3 resultados para knots
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
La tesi propone alcuni esempi di link fibrati in spazi lenticolari. Sfruttando la compatibilità fra le mosse di chirurgia intera e la nozione di open book decomposition, si ricava un esempio di link fibrato prima in L(p,1), per poi generalizzarlo a L(p,q). Si conclude determinando una struttura di contatto equivalente alla open book relativa agli spazi del tipo L(p,1).
This thesis explores the X-ray nuclear and extended properties of the radio galaxy 3C 277.3, where a recent optical observation performed with the multi-unit spectroscopic explorer (MUSE) has revealed star-forming regions triggered by the propagation of non-thermal plasma in the intergalactic medium. This work aims to study the nuclear engine and its environment and, possibly, discover signatures of non-thermal plasma-gas interaction at high energies. 3C 277.3 was observed with the Chandra satellite five times from 2010 to 2014 for a total of about 200 ks. Data in the Chandra public archive were retrieved and analyzed. When necessary, the different pointings were combined to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. A detailed analysis of the Chandra image (obtained by combining all the observations) has revealed several emission regions. In addition to a bright nucleus, two jet knots and the northern hot spot were clearly detected by overlapping the X-ray data to a VLA map of the source at 1.4 GHz. An X-ray spectral analysis was performed for all these structures. Finally, the X-ray image was over-imposed on the MUSE data.
Galaxy clusters and groups are the most massive bounded structures and the knots of the large-scale structure of the Universe. These structures reside in dark matter haloes, hosting tens to hundreds of galaxies and they are filled with hot and rarefied gas. Radio Galaxies are a peculiar class of galaxies with a luminosity in the radio band up to 10^46 erg/s between 10 MHz and 100 GHz. These galaxies are a subclass of AGN in which there is accretion on the Super Massive Black Hole. The accretion generates jets of relativistic particles and magnetic fields which lose energy through synchrotron radiation, best observable at radio frequencies. The study of the spectral ageing of the AGN plasma is fundamental to understand its evolution, interaction with the environment and to constrain the AGN duty cycle. n this thesis, we have investigated the duty cycle of the nearby remnant radio galaxy NGC 6086, located in the centre of the galaxy group Abell 2162. We have made major steps forward thanks to the new high-sensitivity interferometers in the low-frequency radio band. We have detected for the first time three filaments of emission and a second couple of lobes. We have performed an integrated and resolved analysis on the previously known inner lobes, the new filaments and the older outer lobes. We have performed an age estimate of the two pairs of lobes to give constraints on the duty cycle of the source and an estimate of its active time.