5 resultados para power spectral density

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Negli ultimi anni va sempre più affermandosi l’idea che nei test a fatica utilizzati in ambito industriale per testare la resistenza di numerosi prodotti, riprodurre profili vibratori con distribuzioni gaussiane non sia sufficientemente realistico. Nell’indagine sperimentale riportata in questo trattato vengono confrontati gli effetti generati da sollecitazioni leptocurtiche ottenute da misurazioni reali, con profili vibratori gaussiani a parità di RMS e forma della PSD (Power Spectral Density) verificando la validità della “Papoulis rule”. A partire da questi profili vibratori si è effettuata una progettazione ad hoc dalla quale sono stati ricavati dei provini piatti in lega di alluminio a cui è collegata una massa ausiliaria. Quest’ultimi montati a sbalzo su uno shaker elettrodinamico, sono caratterizzati da una variazione di sezione che localizza la sezione critica in prossimità dell’incastro. I provini sono stati inoltre caratterizzati attraverso prove a trazione e test accelerati a fatica, ricavandone la caratteristica a trazione del materiale ed il diagramma di Wohler. In seguito alla descrizione di tali prove viene riportata un’analisi dei provini sollecitati da due profili vibratori, uno gaussiano e uno ad elevato valore di kurtosis, monitorando tramite l’impiego di accelerometri i valori dell’eccitazione e la risposta. Vengono inoltre verificati i valori delle deformazioni dovute alle sollecitazioni imposte collocando due estensimetri in corrispondenza della sezione critica di due provini (uno per ogni tipologia di input).


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Questo lavoro di Tesi, svolto nell’ambito dell’esperimento BEC3 presso il LENS, costituisce il primo approccio al problema della stabilizzazione del campo magnetico di bias in una trappola per atomi ultra-freddi. Stabilizzare il campo magnetico generato da una coppia di bobine si traduce nello stabilizzare la corrente che le attraversa e il primo passo verso la soluzione di questo problema consiste nello stimare lo spettro di potenza del rumore in corrente del circuito. A questo scopo è stata misurata la PSD (Power Spectral Density) del segnale ai capi di diversi sensori per alcuni valori di corrente erogata da due diversi alimentatori. La PSD è stata misurata sia in maniera diretta, che indiretta, attraverso la trasformata di Fourier della Funzione di Autocorrelazione del segnale, misurata nelle stesse condizioni descritte. I dati raccolti costituiscono la base da cui partire per la progettazione e la realizzazione del circuito di stabilizzazione.


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In most real-life environments, mechanical or electronic components are subjected to vibrations. Some of these components may have to pass qualification tests to verify that they can withstand the fatigue damage they will encounter during their operational life. In order to conduct a reliable test, the environmental excitations can be taken as a reference to synthesize the test profile: this procedure is referred to as “test tailoring”. Due to cost and feasibility reasons, accelerated qualification tests are usually performed. In this case, the duration of the original excitation which acts on the component for its entire life-cycle, typically hundreds or thousands of hours, is reduced. In particular, the “Mission Synthesis” procedure lets to quantify the induced damage of the environmental vibration through two functions: the Fatigue Damage Spectrum (FDS) quantifies the fatigue damage, while the Maximum Response Spectrum (MRS) quantifies the maximum stress. Then, a new random Power Spectral Density (PSD) can be synthesized, with same amount of induced damage, but a specified duration in order to conduct accelerated tests. In this work, the Mission Synthesis procedure is applied in the case of so-called Sine-on-Random vibrations, i.e. excitations composed of random vibrations superimposed on deterministic contributions, in the form of sine tones typically due to some rotating parts of the system (e.g. helicopters, engine-mounted components, …). In fact, a proper test tailoring should not only preserve the accumulated fatigue damage, but also the “nature” of the excitation (in this case the sinusoidal components superimposed on the random process) in order to obtain reliable results. The classic time-domain approach is taken as a reference for the comparison of different methods for the FDS calculation in presence of Sine-on-Random vibrations. Then, a methodology to compute a Sine-on-Random specification based on a mission FDS is presented.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate two candidate waveforms for next generation wireless systems, filtered Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (f-OFDM) and Unified Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC). The evaluation is done based on the power spectral density analysis of the signal and performance measurements in synchronous and asynchronous transmission. In f-OFDM we implement a soft truncated filter with length 1/3 of OFDM symbol. In UFMC we use the Dolph-Chebyshev filter, limited to the length of zero padding (ZP). The simulation results demonstrates that both waveforms have a better spectral behaviour compared with conventional OFDM. However, the induced inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by the filter in f-OFDM, and the inter-carrier interference (ICI) induced in UFMC due to cyclic prefix (CP) reduction , should be kept under control. In addition, in a synchronous transmission case with ideal parameters, f-OFDM and UFMC appear to have similar performance with OFDM. When carrier frequency offset (CFO) is imposed in the transmission, UFMC outperforms OFDM and f-OFDM.


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X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful means of investigation of structural and electronic properties in condensed -matter physics. Analysis of the near edge part of the XAS spectrum, the so – called X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES), can typically provide the following information on the photoexcited atom: - Oxidation state and coordination environment. - Speciation of transition metal compounds. - Conduction band DOS projected on the excited atomic species (PDOS). Analysis of XANES spectra is greatly aided by simulations; in the most common scheme the multiple scattering framework is used with the muffin tin approximation for the scattering potential and the spectral simulation is based on a hypothetical, reference structure. This approach has the advantage of requiring relatively little computing power but in many cases the assumed structure is quite different from the actual system measured and the muffin tin approximation is not adequate for low symmetry structures or highly directional bonds. It is therefore very interesting and justified to develop alternative methods. In one approach, the spectral simulation is based on atomic coordinates obtained from a DFT (Density Functional Theory) optimized structure. In another approach, which is the object of this thesis, the XANES spectrum is calculated directly based on an ab – initio DFT calculation of the atomic and electronic structure. This method takes full advantage of the real many-electron final wavefunction that can be computed with DFT algorithms that include a core-hole in the absorbing atom to compute the final cross section. To calculate the many-electron final wavefunction the Projector Augmented Wave method (PAW) is used. In this scheme, the absorption cross section is written in function of several contributions as the many-electrons function of the finale state; it is calculated starting from pseudo-wavefunction and performing a reconstruction of the real-wavefunction by using a transform operator which contains some parameters, called partial waves and projector waves. The aim of my thesis is to apply and test the PAW methodology to the calculation of the XANES cross section. I have focused on iron and silicon structures and on some biological molecules target (myoglobin and cytochrome c). Finally other inorganic and biological systems could be taken into account for future applications of this methodology, which could become an important improvement with respect to the multiscattering approach.