7 resultados para energy model
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
We have extended the Boltzmann code CLASS and studied a specific scalar tensor dark energy model: Induced Gravity
Lo scopo di questo studio è la comprensione della dinamica dello strato limite urbano per città dell’Emilia Romagna tramite simulazioni numeriche. In particolare, l’attenzione è posta sull’ effetto isola di calore, ovvero sulla differenza di temperatura dell’aria in prossimità del suolo fra zone rurali e urbane dovuta all’urbanizzazione. Le simulazioni sono state effettuate con il modello alla mesoscala "Weather Research and Forecasting" (WRF), accoppiato con le parametrizzazioni urbane "Building Effect Parametrization" (BEP) e "Building Energy Model" (BEM), che agiscono a vari livelli verticali urbani. Il periodo di studio riguarda sei giorni caldi e senza copertura nuvolosa durante un periodo di heat wave dell’anno 2015. La copertura urbana è stata definita con il "World Urban Databes and Access Portal Tools" (WUDAPT), un metodo che permette di classificare le aree urbane in dieci "urban climate zones" (UCZ), attraverso l’uso combinato di immagini satellitari e "training areas" manualmente definite con il software Google Earth. Sono state svolte diverse simulazioni a domini innestati, con risoluzione per il dominio più piccolo di 500 m, centrato sulla città di Bologna. Le differenze fra le simulazioni riguardano la presenza o l’assenza delle strutture urbane, il metodo di innesto e tipo di vegetazione rurale. Inoltre, è stato valutato l’effetto dovuto alla presenza di pannelli fotovoltaici sopra i tetti di ogni edificio e le variazioni che i pannelli esercitano sullo strato limite urbano. Per verificare la bontà del modello, i dati provenienti dalle simulazioni sono stati confrontati con misure provenienti da 41 stazioni all’interno dell’area di studio. Le variabili confrontate sono: temperatura, umidità relativa, velocità e direzione del vento. Le simulazioni sono in accordo con i dati osservativi e riescono a riprodurre l’effetto isola di calore: la differenza di temperatura fra città e zone rurali circostanti è nulla durante il giorno; al contrario, durante la notte l’isola di calore è presente, e in media raggiunge il massimo valore di 4°C alle 1:00. La presenza dei pannelli fotovoltaici abbassa la temperatura a 2 metri dell’aria al massimo di 0.8°C durante la notte, e l’altezza dello strato limite urbano dell’ordine 200mrispetto al caso senza pannelli. I risultati mostrano come l’uso di pannelli fotovoltaici all’interno del contesto urbano ha molteplici benefici: infatti, i pannelli fotovoltaici riescono a ridurre la temperatura durante un periodo di heat wave, e allo stesso tempo possono parzialmente sopperire all’alto consumo energetico, con una conseguente riduzione del consumo di combustibili fossili.
In the early 1970 the community has started to realize that have as a main principle the industry one, with the oblivion of the people and health conditions and of the world in general, it could not be a guideline principle. The sea, as an energy source, has the characteristic of offering different types of exploitation, in this project the focus is on the wave energy. Over the last 15 years the Countries interested in the renewable energies grew. Therefore many devices have came out, first in the world of research, then in the commercial one; these converters are able to achieve an energy transformation into electrical energy. The purpose of this work is to analyze the efficiency of a new wave energy converter, called WavePiston, with the aim of determine the feasibility of its actual application in different wave conditions: from the energy sea state of the North Sea, to the more quiet of the Mediterranean Sea. The evaluation of the WavePiston is based on the experimental investigation conducted at the University of Aalborg, in Denmark; and on a numerical modelling of the device in question, to ascertain its efficiency regardless the laboratory results. The numerical model is able to predict the laboratory condition, but it is not yet a model which can be used for any installation, in fact no mooring or economical aspect are included yet. È dai primi anni del 1970 che si è iniziato a capire che il solo principio dell’industria con l’incuranza delle condizioni salutari delle persone e del mondo in generale non poteva essere un principio guida. Il mare, come fonte energetica, ha la caratteristica di offrire diverse tipologie di sfruttamento, in questo progetto è stata analizzata l’energia da onda. Negli ultimi 15 anni sono stati sempre più in aumento i Paesi interessati in questo ambito e di conseguenza, si sono affacciati, prima nel mondo della ricerca, poi in quello commerciale, sempre più dispositivi atti a realizzare questa trasformazione energetica. Di tali convertitori di energia ondosa ne esistono diverse classificazioni. Scopo di tale lavoro è analizzare l’efficienza di un nuovo convertitore di energia ondosa, chiamato WavePiston, al fine si stabilire la fattibilità di una sua reale applicazione in diverse condizioni ondose: dalle più energetiche del Mare del Nord, alle più quiete del Mar Mediterraneo. La valutazione sul WavePiston è basata sullo studio sperimentale condotto nell’Università di Aalborg, in Danimarca; e su di una modellazione numerica del dispositivo stesso, al fine di conoscerne l’efficienza a prescindere dalla possibilità di avere risultati di laboratorio. Il modello numerico è in grado di predirre le condizioni di laboratorio, ma non considera ancora elementi come gli ancoraggi o valutazione dei costi.
The cosmological constant Λ seems to be a not satisfactory explanation of the late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe, for which a number of experimental evidences exist; therefore, it has become necessary in the last years to consider alternative models of dark energy, meant as cause of the accelerated expansion. In the study of dark energy models, it is important to understand which quantities can be determined starting from observational data, without assuming any hypothesis on the cosmological model; such quantities have been determined in Amendola, Kunz et al., 2012. In the same paper it has been further shown that it is possible to estabilish a relation between the model-independent parameters and the anisotropic stress η, which can be also expressed as a combination of the functions appearing in the most general Lagrangian for the scalar-tensor theories, the Horndeski Lagrangian. In the present thesis, the Fisher matrix formalism is used to perform a forecast on the constraints that will be possible to make on the anisotropic stress η in the future, starting from the estimated uncertainties for the galaxy clustering and weak lensing measurements which will be performed by the European Space Agency Euclid mission, to be launched in 2020. Further, constraints coming from supernovae-Ia observations are considered. The forecast is performed for two cases in which (a) η is considered as depending from redshift only and (b) η is constant and equal to one, as in the ΛCDM model.
Water is the driving force in nature. We use water for washing cars, doing laundry, cooking, taking a shower, but also to generate energy and electricity. Therefore water is a necessary product in our daily lives (USGS. Howard Perlman, 2013). The model that we created is based on the urban water demand computer model from the Pacific Institute (California). With this model we will forecast the future urban water use of Emilia Romagna up to the year of 2030. We will analyze the urban water demand in Emilia Romagna that includes the 9 provinces: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia and Rimini. The term urban water refers to the water used in cities and suburbs and in homes in the rural areas. This will include the residential, commercial, institutional and the industrial use. In this research, we will cover the water saving technologies that can help to save water for daily use. We will project what influence these technologies have to the urban water demand, and what it can mean for future urban water demands. The ongoing climate change can reduce the snowpack, and extreme floods or droughts in Italy. The changing climate and development patterns are expected to have a significant impact on water demand in the future. We will do this by conducting different scenario analyses, by combining different population projections, climate influence and water saving technologies. In addition, we will also conduct a sensitivity analyses. The several analyses will show us how future urban water demand is likely respond to changes in water conservation technologies, population, climate, water price and consumption. I hope the research can contribute to the insight of the reader’s thoughts and opinion.
The last decade has witnessed the establishment of a Standard Cosmological Model, which is based on two fundamental assumptions: the first one is the existence of a new non relativistic kind of particles, i. e. the Dark Matter (DM) that provides the potential wells in which structures create, while the second one is presence of the Dark Energy (DE), the simplest form of which is represented by the Cosmological Constant Λ, that sources the acceleration in the expansion of our Universe. These two features are summarized by the acronym ΛCDM, which is an abbreviation used to refer to the present Standard Cosmological Model. Although the Standard Cosmological Model shows a remarkably successful agreement with most of the available observations, it presents some longstanding unsolved problems. A possible way to solve these problems is represented by the introduction of a dynamical Dark Energy, in the form of the scalar field ϕ. In the coupled DE models, the scalar field ϕ features a direct interaction with matter in different regimes. Cosmic voids are large under-dense regions in the Universe devoided of matter. Being nearby empty of matter their dynamics is supposed to be dominated by DE, to the nature of which the properties of cosmic voids should be very sensitive. This thesis work is devoted to the statistical and geometrical analysis of cosmic voids in large N-body simulations of structure formation in the context of alternative competing cosmological models. In particular we used the ZOBOV code (see ref. Neyrinck 2008), a publicly available void finder algorithm, to identify voids in the Halos catalogues extraxted from CoDECS simulations (see ref. Baldi 2012 ). The CoDECS are the largest N-body simulations to date of interacting Dark Energy (DE) models. We identify suitable criteria to produce voids catalogues with the aim of comparing the properties of these objects in interacting DE scenarios to the standard ΛCDM model, at different redshifts. This thesis work is organized as follows: in chapter 1, the Standard Cosmological Model as well as the main properties of cosmic voids are intro- duced. In chapter 2, we will present the scalar field scenario. In chapter 3 the tools, the methods and the criteria by which a voids catalogue is created are described while in chapter 4 we discuss the statistical properties of cosmic voids included in our catalogues. In chapter 5 the geometrical properties of the catalogued cosmic voids are presented by means of their stacked profiles. In chapter 6 we summarized our results and we propose further developments of this work.
The ability to represent the transport and fate of an oil slick at the sea surface is a formidable task. By using an accurate numerical representation of oil evolution and movement in seawater, the possibility to asses and reduce the oil-spill pollution risk can be greatly improved. The blowing of the wind on the sea surface generates ocean waves, which give rise to transport of pollutants by wave-induced velocities that are known as Stokes’ Drift velocities. The Stokes’ Drift transport associated to a random gravity wave field is a function of the wave Energy Spectra that statistically fully describe it and that can be provided by a wave numerical model. Therefore, in order to perform an accurate numerical simulation of the oil motion in seawater, a coupling of the oil-spill model with a wave forecasting model is needed. In this Thesis work, the coupling of the MEDSLIK-II oil-spill numerical model with the SWAN wind-wave numerical model has been performed and tested. In order to improve the knowledge of the wind-wave model and its numerical performances, a preliminary sensitivity study to different SWAN model configuration has been carried out. The SWAN model results have been compared with the ISPRA directional buoys located at Venezia, Ancona and Monopoli and the best model settings have been detected. Then, high resolution currents provided by a relocatable model (SURF) have been used to force both the wave and the oil-spill models and its coupling with the SWAN model has been tested. The trajectories of four drifters have been simulated by using JONSWAP parametric spectra or SWAN directional-frequency energy output spectra and results have been compared with the real paths traveled by the drifters.