieser Arbeit werden die mikroskopischen, chemischen und spektroskopischen Charakteristika von 260 natürlichen Smaragden und 66 synthetischen „Smaragden“ untersucht. Die Konzentrationen der chemischen Elemente von Smaragden wurden mit Hilfe der LA-ICP-MS und EMS bestimmt. Ergänzende Raman- und IR spektroskopische Methoden ermöglichen es, die Herkunft der verschiedenen Smaragde und ihrer synthetischen Analoga zu bestimmen. Auf Grund der verschiedenen Gehalte von Si, Al und Be können synthetische „Smaragde“ von natürlichen getrennt werden. Die Smaragde von Malipo, Chivor und auch synthetische „Smaragde“ können von allen anderen natürlichen Smaragden wegen der unterschiedlichen Cr-, V-, und Fe-Gehalte von einander getrennt werden. Wegen der unterschiedlichen Mg-, Na-, K-Gehalte lassen sich eher „schiefer-gebundene“ Smaragde identifizieren. Dabei wird festgestellt, dass die Unterscheidung in „schiefer-„ und „nichtschiefer-gebundene“ Smaragd-Vorkommen im Wesentlichen nur die Endglieder einer offensichtlich kristallchemisch sehr variablen Mineralchemie der Berylle, bzw. Smaragde beschreibt, dass damit aber keinesfalls eine petrologisch vertretbare Trennung belegbar ist, sondern dass Smaragde nur das jeweils regierende chemische Regime unter geeigneten Druck-Temperatur-Bedingungen widerspiegeln. Einschlussmerkmale spielen eine große Rolle bei der Unterscheidung verschiedener Lagerstätten und Herstellungsmethoden. Zum Beispiel können die Smaragde der drei Lagerstätten Santa Terezinha, Chivor, und Kafubu mit Hilfe ihrer charakteristischen Pyriteinschlüsse identifiziert werden. Die Band-Positionen und FWHM -Werte der Raman-Bande bei 1068 cm-1 und der IR-Bande bei 1200 cm-1 ermöglichen eine Differenzierung zwischen synthetischen und natürlichen Smaragden, und können darüber hinaus auch Auskunft geben über die Lagerstätte. Zusammen mit chemischen Messwerten kann bewiesen werden, dass diese Banden von Si-O Schwingungen verursacht werden. Die Raman- und IR-Banden im Bereich der Wasserschwingungen und insbesondere das IR-Band um 1140 cm-1 führen zur Trennung von Flux-Synthesen, Hydrothermal-Synthesen und natürlichen Smaragden.
In this thesis, the self-assembled functional structure of a broad range of amphiphilic molecular transporters is studied. By employing paramagnetic probe molecules and ions, continuous-wave and pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy reveal information about the local structure of these materials from the perspective of incorporated guest molecules. First, the transport function of human serum albumin for fatty acids is in the focus. As suggested by the crystal structure, the anchor points for the fatty acids are distributed asymmetrically in the protein. In contrast to the crystallographic findings, a remarkably symmetric entry point distribution of the fatty acid binding channels is found, which may facilitate the uptake and release of the guest molecules. Further, the metal binding of 1,2,3-triazole modified star-shaped cholic acid oligomers is studied. These biomimetic molecules are able to include and transport molecules in solvents of different polarity. A pre-arrangement of the triazole groups induces a strong chelate-like binding and close contact between guest molecule and metal ion. In absence of a preordering, each triazole moiety acts as a single entity and the binding affinity for metal ions is strongly decreased. Hydrogels based on N-isopropylacrylamide phase separate from water above a certain temperature. The macroscopic thermal collapse of these hydrogels is utilized as a tool for dynamic nuclear polarization. It is shown that a radical-free hyperpolarized solution can be achieved with a spin-labeled gel as separable matrix. On the nanoscale, these hydrogels form static heterogeneities in both structure and function. Collapsed regions protect the spin probes from a chemical decay while open, water-swollen regions act as catalytic centers. Similarly, thermoresponsive dendronized polymers form structural heterogeneities, which are, however, highly dynamic. At the critical temperature, they trigger the aggregation of the polymer into mesoglobules. The dehydration of these aggregates is a molecularly controlled non-equilibrium process that is facilitated by a hydrophobic dendritic core. Further, a slow heating rate results in a kinetically entrapped non-equilibrium state due to the formation of an impermeable dense polymeric layer at the periphery of the mesoglobule.
A thorough investigation was made of the structure-property relation of well-defined statistical, gradient and block copolymers of various compositions. Among the copolymers studied were those which were synthesized using isobornyl acrylate (IBA) and n-butyl acrylate (nBA) monomer units. The copolymers exhibited several unique properties that make them suitable materials for a range of applications. The thermomechanical properties of these new materials were compared to acrylate homopolymers. By the proper choice of the IBA/nBA monomer ratio, it was possible to tune the glass transition temperature of the statistical P(IBA-co-nBA) copolymers. The measured Tg’s of the copolymers with different IBA/nBA monomer ratios followed a trend that fitted well with the Fox equation prediction. While statistical copolymers showed a single glass transition (Tg between -50 and 90 ºC depending on composition), DSC block copolymers showed two Tg’s and the gradient copolymer showed a single, but very broad, glass transition. PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers of different composition ratios were also studied and revealed a microphase separated morphology of mostly cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies confirmed the phase separated morphology of the copolymers. Tensile studies showed the linear PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers having a relatively low elongation at break that was increased by replacing the PMBL hard blocks with the less brittle random PMBL-r-PMMA blocks. The 10- and 20-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers which were studied revealed even more unique properties. SAXS results showed a mixture of cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix, as well as lamellar. Despite PMBL’s brittleness, the triblock and multi-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers could become suitable materials for high temperature applications due to PMBL’s high glass transition temperature and high thermal stability. The structure-property relation of multi-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers was also investigated. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed a phase separated morphology of cylindrical PMMA domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies found that these materials possess typical elastomeric behavior in a broad range of service temperatures up to at least 250°C. The ultimate tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the 10- and 20-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers are significantly higher than those of their 3-arm or linear ABA type counterparts with similar composition, indicating a strong effect of the number of arms on the tensile properties. Siloxane-based copolymers were also studied and one of the main objectives here was to examine the possibility to synthesize trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers of gradient distribution of trifluoropropyl groups along the chain. DMA results of the PDMS-PMTFPS siloxane copolymers synthesized via simultaneous copolymerization showed that due to the large difference in reactivity rates of 2,4,6-tris(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (F) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), a copolymer of almost block structure containing only a narrow intermediate fragment with gradient distribution of the component units was obtained. A more dispersed distribution of the trifluoropropyl groups was obtained by the semi-batch copolymerization process, as the DMA results revealed more ‘‘pure gradient type’’ features for the siloxane copolymers which were synthesized by adding F at a controlled rate to the polymerization of the less reactive D. As with trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, vinyl-containing polysiloxanes may be converted to a variety of useful polysiloxane materials by chemical modification. But much like the trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, as a result of so much difference in the reactivities between the component units 2,4,6-trivinyl-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (V) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), thermal and mechanical properties of the PDMS-PMVS copolymers obtained by simultaneous copolymerization was similar to those of block copolymers. Only the copolymers obtained by semi-batch method showed properties typical for gradient copolymers.
Heusler Materialien wurden bisher vor allem in Volumen- und Dünnfilmproben aufgrund ihrer technischen Bedeutung untersucht. In dieser Arbeit berichtet über die experimentellen Untersuchungen der chemischen Synthese, Struktur, und der magnetischen Eigenschaften von ternären Heusler-Nanopartikeln. Die grundlegenden Aspekte der Physik, Chemie und Materialwissenschaft bezüglich der Heusler Nanopartiikel wurden untersucht. Außerdem wurde eine silicatgestützte Herstellungsmethode für Karbon-ummantelte, ternäre intermetallische Co2FeGa Nanopartikel entwickelt. Die Bildung der L21 Co2FeGa Phase wurde mit Röntgenbeugung (XRD), Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spektroskopie (EXAFS), und 57Fe Mössbauer Spektroskopie bestätigt. Die Abhängigkeit der Phase und der der Größe der Co2FeGa Nanopartikel vom der Zusammensetzung der Precursor und des Silicats wurden untersucht. Durch das Koppeln der aus Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskopie (TEM) gewonnen Teilchengröße und der Mössbauerspektroskopie konnte die kritische Größe für den Übergang von superparamgnetischem zu ferromagnetischem Verhalten von Co2FeGa Nanopartikel ermittelt werden. Die silicatgestützte chemische Synthese von Co2FeGa Nanopartikeln besitzt großes Potential für eine generelle Herstellungsmethode für Co-basierte Heuser Nanopartikel. Des weiteren wurde auch eine chemische Herstellungsmethode von metallischen Nanopartikeln mit Synchrotronstrahlung untersucht, die so gewonnen Nanopartikel sind vielversprechende Materialien für die Nanobiotechnologie und die Nanomedizin.
This thesis focuses on synthesis as well as investigations of the electronic structure and properties of Heusler compounds for spintronic and thermoelectric applications.rnThe first part reports on the electronic and crystal structure as well as the mechanical, magnetic, and transport properties of the polycrystalline Heusler compound Co2MnGe. The crystalline structure was examined in detail by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and anomalous X-ray diffraction. The low-temperature magnetic moment agrees well with the Slater-Pauling rule and indicates a half-metallic ferromagnetic state of the compound, as is predicted by ab-initio calculations. Transport measurements and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) were performed to explain the electronic structure of the compound.rnA major part of the thesis deals with a systematical investigation of Heusler compounds for thermoelectric applications. Few studies have been reported on thermoelectric properties of p-type Heusler compounds. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the search for new p-type Heusler compounds with high thermoelectric efficiency. The substitutional series NiTi1−xMxSn and CoTi1−xMxSb (where M = Sc, V and 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) were synthesized and investigated theoretically and experimentally with respect to electronic structure and transport properties. The results show the possibility to create n-type and p-type thermoelectrics within one Heusler compound. The pure compounds showed n-type behavior, while under Sc substitution the system switched to p-type behavior. A maximum Seebeck coefficient of +230 μV/K (at 350 K) was obtained for NiTi0.26Sc0.04Zr0.35Hf0.35Sn, which is one of the highest values for p-type thermoelectric compounds based on Heusler alloys up to now. HAXPES valence band measurement show massive in gap states for the parent compounds NiTiSn, CoTiSb and NiTi0.3Zr0.35Hf0.35Sn. This proves that the electronic states close to the Fermi energy play a key role for the behavior of the transport properties. Furthermore, the electronic structure of the gapless Heusler compounds PtYSb, PtLaBi and PtLuSb were investigated by bulk sensitive HAXPES. The linear behavior of the spectra close to εF proves the bulk origin of Dirac-cone type density of states. Furthermore, a systematic study on the optical and transport properties of PtYSb is presented. The compound exhibits promising thermoelectric properties with a high figure of merit (ZT = 0.2) and a Hall mobility μh of 300 cm2/Vs at 350 K.rnThe last part of this thesis describes the linear dichroism in angular-resolved photoemission from the valence band of NiTi0.9Sc0.1Sn and NiMnSb. High resolution photoelectron spectroscopy was performed with an excitation energy of hν = 7.938 keV. The linear polarization of the photons was changed using an in-vacuum diamond phase retarder. Noticeable linear dichroism is found in the valence bands and this allows for a symmetry analysis of the contributing states. The differences in the spectra are found to be caused by symmetry dependent angular asymmetry parameters, and these occur even in polycrystalline samples without preferential crystallographic orientation.rnIn summary, Heusler compounds with 1:1:1 and 2:1:1 stoichiometry were synthesized and examined by chemical and physical methods. Overall, this thesis shows that the combination of first-principle calculations, transport measurements and high resolution high energy photoelectron spectroscopy analysis is a very powerful tool for the design and development of new materials for a wide range of applications from spintronic applications to thermoelectric applications.rn
Diese Arbeit beschreibt zum ersten Mal die kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche, motiviert im Hinblick auf die Nutzung der Synthesemethode für die molekulare Elektronik und verwandte Anwendungen. Durch die Verwendung der Nichtkontakt-Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Kelvinprobe-Mikroskopie bei Raumtemperatur wurden grundlegende molekulare Prozesse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Molekülen und der Calcit(10.4) Oberfläche sowie die chemische Reaktivität der Moleküle auf der Oberfläche analysiert. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen intermolekularen und Molekül-Oberfläche Wechselwirkungen zeigt sich für Biphenyl-4,4'-dicarbonsäure (BPDCA) durch die Koexistenz zweier unterschiedlicher molekularer Strukturen, die einen Einblick in die treibenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstorganisation bieten. Die sehr ausgeprägte Reihenstruktur basiert auf der optimalen geometrischen Struktur der BPDCA Moleküle zu den Abmessungen des Substrats, während die zweite Struktur durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Molekülen gekennzeichnet ist. Der Deprotonierungsvorgang von 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure (DHBA)-Molekülen auf Calcit wird bei Zimmertemperatur gezeigt. Zwei Phasen werden beobachtet, die nach Aufbringen der Moleküle koexistieren. Mit der Zeit geht eine bulk-ähnliche Phase in eine stabile, dicht gepackte Phase über. Der Übergang wird durch Betrachtung des Protonierungszustands der Moleküle erklärt. Die bulk-ähnliche Phase benötigt Wasserstoffbrückbindungen zur Strukturbildung. Werden die Moleküle deprotoniert, so wird die resultierende dicht gepackte Phase durch die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung der deprotonierten Carboxylatgruppen mit den Oberflächen-Calciumkationen stabilisiert. 4-Iodbenzoesäure (IBA)-Moleküle bilden auf Calcit nur Inseln an Stufenkanten, was auf die schwache Molekül-Oberflächen-Wechselwirkung zurückzuführen ist. Für einen stärkeren Einfluss des Substrats durchlaufen die Moleküle einen kontrollierten Übergangsschritt vom protonierten zum deprotonierten Zustand. Im deprotonierten Zustand nehmen die Moleküle eine wohldefinierte Adsorptionsposition auf dem Substrat ein. Die deprotonierte Säuregruppe wird ausgenutzt, um die Desorption der halogensubstituierten Benzoesäure-Moleküle bei der thermischer Aktivierung für die Vernetzungsreaktion zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wird die Carboxylatgruppe als starker Elektronendonor verwendet um die Phenyl-Halogen-Bindung zu schwächen und somit die homolytische Spaltung dieser Bindung auch bei moderaten Temperaturen zu ermöglichen. Diesem Konzept folgend ist die erste erfolgreiche kovalente Verknüpfung von 2,5-Diiod-benzoesäure, 2,5-Dichlorbenzoesäure, 3,5-Diiod Salicylsäure und 4-Iod-benzoesäure zu durchkonjugierten molekularen Drähten, Zick-Zack-Strukturen sowie Dimere gezeigt durch Ausnutzen von unterschiedlichen Substitutionsposition sowie Ändern der Anzahl der substituierten Halogenatome. Aufbauend auf diesem Erfolg, wird eine zweistufige Vernetzungsreaktion vorgestellt. Zum Induzieren der ortsspezifischen und sequentiellen kovalenten Verknüpfung wird ein Ausgangsmolekül gewählt, das sowohl eine Bromphenyl als auch eine Chlorphenyl Gruppe mit unterschiedlichen Dissoziationsenergien für die homolytische Spaltung besitzt. Die Reaktionsstellen und sequentielle Reihenfolge für die Reaktion sind somit in der molekularen Struktur einkodiert und bisher unerreichte Reaktionspfade können mithilfe der kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche beschritten werden.
Volatile amines are prominent indicators of food freshness, as they are produced during many microbiological food degradation processes. Monitoring and indicating the volatile amine concentration within the food package by intelligent packaging solutions might therefore be a simple yet powerful way to control food safety throughout the distribution chain.rnrnIn this context, this work aims to the formation of colourimetric amine sensing surfaces on different substrates, especially transparent PET packaging foil. The colour change of the deposited layers should ideally be discernible by the human eye to facilitate the determination by the end-user. rnrnDifferent tailored zinc(II) and chromium(III) metalloporphyrins have been used as chromophores for the colourimetric detection of volatile amines. A new concept to increase the porphyrins absorbance change upon exposure to amines is introduced. Moreover, the novel porphyrins’ processability during the deposition process is increased by their enhanced solubility in non-polar solvents.rnrnThe porphyrin chromophores have successfully been incorporated into polysiloxane matrices on different substrates via a dielectric barrier discharge enhanced chemical vapour deposition. This process allows the use of nitrogen as a cheap and abundant plasma gas, produces minor amounts of waste and by-products and can be easily introduced into (existing) roll-to-roll production lines. The formed hybrid sensing layers tightly incorporate the porphyrins and moreover form a porous structure to facilitate the amines diffusion to and interaction with the chromophores.rnrnThe work is completed with the thorough analysis of the porphyrins’ amine sensing performance in solution as well as in the hybrid coatings . To reveal the underlying interaction mechanisms, the experimental results are supported by DFT calculations. The deposited layers could be used for the detection of NEt3 concentrations below 10 ppm in the gas phase. Moreover, the coated foils have been tested in preliminary food storage experiments. rnrnThe mechanistic investigations on the interaction of amines with chromium(III) porphyrins revealed a novel pathway to the formation of chromium(IV) oxido porphyrins. This has been used for electrochemical epoxidation reactions with dioxygen as the formal terminal oxidant.rn