4 resultados para methods and measurement

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The purpose of the work is: define and calculate a factor of collapse related to traditional method to design sheet pile walls. Furthermore, we tried to find the parameters that most influence a finite element model representative of this problem. The text is structured in this way: from chapter 1 to 5, we analyzed a series of arguments which are usefull to understanding the problem, while the considerations mainly related to the purpose of the text are reported in the chapters from 6 to 10. In the first part of the document the following arguments are shown: what is a sheet pile wall, what are the codes to be followed for the design of these structures and what they say, how can be formulated a mathematical model of the soil, some fundamentals of finite element analysis, and finally, what are the traditional methods that support the design of sheet pile walls. In the chapter 6 we performed a parametric analysis, giving an answer to the second part of the purpose of the work. Comparing the results from a laboratory test for a cantilever sheet pile wall in a sandy soil, with those provided by a finite element model of the same problem, we concluded that:in modelling a sandy soil we should pay attention to the value of cohesion that we insert in the model (some programs, like Abaqus, don’t accept a null value for this parameter), friction angle and elastic modulus of the soil, they influence significantly the behavior of the system (structure-soil), others parameters, like the dilatancy angle or the Poisson’s ratio, they don’t seem influence it. The logical path that we followed in the second part of the text is reported here. We analyzed two different structures, the first is able to support an excavation of 4 m, while the second an excavation of 7 m. Both structures are first designed by using the traditional method, then these structures are implemented in a finite element program (Abaqus), and they are pushed to collapse by decreasing the friction angle of the soil. The factor of collapse is the ratio between tangents of the initial friction angle and of the friction angle at collapse. At the end, we performed a more detailed analysis of the first structure, observing that, the value of the factor of collapse is influenced by a wide range of parameters including: the value of the coefficients assumed in the traditional method and by the relative stiffness of the structure-soil system. In the majority of cases, we found that the value of the factor of collapse is between and 1.25 and 2. With some considerations, reported in the text, we can compare the values so far found, with the value of the safety factor proposed by the code (linked to the friction angle of the soil).


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Il fenomeno dello scattering diffuso è stato oggetto di numerosi studi nell’arco degli ultimi anni, questo grazie alla sua rilevanza nell’ambito della propagazione elettromagnetica così come in molti altri campi di applicazione (remote sensing, ottica, fisica, etc.), ma la compresione completa di questo effetto è lungi dall’essere raggiunta. Infatti la complessità nello studio e nella caratterizzazione della diffusione deriva dalla miriade di casistiche ed effetti che si possono incontrare in un ambiente di propagazione reale, lasciando intuire la necessità di trattarne probabilisticamente il relativo contributo. Da qui nasce l’esigenza di avere applicazioni efficienti dal punto di vista ingegneristico che coniughino la definizione rigorosa del fenomeno e la conseguente semplificazione per fini pratici. In tale visione possiamo descrivere lo scattering diffuso come la sovrapposizione di tutti quegli effetti che si scostano dalle classiche leggi dell’ottica geometrica (riflessione, rifrazione e diffrazione) che generano contributi del campo anche in punti dello spazio e direzioni in cui teoricamente, per oggetti lisci ed omogenei, non dovrebbe esserci alcun apporto. Dunque l’effetto principale, nel caso di ambiente di propagazione reale, è la diversa distribuzione spaziale del campo rispetto al caso teorico di superficie liscia ed omogenea in congiunzione ad effetti di depolarizzazione e redistribuzione di energia nel bilancio di potenza. Perciò la complessità del fenomeno è evidente e l’obiettivo di tale elaborato è di proporre nuovi risultati che permettano di meglio descrivere lo scattering diffuso ed individuare altresì le tematiche sulle quali concentrare l’attenzione nei lavori futuri. In principio è stato quindi effettuato uno studio bibliografico così da identificare i modelli e le teorie esistenti individuando i punti sui quali riflettere maggiormente; nel contempo si sono analizzate le metodologie di caratterizzazione della permittività elettrica complessa dei materiali, questo per valutare la possibilità di ricavare i parametri da utilizzare nelle simulazioni utilizzando il medesimo setup di misura ideato per lo studio della diffusione. Successivamente si è realizzato un setup di simulazione grazie ad un software di calcolo elettromagnetico (basato sul metodo delle differenze finite nel dominio del tempo) grazie al quale è stato possibile analizzare la dispersione tridimensionale dovuta alle irregolarità del materiale. Infine è stata condotta una campagna di misure in camera anecoica con un banco sperimentale realizzato ad-hoc per effettuare una caratterizzazione del fenomeno di scattering in banda larga.


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Every year, thousand of surgical treatments are performed in order to fix up or completely substitute, where possible, organs or tissues affected by degenerative diseases. Patients with these kind of illnesses stay long times waiting for a donor that could replace, in a short time, the damaged organ or the tissue. The lack of biological alternates, related to conventional surgical treatments as autografts, allografts, e xenografts, led the researchers belonging to different areas to collaborate to find out innovative solutions. This research brought to a new discipline able to merge molecular biology, biomaterial, engineering, biomechanics and, recently, design and architecture knowledges. This discipline is named Tissue Engineering (TE) and it represents a step forward towards the substitutive or regenerative medicine. One of the major challenge of the TE is to design and develop, using a biomimetic approach, an artificial 3D anatomy scaffold, suitable for cells adhesion that are able to proliferate and differentiate themselves as consequence of the biological and biophysical stimulus offered by the specific tissue to be replaced. Nowadays, powerful instruments allow to perform analysis day by day more accurateand defined on patients that need more precise diagnosis and treatments.Starting from patient specific information provided by TC (Computed Tomography) microCT and MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), an image-based approach can be performed in order to reconstruct the site to be replaced. With the aid of the recent Additive Manufacturing techniques that allow to print tridimensional objects with sub millimetric precision, it is now possible to practice an almost complete control of the parametrical characteristics of the scaffold: this is the way to achieve a correct cellular regeneration. In this work, we focalize the attention on a branch of TE known as Bone TE, whose the bone is main subject. Bone TE combines osteoconductive and morphological aspects of the scaffold, whose main properties are pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity. The realization of the ideal values of these parameters represents the main goal of this work: here we'll a create simple and interactive biomimetic design process based on 3D CAD modeling and generative algorithmsthat provide a way to control the main properties and to create a structure morphologically similar to the cancellous bone. Two different typologies of scaffold will be compared: the first is based on Triply Periodic MinimalSurface (T.P.M.S.) whose basic crystalline geometries are nowadays used for Bone TE scaffolding; the second is based on using Voronoi's diagrams and they are more often used in the design of decorations and jewellery for their capacity to decompose and tasselate a volumetric space using an heterogeneous spatial distribution (often frequent in nature). In this work, we will show how to manipulate the main properties (pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity) of the design TE oriented scaffolding using the implementation of generative algorithms: "bringing back the nature to the nature".


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The main objective of this project is to experimentally demonstrate geometrical nonlinear phenomena due to large displacements during resonant vibration of composite materials and to explain the problem associated with fatigue prediction at resonant conditions. Three different composite blades to be tested were designed and manufactured, being their difference in the composite layup (i.e. unidirectional, cross-ply, and angle-ply layups). Manual envelope bagging technique is explained as applied to the actual manufacturing of the components; problems encountered and their solutions are detailed. Forced response tests of the first flexural, first torsional, and second flexural modes were performed by means of a uniquely contactless excitation system which induced vibration by using a pulsed airflow. Vibration intensity was acquired by means of Polytec LDV system. The first flexural mode is found to be completely linear irrespective of the vibration amplitude. The first torsional mode exhibits a general nonlinear softening behaviour which is interestingly coupled with a hardening behaviour for the unidirectional layup. The second flexural mode has a hardening nonlinear behaviour for either the unidirectional and angle-ply blade, whereas it is slightly softening for the cross-ply layup. By using the same equipment as that used for forced response analyses, free decay tests were performed at different airflow intensities. Discrete Fourier Trasform over the entire decay and Sliding DFT were computed so as to visualise the presence of nonlinear superharmonics in the decay signal and when they were damped out from the vibration over the decay time. Linear modes exhibit an exponential decay, while nonlinearities are associated with a dry-friction damping phenomenon which tends to increase with increasing amplitude. Damping ratio is derived from logarithmic decrement for the exponential branch of the decay.