6 resultados para micro total analysis system

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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L'obiettivo di questa tesi è studiare la fattibilità dello studio della produzione associata ttH del bosone di Higgs con due quark top nell'esperimento CMS, e valutare le funzionalità e le caratteristiche della prossima generazione di toolkit per l'analisi distribuita a CMS (CRAB versione 3) per effettuare tale analisi. Nel settore della fisica del quark top, la produzione ttH è particolarmente interessante, soprattutto perchè rappresenta l'unica opportunità di studiare direttamente il vertice t-H senza dover fare assunzioni riguardanti possibili contributi dalla fisica oltre il Modello Standard. La preparazione per questa analisi è cruciale in questo momento, prima dell'inizio del Run-2 dell'LHC nel 2015. Per essere preparati a tale studio, le implicazioni tecniche di effettuare un'analisi completa in un ambito di calcolo distribuito come la Grid non dovrebbero essere sottovalutate. Per questo motivo, vengono presentati e discussi un'analisi dello stesso strumento CRAB3 (disponibile adesso in versione di pre-produzione) e un confronto diretto di prestazioni con CRAB2. Saranno raccolti e documentati inoltre suggerimenti e consigli per un team di analisi che sarà eventualmente coinvolto in questo studio. Nel Capitolo 1 è introdotta la fisica delle alte energie a LHC nell'esperimento CMS. Il Capitolo 2 discute il modello di calcolo di CMS e il sistema di analisi distribuita della Grid. Nel Capitolo 3 viene brevemente presentata la fisica del quark top e del bosone di Higgs. Il Capitolo 4 è dedicato alla preparazione dell'analisi dal punto di vista degli strumenti della Grid (CRAB3 vs CRAB2). Nel capitolo 5 è presentato e discusso uno studio di fattibilità per un'analisi del canale ttH in termini di efficienza di selezione.


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The full blood cell (FBC) count is the most common indicator of diseases. At present hematology analyzers are used for the blood cell characterization, but, recently, there has been interest in using techniques that take advantage of microscale devices and intrinsic properties of cells for increased automation and decreased cost. Microfluidic technologies offer solutions to handling and processing small volumes of blood (2-50 uL taken by finger prick) for point-of-care(PoC) applications. Several PoC blood analyzers are in use and may have applications in the fields of telemedicine, out patient monitoring and medical care in resource limited settings. They have the advantage to be easy to move and much cheaper than traditional analyzers, which require bulky instruments and consume large amount of reagents. The development of miniaturized point-of-care diagnostic tests may be enabled by chip-based technologies for cell separation and sorting. Many current diagnostic tests depend on fractionated blood components: plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. Specifically, white blood cell differentiation and counting provide valuable information for diagnostic purposes. For example, a low number of WBCs, called leukopenia, may be an indicator of bone marrow deficiency or failure, collagen- vascular diseases, disease of the liver or spleen. The leukocytosis, a high number of WBCs, may be due to anemia, infectious diseases, leukemia or tissue damage. In the laboratory of hybrid biodevices, at the University of Southampton,it was developed a functioning micro impedance cytometer technology for WBC differentiation and counting. It is capable to classify cells and particles on the base of their dielectric properties, in addition to their size, without the need of labeling, in a flow format similar to that of a traditional flow cytometer. It was demonstrated that the micro impedance cytometer system can detect and differentiate monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes, which are the three major human leukocyte populations. The simplicity and portability of the microfluidic impedance chip offer a range of potential applications in cell analysis including point-of-care diagnostic systems. The microfluidic device has been integrated into a sample preparation cartridge that semi-automatically performs erythrocyte lysis before leukocyte analysis. Generally erythrocytes are manually lysed according to a specific chemical lysis protocol, but this process has been automated in the cartridge. In this research work the chemical lysis protocol, defined in the patent US 5155044 A, was optimized in order to improve white blood cell differentiation and count performed by the integrated cartridge.


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Sodium manganese hexacyanoferrate (NaMnHCF) and its derivatives have been synthesized by simple co-precipitation method with addition of the citric and ascorbic acids respectively. The correspondent crystal structure, water content, chemical formula and a deep structural investigation of prepared samples have been performed by means of the combination of the laboratory and synchrotron techniques (PXRD, FT-IR, TGA, MP-AES and XAS). Electrochemical tests have been done using three-electrode system in sodium nitrate solution at different concentration. From cyclic voltammetry curves, Fe3+/2+ redox peak has been observed, whereas Mn3+/2+ peak was not always evident. Structural stability of the cycled samples has then been tested using 2D XRF imaging and Transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) techniques. The intercalation of NaMnHCF after 20 cycles has been found by micro-XANES analysis of the highlighted spots which have been found in the XRF images. TXM has also confirmed the appearance of the intercalated particles after 50 cycles comparing the spectra between charged and discharged materials at three different edges (Mn, Fe and N). However, by comparison with lithium samples, it seems obvious that sodium samples are more homogeneous and intercalation is at the very beginning indicating the relative structural stability of sodium manganese hexacyanoferrate electrode material.


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Nella protezione idraulica del territorio la previsione e il controllo delle piene sono di fondamentale importanza. I territori sono sempre più antropizzati, pertanto la riduzione dei rischi connessi a eventi idrometeorologici estremi è di notevole interesse. La previsione delle piene è resa difficile dall’innumerevole quantità di variabili che intervengono nel processo della loro formazione. Nelle attività di progettazione e nella verifica di opere idrauliche la identificazione dell’idrogramma di progetto spesso riveste un’importanza fondamentale. Un idrogramma di progetto è definito come un’onda di piena, realmente osservata o sintetica, associata ad un determinato livello di rischio, quantificato usualmente in termini di tempo di ritorno. Con il presente lavoro si cerca di verificare la possibilità di applicazione una metodologia per la stima degli idrogrammi di progetto associati ad un determinato tempo di ritorno, recentemente proposta dalla letteratura scientifica (Maione et al., 2001, Una metodologia per la stima indiretta degli idrogrammi sintetici per il progetto di opere di difesa idraulica del territorio). Il lavoro è riferito al Fiume Secchia, un affluente importante del Po che scorre tra le provincie di Modena e Reggio Emilia.


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The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the spatial and temporal variability of the aragonite saturation state (ΩAR), commonly used as an indicator of ocean acidification, in the North-East Atlantic. When the aragonite saturation state decreases below a certain threshold, ΩAR <1, calcifying organisms (i.e. molluscs, pteropods, foraminifera, crabs, etc.) are subject to dissolution of shells and aragonite structures. This objective agrees with the challenge 'Ocean, climate change and acidification' of the EU COST Ocean Governance for Sustainability project, which aims to combine the information collected on the state of health of the oceans. Two open-sources data products, EMODnet and GLODAPv2, have been integrated and analysed for the first time in the North-East Atlantic region. The integrated dataset contains 1038 ΩAR vertical profiles whose time distribution spans from 1970 to 2014. The ΩAR has been computed from CO2SYS software considering different combinations of input parameters, pH, Total Alkalinity (TAlk) and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), associated with Temperature, Salinity and Pressure at in situ conditions. A sensitivity analysis has been performed to better understand the data consistency of ΩAR computed from the different combinations of pH, Talk and DIC and to verify the difference among observed TAlk and DIC parameters and their output values from the CO2SYS tool. Maps of ΩAR have been computed with the best data coverage obtained from the two datasets, at different levels of depth in the area of investigation and they have been compared to the work of Jiang et al. (2015). The results are consistent and show similar horizontal and vertical patterns. The study highlights some aragonite undersaturated values (ΩAR <1) below 500 meters depth, suggesting a potential effect of acidification in the considered time period. This thesis aims to be a preliminary work for future studies that will be able to design the ΩAR variability on a decadal distribution based on the extended time-series acquired in this work.