13 resultados para eCG

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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È nata la necessità di trasferire nell’abitazione del paziente il percorso terapeutico, realizzando forme di assistenza a domicilio, che evitino da un lato il disagio dell’accesso alle strutture specialistiche, dall’altro che consentano di ridurre il carico di pazienti gestiti direttamente dalle strutture ospedaliere. Questi servizi sono in grado di favorire una delocalizzazione delle cure, decongestionando ospedali ed ambulatori. Questi sistemi di monitoraggio potranno così aiutare a risolvere una delle principali criticità del nostro servizio sanitario, ovvero la lunghezza delle liste d'attesa per le visite ambulatoriali,e contribuire a ridurre le spese per la loro erogazione. Nel mio elaborato discuto e analizzo due dispositivi in particolare il sensore BioHarness BH3 ed un prodotto innovativo studiato in Italia la MagIc.


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In cardiovascular disease the definition and the detection of the ECG parameters related to repolarization dynamics in post MI patients is still a crucial unmet need. In addition, the use of a 3D sensor in the implantable medical devices would be a crucial mean in the assessment or prediction of Heart Failure status, but the inclusion of such feature is limited by hardware and firmware constraints. The aim of this thesis is the definition of a reliable surrogate of the 500 Hz ECG signal to reach the aforementioned objective. To evaluate the worsening of reliability due to sampling frequency reduction on delineation performance, the signals have been consecutively down sampled by a factor 2, 4, 8 thus obtaining the ECG signals sampled at 250, 125 and 62.5 Hz, respectively. The final goal is the feasibility assessment of the detection of the fiducial points in order to translate those parameters into meaningful clinical parameter for Heart Failure prediction, such as T waves intervals heterogeneity and variability of areas under T waves. An experimental setting for data collection on healthy volunteers has been set up at the Bakken Research Center in Maastricht. A 16 – channel ambulatory system, provided by TMSI, has recorded the standard 12 – Leads ECG, two 3D accelerometers and a respiration sensor. The collection platform has been set up by the TMSI property software Polybench, the data analysis of such signals has been performed with Matlab. The main results of this study show that the 125 Hz sampling rate has demonstrated to be a good candidate for a reliable detection of fiducial points. T wave intervals proved to be consistently stable, even at 62.5 Hz. Further studies would be needed to provide a better comparison between sampling at 250 Hz and 125 Hz for areas under the T waves.


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Ventricular cells are immersed in a bath of electrolytes and these ions are essential for a healthy heart and a regular rhythm. Maintaining physiological concentration of them is fundamental for reducing arrhythmias and risk of sudden cardiac death, especially in haemodialysis patients and in the heart diseases treatments. Models of electrically activity of the heart based on mathematical formulation are a part of the efforts to improve the understanding and prediction of heart behaviour. Modern models incorporate the extensive and ever increasing amounts of experimental data in incorporating biophysically detailed mechanisms to allow the detailed study of molecular and subcellular mechanisms of heart disease. The goal of this project was to simulate the effects of changes in potassium and calcium concentrations in the extracellular space between experimental data and and a description incorpored into two modern biophysically detailed models (Grandi et al. Model; O’Hara Rudy Model). Moreover the task was to analyze the changes in the ventricular electrical activity, in particular by studying the modifications on the simulated electrocardiographic signal. We used the cellular information obtained by the heart models in order to build a 1D tissue description. The fibre is composed by 165 cells, it is divided in four groups to differentiate the cell types that compound human ventricular tissue. The main results are the following: Grandi et al. (GBP) model is not even able to reproduce the correct action potential profile in hyperkalemia. Data from hospitalized patients indicates that the action potential duration (APD) should be shorter than physiological state but in this model we have the opposite. From the potassium point of view the results obtained by using O’Hara model (ORD) are in agreement with experimental data for the single cell action potential in hypokalemia and hyperkalemia, most of the currents follow the data from literature. In the 1D simulations we were able to reproduce ECGs signal in most the potassium concentrations we selected for this study and we collected data that can help physician in understanding what happens in ventricular cells during electrolyte disorder. However the model fails in the conduction of the stimulus under hyperkalemic conditions. The model emphasized the ECG modifications when the K+ is slightly more than physiological value. In the calcium setting using the ORD model we found an APD shortening in hypocalcaemia and an APD lengthening in hypercalcaemia, i.e. the opposite to experimental observation. This wrong behaviour is kept in one dimensional simulations bringing a longer QT interval in the ECG under higher [Ca2+]o conditions and vice versa. In conclusion it has highlighted that the actual ventricular models present in literature, even if they are useful in the original form, they need an improvement in the sensitivity of these two important electrolytes. We suggest an use of the GBP model with modifications introduced by Carro et al. who understood that the failure of this model is related to the Shannon et al. model (a rabbit model) from which the GBP model was built. The ORD model should be modified in the Ca2+ - dependent IcaL and in the influence of the Iks in the action potential for letting it him produce a correct action potential under different calcium concentrations. In the 1D tissue maybe a heterogeneity setting of intra and extracellular conductances for the different cell types should improve a reproduction of the ECG signal.


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L'aumento inesorabile delle morti per cause legate a patologie cardiache, dovuto soprattutto al progressivo invecchiamento della popolazione occidentale, ha portato negli ultimi anni, alla necessità di sviluppare tecniche e sistemi di “Remote Monitoring”. L'obiettivo della tesi è la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema di monitoraggio remoto dell'attività elettrica cardiaca basato sull’utilizzo delle piattaforme Android e Arduino. Il valore aggiunto della soluzione proposta e sviluppata è, quindi, soprattutto da ricercarsi nella tipologia di tecnologie utilizzate per la realizzazione del sistema (Android/Arduino): oltre, alla loro continua espansione, in termini di diffusione e avanzamento tecnologico, facilmente riscontrabile, hanno tutte l’importante caratteristica di essere totalmente Open Source, rendendo, quindi, ogni elemento del sistema eventualmente espandibile da chiunque lo desideri.


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Arrhythmia is one kind of cardiovascular diseases that give rise to the number of deaths and potentially yields immedicable danger. Arrhythmia is a life threatening condition originating from disorganized propagation of electrical signals in heart resulting in desynchronization among different chambers of the heart. Fundamentally, the synchronization process means that the phase relationship of electrical activities between the chambers remains coherent, maintaining a constant phase difference over time. If desynchronization occurs due to arrhythmia, the coherent phase relationship breaks down resulting in chaotic rhythm affecting the regular pumping mechanism of heart. This phenomenon was explored by using the phase space reconstruction technique which is a standard analysis technique of time series data generated from nonlinear dynamical system. In this project a novel index is presented for predicting the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. Analysis of continuously captured long-term ECG data recordings was conducted up to the onset of arrhythmia by the phase space reconstruction method, obtaining 2-dimensional images, analysed by the box counting method. The method was tested using the ECG data set of three different kinds including normal (NR), Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), extracted from the Physionet ECG database. Statistical measures like mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation (σ/μ) for the box-counting in phase space diagrams are derived for a sliding window of 10 beats of ECG signal. From the results of these statistical analyses, a threshold was derived as an upper bound of Coefficient of Variation (CV) for box-counting of ECG phase portraits which is capable of reliably predicting the impeding arrhythmia long before its actual occurrence. As future work of research, it was planned to validate this prediction tool over a wider population of patients affected by different kind of arrhythmia, like atrial fibrillation, bundle and brunch block, and set different thresholds for them, in order to confirm its clinical applicability.


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The heart is a wonderful but complex organ: it uses electrochemical mechanisms in order to produce mechanical energy to pump the blood throughout the body and allow the life of humans and animals. This organ can be subject to several diseases and sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the most catastrophic manifestation of these diseases, responsible for the death of a large number of people throughout the world. It is estimated that 325000 Americans annually die for SCD. SCD most commonly occurs as a result of reentrant tachyarrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF)) and the identification of those patients at higher risk for the development of SCD has been a difficult clinical challenge. Nowadays, a particular electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormality, “T-wave alternans” (TWA), is considered a precursor of lethal cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death, a sensitive indicator of risk for SCD. TWA is defined as a beat-to-beat alternation in the shape, amplitude, or timing of the T-wave on the ECG, indicative of the underlying repolarization of cardiac cells [5]. In other words TWA is the macroscopic effect of subcellular and celluar mechanisms involving ionic kinetics and the consequent depolarization and repolarization of the myocytes. Experimental activities have shown that TWA on the ECG is a manifestation of an underlying alternation of long and short action potential durations (APDs), the so called APD-alternans, of cardiac myocytes in the myocardium. Understanding the mechanism of APDs-alternans is the first step for preventing them to occur. In order to investigate these mechanisms it’s very important to understand that the biological systems are complex systems and their macroscopic properties arise from the nonlinear interactions among the parts. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and it cannot be understood only by studying the single parts. In this sense the heart is a complex nonlinear system and its way of working follows nonlinear dynamics; alternans also, they are a manifestation of a phenomenon typical in nonlinear dynamical systems, called “period-dubling bifurcation”. Over the past decade, it has been demonstrated that electrical alternans in cardiac tissue is an important marker for the development of ventricular fibrillation and a significant predictor for mortality. It has been observed that acute exposure to low concentration of calcium does not decrease the magnitude of alternans and sustained ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is still easily induced under these condition. However with prolonged exposure to low concentration of calcium, alternans disappears, but VF is still inducible. This work is based on this observation and tries to make it clearer. The aim of this thesis is investigate the effect of hypocalcemia spatial alternans and VF doing experiments with canine hearts and perfusing them with a solution with physiological ionic concentration and with a solution with low calcium concentration (hypocalcemia); in order to investigate the so called memory effect, the experimental activity was modified during the way. The experiments were performed with the optical mapping technique, using voltage-sensitive dye, and a custom made Java code was used in post-processing. Finding the Nolasco and Dahlen’s criterion [8] inadequate for the prediction of alternans, and takin into account the experimental results, another criterion, which consider the memory effect, has been implemented. The implementation of this criterion could be the first step in the creation of a method, AP-based, discriminating who is at risk if developing VF. This work is divided into four chapters: the first is a brief presentation of the physiology of the heart; the second is a review of the major theories and discovers in the study of cardiac dynamics; the third chapter presents an overview on the experimental activity and the optical mapping technique; the forth chapter contains the presentation of the results and the conclusions.


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Descrizione dell'approccio al soccorso di patologie cardiovascolari con specifico riferimento alle patologie ischemiche, segnale ECG, suo utilizzo, vantaggi di un network di telecardiologia.


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La presente tesi tratta la progettazione e la simulazione via software di geometrie di antenne da realizzare direttamente su Printed Circuit Board (PCB) per schede di trasmissione dati wireless Ultra Wide Band. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio è la realizzazione di un prototipo per impieghi biomedici umani (ad esempio trasmissione di dati provenienti da un ECG). Lo scopo del lavoro svolto è quello di trovare la miglior soluzione di integrazione per un’antenna il più possibile compatta da realizzare poi direttamente sul substrato dove verrà stampato il circuito del trasmettitore stesso. L’antenna verrà quindi realizzata esclusivamente attraverso microstrisce conduttrici (le medesime che formeranno i collegamenti tra i vari componenti del circuito) prendendo in considerazione le grandezze parassite di ogni conduttore, quali resistenza, induttanza, capacità ecc. In conclusione, il circuito di trasmissione wireless completo di antenna sopra descritto è attualmente in fase di realizzazione e nel prossimo futuro verrà testato in laboratorio.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un dispositivo indossabile, e minimamente invasivo, in grado di registrare in maniera continua segnali legati all’attività elettromeccanica del muscolo cardiaco, al fine di rilevare eventuali anomalie cardiache. In tal senso il sistema non si limita alla sola acquisizione di un segnale ECG, ma è in grado di rilevare anche i toni cardiaci, ovvero le vibrazioni generate dalla chiusura delle valvole cardiache, la cui ampiezza è espressione della forza contrattile (funzione meccanica) del cuore. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato sia la progettazione che la realizzazione di un prototipo di tale dispositivo ed è stato svolto presso il laboratorio di Bioingegneria del Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica Diagnostica e Sperimentale dell’Università di Bologna, sito presso l’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico Sant’Orsola-Malpighi. Il sistema finale consiste in un dispositivo applicabile al torace che, attraverso una serie di sensori, è in grado di rilevare dati legati alla meccanica del cuore (toni cardiaci), dati elettrici cardiaci (ECG) e dati accelerometrici di attività fisica. Nello specifico, il sensing dei toni cardiaci avviene attraverso un accelerometro in grado di misurare le vibrazioni trasmesse al torace. I tracciati, raccolti con l’ausilio di una piattaforma Arduino, vengono inviati, tramite tecnologia Bluetooth, ad un PC che, attraverso un applicativo software sviluppato in LabVIEW™, ne effettua l’analisi, il salvataggio e l’elaborazione in real-time, permettendo un monitoraggio wireless ed in tempo reale dello stato del paziente.


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The use of wearable devices for the monitoring of biological potentials is an ever-growing area of research. Wearable devices for the monitoring of vital signs such as heart-rate, respiratory rate, cardiac output and blood oxygenation are necessary in determining the overall health of a patient and allowing earlier detection of adverse events such as heart attacks and strokes and earlier diagnosis of disease. This thesis describes a bio-potential acquisition embedded system designed with an innovative analog front-end, showing the performance in EMG and ECG applications and the comparison between different noise reduction algorithms. We demonstrate that the proposed system is able to acquire bio-potentials with a signal quality equivalent to state of the art bench-top biomedical devices and can be therefore used for monitoring purpose, with the advantages of a low-cost low-power wearable device.


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I segnali biopotenziali cardiaci e neurali nelle forme di elettroencefalogramma (EEG) ed elettrocardiogramma (ECG) sono due indicatori fisiologici molto importanti che ben si prestano ad un monitoraggio sanitario wireless a lungo termine. Nonostante gli innumerevoli progressi compiuti nel campo della tecnologia wireless e della microelettronica, l’utilizzo dell'EEG/ECG risulta essere ancora limitato dai disagi e dalle scomodità dovute all’impiego di elettrodi a contatto bagnato (wet contact electrodes). Gli elettrodi adesivi ad uso clinico sono spesso percepiti dai pazienti su cui vengono applicati come irritanti e scomodi, riducendo notevolmente l’accondiscendenza ad un loro utilizzo costante nell'ambiente domestico, ovvero al di fuori dello stretto controllo medico-sanitario. Come alternativa si ricorre all’uso di elettrodi a secco (dry electrodes), questi però, in mancanza della capacità di conduzione del gel, sono molto più sensibili alle condizioni della pelle e pertanto suscettibili agli artefatti legati al movimento. Questa tesi si ripropone di illustrare in maniera il più possibile organica e precisa il principio di funzionamento degli elettrodi senza contatto, con particolare attenzione al ruolo rivestito dai segnali EEG ed ECG. L’analisi intende inoltre mettere in evidenza l’entità dei vantaggi derivanti dall’impiego degli elettrodi senza contatto rispetto a quelli tradizionali.


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Il progetto di tesi ha il compito di far comunicare un device mobile con un apparato elettromedicale tramite tecnologia bluetooth low energy. Il paziente ha a disposizione questo apparato per misurarsi l'elettrocardiogramma autonomamente e poi, tramite l'uso dell'app, vengono mostrati i risultati ottenuti dalla misurazione. Una volta inviati i dati dal dispositivo elettromedicale all'app, questi vengono anche inoltrati a un server dove saranno sottoposti a controlli, da parte del medico curante.


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L’uso di sistemi wearable nell’ambito dell’acquisizione dei segnali biomedici è oggigiorno oggetto di grande interesse. Il loro uso si estende dal monitoraggio di parametri vitali per finalità cliniche al controllo delle dinamiche funzionali del corpo umano nel vivere quotidiano, grazie agli specifici segnali emessi dall’organismo, quali ECG ed EMG. Questa tesi, in particolar modo, riguarda le acquisizioni di segnali EMG, ovvero quelli emessi dalla muscolatura in concomitanza di movimenti, e descrive le modalità con cui essi possono essere acquisiti tramite elettrodi dry ed elettrodi wet. Nello specifico, i risultati ottenuti dai diversi approcci vengono confrontati e viene dimostrato il fatto che vi siano consistenti potenzialità nello sviluppo di sistemi per il riconoscimento di gesti che facciano affidamento sugli elettrodi dry, i quali presentano notevoli vantaggi applicativi rispetto alla controparte di tipo wet, la cui affidabilità in tale ambito è stata ampiamente confermata nel corso degli ultimi anni.