8 resultados para traffic fuel
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Urbanization has occasionally been linked to negative consequences. Traffic light system in urban arterial networks plays an essential role to the operation of transport systems. The availability of new Intelligent Transportation System innovations paved the way for connecting vehicles and road infrastructure. GLOSA, or the Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory, is a recent integration of vehicle-to-everything (v2x) technology. This thesis emphasized GLOSA system's potential as a tool for addressing traffic signal optimization. GLOSA serves as an advisory to drivers, informing them of the speed they must maintain to reduce waiting time. The considered study area in this thesis is the Via Aurelio Saffi – Via Emilia Ponente corridor in the Metropolitan City of Bologna which has several signalized intersections. Several simulation runs were performed in SUMOPy software on each peak-hour period (morning and afternoon) using recent actual traffic count data. GLOSA devices were placed on a 300m GLOSA distance. Considering the morning peak-hour, GLOSA outperformed the actuated traffic signal control, which is the baseline scenario, in terms of average waiting time, average speed, average fuel consumption per vehicle and average CO2 emissions. A remarkable 97% reduction on both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions were obtained. The average speed of vehicles running through the simulation was increased as well by 7% and a time saved of 25%. Same results were obtained for the afternoon peak hour with a decrease of 98% on both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, 20% decrease on average waiting time, and an increase of 2% in average speed. In addition to previously mentioned benefits of GLOSA, a 15% and 13% decrease in time loss were obtained during morning and afternoon peak-hour, respectively. Towards the goal of sustainability, GLOSA shows a promising result of significantly lowering fuel consumption and CO2 emissions per vehicle.
A new type of pavement has been gaining popularity over the last few years in Europe. It comprises a surface course with a semi-flexible material that provides significant advantages in comparison to both concrete and conventional asphalt, having both rut resistance and a degree of flexibility. It also provides good protection against the ingress of water to the foundation, since it has an impermeable surface. The semi-flexible material, generally known as grouted macadam, comprises an open-graded asphalt skeleton with 25% to 35% voids into which a cementitious slurry is grouted. This hybrid mixture provides good rut resistance and a surface highly resistant to fuel and oil spillage. Such properties allow it to be used in industrial areas, airports and harbours, where those situations are frequently associated with heavy and slow traffic. Grouted Macadams constitute a poorly understood branch of pavement technology and have generally been relegated to a role in certain specialist pavements whose performance is predicted on purely empirical evidence. Therefore, the main objectives of this project were related to better understanding the properties of this type of material, in order to predict its performance more realistically and to design pavements incorporating grouted macadam more accurately. Based on a standard mix design, several variables were studied during this project in order to characterise the behaviour of Grouted Macadams in general, and the influence of those variables on the fundamental properties of the final mixture. In this research project, one approach was used to the design of pavements incorporating Grouted Macadams: a traditional design method, based on laboratory determined of the stiffness modulus and the compressive strength.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si inserisce nel contesto dei sistemi ITS e intende realizzare un insieme di protocolli in ambito VANET relativamente semplici ma efficaci, in grado di rilevare la presenza di veicoli in avvicinamento a un impianto semaforico e di raccogliere quelle informazioni di stato che consentano all’infrastruttura stradale di ottenere una stima il più possibile veritiera delle attuali condizioni del traffico in ingresso per ciascuna delle direzioni previste in tale punto. Si prevede di raccogliere i veicoli in gruppi durante il loro avvicinamento al centro di un incrocio. Ogni gruppo sarà costituito esclusivamente da quelle vetture che stanno percorrendo uno stesso tratto stradale e promuoverà l’intercomunicazione tra i suoi diversi membri al fine di raccogliere e integrare i dati sulla composizione del traffico locale. Il sistema realizzato cercherà di trasmettere alle singole unità semaforiche un flusso di dati sintetico ma costante contenente le statistiche sull’ambiente circostante, in modo da consentire loro di applicare politiche dinamiche e intelligenti di controllo della viabilità. L’architettura realizzata viene eseguita all’interno di un ambiente urbano simulato nel quale la mobilità dei nodi di rete corrisponde a rilevazioni reali effettuate su alcune porzioni della città di Bologna. Le performance e le caratteristiche del sistema complessivo vengono analizzate e commentate sulla base dei diversi test condotti.
The demand for novel renewable energy sources, together with the new findings on bacterial electron transport mechanisms and the progress in microbial fuel cell design, have raised a noticeable interest in microbial power generation. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is an electrochemical device that converts organic substrates into electricity via catalytic conversion by microorganism. It has represented a continuously growing research field during the past few years. The great advantage of this device is the direct conversion of the substrate into electricity and in the future, MFC may be linked to municipal waste streams or sources of agricultural and animal waste, providing a sustainable system for waste treatment and energy production. However, these novel green technologies have not yet been used for practical applications due to their low power outputs and challenges associated with scale-up, so in-depth studies are highly necessary to significantly improve and optimize the device working conditions. For the time being, the micro-scale MFCs show great potential in the rapid screening of electrochemically active microbes. This thesis presents how it will be possible to optimize the properties and design of the micro-size microbial fuel cell for maximum efficiency by understanding the MFC system. So it will involve designing, building and testing a miniature microbial fuel cell using a new species of microorganisms that promises high efficiency and long lifetime. The new device offer unique advantages of fast start-up, high sensitivity and superior microfluidic control over the measured microenvironment, which makes them good candidates for rapid screening of electrode materials, bacterial strains and growth media. It will be made in the Centre of Hybrid Biodevices (Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, University of Southampton) from polymer materials like PDMS. The eventual aim is to develop a system with the optimum combination of microorganism, ion exchange membrane and growth medium. After fabricating the cell, different bacteria and plankton species will be grown in the device and the microbial fuel cell characterized for open circuit voltage and power. It will also use photo-sensitive organisms and characterize the power produced by the device in response to optical illumination.
La gestione del traffico è una delle principali problematiche delle città moderne, e porta alla definizione di nuove sfide per quanto riguarda l’ottimizzazione del flusso veicolare. Il controllo semaforico è uno degli elementi fondamentali per ottimizzare la gestione del traffico. Attualmente la rilevazione del traffico viene effettuata tramite sensori, tra i quali vengono maggiormente utilizzate le spire magnetiche, la cui installazione e gestione implica costi elevati. In questo contesto, il progetto europeo COLOMBO si pone come obiettivo l’ideazione di nuovi sistemi di regolazione semaforica in grado di rilevare il traffico veicolare mediante sensori più economici da installare e mantenere, e capaci, sulla base di tali rilevazioni, di auto organizzarsi, traendo ispirazione dal campo dell’intelligenza artificiale noto come swarm intelligence. Alla base di questa auto organizzazione semaforica di COLOMBO vi sono due diversi livelli di politiche: macroscopico e microscopico. Nel primo caso le politiche macroscopiche, utilizzando il feromone come astrazione dell’attuale livello del traffico, scelgono la politica di gestione in base alla quantità di feromone presente nelle corsie di entrata e di uscita. Per quanto riguarda invece le politiche microscopiche, il loro compito è quello di deci- dere la durata dei periodi di rosso o verde modificando una sequenza di fasi, chiamata in COLOMBO catena. Le catene possono essere scelte dal sistema in base al valore corrente della soglia di desiderabilità e ad ogni catena corrisponde una soglia di desiderabilità. Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quello di suggerire metodi alternativi all’attuale conteggio di questa soglia di desiderabilità in scenari di bassa presenza di dispositivi per la rilevazione dei veicoli. Ogni algoritmo complesso ha bisogno di essere ottimizzato per migliorarne le performance. Anche in questo caso, gli algoritmi proposti hanno subito un processo di parameter tuning per ottimizzarne le prestazioni in scenari di bassa presenza di dispositivi per la rilevazione dei veicoli. Sulla base del lavoro di parameter tuning, infine, sono state eseguite delle simulazioni per valutare quale degli approcci suggeriti sia il migliore.
Faxaflói bay is a short, wide and shallow bay situated in the southwest of Iceland. Although hosting a rather high level of marine traffic, this area is inhabited by many different species of cetaceans, among which the white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), found here all year-round. This study aimed to evaluate the potential effect of increasing marine traffic on white-beaked dolphins distribution and behaviour, and to determine whether or not a variation in sighting frequencies have occurred throughout years (2008 – 2014). Data on sightings and on behaviour, as well as photographic one, has been collected daily taking advantage of the whale-watching company “Elding” operating in the bay. Results have confirmed the importance of this area for white-beaked dolphins, which have shown a certain level of site fidelity. Despite the high level of marine traffic, this dolphin appears to tolerate the presence of boats: no differences in encounter durations and locations over the study years have occurred, even though with increasing number of vessels, an increase in avoidance strategies has been displayed. Furthermore, seasonal differences in probabilities of sightings, with respect to the time of the day, have been found, leading to suggest the existence of a daily cycle of their movements and activities within the bay. This study has also described a major decline in sighting rates throughout years raising concern about white-beaked dolphin conservation status in Icelandic waters. It is therefore highly recommended a new dedicated survey to be conducted in order to document the current population estimate, to better investigate on the energetic costs that chronic exposure to disturbances may cause, and to plan a more suitable conservation strategy for white-beaked dolphin around Iceland.
Nel presente lavoro è progettato e sviluppato un sistema dual-fuel diesel/benzina per combustioni di tipo RCCI, e sono esposti i risultati sperimentali in termini di prestazioni ed emissioni. E' inoltre descritto e implementato un algoritmo di stima dell'MFB50 a partire dalla sola misura della velocità motore.