22 resultados para The standard model
The beta-decay of free neutrons is a strongly over-determined process in the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics and is described by a multitude of observables. Some of those observables are sensitive to physics beyond the SM. For example, the correlation coefficients of the involved particles belong to them. The spectrometer aSPECT was designed to measure precisely the shape of the proton energy spectrum and to extract from it the electron anti-neutrino angular correlation coefficient "a". A first test period (2005/ 2006) showed the “proof-of-principles”. The limiting influence of uncontrollable background conditions in the spectrometer made it impossible to extract a reliable value for the coefficient "a" (publication: Baessler et al., 2008, Europhys. Journ. A, 38, p.17-26). A second measurement cycle (2007/ 2008) aimed to under-run the relative accuracy of previous experiments (Stratowa et al. (1978), Byrne et al. (2002)) da/a =5%. I performed the analysis of the data taken there which is the emphasis of this doctoral thesis. A central point are background studies. The systematic impact of background on a was reduced to da/a(syst.)=0.61 %. The statistical accuracy of the analyzed measurements is da/a(stat.)=1.4 %. Besides, saturation effects of the detector electronics were investigated which were initially observed. These turned out not to be correctable on a sufficient level. An applicable idea how to avoid the saturation effects will be discussed in the last chapter.
The subject of the presented thesis is the accurate measurement of time dilation, aiming at a quantitative test of special relativity. By means of laser spectroscopy, the relativistic Doppler shifts of a clock transition in the metastable triplet spectrum of ^7Li^+ are simultaneously measured with and against the direction of motion of the ions. By employing saturation or optical double resonance spectroscopy, the Doppler broadening as caused by the ions' velocity distribution is eliminated. From these shifts both time dilation as well as the ion velocity can be extracted with high accuracy allowing for a test of the predictions of special relativity. A diode laser and a frequency-doubled titanium sapphire laser were set up for antiparallel and parallel excitation of the ions, respectively. To achieve a robust control of the laser frequencies required for the beam times, a redundant system of frequency standards consisting of a rubidium spectrometer, an iodine spectrometer, and a frequency comb was developed. At the experimental section of the ESR, an automated laser beam guiding system for exact control of polarisation, beam profile, and overlap with the ion beam, as well as a fluorescence detection system were built up. During the first experiments, the production, acceleration and lifetime of the metastable ions at the GSI heavy ion facility were investigated for the first time. The characterisation of the ion beam allowed for the first time to measure its velocity directly via the Doppler effect, which resulted in a new improved calibration of the electron cooler. In the following step the first sub-Doppler spectroscopy signals from an ion beam at 33.8 %c could be recorded. The unprecedented accuracy in such experiments allowed to derive a new upper bound for possible higher-order deviations from special relativity. Moreover future measurements with the experimental setup developed in this thesis have the potential to improve the sensitivity to low-order deviations by at least one order of magnitude compared to previous experiments; and will thus lead to a further contribution to the test of the standard model.
Der Einsatz von Penningfallen in der Massenspektrometrie hat zu einem einmaligen Genauigkeitssprung geführt. Dadurch wurden Massenwerte verschiedenster Atome zu wichtigen Eingangsparametern bei immer mehr physikalischen Fragestellungen. Die Massenspektrometrie mit Hilfe von Penningfallen basiert auf der Bestimmung der freien Zyklotronfrequenz eines Ions in einem homogenen Magnetfeld νc=qB/(2πm). Sie wird mit Flugzeitmethode (TOF-ICR) bestimmt, wobei eine relative Massenungenauigkeit δm/m von wenigen 10^-9 bei Nukliden mit Lebensdauern von <500 ms erreicht wird. Dies wurde durch die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals in der Penningfallen-Massenspektrometrie eingesetzten Ramsey-Methode möglich. Dabei werden zeitlich separierte, oszillierenden Feldern zur resonanten Ionenanregung genutzt, um die Frequenzmessung durch die Flugzeitmethode zu verbessern. Damit wurden am Penningfallenmassenspektrometer ISOLTRAP an ISOLDE/CERN die Massen der Nuklide 26,27Al und 38,39Ca bestimmt. Alle Massen wurden in die „Atomic Mass Evaluation“ eingebettet. Die Massenwerte von 26Al und 38Ca dienten insbesondere zu Tests des Standardmodells. Um mit Massenwerten fundamentale Symmetrien oder die Quantenelektrodynamik (QED) in extremen Feldern zu testen wurde ein neues Penningfallenprojekt (PENTATRAP) für hochpräzise Massenmessungen an hochgeladenen Ionen konzipiert. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde vornehmlich die Entwicklung der Penningfallen betrieben. Eine Neuerung bei Penningfallenexperimenten ist dabei die permanente Beobachtung des Magnetfeldes B und seiner zeitlichen Fluktuationen durch so genannte „Monitorfallen“.
The standard model (SM) of particle physics is a theory, describing three out of four fundamental forces. In this model the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix describes the transformation between the mass and weak eigenstates of quarks. The matrix properties can be visualized as triangles in the complex plane. A precise measurement of all triangle parameters can be used to verify the validity of the SM. The least precisely measured parameter of the triangle is related to the CKM element |Vtd|, accessible through the mixing frequency (oscillation) of neutral B mesons, where mixing is the transition of a neutral meson into its anti-particle and vice versa. It is possible to calculate the CKM element |Vtd| and a related element |Vts| by measuring the mass differences Dmd (Dms ) between neutral Bd and bar{Bd} (Bs and bar{Bs}) meson mass eigenstates. This measurement is accomplished by tagging the initial and final state of decaying B mesons and determining their lifetime. Currently the Fermilab Tevatron Collider (providing pbar{p} collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV) is the only place, where Bs oscillations can be studied. The first selection of the "golden", fully hadronic decay mode Bs->Ds pi(phi pi)X at DØ is presented in this thesis. All data, taken between April 2002 and August 2007 with the DØ detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of int{L}dt=2.8/fb is used. The oscillation frequency Dms and the ratio |Vtd|/|Vts| are determined as Dms = (16.6 +0.5-0.4(stat) +0.4-0.3(sys)) 1/ps, |Vtd|/|Vts| = 0.213 +0.004-0.003(exp)pm 0.008(theor). These results are consistent with the standard model expectations and no evidence for new physics is observable.
Research in fundamental physics with the free neutron is one of the key tools for testing the Standard Model at low energies. Most prominent goals in this field are the search for a neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) and the measurement of the neutron lifetime. Significant improvements of the experimental performance using ultracold neutrons (UCN) require reduction of both systematic and statistical errors.rnThe development and construction of new UCN sources based on the superthermal concept is therefore an important step for the success of future fundamental physics with ultracold neutrons. rnSignificant enhancement of today available UCN densities strongly correlates with an efficient use of an UCN converter material. The UCN converter here is to be understood as a medium which reduces the velocity of cold neutrons (CN, velocity of about 600 m/s) to the velocity of UCN (velocity of about 6 m/s).rnSeveral big research centers around the world are presently planning or constructing new superthermal UCN sources, which are mainly based on the use of either solid deuterium or superfluid helium as UCN converter.rnThanks to the idea of Yu.Pokotilovsky, there exists the opportunity to build competitive UCN sources also at small research reactors of the TRIGA type. Of course these smaller facilities don't promise high UCN densities of several 1000 UCN/cm³, but they are able to provide densities around 100 UCN/cm³ for experiments.rnIn the context of this thesis, it was possible to demonstrate succesfully the feasibility of a superthermal UCN source at the tangential beamport C of the research reactor TRIGA Mainz. Based on a prototype for the future UCN source at the Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRMII) in munich, which was planned and built in collaboration with the Technical University of Munich, further investigations and improvements were done and are presented in this thesis. rnIn parallel, a second UCN source for the radial beamport D was designed and built. The comissioning of this new source is foreseen in spring 2010.rnAt beamport D with its higher thermal neutron flux, it should be possible to increase the available UCN densities of 4 UCN/cm³ by minimum one order of magnitude.
In this thesis, a systematic analysis of the bar B to X_sgamma photon spectrum in the endpoint region is presented. The endpoint region refers to a kinematic configuration of the final state, in which the photon has a large energy m_b-2E_gamma = O(Lambda_QCD), while the jet has a large energy but small invariant mass. Using methods of soft-collinear effective theory and heavy-quark effective theory, it is shown that the spectrum can be factorized into hard, jet, and soft functions, each encoding the dynamics at a certain scale. The relevant scales in the endpoint region are the heavy-quark mass m_b, the hadronic energy scale Lambda_QCD and an intermediate scale sqrt{Lambda_QCD m_b} associated with the invariant mass of the jet. It is found that the factorization formula contains two different types of contributions, distinguishable by the space-time structure of the underlying diagrams. On the one hand, there are the direct photon contributions which correspond to diagrams with the photon emitted directly from the weak vertex. The resolved photon contributions on the other hand arise at O(1/m_b) whenever the photon couples to light partons. In this work, these contributions will be explicitly defined in terms of convolutions of jet functions with subleading shape functions. While the direct photon contributions can be expressed in terms of a local operator product expansion, when the photon spectrum is integrated over a range larger than the endpoint region, the resolved photon contributions always remain non-local. Thus, they are responsible for a non-perturbative uncertainty on the partonic predictions. In this thesis, the effect of these uncertainties is estimated in two different phenomenological contexts. First, the hadronic uncertainties in the bar B to X_sgamma branching fraction, defined with a cut E_gamma > 1.6 GeV are discussed. It is found, that the resolved photon contributions give rise to an irreducible theory uncertainty of approximately 5 %. As a second application of the formalism, the influence of the long-distance effects on the direct CP asymmetry will be considered. It will be shown that these effects are dominant in the Standard Model and that a range of -0.6 < A_CP^SM < 2.8 % is possible for the asymmetry, if resolved photon contributions are taken into account.
The Standard Model of elementary particle physics was developed to describe the fundamental particles which constitute matter and the interactions between them. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva was built to solve some of the remaining open questions in the Standard Model and to explore physics beyond it, by colliding two proton beams at world-record centre-of-mass energies. The ATLAS experiment is designed to reconstruct particles and their decay products originating from these collisions. The precise reconstruction of particle trajectories plays an important role in the identification of particle jets which originate from bottom quarks (b-tagging). This thesis describes the step-wise commissioning of the ATLAS track reconstruction and b-tagging software and one of the first measurements of the b-jet production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The performance of the track reconstruction software was studied in great detail, first using data from cosmic ray showers and then collisions at sqrt(s)=900 GeV and 7 TeV. The good understanding of the track reconstruction software allowed a very early deployment of the b-tagging algorithms. First studies of these algorithms and the measurement of the b-tagging efficiency in the data are presented. They agree well with predictions from Monte Carlo simulations. The b-jet production cross section was measured with the 2010 dataset recorded by the ATLAS detector, employing muons in jets to estimate the fraction of b-jets. The measurement is in good agreement with the Standard Model predictions.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen des konjugierten Modell-Polymers MEH-PPV untersucht. Dazu wurde Fällungs-fraktionierung eingesetzt, um MEH-PPV mit unterschiedlichem Molekulargewicht (Mw) zu erhalten, insbesondere MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw, da dieses für optische Wellenleiterbauelemente optimal geeignet ist Wir konnten feststellen, dass die Präparation einer ausreichenden Menge von MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw und geringer Mw-Verteilung wesentlich von der geeigneten Wahl des Lösungsmittels und der Temperatur während der Zugabe des Fällungsmittels abhängt. Alternativ dazu wurden UV-induzierte Kettenspaltungseffekte untersucht. Wir folgern aus dem Vergleich beider Vorgehensweisen, dass die Fällungsfraktionierung verglichen mit der UV-Behandlung besser geeignet ist zur Herstellung von MEH-PPV mit spezifischem Mw, da das UV-Licht Kettendefekte längs des Polymerrückgrats erzeugt. 1H NMR and FTIR Spektroskopie wurden zur Untersuchung dieser Kettendefekte herangezogen. Wir konnten außerdem beobachten, dass die Wellenlängen der Absorptionsmaxima der MEH-PPV Fraktionen mit der Kettenlänge zunehmen bis die Zahl der Wiederholeinheiten n 110 erreicht ist. Dieser Wert ist signifikant größer als früher berichtet. rnOptische Eigenschaften von MEH-PPV Wellenleitern wurden untersucht und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die optischen Konstanten ausgezeichnet reproduzieren lassen. Wir haben die Einflüsse der Lösungsmittel und Temperatur beim Spincoaten auf Schichtdicke, Oberflächenrauigkeit, Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung und Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverlust untersucht. Wir fanden, dass mit der Erhöhung der Siedetemperatur der Lösungsmittel die Schichtdicke und die Rauigkeit kleiner werden, während Brechungsindex, Doppelbrechung sowie Wellenleiter-Dämpfungsverluste zunahmen. Wir schließen daraus, dass hohe Siedetemperaturen der Lösungsmittel niedrige Verdampfungsraten erzeugen, was die Aggregatbildung während des Spincoatings begünstigt. Hingegen bewirkt eine erhöhte Temperatur während der Schichtpräparation eine Erhöhung von Schichtdicke und Rauhigkeit. Jedoch nehmen Brechungsindex und der Doppelbrechung dabei ab.rn Für die Schichtpräparation auf Glassubstraten und Quarzglas-Fasern kam das Dip-Coating Verfahren zum Einsatz. Die Schichtdicke der Filme hängt ab von Konzentration der Lösung, Transfergeschwindigkeit und Immersionszeit. Mit Tauchbeschichtung haben wir Schichten von MEH-PPV auf Flaschen-Mikroresonatoren aufgebracht zur Untersuchung von rein-optischen Schaltprozessen. Dieses Verfahren erweist sich insbesondere für MEH-PPV mit niedrigem Mw als vielversprechend für die rein-optische Signalverarbeitung mit großer Bandbreite.rn Zusätzlich wurde auch die Morphologie dünner Schichten aus anderen PPV-Derivaten mit Hilfe von FTIR Spektroskopie untersucht. Wir konnten herausfinden, dass der Alkyl-Substitutionsgrad einen starken Einfluss auf die mittlere Orientierung der Polymerrückgrate in dünnen Filmen hat.rn
This thesis presents an analysis for the search of Supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The final state with one lepton, several coloured particles and large missing transverse energy was chosen. Particular emphasis was placed on the optimization of the requirements for lepton identification. This optimization showed to be particularly useful when combining with multi-lepton selections. The systematic error associated with the higher order QCD diagrams in Monte Carlo production is given particular focus. Methods to verify and correct the energy measurement of hadronic showers are developed. Methods for the identification and removal of mismeasurements caused by the detector are found in the single muon and four jet environment are applied. A new detector simulation system is shown to provide good prospects for future fast Monte Carlo production. The analysis was performed for $35pb^{-1}$ and no significant deviation from the Standard Model is seen. Exclusion limits subchannel for minimal Supergravity. Previous limits set by Tevatron and LEP are extended.
One of the most precisely measured quantities in particle physics is the magnetic moment of the muon, which describes its coupling to an external magnetic field. It is expressed in form of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu=(g_mu-2)/2 and has been determined experimentally with a precision of 0.5 parts per million. The current direct measurement and the theoretical prediction of the standard model differ by more than 3.5 standard deviations. Concerning theory, the contribution of the QED and weak interaction to a_mu can be calculated with very high precision in a perturbative approach.rnAt low energies, however, perturbation theory cannot be used to determine the hadronic contribution a^had_mu. On the other hand, a^had_mu may be derived via a dispersion relation from the sum of measured cross sections of exclusive hadronic reactions. Decreasing the experimental uncertainty on these hadronic cross sections is of utmost importance for an improved standard model prediction of a_mu.rnrnIn addition to traditional energy scan experiments, the method of Initial State Radiation (ISR) is used to measure hadronic cross sections. This approach allows experiments at colliders running at a fixed centre-of-mass energy to access smaller effective energies by studying events which contain a high-energetic photon emitted from the initial electron or positron. Using the technique of ISR, the energy range from threshold up to 4.5GeV can be accessed at Babar.rnrnThe cross section e+e- -> pi+pi- contributes with approximately 70% to the hadronic part of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu^had. This important channel has been measured with a precision of better than 1%. Therefore, the leading contribution to the uncertainty of a_mu^had at present stems from the invariant mass region between 1GeV and 2GeV. In this energy range, the channels e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- and e+e- -> pi+pi-pi0pi0 dominate the inclusive hadronic cross section. The measurement of the process e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- will be presented in this thesis. This channel has been previously measured by Babar based on 25% of the total dataset. The new analysis includes a more detailed study of the background contamination from other ISR and non-radiative background reactions. In addition, sophisticated studies of the track reconstruction as well as the photon efficiency difference between the data and the simulation of the Babar detector are performed. With these auxiliary studies, a reduction of the systematic uncertainty from 5.0% to 2.4% in the peak region was achieved.rnrnThe pi+pi-pi+pi- final state has a rich internal structure. Hints are seen for the intermediate states rho(770)^0 f_2(1270), rho(770)^0 f_0(980), as well as a_1(1260)pi. In addition, the branching ratios BR(jpsi -> pi+pi-pi+pi-) and BR(psitwos -> jpsi pi+pi-) are extracted.rn
In hadronischen Kollisionen entstehen bei einem Großteil der Ereignisse mit einem hohen Impulsübertrag Paare aus hochenergetischen Jets. Deren Produktion und Eigenschaften können mit hoher Genauigkeit durch die Störungstheorie in der Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) vorhergesagt werden. Die Produktion von \textit{bottom}-Quarks in solchen Kollisionen kann als Maßstab genutzt werden, um die Vorhersagen der QCD zu testen, da diese Quarks die Dynamik des Produktionsprozesses bei Skalen wieder spiegelt, in der eine Störungsrechnung ohne Einschränkungen möglich ist. Auf Grund der hohen Masse von Teilchen, die ein \textit{bottom}-Quark enthalten, erhält der gemessene, hadronische Zustand den größten Teil der Information von dem Produktionsprozess der Quarks. Weil sie eine große Produktionsrate besitzen, spielen sie und ihre Zerfallsprodukte eine wichtige Rolle als Untergrund in vielen Analysen, insbesondere in Suchen nach neuer Physik. In ihrer herausragenden Stellung in der dritten Quark-Generation könnten sich vermehrt Zeichen im Vergleich zu den leichteren Quarks für neue Phänomene zeigen. Daher ist die Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen der Produktion von Jets, die solche \textit{bottom}-Quarks enthalten, auch bekannt als $b$-Jets, und aller nachgewiesener Jets ein wichtiger Indikator für neue massive Objekte. In dieser Arbeit werden die Produktionsrate und die Korrelationen von Paaren aus $b$-Jets bestimmt und nach ersten Hinweisen eines neuen massiven Teilchens, das bisher nicht im Standard-Modell enthalten ist, in dem invarianten Massenspektrum der $b$-Jets gesucht. Am Large Hadron Collider (LHC) kollidieren zwei Protonenstrahlen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von $\sqrt s = 7$ TeV, und es werden viele solcher Paare aus $b$-Jets produziert. Diese Analyse benutzt die aufgezeichneten Kollisionen des ATLAS-Detektors. Die integrierte Luminosität der verwendbaren Daten beläuft sich auf 34~pb$^{-1}$. $b$-Jets werden mit Hilfe ihrer langen Lebensdauer und den rekonstruierten, geladenen Zerfallsprodukten identifiziert. Für diese Analyse müssen insbesondere die Unterschiede im Verhalten von Jets, die aus leichten Objekten wie Gluonen und leichten Quarks hervorgehen, zu diesen $b$-Jets beachtet werden. Die Energieskala dieser $b$-Jets wird untersucht und die zusätzlichen Unsicherheit in der Energiemessung der Jets bestimmt. Effekte bei der Jet-Rekonstruktion im Detektor, die einzigartig für $b$-Jets sind, werden studiert, um letztlich diese Messung unabhängig vom Detektor und auf Niveau der Hadronen auswerten zu können. Hiernach wird die Messung zu Vorhersagen auf nächst-zu-führender Ordnung verglichen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass die Vorhersagen in Übereinstimmung zu den aufgenommenen Daten sind. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der zugrunde liegende Produktionsmechanismus auch in diesem neu erschlossenen Energiebereich am LHC gültig ist. Jedoch werden auch erste Hinweise auf Mängel in der Beschreibung der Eigenschaften dieser Ereignisse gefunden. Weiterhin können keine Anhaltspunkte für eine neue Resonanz, die in Paare aus $b$-Jets zerfällt, in dem invarianten Massenspektrum bis etwa 1.7~TeV gefunden werden. Für das Auftreten einer solchen Resonanz mit einer Gauß-förmigen Massenverteilung werden modell-unabhängige Grenzen berechnet.
rnThis thesis is on the flavor problem of Randall Sundrum modelsrnand their strongly coupled dual theories. These models are particularly wellrnmotivated extensions of the Standard Model, because they simultaneously address rntherngauge hierarchy problem and the hierarchies in the quarkrnmasses and mixings. In order to put this into context, special attention is given to concepts underlying therntheories which can explain the hierarchy problem and the flavor structure of the Standard Model (SM). ThernAdS/CFTrnduality is introduced and its implications for the Randall Sundrum model withrnfermions in the bulk andrngeneral bulk gauge groups is investigated. It will be shown that the differentrnterms in the general 5D propagator of a bulk gauge field can be related tornthe corresponding diagrams of the strongly coupled dual, which allows for arndeeperrnunderstanding of the origin of flavor changing neutral currents generated by thernexchange of the Kaluza Klein excitations of these bulk fields.rnIn the numerical analysis, different observables which are sensitive torncorrections from therntree-levelrnexchange of these resonances will be presented on the basis of updatedrnexperimental data from the Tevatron and LHC experiments. This includesrnelectroweak precision observables, namely corrections to the S and Trnparameters followed by corrections to the Zbb vertex, flavor changingrnobservables with flavor changes at one vertex, viz. BR (Bd -> mu+mu-) and BR (Bs -> mu+mu-), and two vertices,rn viz. S_psiphi and |eps_K|, as well as bounds from direct detectionrnexperiments. rnThe analysis will show that all of these bounds can be brought in agreement withrna new physics scale Lambda_NP in the TeV range, except for the CPrnviolating quantity |eps_K|, which requires Lambda_NP= Ord(10) TeVrnin the absencernof fine-tuning. The numerous modifications of the Randall Sundrum modelrnin the literature, which try to attenuate this bound are reviewed andrncategorized.rnrnSubsequently, a novel solution to this flavor problem, based on an extendedrncolor gauge group in the bulk and its thorough implementation inrnthe RS model, will be presented, as well as an analysis of the observablesrnmentioned above in the extended model. This solution is especially motivatedrnfromrnthe point of view of the strongly coupled dual theory and the implications forrnstrongly coupled models of new physics, which do not possess a holographic dual,rnare examined.rnFinally, the top quark plays a special role in models with a geometric explanation ofrnflavor hierarchies and the predictions in the Randall-Sundrum model with andrnwithout the proposed extension for the forward-backward asymmetryrnA_FB^trnin top pair production are computed.
The Standard Model of particle physics was developed to describe the fundamental particles, which form matter, and their interactions via the strong, electromagnetic and weak force. Although most measurements are described with high accuracy, some observations indicate that the Standard Model is incomplete. Numerous extensions were developed to solve these limitations. Several of these extensions predict heavy resonances, so-called Z' bosons, that can decay into an electron positron pair. The particle accelerator Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland was built to collide protons at unprecedented center-of-mass energies, namely 7 TeV in 2011. With the data set recorded in 2011 by the ATLAS detector, a large multi-purpose detector located at the LHC, the electron positron pair mass spectrum was measured up to high masses in the TeV range. The properties of electrons and the probability that other particles are mis-identified as electrons were studied in detail. Using the obtained information, a sophisticated Standard Model expectation was derived with data-driven methods and Monte Carlo simulations. In the comparison of the measurement with the expectation, no significant deviations from the Standard Model expectations were observed. Therefore exclusion limits for several Standard Model extensions were calculated. For example, Sequential Standard Model (SSM) Z' bosons with masses below 2.10 TeV were excluded with 95% Confidence Level (C.L.).
In this thesis we investigate the phenomenology of supersymmetric particles at hadron colliders beyond next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbation theory. We discuss the foundations of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and, in particular, we explicitly construct the SCET Lagrangian for QCD. As an example, we discuss factorization and resummation for the Drell-Yan process in SCET. We use techniques from SCET to improve existing calculations of the production cross sections for slepton-pair production and top-squark-pair production at hadron colliders. As a first application, we implement soft-gluon resummation at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic order (NNNLL) for slepton-pair production in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). This approach resums large logarithmic corrections arising from the dynamical enhancement of the partonic threshold region caused by steeply falling parton luminosities. We evaluate the resummed invariant-mass distribution and total cross section for slepton-pair production at the Tevatron and LHC and we match these results, in the threshold region, onto NLO fixed-order calculations. As a second application we present the most precise predictions available for top-squark-pair production total cross sections at the LHC. These results are based on approximate NNLO formulas in fixed-order perturbation theory, which completely determine the coefficients multiplying the singular plus distributions. The analysis of the threshold region is carried out in pair invariant mass (PIM) kinematics and in single-particle inclusive (1PI) kinematics. We then match our results in the threshold region onto the exact fixed-order NLO results and perform a detailed numerical analysis of the total cross section.
A permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron violates time reversal as well as parity symmetry. Thus it also violates the combination of charge conjugation and parity symmetry if the combination of all three symmetries is a symmetry of nature. The violation of these symmetries could help to explain the observed baryon content of the Universe. The prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics for the neutron electric dipole moment is only about 10e−32 ecm. At the same time the combined violation of charge conjugation and parity symmetry in the Standard Model is insufficient to explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Several extensions to the Standard Model can explain the observed baryon asymmetry and also predict values for the neutron electric dipole moment just below the current best experimental limit of d n < 2.9e−26 ecm, (90% C.L.) that has been obtained by the Sussex-RAL-ILL collaboration in 2006. The very same experiment that set the current best limit on the electric dipole moment has been upgraded and moved to the Paul Scherrer Institute. Now an international collaboration is aiming at increasing the sensitivity for an electric dipole moment by more than an order of magnitude. This thesis took place in the frame of this experiment and went along with the commissioning of the experiment until first data taking. After a short layout of the theoretical background in chapter 1, the experiment with all subsystems and their performance are described in detail in chapter 2. To reach the goal sensitivity the control of systematic errors is as important as an increase in statistical sensitivity. Known systematic efects are described and evaluated in chapter 3. During about ten days in 2012, a first set of data was measured with the experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. An analysis of this data is presented in chapter 4, together with general tools developed for future analysis eforts. The result for the upper limit of an electric dipole moment of the neutron is |dn| ≤ 6.4e−25 ecm (95%C.L.). Chapter 5 presents investigations for a next generation experiment, to build electrodes made partly from insulating material. Among other advantages, such electrodes would reduce magnetic noise, generated by the thermal movement of charge carriers. The last Chapter summarizes this work and gives an outlook.