1 resultado para degradation of reactive dyes
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Since the dawn of its presence on earth, the human being has been able to exploit the enzymes for its subsistence. More recent is the meeting between the enzymatic processes and the urgent need for technologies that aim to preserve our planet. In this field nowadays enzymatic catalysis is tested either to depollution/remediation as well as waste disposal. The work presented in this thesis, regarding both these two topics, is tailored on two European projects (EU 2020), MADFORWATER and TERMINUS respectively. Firstly, production of micro- and nanocatalysts via immobilization of laccases (a lignin-degrader enzyme) is performed. In the second part of the thesis laccase is applied to a tertiary treatment of wastewater with the aim to degrade 9 pharmaceutical active compounds in batch reactors. Despite several optimizations, poor degradation is reached and we did not proceed with the study of different bioreactor setups. Therefore, the focus is moved to a project concerning the production of smart multi-layer plastic packaging containing enzymes to improve the possibilities of recycling. In this field shielded nanocatalysts produced via coating techniques able to interact with redox mediators are investigated. The target substrate in this second project is produced in laboratory (i.e. polyurethane like compounds), starting from monomers whose degradation had already been tested, as a proof of concept. The first enzyme studied is still the laccase.