13 resultados para waste transportation
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
La mobilità nelle aree urbane di medie e grandi dimensioni risente di molte criticità e spesso è causa di numerose discussioni. L'utilizzo sempre crescente del mezzo di trasporto privato ha prodotto conseguenze negative: l'aumento del traffico e degli incidenti stradali, dell'inquinamento atmosferico e del rumore sono accompagnati da un forte spreco energetico. Dall'altra parte, il trasporto pubblico locale (TPL) non è riuscito a costruirsi canali preferenziali all'interno dell'immaginario cittadino, poiché sottomesso da un modello economico e un mercato fortemente dipendenti dall'automobile. Una via d'uscita dalla mobilità non sostenibile basata sull'utilizzo di combustibili fossili porta a concepire un trasporto pubblico locale gratuito, fruibile dal cittadino in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Attraverso un'analisi dell'azienda del trasporto pubblico bolognese (ATC) e dei dati provenienti dalla sanità regionale, questa tesi intende mostrare che vi sarà un miglioramento della qualità di vita in aree urbane nel momento in cui la teoria della decrescita venga condivisa da tutti i cittadini. Così sarà possibile liberare i centri urbani dai mezzi privati e quindi dagli alti livelli di inquinamento acustico e atmosferico, e dare ai cittadini la vera libertà di movimento. Mobility in medium and large sized urban areas is critical and often a cause for numerous debates. The use of private transport is in constant increase and has generated negative consequences: congestion and road accidents, air and noise pollutio as well as a considerable waste of energy. On the other hand, the local public transport (LPT) has not succeeded in representing the preferred choice by citizens in the urban imaginary. Its potential has been subdued by economic models and markets that are largely dependant on the production of vehicles. An alternative to the current non sustainable mobility based on the combustion of fossil fuels could be the provision of a free local transport network available to the citizen from anywhere at any time. This dissertation's objective is to show how an improvement of the quality of life in urban areas is connected to a collective awareness on the degrowth theory. I intend to achieve this by analysing thoroughly the system of the public transportation agency in Bologna (ATC) and considering data from the local health department. Only then we will be able to limit private vehicles from city centres and as a result of that drastically decrease air and noise pollution whilst providing a true service for a free moving citizen.
The aim of this research is to analyze the transport system and its subcomponents in order to highlight which are the design tools for physical and/or organizational projects related to transport supply systems. A characteristic of the transport systems is that the change of their structures can recoil on several entities, groups of entities, which constitute the community. The construction of a new infrastructure can modify both the transport service characteristic for all the user of the entire network; for example, the construction of a transportation infrastructure can change not only the transport service characteristics for the users of the entire network in which it is part of, but also it produces economical, social, and environmental effects. Therefore, the interventions or the improvements choices must be performed using a rational decision making approach. This approach requires that these choices are taken through the quantitative evaluation of the different effects caused by the different intervention plans. This approach becomes even more necessary when the decisions are taken in behalf of the community. Then, in order to understand how to develop a planning process in Transportation I will firstly analyze the transport system and the mathematical models used to describe it: these models provide us significant indicators which can be used to evaluate the effects of possible interventions. In conclusion, I will move on the topics related to the transport planning, analyzing the planning process, and the variables that have to be considered to perform a feasibility analysis or to compare different alternatives. In conclusion I will perform a preliminary analysis of a new transit system which is planned to be developed in New York City.
A new type of pavement has been gaining popularity over the last few years in Europe. It comprises a surface course with a semi-flexible material that provides significant advantages in comparison to both concrete and conventional asphalt, having both rut resistance and a degree of flexibility. It also provides good protection against the ingress of water to the foundation, since it has an impermeable surface. The semi-flexible material, generally known as grouted macadam, comprises an open-graded asphalt skeleton with 25% to 35% voids into which a cementitious slurry is grouted. This hybrid mixture provides good rut resistance and a surface highly resistant to fuel and oil spillage. Such properties allow it to be used in industrial areas, airports and harbours, where those situations are frequently associated with heavy and slow traffic. Grouted Macadams constitute a poorly understood branch of pavement technology and have generally been relegated to a role in certain specialist pavements whose performance is predicted on purely empirical evidence. Therefore, the main objectives of this project were related to better understanding the properties of this type of material, in order to predict its performance more realistically and to design pavements incorporating grouted macadam more accurately. Based on a standard mix design, several variables were studied during this project in order to characterise the behaviour of Grouted Macadams in general, and the influence of those variables on the fundamental properties of the final mixture. In this research project, one approach was used to the design of pavements incorporating Grouted Macadams: a traditional design method, based on laboratory determined of the stiffness modulus and the compressive strength.
Scopo. Lo scopo di questo studio è esaminare il problema degli sprechi nelle moderne food supply chain, così da consentire una piena comprensione delle principali cause di inefficienza sistemica nell’industria alimentare e individuare potenziali opportunità di miglioramento. Approccio e Metodologia. Per raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati la presente trattazione si propone di implementare una ricerca empirica basata sull’analisi di due realtà industriali operanti nel settore alimentare. Nello specifico verranno studiate due aziende integrate rispettivamente nel contesto economico italiano e in quello inglese e operanti a due stadi diversi e complementari della filiera alimentare, quello della produzione e quello della distribuzione. Questo studio incrociato consentirà, auspicabilmente, di portare alla luce quegli elementi chiave necessari per una lettura chiara ed esaustiva delle maggiori sfide che le moderne supply chain si trovano a dover affrontare, in una prospettiva di minimizzazione degli sprechi e di accrescimento del valore per il consumatore. Risultati. I risultati che si prevede di ottenere dall’implementazione di questo studio sono fondamentalmente quattro: 1.Piena comprensione del concetto di spreco nell’industria alimentare. 2.Identificazione dei principali fattori chiave che dovrebbero essere attentamente monitorati con lo scopo di conseguire un’efficace riduzione degli sprechi lungo la filiera alimentare. 3.Analisi critica di quelle che sono le più utilizzate pratiche manageriali e operative nelle moderne aziende alimentari. 4.Individuazione dei potenziali sviluppi che potrebbero essere implementati attraverso l’utilizzo delle più recenti ICT in termini di efficienza della supply chain. Valore della Ricerca. Seppure mediante un’analisi prevalentemente di tipo qualitativo, questa trattazione si prefigge di fornire un contributo nell’ambito del food supply chain management che, data la rilevanza del problema relativo agli sprechi, risulta oggi più attuale che mai. L’originalità di questo studio risiede principalmente nelle fonti dei dati che ne hanno costituito le fondamenta: da un lato la ricerca teorica sviluppata nel Regno Unito, dove lo studio della supply chain è ormai da decenni approfondito nelle più importanti Università; dall’altro la ricerca empirica sviluppata sia presso una delle più importanti e moderne aziende alimentari italiane, che presso uno dei più famosi logistics service provider a livello mondiale.
This work assesses the environmental impact of a municipal solid waste incinerator with energy recovery in Forlì-Cesena province (Emilia-Romagna region, Italy). The methodology used is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). As the plant already applies the best technologies available in waste treatment, this study focuses on the fate of the residues (bottom and fly ash) produced during combustion. Nine scenarios are made, based on different ash treatment disposing/recycling techniques. The functional unit is the amount of waste incinerated in 2011. Boundaries are set from waste arrival in the plant to the disposal/recovery of the residues produced, with energy recovery. Only the operative period is considered. Software used is GaBi 4 and the LCIA method used is CML2001. The impact categories analyzed are: abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, global warming, human toxicity, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidant formation, terrestrial ecotoxicity and primary energy demand. Most of the data are taken from Herambiente. When primary data are not available, data from Ecoinvent and GaBi databases or literature data are used. The whole incineration process is sustainable, due to the relevant avoided impact given by co-generator. As far as regards bottom ash treatment, the most influential process is the impact savings from iron recovery. Bottom ash recycling in road construction or as building material are both valid alternatives, even if the first option faces legislative limits in Italy. Regarding fly ash inertization, the adding of cement and Ferrox treatment results the most feasible alternatives. However, this inertized fly ash can maintain its hazardous nature. The only method to ensure the stability of an inertized fly ash is to couple two different stabilization treatments. Ash stabilization technologies shall improve with the same rate of the flexibility of the national legislation about incineration residues recycling.
The performance of microchannel heat exchangers was assessed in gas-to-liquid applications in the order of several tens of kWth . The technology is suitable for exhaust heat recovery systems based on organic Rankine cycle. In order to design a light and compact microchannel heat exchanger, an optimization process is developed. The model employed in the procedure is validated through computational fluid-dynamics analysis with commercial software. It is shown that conjugate effects have a significant impact on the heat transfer performance of the device.