4 resultados para geometric average

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Every year, thousand of surgical treatments are performed in order to fix up or completely substitute, where possible, organs or tissues affected by degenerative diseases. Patients with these kind of illnesses stay long times waiting for a donor that could replace, in a short time, the damaged organ or the tissue. The lack of biological alternates, related to conventional surgical treatments as autografts, allografts, e xenografts, led the researchers belonging to different areas to collaborate to find out innovative solutions. This research brought to a new discipline able to merge molecular biology, biomaterial, engineering, biomechanics and, recently, design and architecture knowledges. This discipline is named Tissue Engineering (TE) and it represents a step forward towards the substitutive or regenerative medicine. One of the major challenge of the TE is to design and develop, using a biomimetic approach, an artificial 3D anatomy scaffold, suitable for cells adhesion that are able to proliferate and differentiate themselves as consequence of the biological and biophysical stimulus offered by the specific tissue to be replaced. Nowadays, powerful instruments allow to perform analysis day by day more accurateand defined on patients that need more precise diagnosis and treatments.Starting from patient specific information provided by TC (Computed Tomography) microCT and MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), an image-based approach can be performed in order to reconstruct the site to be replaced. With the aid of the recent Additive Manufacturing techniques that allow to print tridimensional objects with sub millimetric precision, it is now possible to practice an almost complete control of the parametrical characteristics of the scaffold: this is the way to achieve a correct cellular regeneration. In this work, we focalize the attention on a branch of TE known as Bone TE, whose the bone is main subject. Bone TE combines osteoconductive and morphological aspects of the scaffold, whose main properties are pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity. The realization of the ideal values of these parameters represents the main goal of this work: here we'll a create simple and interactive biomimetic design process based on 3D CAD modeling and generative algorithmsthat provide a way to control the main properties and to create a structure morphologically similar to the cancellous bone. Two different typologies of scaffold will be compared: the first is based on Triply Periodic MinimalSurface (T.P.M.S.) whose basic crystalline geometries are nowadays used for Bone TE scaffolding; the second is based on using Voronoi's diagrams and they are more often used in the design of decorations and jewellery for their capacity to decompose and tasselate a volumetric space using an heterogeneous spatial distribution (often frequent in nature). In this work, we will show how to manipulate the main properties (pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity) of the design TE oriented scaffolding using the implementation of generative algorithms: "bringing back the nature to the nature".


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Computing the weighted geometric mean of large sparse matrices is an operation that tends to become rapidly intractable, when the size of the matrices involved grows. However, if we are not interested in the computation of the matrix function itself, but just in that of its product times a vector, the problem turns simpler and there is a chance to solve it even when the matrix mean would actually be impossible to compute. Our interest is motivated by the fact that this calculation has some practical applications, related to the preconditioning of some operators arising in domain decomposition of elliptic problems. In this thesis, we explore how such a computation can be efficiently performed. First, we exploit the properties of the weighted geometric mean and find several equivalent ways to express it through real powers of a matrix. Hence, we focus our attention on matrix powers and examine how well-known techniques can be adapted to the solution of the problem at hand. In particular, we consider two broad families of approaches for the computation of f(A) v, namely quadrature formulae and Krylov subspace methods, and generalize them to the pencil case f(A\B) v. Finally, we provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithms and also try to assess how convergence speed and execution time are influenced by some characteristics of the input matrices. Our results suggest that a few elements have some bearing on the performance and that, although there is no best choice in general, knowing the conditioning and the sparsity of the arguments beforehand can considerably help in choosing the best strategy to tackle the problem.


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Radio relics are diffuse synchrotron sources generally located in the peripheries of galaxy clusters in merging state. According to the current leading scenario, relics trace gigantic cosmological shock waves that cross the intra-cluster medium where particle acceleration occurs. The relic/shock connection is supported by several observational facts, including the spatial coincidence between relics and shocks found in the X-rays. Under the assumptions that particles are accelerated at the shock front and are subsequently deposited and then age downstream of the shock, Markevitch et al. (2005) proposed a method to constrain the magnetic field strength in radio relics. Measuring the thickness of radio relics at different frequencies allows to derive combined constraints on the velocity of the downstream flow and on the magnetic field, which in turns determines particle aging. We elaborate this idea to infer first constraints on magnetic fields in cluster outskirts. We consider three models of particle aging and develop a geometric model to take into account the contribution to the relic transverse size due to the projection of the shock-surface on the plane of the sky. We selected three well studied radio relics in the clusters A 521, CIZA J2242.8+5301 and 1RXS J0603.3+4214. These relics have been chosen primarily because they are almost seen edge-on and because the Mach number of the shock that is associated with these relics is measured by X-ray observations, thus allowing to break the degeneracy between magnetic field and downstream velocity in the method. For the first two clusters, our method is consistent with a pure radiative aging model allowing us to derive constraints on the relics magnetic field strength. In the case of 1RXS J0603.3+4214 we find that particle life-times are consistent with a pure radiative aging model under some conditions, however we also collect evidences for downstream particle re-acceleration in the relic W-region and for a magnetic field decaying downstream in its E-region. Our estimates of the magnetic field strength in the relics in A 521 and CIZA J2242.8+5301 provide unique information on the field properties in cluster outskirts. The constraints derived for these relics, together with the lower limits to the magnetic field that we derived from the lack of inverse Compton X-ray emission from the sources, have been combined with the constraints from Faraday rotation studies of the Coma cluster. Overall results suggest that the spatial profile of the magnetic field energy density is broader than that of the thermal gas, implying that the ε_th /ε_B ratio decreases with cluster radius. Alternatively, radio relics could trace dynamically active regions where the magnetic field strength is biased high with respect to the average value in the cluster volume.