5 resultados para industrial design

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Studio e progettazione di una nuova ruota per arredi da ufficio dal design innovativo. La ruota si differenzia per essere una tipologia Hub-less (senza mozzo), dotata di un carter che la protegge da polveri e corpi esterni e un sistema di riduzione dell'attrito che aiuta l'utente a muoversi in completa libertà.


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Microalgae cultures are attracting great attentions in many industrial applications. However, one of the technical challenges is to cut down the capital and operational costs of microalgae production systems, with special difficulty in reactor design and scale-up. The thesis work open with an overview on the microalgae cultures as a possible answer to solve some of the upcoming planet issues and their applications in several fields. After the work offers a general outline on the state of the art of microalgae culture systems, taking a special look to the enclosed photobioreactors (PBRs). The overall objective of this study is to advance the knowledge of PBRs design and lead to innovative large scale processes of microalgae cultivation. An airlift flat panel photobioreactor was designed, modeled and experimentally characterized. The gas holdup, liquid flow velocity and oxygen mass transfer of the reactor were experimentally determined and mathematically modeled, and the performance of the reactor was tested by cultivation of microalgae. The model predicted data correlated well with experimental data, and the high concentration of suspension cell culture could be achieved with controlled conditions. The reactor was inoculated with the algal strain Scenedesmus obliquus sp. first and with Chlorella sp. later and sparged with air. The reactor was operated in batch mode and daily monitored for pH, temperature, and biomass concentration and activity. The productivity of the novel device was determined, suggesting the proposed design can be effectively and economically used in carbon dioxide mitigation technologies and in the production of algal biomass for biofuel and other bioproducts. Those research results favored the possibility of scaling the reactor up into industrial scales based on the models employed, and the potential advantages and disadvantages were discussed for this novel industrial design.


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La tesi segue il progetto della Delta WASP 3MT, stampante 3D di grandi dimensioni. Il lavoro parte da una analisi del contesto che incontra i temi dell'artigianato digitale e dell'autoproduzione. Successivamente viene fatta una analisi dei requisiti e delle soluzioni tecniche implementabili sulla macchina per soddisfarli. A questa segue una illustrazione degli interventi sulle varie parti della macchina. Infine si espongono brevemente i punti chiave elaborati per la comunicazione della macchina, dal naming alla strategia nei punti vendita.


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Synthetic biology has recently had a great development, many papers have been published and many applications have been presented, spanning from the production of biopharmacheuticals to the synthesis of bioenergetic substrates or industrial catalysts. But, despite these advances, most of the applications are quite simple and don’t fully exploit the potential of this discipline. This limitation in complexity has many causes, like the incomplete characterization of some components, or the intrinsic variability of the biological systems, but one of the most important reasons is the incapability of the cell to sustain the additional metabolic burden introduced by a complex circuit. The objective of the project, of which this work is part, is trying to solve this problem through the engineering of a multicellular behaviour in prokaryotic cells. This system will introduce a cooperative behaviour that will allow to implement complex functionalities, that can’t be obtained with a single cell. In particular the goal is to implement the Leader Election, this procedure has been firstly devised in the field of distributed computing, to identify the process that allow to identify a single process as organizer and coordinator of a series of tasks assigned to the whole population. The election of the Leader greatly simplifies the computation providing a centralized control. Further- more this system may even be useful to evolutionary studies that aims to explain how complex organisms evolved from unicellular systems. The work presented here describes, in particular, the design and the experimental characterization of a component of the circuit that solves the Leader Election problem. This module, composed of an hybrid promoter and a gene, is activated in the non-leader cells after receiving the signal that a leader is present in the colony. The most important element, in this case, is the hybrid promoter, it has been realized in different versions, applying the heuristic rules stated in [22], and their activity has been experimentally tested. The objective of the experimental characterization was to test the response of the genetic circuit to the introduction, in the cellular environment, of particular molecules, inducers, that can be considered inputs of the system. The desired behaviour is similar to the one of a logic AND gate in which the exit, represented by the luminous signal produced by a fluorescent protein, is one only in presence of both inducers. The robustness and the stability of this behaviour have been tested by changing the concentration of the input signals and building dose response curves. From these data it is possible to conclude that the analysed constructs have an AND-like behaviour over a wide range of inducers’ concentrations, even if it is possible to identify many differences in the expression profiles of the different constructs. This variability accounts for the fact that the input and the output signals are continuous, and so their binary representation isn’t able to capture the complexity of the behaviour. The module of the circuit that has been considered in this analysis has a fundamental role in the realization of the intercellular communication system that is necessary for the cooperative behaviour to take place. For this reason, the second phase of the characterization has been focused on the analysis of the signal transmission. In particular, the interaction between this element and the one that is responsible for emitting the chemical signal has been tested. The desired behaviour is still similar to a logic AND, since, even in this case, the exit signal is determined by the hybrid promoter activity. The experimental results have demonstrated that the systems behave correctly, even if there is still a substantial variability between them. The dose response curves highlighted that stricter constrains on the inducers concentrations need to be imposed in order to obtain a clear separation between the two levels of expression. In the conclusive chapter the DNA sequences of the hybrid promoters are analysed, trying to identify the regulatory elements that are most important for the determination of the gene expression. Given the available data it wasn’t possible to draw definitive conclusions. In the end, few considerations on promoter engineering and complex circuits realization are presented. This section aims to briefly recall some of the problems outlined in the introduction and provide a few possible solutions.


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Natural hazards affecting industrial installations could directly or indirectly cause an accident or series of accidents with serious consequences for the environment and for human health. Accidents initiated by a natural hazard or disaster which result in the release of hazardous materials are commonly referred to as Natech (Natural Hazard Triggering a Technological Disaster) accidents. The conditions brought about by these kinds of events are particularly problematic, the presence of the natural event increases the probability of exposition and causes consequences more serious than standard technological accidents. Despite a growing body of research and more stringent regulations for the design and operation of industrial activities, Natech accidents remain a threat. This is partly due to the absence of data and dedicated risk-assessment methodologies and tools. Even the Seveso Directives for the control of risks due to major accident hazards do not include any specific impositions regarding the management of Natech risks in the process industries. Among the few available tools there is the European Standard EN 62305, which addresses generic industrial sites, requiring to take into account the possibility of lightning and to select the appropriate protection measures. Since it is intended for generic industrial installations, this tool set the requirements for the design, the construction and the modification of structures, and is thus mainly oriented towards conventional civil building. A first purpose of this project is to study the effects and the consequences on industrial sites of lightning, which is the most common adverse natural phenomenon in Europe. Lightning is the cause of several industrial accidents initiated by natural causes. The industrial sectors most susceptible to accidents triggered by lightning is the petrochemical one, due to the presence of atmospheric tanks (especially floating roof tanks) containing flammable vapors which could be easily ignited by a lightning strike or by lightning secondary effects (as electrostatic and electromagnetic pulses or ground currents). A second purpose of this work is to implement the procedure proposed by the European Standard on a specific kind of industrial plant, i.e. on a chemical factory, in order to highlight the critical aspects of this implementation. A case-study plant handling flammable liquids was selected. The application of the European Standard allowed to estimate the incidence of lightning activity on the total value of the default release frequency suggested by guidelines for atmospheric storage tanks. Though it has become evident that the European Standard does not introduce any parameters explicitly pointing out the amount of dangerous substances which could be ignited or released. Furthermore the parameters that are proposed to describe the characteristics of the structures potentially subjected to lightning strikes are insufficient to take into account the specific features of different chemical equipment commonly present in chemical plants.