19 resultados para design of mobile networks
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Real living cell is a complex system governed by many process which are not yet fully understood: the process of cell differentiation is one of these. In this thesis work we make use of a cell differentiation model to develop gene regulatory networks (Boolean networks) with desired differentiation dynamics. To accomplish this task we have introduced techniques of automatic design and we have performed experiments using various differentiation trees. The results obtained have shown that the developed algorithms, except the Random algorithm, are able to generate Boolean networks with interesting differentiation dynamics. Moreover, we have presented some possible future applications and developments of the cell differentiation model in robotics and in medical research. Understanding the mechanisms involved in biological cells can gives us the possibility to explain some not yet understood dangerous disease, i.e the cancer. Le cellula è un sistema complesso governato da molti processi ancora non pienamente compresi: il differenziamento cellulare è uno di questi. In questa tesi utilizziamo un modello di differenziamento cellulare per sviluppare reti di regolazione genica (reti Booleane) con dinamiche di differenziamento desiderate. Per svolgere questo compito abbiamo introdotto tecniche di progettazione automatica e abbiamo eseguito esperimenti utilizzando vari alberi di differenziamento. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che gli algoritmi sviluppati, eccetto l'algoritmo Random, sono in grado di poter generare reti Booleane con dinamiche di differenziamento interessanti. Inoltre, abbiamo presentato alcune possibili applicazioni e sviluppi futuri del modello di differenziamento in robotica e nella ricerca medica. Capire i meccanismi alla base del funzionamento cellulare può fornirci la possibilità di spiegare patologie ancora oggi non comprese, come il cancro.
Uno dei principali ambiti di ricerca dell’intelligenza artificiale concerne la realizzazione di agenti (in particolare, robot) in grado di aiutare o sostituire l’uomo nell’esecuzione di determinate attività. A tal fine, è possibile procedere seguendo due diversi metodi di progettazione: la progettazione manuale e la progettazione automatica. Quest’ultima può essere preferita alla prima nei contesti in cui occorra tenere in considerazione requisiti quali flessibilità e adattamento, spesso essenziali per lo svolgimento di compiti non banali in contesti reali. La progettazione automatica prende in considerazione un modello col quale rappresentare il comportamento dell’agente e una tecnica di ricerca (oppure di apprendimento) che iterativamente modifica il modello al fine di renderlo il più adatto possibile al compito in esame. In questo lavoro, il modello utilizzato per la rappresentazione del comportamento del robot è una rete booleana (Boolean network o Kauffman network). La scelta di tale modello deriva dal fatto che possiede una semplice struttura che rende agevolmente studiabili le dinamiche tuttavia complesse che si manifestano al suo interno. Inoltre, la letteratura recente mostra che i modelli a rete, quali ad esempio le reti neuronali artificiali, si sono dimostrati efficaci nella programmazione di robot. La metodologia per l’evoluzione di tale modello riguarda l’uso di tecniche di ricerca meta-euristiche in grado di trovare buone soluzioni in tempi contenuti, nonostante i grandi spazi di ricerca. Lavori precedenti hanno gia dimostrato l’applicabilità e investigato la metodologia su un singolo robot. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di fornire prova di principio relativa a un insieme di robot, aprendo nuove strade per la progettazione in swarm robotics. In questo scenario, semplici agenti autonomi, interagendo fra loro, portano all’emergere di un comportamento coordinato adempiendo a task impossibili per la singola unità. Questo lavoro fornisce utili ed interessanti opportunità anche per lo studio delle interazioni fra reti booleane. Infatti, ogni robot è controllato da una rete booleana che determina l’output in funzione della propria configurazione interna ma anche dagli input ricevuti dai robot vicini. In questo lavoro definiamo un task in cui lo swarm deve discriminare due diversi pattern sul pavimento dell’arena utilizzando solo informazioni scambiate localmente. Dopo una prima serie di esperimenti preliminari che hanno permesso di identificare i parametri e il migliore algoritmo di ricerca, abbiamo semplificato l’istanza del problema per meglio investigare i criteri che possono influire sulle prestazioni. E’ stata così identificata una particolare combinazione di informazione che, scambiata localmente fra robot, porta al miglioramento delle prestazioni. L’ipotesi è stata confermata applicando successivamente questo risultato ad un’istanza più difficile del problema. Il lavoro si conclude suggerendo nuovi strumenti per lo studio dei fenomeni emergenti in contesti in cui le reti booleane interagiscono fra loro.
Hybrid vehicles represent the future for automakers, since they allow to improve the fuel economy and to reduce the pollutant emissions. A key component of the hybrid powertrain is the Energy Storage System, that determines the ability of the vehicle to store and reuse energy. Though electrified Energy Storage Systems (ESS), based on batteries and ultracapacitors, are a proven technology, Alternative Energy Storage Systems (AESS), based on mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, are gaining interest because they give the possibility of realizing low-cost mild-hybrid vehicles. Currently, most literature of design methodologies focuses on electric ESS, which are not suitable for AESS design. In this contest, The Ohio State University has developed an Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology. This work focuses on the development of driving cycle analysis methodology that is a key component of Alternative Energy Storage System design procedure. The proposed methodology is based on a statistical approach to analyzing driving schedules that represent the vehicle typical use. Driving data are broken up into power events sequence, namely traction and braking events, and for each of them, energy-related and dynamic metrics are calculated. By means of a clustering process and statistical synthesis methods, statistically-relevant metrics are determined. These metrics define cycle representative braking events. By using these events as inputs for the Alternative Energy Storage System design methodology, different system designs are obtained. Each of them is characterized by attributes, namely system volume and weight. In the last part the work, the designs are evaluated in simulation by introducing and calculating a metric related to the energy conversion efficiency. Finally, the designs are compared accounting for attributes and efficiency values. In order to automate the driving data extraction and synthesis process, a specific script Matlab based has been developed. Results show that the driving cycle analysis methodology, based on the statistical approach, allows to extract and synthesize cycle representative data. The designs based on cycle statistically-relevant metrics are properly sized and have satisfying efficiency values with respect to the expectations. An exception is the design based on the cycle worst-case scenario, corresponding to same approach adopted by the conventional electric ESS design methodologies. In this case, a heavy system with poor efficiency is produced. The proposed new methodology seems to be a valid and consistent support for Alternative Energy Storage System design.
In this paper I will present the work I have completed during a five months work placement at CERN, European Organisation for Nuclear Research, from March to July 2011. This stage was done in the EN Department (ENgineering Department), STI Group (Sources, Targets and Interactions), TCD Section (Targets, Collimators and Dumps) under the supervision of Dr Cesare Maglioni. The task I was given concerned all the beam stoppers in the PS Complex, in detail: - General definition and requirements - Creation of a digital archive - Verification of the stoppers of the PS Complex - Design of the L4T.STP.1
This report elaborates on the master degree thesis developed by the candidate within the company Superjet International. The performed activity focuses on the study and design of VAMP (Virtual Aircraft Multipurpose Platform). VAMP is a new interactive platform, not necessarily limited to the Aeronautical sector, aimed to analyse technical failures, identify risk and recommend the most appropriate corrective actions for maintenance cost reduction, taking into account reliability, availability, maintainability and safety.
Constant developments in the field of offshore wind energy have increased the range of water depths at which wind farms are planned to be installed. Therefore, in addition to monopile support structures suitable in shallow waters (up to 30 m), different types of support structures, able to withstand severe sea conditions at the greater water depths, have been developed. For water depths above 30 m, the jacket is one of the preferred support types. Jacket represents a lightweight support structure, which, in combination with complex nature of environmental loads, is prone to highly dynamic behavior. As a consequence, high stresses with great variability in time can be observed in all structural members. The highest concentration of stresses occurs in joints due to their nature (structural discontinuities) and due to the existence of notches along the welds present in the joints. This makes them the weakest elements of the jacket in terms of fatigue. In the numerical modeling of jackets for offshore wind turbines, a reduction of local stresses at the chord-brace joints, and consequently an optimization of the model, can be achieved by implementing joint flexibility in the chord-brace joints. Therefore, in this work, the influence of joint flexibility on the fatigue damage in chord-brace joints of a numerical jacket model, subjected to advanced load simulations, is studied.
This thesis aims to give a general view of pavement types all over the world, by showing the different characteristics of each one and its different life steps starting from construction, passing by maintenance and arriving until recycling phase. The flexible pavement took the main part of this work because it has been used in the last part of this thesis to design a project of a rural road. This project is located in the province of Bologna-Italy (‘Comune di Argelato’, 26 km in the north of Bologna), and has 5677, 81 m of length. A pavement design was made using the program BISAR 3.0 and a fatigue life study was made, also, in order to estimate the number of loads (in terms of heavy vehicles axle) to cause road’s failure . An alignment design was made for this project and a safety study was established in order to check if the available sight distance at curves respects the safety norms or not, by comparing it to the stopping sight distance. Different technical sheets are demonstrated and several cases are discussed in order to clarify the main design principles and underline the main hazardous cases to be avoided especially at intersection. This latter, its type’s choice depends on several factors in order to make the suitable design according to the environmental data. At this part of the road, the safety is a primordial point due to the high accident rate in this zone. For this reason, different safety aspects are discussed especially at roundabouts, signalized intersections, and also some other common intersection types. The design and the safety norms are taken with reference to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), ACT (Transportation Association of Canada), and also according to Italian norms (Decreto Ministeriale delle Starde).
In the past centuries and before the invention of automobile, roads consisted mainly of unpaved paths connecting only few cities. Later, in the beginning of the twentieth century, the automobile was introduced and a new type of the transportation system was born. Therefore, it was necessary to change the condition of roads to fit with the automobiles. With the spread and the development of the automobiles, roads also have developed and increased all over the world. That caused negative effects on the environment and humans’ life quality. Thus, highways associations and communities had to take some steps to reduce these effects and care about environmental and cultural issues with the traditional commitment to safety and mobility, and that is known as context sensitive design. The aim of this thesis is to use the concepts of context sensitive design to reduce the negative environmental impacts of provincial road Galliera, which connects via Colombo in city of Bologna to provincial road 3 in Argelato city. Some solutions were proposed in this thesis to reduce traffic noise, fragmentation, fauna mortality and to improve the aesthetics of the road.