5 resultados para road transportation

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Mathematical models and the involved methods applied to real contexts are essential tools for designing and evaluating solutions concerning physical elements and/or organizational components of transportation systems. To deal with this, the systems engineering approach is used, which considers the relationships among the transportation system elements and their performances. This approach allows quantifying the effects of transportation projects by taking into account the intrinsic complexity of the transportation system and then assessing the effects of solutions to solve – or mitigate – transportation problems. This thesis focuses on the application of the transport system engineering approach to a real city – Bologna, in northern Italy – in order to: 1. simulate the current transportation system conditions (status quo); 2. compare and assess the results obtained by two different approaches for simulating the link traffic flows on the road transportation network and their related impacts (externalities) 3. identify potential solutions to solve critical aspects, particularly in terms of traffic flow congestion and related environmental impacts (findings)


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This thesis aims to give a general view of pavement types all over the world, by showing the different characteristics of each one and its different life steps starting from construction, passing by maintenance and arriving until recycling phase. The flexible pavement took the main part of this work because it has been used in the last part of this thesis to design a project of a rural road. This project is located in the province of Bologna-Italy (‘Comune di Argelato’, 26 km in the north of Bologna), and has 5677, 81 m of length. A pavement design was made using the program BISAR 3.0 and a fatigue life study was made, also, in order to estimate the number of loads (in terms of heavy vehicles axle) to cause road’s failure . An alignment design was made for this project and a safety study was established in order to check if the available sight distance at curves respects the safety norms or not, by comparing it to the stopping sight distance. Different technical sheets are demonstrated and several cases are discussed in order to clarify the main design principles and underline the main hazardous cases to be avoided especially at intersection. This latter, its type’s choice depends on several factors in order to make the suitable design according to the environmental data. At this part of the road, the safety is a primordial point due to the high accident rate in this zone. For this reason, different safety aspects are discussed especially at roundabouts, signalized intersections, and also some other common intersection types. The design and the safety norms are taken with reference to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), ACT (Transportation Association of Canada), and also according to Italian norms (Decreto Ministeriale delle Starde).


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In the past centuries and before the invention of automobile, roads consisted mainly of unpaved paths connecting only few cities. Later, in the beginning of the twentieth century, the automobile was introduced and a new type of the transportation system was born. Therefore, it was necessary to change the condition of roads to fit with the automobiles. With the spread and the development of the automobiles, roads also have developed and increased all over the world. That caused negative effects on the environment and humans’ life quality. Thus, highways associations and communities had to take some steps to reduce these effects and care about environmental and cultural issues with the traditional commitment to safety and mobility, and that is known as context sensitive design. The aim of this thesis is to use the concepts of context sensitive design to reduce the negative environmental impacts of provincial road Galliera, which connects via Colombo in city of Bologna to provincial road 3 in Argelato city. Some solutions were proposed in this thesis to reduce traffic noise, fragmentation, fauna mortality and to improve the aesthetics of the road.


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In areas of seasonal frost, frost susceptibility composed by frost heaving during the winter and thaw softening during the spring is one of the most dangerous phenomenon for transportation, road and railway infrastructure. Therefore, the need for frost protection layer becomes imperative. The purpose of frost protection layer is to prevent frost from penetrating down through the pavement and into the sub-soils. Frost susceptible soils under the road can be cause damages on the roads or other structures due to frost heave or reduced capacity characteristics thaw period. "Frost heave" is the term given to the upwards displacement of the ground surface caused by the formation of ice within soils or aggregates (Rempel et al., 2004). Nowadays in Scandinavia the most common material used in frost protection layer in the pavement structure of roads and in the ballast of the railway tracks are coarse-grain crushed rocks aggregates. Based on the capillary rise, the mechanics of frost heave phenomenon is based on the interaction between aggregates and water, as suggested by Konrad and Lemieux in 2005 that said that the fraction of material below the 0.063 mm sieve for coarse-grained soils must be controlled so as to reduce the sensitivity to frost heave. The study conducted in this thesis project is divided in two parts: - the analysis of the coarse grained aggregates used in frost protection layer in Norway; - the analysis of the frost heave phenomenon in the laboratory under known boundary conditions, through the use of the most widely used method, the frost heave test, in” closed system” (without access of water).


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This work presents the case of the San Lorenzo road tunnel, a transportation infrastructure located in the northern part of Italy, involved in the so-called Passo della Morte landslide. This tunnel crosses a large rockslide characterized by slow movements. Damages like water seepage inside the tunnel and concrete lining detachments have surfaced through the years, increasing the risk. This work develops the objective of tracing back the landslide-induced stresses directly responsible for the cracks’ pattern on the most damaged segments of the tunnel. The first section of this work gives information about the global framework: site geography and its strategic relevance, geological setting, hydrological and climate conditions will be provided. The road tunnel infrastructure and its interaction with the landslide phenomena will be discussed together with the active monitoring system, which has been working for more than 20 years. In the second part the several steps and tools used to add more details about the road damages are reported. A visualization of the actual state of the most damaged portions of the road has been reached. Then the attention has been addressed to the stresses acting on the road tunnel’s aforesaid portions, developing a FEM model of a section of the tunnel through a selected software. This latter process can be deemed as a beginning for further developments. Some preliminary results are shown to demonstrate the goodness of the assumptions made. The possible future set by this work aims at constant enlargement of information to be provided to the FEM software, and at the validation of the obtained results through the monitoring data interpretative tools.