4 resultados para election

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The goal of my study is to investigate the relationship between selected deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’ and the involvement/detachment dichotomy in a sample of television news interviews. I focus on the use of personal pronouns in political discourse. Drawing upon Caffi’s (2007) classification of mitigating devices into bushes, hedges and shields, I focus on deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’: I examine the way a selection of ‘I’-related deictic shields is employed in a collection of news interviews broadcast during the electoral campaign prior to the UK 2015 General Election. My purpose is to uncover the frequencies of each of the linguistic items selected and the pragmatic functions of those linguistic items in the involvement/detachment dichotomy. The research is structured as follows. Chapter 1 provides an account of previous studies on the three main areas of research: speech event analysis, institutional interaction and the news interview, and the UK 2015 General Election television programmes. Chapter 2 is centred on the involvement/detachment dichotomy: I provide an overview of nonlinguistic and linguistic features of involvement and detachment at all levels of sentence structure. Chapter 3 contains a detailed account of the data collection and data analysis process. Chapter 4 provides an accurate description of results in three steps: quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and discussion of the pragmatic functions of the selected linguistic features of involvement and detachment. Chapter 5 includes a brief summary of the investigation, reviews the main findings, and indicates limitations of the study and possible inputs for further research. The results of the analysis confirm that, while some of the linguistic items examined point toward involvement, others have a detaching effect. I therefore conclude that deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’ permit the realisation of the involvement/detachment dichotomy in the speech genre of the news interview.


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Synthetic biology has recently had a great development, many papers have been published and many applications have been presented, spanning from the production of biopharmacheuticals to the synthesis of bioenergetic substrates or industrial catalysts. But, despite these advances, most of the applications are quite simple and don’t fully exploit the potential of this discipline. This limitation in complexity has many causes, like the incomplete characterization of some components, or the intrinsic variability of the biological systems, but one of the most important reasons is the incapability of the cell to sustain the additional metabolic burden introduced by a complex circuit. The objective of the project, of which this work is part, is trying to solve this problem through the engineering of a multicellular behaviour in prokaryotic cells. This system will introduce a cooperative behaviour that will allow to implement complex functionalities, that can’t be obtained with a single cell. In particular the goal is to implement the Leader Election, this procedure has been firstly devised in the field of distributed computing, to identify the process that allow to identify a single process as organizer and coordinator of a series of tasks assigned to the whole population. The election of the Leader greatly simplifies the computation providing a centralized control. Further- more this system may even be useful to evolutionary studies that aims to explain how complex organisms evolved from unicellular systems. The work presented here describes, in particular, the design and the experimental characterization of a component of the circuit that solves the Leader Election problem. This module, composed of an hybrid promoter and a gene, is activated in the non-leader cells after receiving the signal that a leader is present in the colony. The most important element, in this case, is the hybrid promoter, it has been realized in different versions, applying the heuristic rules stated in [22], and their activity has been experimentally tested. The objective of the experimental characterization was to test the response of the genetic circuit to the introduction, in the cellular environment, of particular molecules, inducers, that can be considered inputs of the system. The desired behaviour is similar to the one of a logic AND gate in which the exit, represented by the luminous signal produced by a fluorescent protein, is one only in presence of both inducers. The robustness and the stability of this behaviour have been tested by changing the concentration of the input signals and building dose response curves. From these data it is possible to conclude that the analysed constructs have an AND-like behaviour over a wide range of inducers’ concentrations, even if it is possible to identify many differences in the expression profiles of the different constructs. This variability accounts for the fact that the input and the output signals are continuous, and so their binary representation isn’t able to capture the complexity of the behaviour. The module of the circuit that has been considered in this analysis has a fundamental role in the realization of the intercellular communication system that is necessary for the cooperative behaviour to take place. For this reason, the second phase of the characterization has been focused on the analysis of the signal transmission. In particular, the interaction between this element and the one that is responsible for emitting the chemical signal has been tested. The desired behaviour is still similar to a logic AND, since, even in this case, the exit signal is determined by the hybrid promoter activity. The experimental results have demonstrated that the systems behave correctly, even if there is still a substantial variability between them. The dose response curves highlighted that stricter constrains on the inducers concentrations need to be imposed in order to obtain a clear separation between the two levels of expression. In the conclusive chapter the DNA sequences of the hybrid promoters are analysed, trying to identify the regulatory elements that are most important for the determination of the gene expression. Given the available data it wasn’t possible to draw definitive conclusions. In the end, few considerations on promoter engineering and complex circuits realization are presented. This section aims to briefly recall some of the problems outlined in the introduction and provide a few possible solutions.


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Synthetic Biology is a relatively new discipline, born at the beginning of the New Millennium, that brings the typical engineering approach (abstraction, modularity and standardization) to biotechnology. These principles aim to tame the extreme complexity of the various components and aid the construction of artificial biological systems with specific functions, usually by means of synthetic genetic circuits implemented in bacteria or simple eukaryotes like yeast. The cell becomes a programmable machine and its low-level programming language is made of strings of DNA. This work was performed in collaboration with researchers of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Washington in Seattle and also with a student of the Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica at the University of Bologna: Marilisa Cortesi. During the collaboration I contributed to a Synthetic Biology project already started in the Klavins Laboratory. In particular, I modeled and subsequently simulated a synthetic genetic circuit that was ideated for the implementation of a multicelled behavior in a growing bacterial microcolony. In the first chapter the foundations of molecular biology are introduced: structure of the nucleic acids, transcription, translation and methods to regulate gene expression. An introduction to Synthetic Biology completes the section. In the second chapter is described the synthetic genetic circuit that was conceived to make spontaneously emerge, from an isogenic microcolony of bacteria, two different groups of cells, termed leaders and followers. The circuit exploits the intrinsic stochasticity of gene expression and intercellular communication via small molecules to break the symmetry in the phenotype of the microcolony. The four modules of the circuit (coin flipper, sender, receiver and follower) and their interactions are then illustrated. In the third chapter is derived the mathematical representation of the various components of the circuit and the several simplifying assumptions are made explicit. Transcription and translation are modeled as a single step and gene expression is function of the intracellular concentration of the various transcription factors that act on the different promoters of the circuit. A list of the various parameters and a justification for their value closes the chapter. In the fourth chapter are described the main characteristics of the gro simulation environment, developed by the Self Organizing Systems Laboratory of the University of Washington. Then, a sensitivity analysis performed to pinpoint the desirable characteristics of the various genetic components is detailed. The sensitivity analysis makes use of a cost function that is based on the fraction of cells in each one of the different possible states at the end of the simulation and the wanted outcome. Thanks to a particular kind of scatter plot, the parameters are ranked. Starting from an initial condition in which all the parameters assume their nominal value, the ranking suggest which parameter to tune in order to reach the goal. Obtaining a microcolony in which almost all the cells are in the follower state and only a few in the leader state seems to be the most difficult task. A small number of leader cells struggle to produce enough signal to turn the rest of the microcolony in the follower state. It is possible to obtain a microcolony in which the majority of cells are followers by increasing as much as possible the production of signal. Reaching the goal of a microcolony that is split in half between leaders and followers is comparatively easy. The best strategy seems to be increasing slightly the production of the enzyme. To end up with a majority of leaders, instead, it is advisable to increase the basal expression of the coin flipper module. At the end of the chapter, a possible future application of the leader election circuit, the spontaneous formation of spatial patterns in a microcolony, is modeled with the finite state machine formalism. The gro simulations provide insights into the genetic components that are needed to implement the behavior. In particular, since both the examples of pattern formation rely on a local version of Leader Election, a short-range communication system is essential. Moreover, new synthetic components that allow to reliably downregulate the growth rate in specific cells without side effects need to be developed. In the appendix are listed the gro code utilized to simulate the model of the circuit, a script in the Python programming language that was used to split the simulations on a Linux cluster and the Matlab code developed to analyze the data.


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The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of restricted food access on Solea senegalensis behaviour and daily expression of clock genes in central (diencephalon and optic tectum) and pheripheral (liver) tissues. The Senegalese sole is a marine teleost fish belonging to the Class of Actinopterygii, Order Pleuronectiformes and Family Soleidae. Its geographical distribution in the Mediterranean sea is fairly broad, covering the south and east of the Iberian Peninsula, the North of Africa and Middle East until the coast of Turkey. From a commercial perspective Solea senegalensis has acquired in recent years, a key role in aquacolture industry of the Iberian Peninsula. The Senegalese sole is also acquiring an important relevance in chronobiological studies as the number of published works focused on the sole circadian system has increased in the last few years. The molecular mechanisms underlying sole circadian rhythms has also been explored recently, both in adults and developing sole. Moreover, the consideration of the Pleuronectiformes Order as one of the most evolved teleost groups make the Senegalese sole a species of high interest under a comparative and phylogenetic point of view. All these facts have reinforced the election of Senegalese sole as model species for the present study. The animals were kept under 12L:12D photoperiod conditions and divided into three experimental groups depending on the feeding time: fed at midlight (ML), middark (MD) or random (RND) times. Throughout the experiment, the existence of a daily activity rhythm and it synchronization to the light-dark and feeding cycles was checked. To this end locomotor activity was registred by means of two infrared photocells placed in pvc tube 10 cm below the water surface (upper photocell) and the other one was located 10 cm above the bottom of the tank (bottom photocell). The photocell were connected to a computer so that every time a fish interrupted the infrared light beam, it produced an output signal that was recorded. The number of light beam interruptions was stored every 10 minutes by specialized software for data acquisition.