15 resultados para experimental work

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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It is well recognized that the technique of strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets is more effective for circular sections, but less effective for rectangular sections. Indeed the presence of angular corners does not permit a uniform confinement to be provided by the FRP jackets to the columns. While rounded corners can enhance the effectiveness of FRP confinement, it will be more efficient to modify the rectangular section into an elliptical section. In addition to the better confinement effectiveness, from an aesthetical point of view, the shape modification would be a surprise to the built environment. This paper presents an experimental study on the behavior of FRP-confined concrete columns with elliptical section. Thirty-two short columns, divided in eight batches, were tested under axial compression. Each batch presents four specimens with different elliptical sections, determined by the aspect ratio a/b, that is the ratio between the minor and mayor axis. By varying this value from 1.0 to 2.0 (1.0, 1.3., 1.7, 2.0), the section becomes more and more elliptical starting from a circular shape. In this way it is possible to study the trend of effectiveness of FRP confinement for different section geometries. It is also interesting to study how the confinement effectiveness may vary by changing the cylinder strength of concrete and the number of the layers of CFRP. For this reason, a cylinder strength of concrete of 25 and 45 MPa have been used for the present research work, and half of the specimens were wrapped by one layer of CFRP, while the remaining specimens were wrapped with two layers. A simple analysis of the results has been carried out for evaluating the experimental work described in the present document. Further studies and analysis on this work should help to achieve a new and more accurate stress-strain model for CFRP-confined concrete columns with an elliptical section.


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This study fits into the context of activities aim at waste bioremediation and valorization through the production of energy according to principles of environmental sustainability. The experimental work was carried out at the laboratories of the Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Materials (DICAM) of the Faculty of Engineering. The main objective was to enhance the treatment of high organic loading waste, such as manure and cheese whey, through advanced anaerobic digestion systems in order to obtain biogas rich in methane. On the basis of the premise that the environmental conditions pertaining in most anaerobic wastewater digesters are not optimal for both fermentative and methanogenic microorganisms, the research was particularly focused on the implementation of two-phase anaerobic digesters. In fact a two-phase process permits selection and enrichment of different bacteria in each digester by independently controlling the digester operating conditions. Thus, the first phase (acidogenesis) can be operated to optimize acidogenic growth and the second phase (methanogenesis) to optimize methanogenic growth. (Ince O. , 1998). Before reactors’ set up, , some lab scale experiments were carried out to identify the best manure and whey ratio and the best conditions of temperature, pH, hydraulic retention time of acidogenesis an methanogenic phases.


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Adipic Acid (AA) is one of the most important chemicals in the actual worldwide Industrial Chemistry, because of his environmental and economical issues a lot of research challenge are open in this context. The main issue is regarding the substitution of Nitric Acid as oxidant in the last step of the industrial synthesis. This step, in fact, cause the production of various kind of nitrogen oxides that are gaseous pollutant and must be removed from the emissions. The substitution of Nitric Acid with molecular Oxygen or air as oxidant can avoid the production of nitric oxides reducing, in this way, the environmental and economic sustainability of the process. In this work is presented an alternative pathway for the synthesis of the AA. This concern a first step of oxidation with hydrogen peroxide that involve the transformation of ciclohexene into trans-1,2-cyclohexanediole than, the latter, is transformed into AA through a catalyzed oxidative cleavage with molecular Oxygen as oxidant. The first step has been already optimized by a work did in the past. This thesis is focused on the second step, here is presented an experimental work based on the study of the catalytic activity of three kind of catalyst, a Keggin heteropoliacid Mo-V, a Ru - based catalyst and an Au NP - based catalyst.


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The EBPR (Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal) is a type of secondary treatment in WWTPs (WasteWater Treatment Plants), quite largely used in full-scale plants worldwide. The phosphorus occurring in aquatic systems in high amounts can cause eutrophication and consequently the death of fauna and flora. A specific biomass is used in order to remove the phosphorus, the so-called PAOs (Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms) that accumulate the phosphorus in form of polyphosphate in their cells. Some of these organisms, the so-called DPAO (Denitrifying Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms) use as electron acceptor the nitrate or nitrite, contributing in this way also to the removal of these compounds from the wastewater, but there could be side reactions leading to the formation of nitrous oxides. The aim of this project was to simulate in laboratory scale a EBPR, acclimatizing and enriching the specialized biomass. Two bioreactors were operated as Sequencing Batch Reactors, one enriched in Accumulibacter, the other in Tetrasphaera (both PAOs): Tetrasphaera microorganisms are able to uptake aminoacids as carbon source, Accumulibacter uptake organic carbon (volatile fatty acids, VFA). In order to measure the removal of COD, phosphorus and nitrogen-derivate compounds, different analysis were performed: spectrophotometric measure of phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia concentrations, TOC (Total Organic Carbon, measuring the carbon consumption), VFA via HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), total and volatile suspended solids following standard methods APHA, qualitative microorganism population via FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization). Batch test were also performed to monitor the NOx production. Both specialized populations accumulated as a result of SBR operations; however, Accumulibacter were found to uptake phosphates at higher extents. Both populations were able to remove efficiently nitrates and organic compounds occurring in the feeding. The experimental work was carried out at FCT of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL) from February to July 2014.


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Global climate change is impacting coral reefs worldwide, with approximately 19% of reefs being permanently degraded, 15% showing symptoms of imminent collapse, and 20% at risk of becoming critically affected in the next few decades. This alarming level of reef degradation is mainly due to an increase in frequency and intensity of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Recent evidence has called into question whether corals have the capacity to acclimatize or adapt to climate changes and some groups of corals showed inherent physiological tolerance to environmental stressors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate mRNA expression patterns underlying differences in thermal tolerance in specimen of the common reef-building coral Pocillopora verrucosa collected at different locations in Bangka Island waters (North Sulawesi, Indonesia). Part of the experimental work was carried out at the CoralEye Reef Research Outpost (Bangka Island). This includes sampling of corals at selected sites and at different depths (3 and 12 m) as well as their experimental exposure to an increased water temperature under controlled conditions for 3 and 7 days. Levels of mRNAs encoding ATP synthase (ATPs) NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) and a 70kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) were evaluated by quantitative real time PCR. Transcriptional profiles evaluated under field conditions suggested an adaptation to peculiar local environmental conditions in corals collected at different sites and at the low depth. Nevertheless, high–depth collected corals showed a less pronounced site-to-site separation suggesting more homogenous environmental conditions. Exposure to an elevated temperature under controlled conditions pointed out that corals adapted to the high depth are more sensitive to the effects of thermal stress, so that reacted to thermal challenge by significantly over-expressing the selected gene products. Being continuously exposed to fluctuating environmental conditions, low-depth adapted corals are more resilient to the stress stimulus, and indeed showed unaffected or down-regulated mRNA expression profiles. Overall these results highlight that transcriptional profiles of selected genes involved in cellular stress response are modulated by natural seasonal temperature changes in P. verrucosa. Moreover, specimens living in more variable habitats (low-depth) exhibit higher basal HSP70 mRNA levels, possibly enhancing physiological tolerance to environmental stressors.


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In this experimental work we report the design, the synthesis and characterization of a new class of Re(I) complexes of the general formula fac-[Re(CO)3(N^N)(2-QTZ)], where N^N = 2,2’ bipyridine or 1,10 phenantroline, whereas 2-QTZ is the anion 2-quinolyl-tetrazolate. The complexes and, in particular, the tetrazolate ligand 2-QTZ were designed in order to investigate their specific interaction with biologically and toxicologically relevant metal ions, as Zn(II), Cd(II) e Cu(II). The addition of such ions led to substantial variations of the photophysical properties of these complexes, suggesting their application as luminescent sensors. The photophysical performance of the complexes proved to remain unchanged inside cellular substrates, as Yarrowia Lipolytica cultures. Within these yeasts, the complexes show unchanged ability to perform luminescent sensing towards Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions.


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi sperimentale consiste nell’ideazione e nell’ottimizzazione di nuove forme d’ingegnerizzazione di sistemi nano e micrometrici di silice (SiO2) in cui sono stati incorporati complessi di metalli di transizione e lantanoidei. Lo studio è scaturito dalla prospettiva di poter trasferire le caratteristiche di luminescenza dei complessi dalla scala molecolare di sintesi a quella macroscopica, attraverso l’utilizzo di una opportuna matrice veicolante. Dopo una intensa sessione di lavoro dedicata all’ottimizzazione della sintesi e delle caratteristiche di stabilità e resistenza dei sistemi, dalla fase sol fino ai micronizzati, si è sviluppata una possibile applicazione industriale come substrato tessile dotato di funzioni eventualmente antibatteriche. This experimental work is aimed at exploiting and optimizing new and convenient ways to incorporate organometallic and lanthanoid complexes into silica-based colloid matrices. Following a similar approach, the luminescent properties of both organometallic and lanthanoid complexes could be kept unaltered on passing from the molecular to nanometric scale (sol), ending up to micrometer sized systems (micro-powders). The subsequent optimization of the processes led to systems that were loaded onto the surface of fabric, which were successively studied for their light-induced antimicrobial abilities.


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In this thesis effects of plasma actuators based on Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) technology over a NACA 0015 bidimensional airfoil have been analyzed in an experimental way, at low Reynolds number. Work developed on thesis has been carried on in partnership with the Department of Electrical Engineering of Università di Bologna, inside Wind Tunnel of the Applied Aerodynamic Laboratory of Aerospace Engineering faculty. In order to verify the effectiveness of these active control devices, the analysis has shown how actuators succeed in prevent boundary layer separation only in certain conditions af angle of attack and Reynolds numbers. Moreover, in this thesis actuators’ chordwise position effect has been also analyzed, together with the influence of steady and unsteady operations.


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Synthetic biology has recently had a great development, many papers have been published and many applications have been presented, spanning from the production of biopharmacheuticals to the synthesis of bioenergetic substrates or industrial catalysts. But, despite these advances, most of the applications are quite simple and don’t fully exploit the potential of this discipline. This limitation in complexity has many causes, like the incomplete characterization of some components, or the intrinsic variability of the biological systems, but one of the most important reasons is the incapability of the cell to sustain the additional metabolic burden introduced by a complex circuit. The objective of the project, of which this work is part, is trying to solve this problem through the engineering of a multicellular behaviour in prokaryotic cells. This system will introduce a cooperative behaviour that will allow to implement complex functionalities, that can’t be obtained with a single cell. In particular the goal is to implement the Leader Election, this procedure has been firstly devised in the field of distributed computing, to identify the process that allow to identify a single process as organizer and coordinator of a series of tasks assigned to the whole population. The election of the Leader greatly simplifies the computation providing a centralized control. Further- more this system may even be useful to evolutionary studies that aims to explain how complex organisms evolved from unicellular systems. The work presented here describes, in particular, the design and the experimental characterization of a component of the circuit that solves the Leader Election problem. This module, composed of an hybrid promoter and a gene, is activated in the non-leader cells after receiving the signal that a leader is present in the colony. The most important element, in this case, is the hybrid promoter, it has been realized in different versions, applying the heuristic rules stated in [22], and their activity has been experimentally tested. The objective of the experimental characterization was to test the response of the genetic circuit to the introduction, in the cellular environment, of particular molecules, inducers, that can be considered inputs of the system. The desired behaviour is similar to the one of a logic AND gate in which the exit, represented by the luminous signal produced by a fluorescent protein, is one only in presence of both inducers. The robustness and the stability of this behaviour have been tested by changing the concentration of the input signals and building dose response curves. From these data it is possible to conclude that the analysed constructs have an AND-like behaviour over a wide range of inducers’ concentrations, even if it is possible to identify many differences in the expression profiles of the different constructs. This variability accounts for the fact that the input and the output signals are continuous, and so their binary representation isn’t able to capture the complexity of the behaviour. The module of the circuit that has been considered in this analysis has a fundamental role in the realization of the intercellular communication system that is necessary for the cooperative behaviour to take place. For this reason, the second phase of the characterization has been focused on the analysis of the signal transmission. In particular, the interaction between this element and the one that is responsible for emitting the chemical signal has been tested. The desired behaviour is still similar to a logic AND, since, even in this case, the exit signal is determined by the hybrid promoter activity. The experimental results have demonstrated that the systems behave correctly, even if there is still a substantial variability between them. The dose response curves highlighted that stricter constrains on the inducers concentrations need to be imposed in order to obtain a clear separation between the two levels of expression. In the conclusive chapter the DNA sequences of the hybrid promoters are analysed, trying to identify the regulatory elements that are most important for the determination of the gene expression. Given the available data it wasn’t possible to draw definitive conclusions. In the end, few considerations on promoter engineering and complex circuits realization are presented. This section aims to briefly recall some of the problems outlined in the introduction and provide a few possible solutions.


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A study of the pyrolysis and oxidation (phi 0.5-1-2) of methane and methyl formate (phi 0.5) in a laboratory flow reactor (Length = 50 cm, inner diameter = 2.5 cm) has been carried out at 1-4 atm and 300-1300 K temperature range. Exhaust gaseous species analysis was realized using a gas chromatographic system, Varian CP-4900 PRO Mirco-GC, with a TCD detector and using helium as carrier for a Molecular Sieve 5Å column and nitrogen for a COX column, whose temperatures and pressures were respectively of 65°C and 150kPa. Model simulations using NTUA [1], Fisher et al. [12], Grana [13] and Dooley [14] kinetic mechanisms have been performed with CHEMKIN. The work provides a basis for further development and optimization of existing detailed chemical kinetic schemes.


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Network Theory is a prolific and lively field, especially when it approaches Biology. New concepts from this theory find application in areas where extensive datasets are already available for analysis, without the need to invest money to collect them. The only tools that are necessary to accomplish an analysis are easily accessible: a computing machine and a good algorithm. As these two tools progress, thanks to technology advancement and human efforts, wider and wider datasets can be analysed. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to provide an overview of one of these concepts, which originates at the meeting point between Network Theory and Statistical Mechanics: the entropy of a network ensemble. This quantity has been described from different angles in the literature. Our approach tries to be a synthesis of the different points of view. The second part of the work is devoted to presenting a parallel algorithm that can evaluate this quantity over an extensive dataset. Eventually, the algorithm will also be used to analyse high-throughput data coming from biology.


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Turbulent energy dissipation is presented in the theoretical context of the famous Kolmogorov theory, formulated in 1941. Some remarks and comments about this theory help the reader understand the approach to turbulence study, as well as give some basic insights to the problem. A clear distinction is made amongst dissipation, pseudo-dissipation and dissipation surrogates. Dissipation regulates how turbulent kinetic energy in a flow gets transformed into internal energy, which makes this quantity a fundamental characteristic to investigate in order to enhance our understanding of turbulence. The dissertation focuses on experimental investigation of the pseudo-dissipation. Indeed this quantity is difficult to measure as it requires the knowledge of all the possible derivatives of the three dimensional velocity field. Once considering an hot-wire technique to measure dissipation we need to deal with surrogates of dissipation, since not all the terms can be measured. The analysis of surrogates is the main topic of this work. In particular two flows, the turbulent channel and the turbulent jet, are considered. These canonic flows, introduced in a brief fashion, are often used as a benchmark for CFD solvers and experimental equipment due to their simple structure. Observations made in the canonic flows are often transferable to more complicated and interesting cases, with many industrial applications. The main tools of investigation are DNS simulations and experimental measures. DNS data are used as a benchmark for the experimental results since all the components of dissipation are known within the numerical simulation. The results of some DNS were already available at the start of this thesis, so the main work consisted in reading and processing the data. Experiments were carried out by means of hot-wire anemometry, described in detail on a theoretical and practical level. The study of DNS data of a turbulent channel at Re=298 reveals that the traditional surrogate can be improved Consequently two new surrogates are proposed and analysed, based on terms of the velocity gradient that are easy to measure experimentally. We manage to find a formulation that improves the accuracy of surrogates by an order of magnitude. For the jet flow results from a DNS at Re=1600 of a temporal jet, and results from our experimental facility CAT at Re=70000, are compared to validate the experiment. It is found that the ratio between components of the dissipation differs between DNS and experimental data. Possible errors in both sets of data are discussed, and some ways to improve the data are proposed.


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Over the past twenty years, new technologies have required an increasing use of mathematical models in order to understand better the structural behavior: finite element method is the one mostly used. However, the reliability of this method applied to different situations has to be tried each time. Since it is not possible to completely model the reality, different hypothesis must be done: these are the main problems of FE modeling. The following work deals with this problem and tries to figure out a way to identify some of the unknown main parameters of a structure. This main research focuses on a particular path of study and development, but the same concepts can be applied to other objects of research. The main purpose of this work is the identification of unknown boundary conditions of a bridge pier using the data acquired experimentally with field tests and a FEM modal updating process. This work doesn’t want to be new, neither innovative. A lot of work has been done during the past years on this main problem and many solutions have been shown and published. This thesis just want to rework some of the main aspects of the structural optimization process, using a real structure as fitting model.


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In the present work, the deviations in the solubility of CO2, CH4, and N2 at 30 °c in the mixed gases (CO2/CH4) and (CO2/N2) from the pure gas behavior were studied using the dual-mode model over a wide range of equilibrium composition and pressure values in two glassy polymers. The first of which was PI-DAR which is the polyimide formed by the reaction between 4, 6-diaminoresorcinol dihydrochloride (DAR-Cl) and 2, 2’-bis-(3, 4-dicarboxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane dianhydride (6FDA). The other glassy polymer was TR-DAR which is the corresponding thermally rearranged polymer of PI-DAR. Also, mixed gas sorption experiments for the gas mixture (CO2/CH4) in TR-DAR at 30°c took place in order to assess the degree of accuracy of the dual-mode model in predicting the true mixed gas behavior. The experiments were conducted on a pressure decay apparatus coupled with a gas chromatography column. On the other hand, the solubility of CO2 and CH4 in two rubbery polymers at 30⁰c in the mixed gas (CO2/CH4) was modelled using the Lacombe and Sanchez equation of state at various values of equilibrium composition and pressure. These two rubbery polymers were cross-linked poly (ethylene oxide) (XLPEO) and poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). Moreover, data about the sorption of CO2 and CH4 in liquid methyl dietahnolamine MDEA that was collected from literature65-67 was used to determine the deviations in the sorption behavior in the mixed gas from that in the pure gases. It was observed that the competition effects between the penetrants were prevailing in the glassy polymers while swelling effects were predominant in the rubbery polymers above a certain value of the fugacity of CO2. Also, it was found that the dual-mode model showed a good prediction of the sorption of CH4 in the mixed gas for small pressure values but in general, it failed to predict the actual sorption of the penetrants in the mixed gas.


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Altough nowadays DMTA is one of the most used techniques to characterize polymers thermo-mechanical behaviour, it is only effective for small amplitude oscillatory tests and limited to a single frequency analysis (linear regime). In this thesis work a Fourier transform based experimental system has proven to give hint on structural and chemical changes in specimens during large amplitude oscillatory tests exploiting multi frequency spectral analysis turning out in a more sensitive tool than classical linear approach. The test campaign has been focused on three test typologies: Strain sweep tests, Damage investigation and temperature sweep tests.