4 resultados para single bottom line
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Analisi dei principali vantaggi dell'implementazione della sostenibilità nelle strategie di un'azienda.
I problemi ambientali che oggi ci troviamo ad affrontare sono senza precedenti e richiedono l’intervento di tutte le parti coinvolte, in ogni tipo di organizzazione.È il momento di allargare i propri orizzonti e di rivolgere l’attenzione oltre le mura aziendali. Per una crescita sostenibile, in linea con l’Agenda 2030 e i Sustainable Development Goals, è fondamentale guardare all’intera catena del valore e di approvvigionamento; non solo la dedizione verso il lato downstream deve essere perseguita, ma anche quella in upstream. Collaborare con fornitori che condividono gli stessi valori è di grande impatto sia per il business che per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi in termini di sostenibilità. Questa sostenibilità non è intesa soltanto da un punto di vista strettamente ambientale, ma in accordo con gli SDGs, abbraccia temi più ampi, rivolgendosi anche al settore sociale, di governance ed economico. La triple bottom line è alla base per il raggiungimento del fine ultimo comune a tutte le attività legate alla transizione ecologica. Per adempiere all’obiettivo, si propone di selezionare accuratamente gli acquisti seguendo i Criteri Ambientali Minimi italiani ed europei. In più, la capacità di spingersi oltre assume sempre maggiore importanza; anticipare le regolamentazioni è tipico delle aziende proattive che guidano il mercato. A tal proposito, il progetto esemplificativo descritto nell’elaborato, vede protagonista un ufficio acquisti all’avanguardia che ha individuato autonomamente ulteriori cluster, da affiancare ai criteri citati precedentemente. contrattuale. [...]
In the field of Power Electronics, several types of motor control systems have been developed using STM microcontroller and power boards. In both industrial power applications and domestic appliances, power electronic inverters are widely used. Inverters are used to control the torque, speed, and position of the rotor in AC motor drives. An inverter delivers constant-voltage and constant-frequency power in uninterruptible power sources. Because inverter power supplies have a high-power consumption and low transfer efficiency rate, a three-phase sine wave AC power supply was created using the embedded system STM32, which has low power consumption and efficient speed. It has the capacity of output frequency of 50 Hz and the RMS of line voltage. STM32 embedded based Inverter is a power supply that integrates, reduced, and optimized the power electronics application that require hardware system, software, and application solution, including power architecture, techniques, and tools, approaches capable of performance on devices and equipment. Power inverters are currently used and implemented in green energy power system with low energy system such as sensors or microcontroller to perform the operating function of motors and pumps. STM based power inverter is efficient, less cost and reliable. My thesis work was based on STM motor drives and control system which can be implemented in a gas analyser for operating the pumps and motors. It has been widely applied in various engineering sectors due to its ability to respond to adverse structural changes and improved structural reliability. The present research was designed to use STM Inverter board on low power MCU such as NUCLEO with some practical examples such as Blinking LED, and PWM. Then we have implemented a three phase Inverter model with Steval-IPM08B board, which converter single phase 230V AC input to three phase 380 V AC output, the output will be useful for operating the induction motor.
An emerging technology, that Smart Radio Environments rely on to improve wireless link quality, are Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs). A RIS, in general, can be understood as a thin layer of EM composite material, typically mounted on the walls or ceilings of buildings, which can be reconfigured even after its deployment in the network. RISs made by composing artificial materials in an engineered way, in order to obtain unconventional characteristics, are called metasurfaces. Through the programming of the RIS, it is possible to control and/or modify the radio waves that affect it, thus shaping the radio environment. To overcome the limitations of RISs, the metaprism represents an alternative: it is a passive and non-reconfigurable frequency-selective metasurface that acts as a metamirror to improve the efficiency of the wireless link. In particular, using an OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) signaling it is possible to control the reflection of the signal, suitably selecting the sub-carrier assigned to each user, without having to interact with the metaprism or having to estimate the CSI. This thesis investigates how OFDM signaling and metaprism can be used for localization purposes, especially to extend the coverage area at low cost, in a scenario where the user is in NLoS (Non-line-of-sight) conditions with respect to the base station, both single antenna. In particular, the paper concerns the design of the analytical model and the corresponding Matlab implementation of a Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimator able to estimate the unknown position, behind an obstacle, from which a generic user transmits to a base station, exploiting the metaprism.