2 resultados para perylene carboximides, polyphenylene dendrimers, light harvesting systems, single molecule spectroscopy, single photon sources, molecular wire

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Gels are materials that are easier to recognize than to define. For all practical purpose, a material is termed a gel if the whole volume of liquid is completely immobilized as usually tested by the ‘tube inversion’ method. Recently, supramolecular gels obtained from low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) have attracted considerable attention in materials science since they represent a new class of smart materials sensitive to external stimuli, such as temperature, ultrasounds, light, chemical species and so on. Accordingly, during the past years a large variety of potentialities and applications of these soft materials in optoelectronics, as electronic devices, light harvesting systems and sensors, in bio-materials and in drug delivery have been reported. Spontaneous self-assembly of low molecular weight molecules is a powerful tool that allows complex supramolecular nanoscale structures to be built. The weak and non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, π–π stacking, coordination, electrostatic and van der Waals interactions are usually considered as the most important features for promoting sol-gel equilibria. However, the occurrence of gelation processes is ruled by further “external” factors, among which the temperature and the nature of the solvents that are employed are of crucial importance. For example, some gelators prefer aromatic or halogenated solvents and in some cases both the gelation temperature and the type of the solvent affect the morphologies of the final aggregation. Functionalized cyclopentadienones are fascinating systems largely employed as building blocks for the synthesis of polyphenylene derivatives. In addition, it is worth noting that structures containing π-extended conjugated chromophores with enhanced absorption properties are of current interest in the field of materials science since they can be used as “organic metals”, as semiconductors, and as emissive or absorbing layers for OLEDs or photovoltaics. The possibility to decorate the framework of such structures prompted us to study the synthesis of new hydroxy propargyl arylcyclopentadienone derivatives. Considering the ability of such systems to give π–π stacking interactions, the introduction on a polyaromatic structure of polar substituents able to generate hydrogen bonding could open the possibility to form gels, although any gelation properties has been never observed for these extensively studied systems. we have synthesized a new class of 3,4-bis (4-(3-hydroxy- propynyl) phenyl) -2, 5-diphenylcyclopentadienone derivatives, one of which (1a) proved to be, for the first time, a powerful organogelator. The experimental results indicated that the hydroxydimethylalkynyl substituents are fundamental to guarantee the gelation properties of the tetraarylcyclopentadienone unit. Combining the results of FT-IR, 1H NMR, UV-vis and fluorescence emission spectra, we believe that H-bonding and π–π interactions are the driving forces played for the gel formation. The importance of soft materials lies on their ability to respond to external stimuli, that can be also of chemical nature. In particular, high attention has been recently devoted to anion responsive properties of gels. Therefore the behaviour of organogels of 1a in toluene, ACN and MeNO2 towards the addition of 1 equivalent of various tetrabutylammonium salts were investigated. The rheological properties of gels in toluene, ACN and MeNO2 with and without the addition of Bu4N+X- salts were measured. In addition a qualitative analysis on cation recognition was performed. Finally the nature of the cyclic core of the gelator was changed in order to verify how the carbonyl group was essential to gel solvents. Until now, 4,5-diarylimidazoles have been synthesized.


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La quantum biology (QB) è un campo di ricerca emergente che cerca di affronta- re fenomeni quantistici non triviali all’interno dei contesti biologici dotandosi di dati sperimentali di esplorazioni teoriche e tecniche numeriche. I sistemi biologici sono per definizione sistemi aperti, caldi,umidi e rumorosi, e queste condizioni sono per loro imprenscindibili; si pensa sia un sistema soggetto ad una veloce decoerenza che sopprime ogni dinamica quantistica controllata. La QB, tramite i principi di noise assisted transport e di antenna fononica sostiene che la presenza di un adeguato livello di rumore ambientale aumenti l’efficienza di un network di trasporto,inoltre se all’interno dello spettro ambientale vi sono specifici modi vibrazionali persistenti si hanno effetti di risonanza che rigenerano la coerenza quantistica. L’interazione ambiente-sistema è di tipo non Markoviano,non perturbativo e di forte non equi- librio, ed il rumore non è trattato come tradizionale rumore bianco. La tecnica numerica che per prima ha predetto la rigenerazione della coerenza all’interno di questi network proteici è stato il TEBD, Time Evolving Block Decimation, uno schema numerico che permette di simulare sistemi 1-D a molti corpi, caratterizzati da interazioni di primi vicini e leggermente entangled. Tramite gli algoritmi numerici di Orthopol l’hamiltoniana spin-bosone viene proiettata su una catena discreta 1-D, tenendo conto degli effetti di interazione ambiente-sistema contenuti nello spettro(il quale determina la dinamica del sistema).Infine si esegue l’evoluzione dello stato.