4 resultados para liquid gas
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In the present work, the deviations in the solubility of CO2, CH4, and N2 at 30 °c in the mixed gases (CO2/CH4) and (CO2/N2) from the pure gas behavior were studied using the dual-mode model over a wide range of equilibrium composition and pressure values in two glassy polymers. The first of which was PI-DAR which is the polyimide formed by the reaction between 4, 6-diaminoresorcinol dihydrochloride (DAR-Cl) and 2, 2’-bis-(3, 4-dicarboxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane dianhydride (6FDA). The other glassy polymer was TR-DAR which is the corresponding thermally rearranged polymer of PI-DAR. Also, mixed gas sorption experiments for the gas mixture (CO2/CH4) in TR-DAR at 30°c took place in order to assess the degree of accuracy of the dual-mode model in predicting the true mixed gas behavior. The experiments were conducted on a pressure decay apparatus coupled with a gas chromatography column. On the other hand, the solubility of CO2 and CH4 in two rubbery polymers at 30⁰c in the mixed gas (CO2/CH4) was modelled using the Lacombe and Sanchez equation of state at various values of equilibrium composition and pressure. These two rubbery polymers were cross-linked poly (ethylene oxide) (XLPEO) and poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). Moreover, data about the sorption of CO2 and CH4 in liquid methyl dietahnolamine MDEA that was collected from literature65-67 was used to determine the deviations in the sorption behavior in the mixed gas from that in the pure gases. It was observed that the competition effects between the penetrants were prevailing in the glassy polymers while swelling effects were predominant in the rubbery polymers above a certain value of the fugacity of CO2. Also, it was found that the dual-mode model showed a good prediction of the sorption of CH4 in the mixed gas for small pressure values but in general, it failed to predict the actual sorption of the penetrants in the mixed gas.
The aim of this thesis is the study of the normal phase of a mass imbalanced and polarized ultra-cold Fermi gas in the context of the BCS-BEC crossover, using a diagrammatic approach known as t-matrix approximation. More specifically, the calculations are implemented using the fully self-consistent t-matrix (or Luttinger- Ward) approach, which is already experimentally and numerically validated for the balanced case. An imbalance (polarization) between the two spin populations works against pairing and superfluidity. For sufficiently large polarization (and not too strong attraction) the system remains in the normal phase even at zero temperature. This phase is expected to be well described by the Landau’s Fermi liquid theory. By reducing the spin polarization, a critical imbalance is reached where a quantum phase transition towards a superfluid phase occurs and the Fermi liquid description breaks down. Depending on the strength of the interaction, the exotic superfluid phase at the quantum critical point (QCP) can be either a FFLO phase (Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov) or a Sarma phase. In this regard, the presence of mass imbalance can strongly influence the nature of the QCP, by favouring one of these two exotic types of pairing over the other, depending on whether the majority of the two species is heavier or lighter than the minority. The analysis of the system is made by focusing on the temperature-coupling-polarization phase diagram for different mass ratios of the two components and on the study of different thermodynamic quantities at finite temperature. The evolution towards a non-Fermi liquid behavior at the QCP is investigated by calculating the fermionic quasi-particle residues, the effective masses and the self-energies at zero temperature.
The advent of the hydrogen economy has already been predicted but it does not represent a tangible reality yet. However, decarbonizing the global economy and particularly the energy sector is vital to limit global warming and reduce the incumbent environmental problems. Hydrogen is a promising zero-emission fuel that could replace traditional fossil fuels, playing a key role in the transition towards a more sustainable economy. At present, hydrogen-powered cars are already spread worldwide and the deployment of hydrogen buses seems to be the next goal in the decarbonization process of the transportation sector. In contrast with the undeniable benefits introduced by the use of this alternative fuel, given its hazardous properties, safety is a topic of high concern. The present study concerns the evaluation of the risks linked to the on board storage of hydrogen on hydrogen-powered buses in case of road accident. Currently, hydrogen can be stored on board as a high-pressure gas, as a cryogenic liquid or in cryo-compressed form. Those solutions are compared from a safety point of view. First, the final accidental scenarios that could follow the release of the fuel in case of a road crash are pointed out. Secondly, threshold values for the hazardous effects of each scenario are fixed and the corresponding damage distances are calculated thanks to the use of the software PHAST 8.4. Finally, indicators are quantified to compare the different options. Results are discussed to find out the safer solution and to evaluate whether the replacement of fossil fuels with hydrogen introduces new safety issues.
Ultracold gases provide an ideal platform for quantum simulations of many-body systems. Here we are interested in a particular system which has been the focus of most experimental and theoretical works on ultracold fermionic gases: the unitary Fermi gas. In this work we study with Quantum Monte Carlo simulations a two-component gas of fermionic atoms at zero temperature in the unitary regime. Specifically, we are interested in studying how the effective masses for the quasi-particles of the two components of the Fermi liquid evolve as the polarization is progressively reduced from full to lower values. A recent theoretical work, based on alternative diagrammatic methods, has indeed suggested that such effective masses should diverge at a critical polarization. To independently verify such predictions, we perform Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) calculations of the energy based on Jastrow-Slater wavefunctions after adding or subtracting a particle with a given momentum to a full Fermi sphere. In this way, we determine the quasi-particle dispersions, from which we extract the effective masses for different polarizations. The resulting effective masses turn out to be quite close to the non-interacting values, even though some evidence of an increase for the effective mass of the minority component appears close to the predicted value for the critical polarization. Preliminary results obtained for the majority component with the Fixed-node Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method seem to indicate that DMC could lead to an increase of the effective masses in comparison with the VMC results. Finally, we point out further improvements of the trial wave-function and boundary conditions that would be necessary in future simulations to draw definite conclusions on the effective masses of the polarized unitary Fermi gas.