3 resultados para special reason for granting leave to call evidence

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are chemicals produced by both human activities and natural sources and they have been present in the biosphere since millions of years. For this reason microorganisms should have developed, during the world history, the capacity of metabolized them under different electron acceptors and redox conditions. The deep understanding of these natural attenuation processes and of microbial degradation pathways has a main importance in the cleanup of contaminated areas. Anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons is often presumed to be slow and of a minor ecological significance compared with the aerobic processes; however anaerobic bioremediation may play a key role in the transformation of organic pollutants when oxygen demand exceeds supply in natural environments. Under such conditions, anoxic and anaerobic degradation mediated by denitrifying or sulphate-reducing bacteria can become a key pathway for the contaminated lands clean up. Actually not much is known about anaerobic bioremediation processes. Anaerobic biodegrading techniques may be really interesting for the future, because they give the possibility of treating contaminated soil directly in their natural status, decreasing the costs concerning the oxygen supply, which usually are the highest ones, and about soil excavations and transports in appropriate sites for a further disposal. The aim of this dissertation work is to characterize the conditions favouring the anaerobic degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Special focus will be given to the assessment of the various AEA efficiency, the characterization of degradation performance and rates under different redox conditions as well as toxicity monitoring. A comparison with aerobic and anaerobic degradation concerning the same contaminated material is also made to estimate the different biodegradation times.


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L’oggetto di questa tesi è l’individuazione di un metodo in grado di rilevare uno squilibrio cilindrico rilevante in un motore a combustione interna ad accensione comandata, sovralimentato dinamicamente. Il progetto si basa sull’osservazione sperimentale di un forte incremento dei valori assunti da indici basati sulla differenza dei tempi dente della ruota fonica, al manifestarsi di un brusco squilibrio di titolo in uno dei quattro cilindri. Ciò ha permesso di rilevare eventuali sbilanciamenti di titolo mediante una diagnosi intrusiva in grado di esaltarli. Questa metodologia a differenza di quelle basate sul segnale proveniente dalla sonda lambda, non risente del problema del mixing dei pacchetti di gas combusti all’interno della turbina. Il lavoro di tesi è consistito nel concepire un indice di rilevamento capace di esaltare il fenomeno sopra descritto, nel creare in ambiente Matlab-Simulink un modello che simuli la strategia in questione e renda possibile la realizzazione di un prototipo, per mezzo del quale è stata validata la strategia a bordo del veicolo. This thesis proposes a methodology to detect a relevant cylinder imbalance by means of flywheel speed fluctuation analysis in a turbocharged internal combustion engine. The main idea behind this project is the evidence that every time a significant cylinder imbalance is present, it is noticed an important increase of index based on tooth time sampled via flywheel. For this reason, it is possible to develop an intrusive strategy, which higliaghts a possible cylinder imbalance presence, in order to detect it. This method, unlike others based on the signal coming from Lambda sensor, doesn’t suffer from the presence of exhaust gases mixing effect inside the turbine. The objective of this thesis is to conceive a detection index able to put in evidence the phenomena described above, and to design a model inside the Matlab-Simulink environment, able to simulate the strategy and to make possible tests on the vehicle by means of a prototype.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of a handbook published online by the non-governmental organization Ilga-Europe, which aims to strengthen human rights and equality for LGBTI people at European level. Translating the whole handbook was not possible for this project, this is the reason why I decided to translate the introduction, the first chapter and one of the three appendices listed in the handbook. This work is divided into six chapters. The first one introduces the main themes of the text, i.e. what does the acronym LGBT stands for, the issue of homophobia and the measures taken against it at international and national level. The second one provides a description of the three organizations ILGA, ILGA-Europe and Arcigay, focusing on their roles and purposes. The third chapter contains the description of specialized languages, with special attention to the juridical one; moreover, it provides an analysis of the text type. The fourth chapter focuses on the resources used to translate this text. The fifth chapter includes the source text, alongside with its actual translation. Finally, the sixth and last chapter offers a detailed comment on translation difficulties and translation choices.