26 resultados para interpreting

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Scopo di questa tesi è argomentare l’utilità dello shadowing nella formazione degli interpreti, basandosi sulla Teoria motoria della percezione del linguaggio di Alvin Liberman e muovendosi all’interno del quadro teorico della più ampia embodied cognition, che include teorie sullo sviluppo del linguaggio e sull’acquisizione di seconde lingue. Nella formazione degli interpreti, lo shadowing è un esercizio che consiste nell’immediata ripetizione di quanto udito in cuffia, parola per parola e nella medesima lingua del testo di partenza ed è generalmente utilizzato come esercizio propedeutico alla simultanea, in quanto permette sia di “imparare” ad ascoltare e a parlare contemporaneamente, sia di migliorare la pronuncia e la fluidità in lingua straniera. Tuttavia, all’interno degli Interpreting Studies, ci sono studiosi che lo ritengono un esercizio inutile e, per certi versi, pericoloso poiché porrebbe l’accento su un processo eccessivamente “meccanico” dell’interpretazione. Per argomentare la sua utilità nella didattica dell’interpretazione, in questa tesi, dopo aver presentato le principali teorie sullo sviluppo del linguaggio e sull’acquisizione di seconde lingue, si passeranno in rassegna i risultati di ricerche condotte non solo all’interno degli Interpreting Studies, ma anche nella più ampia prospettiva della didattica delle lingue straniere/seconde, e soprattutto in neurolinguistica e psicologia cognitiva, dove lo shadowing è utilizzato per analizzare i processi cognitivi che sono alla base della ricezione e produzione del linguaggio (articolazione motoria, memoria di lavoro, attenzione selettiva, ecc.). L’ultimo capitolo di questo lavoro sarà dedicato alla descrizione di un approccio estremamente recente sulla percezione e sulla produzione del linguaggio, che coniuga la Teoria motoria della percezione del linguaggio di Liberman (1967) con la recente scoperta dei neuroni specchio, e che getta una luce nuova sull’utilità dello shadowing nella formazione degli interpreti.


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Lo studio si occupa di fluency e analizza alcuni aspetti che la definiscono (pause vuote, pause piene, segnali discorsivi, riformulazioni). Si analizzano frequenza e durata di tali fenomeni, attraverso due corpora di produzioni orali di due gruppi di parlanti della lingua inglese: gli studenti italiani del corso di Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale della Scuola di Lingue, Letterature, Interpretazione e Traduzione di Forlì, Università di Bologna, e partecipanti britannici di un programma radiofonico. Si è ritenuto utile comparare le produzioni orali di studenti della lingua inglese a quelle di oratori pubblici madrelingua. Si è cercato di bilanciare i due corpora in termini di genere. Sono stati utilzzati i software Praat, per identificare la morfologia e la durata delle variabili, e Notetab Light, per l'annotazione dei corpora. I risultati della ricerca mostrano che le differenze maggiori tra i due gruppi risiedono nella durata delle pause vuote e nella frequenza, durata e e varietà di suoni delle pause piene, oltre a sillabe aggiuntive, sillabe allungate e riformulazioni. Le sillabe aggiuntive appaiono tipiche della produzione orale degli studenti italiani, in quanto, per la maggior parte, le parole della lingua italiana terminano con un suono vocalico. E' inoltre emersa una questione di genere. Le parlanti di sesso femminile, in entrambi i corpora, impiegano maggiormente le variabili della fluency prese in esame, rispetto ai parlanti di sesso maschile. Sulla base di questa ricerca e ricerche future si potranno ideare moduli di insegnamento dell'inglese basati sulla fluency come fattore primario di competenza linguistica. Il Capitolo 1 introduce lo studio. Il Capitolo 2 presenta lo stato dell'arte sul tema. Il Capitolo 3 presenta la metodologia dello studio. Il Capitolo 4 è dedicato a illustrare e discutere i risultati della ricerca. Il Capitolo 5 presenta considerazioni conclusive e future prospettive per l'insegnamento dell'inglese e per la ricerca.


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It has recently been noticed that interpreters tend to converge with their speakers’ emotions under a process known as emotional contagion. Emotional contagion still represents an underinvestigated aspect of interpreting and the few studies on this topic have tended to focus more on simultaneous interpreting rather than consecutive interpreting. Korpal & Jasielska (2019) compared the emotional effects of one emotional and one neutral text on interpreters in simultaneous interpreting and found that interpreters tended to converge emotionally with the speaker more when interpreting the emotional text. This exploratory study follows their procedures to study the emotional contagion potentially caused by two texts among interpreters in consecutive interpreting: one emotionally neutral text and one negatively-valenced text, this last containing 44 negative words as triggers. Several measures were triangulated to determine whether the triggers in the negatively-valenced text could prompt a stronger emotional contagion in the consecutive interpreting of that text as compared to the consecutive interpreting of the emotionally neutral text, which contained no triggers—namely, the quality of the interpreters’ delivery; their heart rate variability values as collected with EMPATICA E4 wristbands; the analysis of their acoustic variations (i.e., disfluencies and rhetorical strategies); their linguistic and emotional management of the triggers; and their answers to the Italian version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) self-report questionnaire. Results showed no statistically significant evidence of an emotional contagion evoked by the triggers in the consecutive interpreting of the negative text as opposed to the consecutive interpreting of the neutral text. On the contrary, interpreters seemed to be more at ease while interpreting the negative text. This surprising result, together with other results of this project, suggests venues for further research.


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This paper intends to underline the importance of nonverbal cues in intercultural communication and especially in the profession of the interpreter in the public services. The first chapter focuses on giving an overview on the different components of nonverbal communication by providing a definition and examples. The chapter then analyses the different functions carried out by nonverbal language. The second chapter addresses cultural differences related to nonverbal language and provides examples for every component of nonverbal language. It also explains the distinction between high context cultures and low context cultures. Lastly, the third chapter first gives an overview on Public Service Interpreting (PSI), explaining the main features and characteristics. It then provides real examples of cultural misunderstandings related to nonverbal language which occurred in public services and gives the techniques used by interpreters to solve them. This chapter includes examples of various nonverbal cues including eye contact, touch, silence, and hand gestures.


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Il presente elaborato analizza le rese del sistema di interpretazione automatica WT2 Plus di Timekettle in un reale contesto didattico. Nello specifico, sono state condotte tre sperimentazioni presso l’Accademia Europea di Manga utilizzando due modalità di interpretazione supportate dal dispositivo. L’obiettivo è valutare la qualità di un sistema di interpretazione automatica in un contesto reale, dato che allo stato attuale mancano studi che valutino la performance di questi dispositivi nei reali contesti per i quali sono stati sviluppati. Il primo capitolo ripercorre la storia dell’interpretazione automatica, cui fa seguito la spiegazione della tecnologia alla base dei sistemi disponibili sul mercato, di cui poi si presenta lo stato dell’arte. Successivamente si delinea in breve il prossimo passaggio evolutivo nell’interpretazione automatica e si analizzano tre casi studio simili a quello proposto. Il capitolo si conclude con l’approccio scelto per valutare la performance del dispositivo. Il secondo capitolo, dedicato alla metodologia, si apre con una panoramica su WT2 Plus e sull’azienda produttrice per poi descrivere il metodo usato nelle sperimentazioni. Nello specifico, le sperimentazioni sono state condotte durante alcune delle attività previste nel normale svolgimento delle lezioni presso l’Accademia Europea di Manga con il coinvolgimento di uno studente anglofono e di due membri del personale accademico. I dati raccolti sono analizzati e discussi rispettivamente nei capitoli 3 e 4. I risultati ottenuti sembrano suggerire che il dispositivo non sia, allo stato attuale, compatibile con un reale contesto didattico, per via del quasi mancato funzionamento di una delle modalità prescelte, per il servizio di interpretazione, che risulta ancora troppo letterale, la monotonia dell’intonazione della voce automatica e infine per la traduzione quasi completamente errata della terminologia tecnica.


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Sudden cardiac death due to ventricular arrhythmia is one of the leading causes of mortality in the world. In the last decades, it has proven that anti-arrhythmic drugs, which prolong the refractory period by means of prolongation of the cardiac action potential duration (APD), play a good role in preventing of relevant human arrhythmias. However, it has long been observed that the “class III antiarrhythmic effect” diminish at faster heart rates and that this phenomenon represent a big weakness, since it is the precise situation when arrhythmias are most prone to occur. It is well known that mathematical modeling is a useful tool for investigating cardiac cell behavior. In the last 60 years, a multitude of cardiac models has been created; from the pioneering work of Hodgkin and Huxley (1952), who first described the ionic currents of the squid giant axon quantitatively, mathematical modeling has made great strides. The O’Hara model, that I employed in this research work, is one of the modern computational models of ventricular myocyte, a new generation began in 1991 with ventricular cell model by Noble et al. Successful of these models is that you can generate novel predictions, suggest experiments and provide a quantitative understanding of underlying mechanism. Obviously, the drawback is that they remain simple models, they don’t represent the real system. The overall goal of this research is to give an additional tool, through mathematical modeling, to understand the behavior of the main ionic currents involved during the action potential (AP), especially underlining the differences between slower and faster heart rates. In particular to evaluate the rate-dependence role on the action potential duration, to implement a new method for interpreting ionic currents behavior after a perturbation effect and to verify the validity of the work proposed by Antonio Zaza using an injected current as a perturbing effect.


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Questa tesi si propone di offrire una visione approfondita della situazione del servizio di interpretazione giudiziaria nel Regno Unito. In particolare, alla luce della la Direttiva 2010/64/UE del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio sul diritto all'interpretazione e alla traduzione, analizza il fallimentare passaggio di gestione dei servizi di legal interpreting dal National Register of Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI) a Capita Translation and Interpreting (Capita TI). Il lavoro è strutturato in tre capitoli. Il primo tratta i contenuti della direttiva relativi all'ambito di indagine: l'istituzione di registri, la figura dell'interprete giudiziario suggerita e il ruolo degli Stati membri. Il secondo capitolo contiene invece l'analisi dei due sistemi: NRPSI, organizzazione no-profit, indipendente e volontaria, e Capita TI, azienda fornitrice di servizi linguistici. Si vedrà, nello specifico, come sono composte, come lavorano, come funzionano i loro registri, secondo quali criteri vengono selezionati gli interpreti e in che modo corrispondono alle direttive dell'Unione Europea. Nel terzo e ultimo capitolo, si presenta la situazione dell'interpretazione giudiziaria nel Regno Unito. Si ricostruiscono inizialmente le motivazioni che hanno portato il Ministero della Giustizia inglese ad appaltare a terzi la gestione del servizio di interpretazione giudiziaria, In seguito, si espongono le problematiche insorte sin dalla firma del contratto tra Capita TI e il Ministry of Justice e le conseguenti reazioni dei servizi pubblici coinvolti e degli interpreti che hanno deciso di boicottare la nuova disposizione. Dopo aver illustrato le misure che, nel 2013, Capita e l'MoJ si sono impegnati ad attuare per invertire la disastrosa tendenza iniziale, si vedrà infine in quale modo queste hanno influito sull'ancora irrisolta situazione attuale.


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This dissertation aims at investigating differences in phraseological patterns in translated and interpreted language, on the basis of the intermodal corpus EPTIC_01_2011 and focusing on Italian and French. First of all, an overview is offered of the main studies and theories about corpus linguistics and collocations: the notion of corpus is defined and a typology (focusing on intermodal corpora) is presented, before moving on to the linguistic phenomenon of collocation and its investigation through corpus linguistics methods. Second, the general structure of EPTIC_01_2011 is presented, including the ways in which its texts have been assembled, edited through ad hoc conventions and enriched with metadata. The methodology proposed by Durrant and Schmitt (2009), slightly edited to fit the present study, has been used to extract and compare noun+adjective/adjective+noun bigrams from a quantitative point of view. A subset of these data have then been extracted and analysed manually. The results of the study are presented through graphs and examples, with an in-depth discussion of the bigrams considered. Lastly, the data collected are analysed and categorised in terms of shifts occurring in translation and in interpreting, potential causes are discussed and ideas for further research and for the development of the EPTIC corpus are sketched.


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The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the differences in the phraseological patterns used by Italian and English translators and interpreters through the intermodal corpus EPTIC_01_2011. First, the most important studies and theories about corpus linguistics and collocations are introduced. After defining the notion of “corpus”, the different types of corpora are categorised, giving particular attention to the intermodal one. Then the dissertation focuses on a description of collocations, as defined by the main linguistics scholars, and it describes some attempts to apply corpus linguistics to the study of collocations. Secondly, EPTIC_01_2011 is presented, with a description of its structure and of the text editing process carried out applying specific editing conventions and adding a set of metadata before each text. The analysis of collocation candidate bigrams (adjective+noun/noun+adjective) from a quantitative point of view, was conducted applying a methodology adapted from Durrant and Schmitt (2009). Qualitative analysis was also performed on a subsection of the data. The results of the study are presented through examples and graphs, giving particular attention to the interpretation of the data analysed from a qualitative perspective. Finally, results are summarised and categorised, and suggestions are made concerning the diverging choices made in translation and interpreting. The final section concentrates on further studies that could be carried out in the future, as well as on suggestions for corpus enlargement.


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This dissertation is part of the Language Toolkit project which is a collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena. This project aims to create an exchange between translation students and companies who want to pursue a process of internationalization. The purpose of this dissertation is demonstrating the benefits that translation systems can bring to businesses. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents supplied by the Italian company Technologica S.r.l. and the creation of linguistic resources that can be integrated into computer-assisted translation (CAT) software, in order to optimize the translation process. The latter is claimed to be a priority with respect to the actual translation products (the target texts), since the analysis conducted on the source texts highlighted that the company could streamline and optimize its English language communication thanks to the use of open source CAT tools such as OmegaT. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the company (Technologica S.r.l ) and its products. The second chapter provides some considerations about technical translation, its features and some misconceptions about it. The difference between technical translation and scientific translation is then clarified and an overview is offered of translation aids such as those used for computer-assisted translation, machine translation, termbases and translation memories. The third chapter contains the analysis of the texts commissioned by Technologica S.r.l. and their categorization. The fourth chapter describes the translation process, with particular attention to terminology extraction and the creation of a bilingual glossary based on a specialized corpus. The glossary was integrated into the OmegaT software in order to facilitate the translation process both for the present task and for future applications. The memory deriving from the translation represents a sort of hybrid resource between a translation memory and a glossary. This was found to be the most appropriate format, given the specific nature of the texts to be translated. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are offered about the importance of language training within a company environment, the potentialities of translation aids and the benefits that they would bring to a company wishing to internationalize itself.


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The objective of this thesis is to investigate which contexts should be used for different kinds of note-taking and to study the evolution of the various types of note-taking. Moreover, the final aim of this thesis is to understand which method is used most commonly during the interpreting process, with a special focus on consecutive and community interpreting in the sector of public service and healthcare. The belief that stands behind this thesis is that the most complete method is Rozan’s, which is also the most theorized and used by interpreters. Through the analysis of the different rules of this practice, the importance of this method is shown. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates how these techniques can assist the interpreters in their jobs. This thesis starts from an overview of what note-taking means in the different settings of interpreting and a short history of note-taking is presented. The section that follows analyzes three different well-known types of note-taking methods outside the interpreting environment, that is: linear, non-linear and shorthand. Subsequent to the comparison, Rozan’s 7 principles are analyzed. To authenticate this thesis and the hypotheses herein, data was collected through a survey that was conducted on a sample of a group of graduated students in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation at the University of Bologna “Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori”.


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Il presente elaborato offre una panoramica generale del Remote Interpreting (RI) con l'obiettivo di strutturare un ipotetico seminario da tenere alla SLLTI (Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione, ex SSLMIT) di Forlì, in collaborazione con l'azienda VEASYT, spin-off dell’università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, per introdurre l'argomento agli studenti del corso di laurea in Interpretazione di Conferenza. A tal scopo la tesi è stata suddivisa in dieci capitoli, ognuno dei quali analizza una sfaccettatura dell'interpretazione da remoto; la prima parte verte sull'evoluzione storica delle nuove tecnologie nel mondo dell'interpretariato, con particolare attenzione all'introduzione degli impianti per l'interpretazione simultanea e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione (TIC); si presentano inoltre i principali tipi di interpretazione a distanza, seguendo la loro comparsa in ordine cronologico, e i dispositivi necessari per effettuare una sessione di video-interpretazione. Nella seconda parte si descrivono alcuni ambiti di applicazione del RI (RI per non udenti, in ambito giuridico, in ambito medico-sanitario) e si illustra la situazione a livello mondiale passando in rassegna, a titolo di esempio, alcune aziende presenti in Australia, Stati Uniti, Germania, Austria e Gran Bretagna. Nella terza parte si presentano alcuni regolamenti e disposizioni raccomandati da associazioni di categoria e dalle istituzioni europee e si analizzano i principali vantaggi e svantaggi del RI. Nella quarta parte si mettono a confronto le caratteristiche e il tipo di formazione di un interprete che lavora in situ con quelle di un interprete che lavora a distanza, illustrando alcune strategie sviluppate dagli interpreti durante le sessioni di RI. L'ultima parte riguarda l'azienda VEASYT, la quale viene presentata come case study italiano, descrivendo la sua piattaforma per il servizio di interpretariato da remoto e la modalità di reclutamento degli interpreti. In conclusione si trova la proposta di seminario da tenere ipoteticamente alla SLLTI di Forlì, che viene articolata seguendo la successione dei capitoli precedenti.


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The main aim of this study is to provide a description of the phenomenon defined as Child Language Brokering (CLB), a common practice among language minority communities but which has received less attention in the academic literature. As the children of immigrants often learn the host language much more quickly than their parents, they contribute to family life by acting as language and cultural mediators between a family members and different language speakers. Many immigrant families prefer a language broker from within their own family to an external mediator or interpreter, even though there is a well-found resistance to the use of these young interpreters by professionals. In this study I report some findings from surveys of teachers in schools in Ravenna where there has been some use of students as CLBs and of students who have acted or are still acting as mediators for their families in different contexts, not only while at school. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one aims at providing an overview of recent migration to Italy and of the differences between first-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants. The chapter also discusses the available professional interpreting facilities provided by the municipality of Ravenna. Chapter two presents an overview of the literature on child language brokering. Chapter three provides a description of the methodology used in order to analyze the data collected. Chapter four contains a detailed analysis of the questionnaires administered to the students and the interviews submitted to the teachers in four schools in Ravenna. Chapter five focuses on the studies carried out by the researchers of the Thomas Coram Research Unit and University College London and draws a general comparison between their findings from on-line surveys of teachers in schools and my own findings on teachers’ points of view. The results of this study demonstrate that CLB is a common practice among immigrant children living in Ravenna and, although almost all students reported positive appreciation, further work is still needed to assess the impact of this phenomenon.


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This dissertation analyses the live simultaneous interpretation from English into Italian of six 2013 Formula 1 World Championship podium interviews and focuses on four main aspects: how the interpreter handled the décalage at the end of the interview and during the turn-taking; if he used any marker to indicate that he was starting to translate a new turn of the source text; what he did when overlapped speech in the source texts occurred; what happened when the Italian commentators talked during the interpreter’s translation. In the first chapter a description mainly of what a Formula 1 podium interview is and what an interpreter translates during the Formula 1 weekends is present. In the second chapter a literature review on media interpreting, with particular attention put on Straniero Sergio’s paper on translating Formula 1 press-conferences (2003), and turn-taking is provided. In the third chapter the methodology used to obtain and process the video and audio files of source and target texts and to transcribe them is described. We concentrated primarily on Thibault’s multimodal text transcription techniques (2000) and on how they were used and adapted to fit the purposes of this dissertation. In the fourth chapter the results obtained through the analysis of the source and target texts are shown and described, focusing only on the objectives of the dissertation, without aiming to provide a qualitative evaluation of the interpretations. In the fifth and last chapter the conclusions and some final remarks are made, based on the results obtained during the analysis and the hope for a more in depth knowledge of Italian Formula 1 interpreter’s working conditions.


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This study aims at exploring listeners’ perception of disfluencies, i.e. ungrammatical pauses, filled pauses, repairs, false starts and repetitions, which can irritate listeners and impede comprehension. As professional communicators, conference interpreters should be competent public speakers. This means that their speech should be easily understood by listeners and not contain elements that may be considered irritating. The aim of this study was to understand to what extent listeners notice disfluencies and consider them irritating, and to examine whether there are differences between interpreters and non-interpreters and between different age groups. A survey was therefore carried out among professional interpreters, students of interpreting and people who regularly attend conferences. The respondents were asked to answer a questionnaire after listening to three speeches: three consecutive interpretations delivered during the final exams held at the Advanced School of Languages, Literature, Translation and Interpretation (SSLLTI) in Forlì. Since conference interpreters’ public speaking skills should be at least as good as those of the speakers at a conference, the speeches were presented to the listeners as speeches delivered during a conference, with no mention of interpreting being made. The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter I outlines the characteristics of the interpreter as a professional communicator. The quality criterion “user-friendliness” is explored, with a focus on features that make a speech more user-friendly: fluency, intonation, coherence and cohesion. The Chapter also focuses on listeners’ quality expectations and evaluations. In Chapter II the methodology of the study is described. Chapter III contains a detailed analysis of the texts used for the study, focusing on those elements that may irritate listeners or impede comprehension, namely disfluencies, the wrong use of intonation and a lack of coherence or cohesion. Chapter IV outlines the results of the survey, while Chapter V presents our conclusions.