6 resultados para degenerative myelopathy
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Questa tesi compilativa prende in esame la cartilagine, partendo dalla composizione dei suoi diversi tipi rappresentati nel corpo umano e delle funzioni qui svolte, per descrivere i metodi utilizzati per riprodurla artificialmente mediante cellule staminali, fattori di crescita e scaffold dedicati coltivati in ambiente controllato. La cartilagine è un tessuto molto particolare perché, diversamente dagli altri tessuti, non possiede una rete di capillari e quindi riceve un limitati apporto di ossigeno e sostanze nutritive, che spiega la sua poverissima capacità intrinseca di riparazione. La cartilagine è però un tessuto soggetto a numerosi stress di vario tipo e quindi è soggetta a traumi che possono essere di natura sportiva o accidentale (soprattutto la cartilagine di tipo articolare) ed è anche colpita da malattie degenerative. Questo ha stimolato gli studi che intendono ingegnerizzare un tessuto artificiale in grado di aumentare la capacità di riparare la zona colpita. In quest’ottica, vengono attivamente condotti esperimenti in grado di definire protocolli che inducano cellule staminali al differenziamento in cellule di tipo cartilagineo. Tali cellule, seminate su supporti (scaffolds) 3D biocompatibili di diversa natura, naturali o sintetici, eventualmente bioattivi, possono essere coltivate in ambienti dedicati, detti bioreattori, che utilizzino stimoli fisici (p. es. vibrazionali, microgravità, ultrasonici, regolazione della tensione di ossigeno, sforzi di taglio, compressione dinamica e compressione idrostatica ciclica) che si sono dimostrati utili per indurre l’appropriato fenotipo cellulare, valutabile attraverso una batteria di approcci di misura morfologica e funzionale.
Every year, thousand of surgical treatments are performed in order to fix up or completely substitute, where possible, organs or tissues affected by degenerative diseases. Patients with these kind of illnesses stay long times waiting for a donor that could replace, in a short time, the damaged organ or the tissue. The lack of biological alternates, related to conventional surgical treatments as autografts, allografts, e xenografts, led the researchers belonging to different areas to collaborate to find out innovative solutions. This research brought to a new discipline able to merge molecular biology, biomaterial, engineering, biomechanics and, recently, design and architecture knowledges. This discipline is named Tissue Engineering (TE) and it represents a step forward towards the substitutive or regenerative medicine. One of the major challenge of the TE is to design and develop, using a biomimetic approach, an artificial 3D anatomy scaffold, suitable for cells adhesion that are able to proliferate and differentiate themselves as consequence of the biological and biophysical stimulus offered by the specific tissue to be replaced. Nowadays, powerful instruments allow to perform analysis day by day more accurateand defined on patients that need more precise diagnosis and treatments.Starting from patient specific information provided by TC (Computed Tomography) microCT and MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), an image-based approach can be performed in order to reconstruct the site to be replaced. With the aid of the recent Additive Manufacturing techniques that allow to print tridimensional objects with sub millimetric precision, it is now possible to practice an almost complete control of the parametrical characteristics of the scaffold: this is the way to achieve a correct cellular regeneration. In this work, we focalize the attention on a branch of TE known as Bone TE, whose the bone is main subject. Bone TE combines osteoconductive and morphological aspects of the scaffold, whose main properties are pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity. The realization of the ideal values of these parameters represents the main goal of this work: here we'll a create simple and interactive biomimetic design process based on 3D CAD modeling and generative algorithmsthat provide a way to control the main properties and to create a structure morphologically similar to the cancellous bone. Two different typologies of scaffold will be compared: the first is based on Triply Periodic MinimalSurface (T.P.M.S.) whose basic crystalline geometries are nowadays used for Bone TE scaffolding; the second is based on using Voronoi's diagrams and they are more often used in the design of decorations and jewellery for their capacity to decompose and tasselate a volumetric space using an heterogeneous spatial distribution (often frequent in nature). In this work, we will show how to manipulate the main properties (pore diameter, structure porosity and interconnectivity) of the design TE oriented scaffolding using the implementation of generative algorithms: "bringing back the nature to the nature".
Un confronto fra metodiche invasive e non invasive per interfacce brain-to-computer (BCI), al corrente stato dell'arte. Un approfondimento sulle applicazioni mediche, in particolare l'uso nelle tecnologie per l'assistenza di pazienti con malattie degenerative del sistema motorio.
Da decenni in evoluzione tecnologica e scientifica la laserterapia rappresenta ormai una nuova frontiera per la medicina riabilitativa e preventiva. Il laser viene sfruttato per i suoi effetti benefici nella terapia antalgica; grazie alle sue caratteristiche riesce a raggiungere i tessuti profondi in tutta sicurezza, senza dolore e senza recare danni al paziente. Gli scopi della terapia sono soprattutto due: antidolorifico e antiinfiammatorio, viene utilizzata per lenire molte patologie da sovraccarico, traumatiche o degenerative che coinvolgono strutture ossee, muscolari, tendinee e articolari. Riscuote successo anche negli ambiti dell'estetica e dello sport. Non presenta grossi effetti collaterali, i risultati sono accertati e consente una rapida ripresa rispetto alle metodiche tradizionali. L'obiettivo dell'elaborato è stato quello di realizzare un laser terapeutico utilizzando i parametri principali che lo caratterizzano – lunghezza d'onda, potenza, modalità di emissione e altri- sulla base delle conoscenze acquisite durante il tirocinio in azienda.
Trauma or degenerative diseases such as osteonecrosis may determine bone loss whose recover is promised by a "tissue engineering“ approach. This strategy involves the use of stem cells, grown onboard of adequate biocompatible/bioreabsorbable hosting templates (usually defined as scaffolds) and cultured in specific dynamic environments afforded by differentiation-inducing actuators (usually defined as bioreactors) to produce implantable tissue constructs. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate, by finite element modeling of flow/compression-induced deformation, alginate scaffolds intended for bone tissue engineering. This work was conducted at the Biomechanics Laboratory of the Institute of Biomedical and Neural Engineering of the Reykjavik University of Iceland. In this respect, Comsol Multiphysics 5.1 simulations were carried out to approximate the loads over alginate 3D matrices under perfusion, compression and perfusion+compression, when varyingalginate pore size and flow/compression regimen. The results of the simulations show that the shear forces in the matrix of the scaffold increase coherently with the increase in flow and load, and decrease with the increase of the pore size. Flow and load rates suggested for proper osteogenic cell differentiation are reported.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neuro-degenerative disorder, the second most common after Alzheimer's disease. After diagnosis, treatments can help to relieve the symptoms, but there is no known cure for PD. PD is characterized by a combination of motor and no-motor dysfunctions. Among the motor symptoms there is the so called Freezing of Gait (FoG). The FoG is a phenomenon in PD patients in which the feet stock to the floor and is difficult for the patient to initiate movement. FoG is a severe problem, since it is associated with falls, anxiety, loss of mobility, accidents, mortality and it has substantial clinical and social consequences decreasing the quality of life in PD patients. Medicine can be very successful in controlling movements disorders and dealing with some of the PD symptoms. However, the relationship between medication and the development of FoG remains unclear. Several studies have demonstrated that visual or auditory rhythmical cuing allows PD patients to improve their motor abilities. Rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) was shown to be particularly effective at improving gait, specially with patients that manifest FoG. While RAS allows to reduce the time and the effects of FoGs occurrence in PD patients after the FoG is detected, it can not avoid the episode due to the latency of detection. An improvement of the system would be the prediction of the FoG. This thesis was developed following two main objectives: (1) the finding of specifics properties during pre FoG periods different from normal walking context and other walking events like turns and stops using the information provided by the inertial measurements units (IMUs) and (2) the formulation of a model for automatically detect the pre FoG patterns in order to completely avoid the upcoming freezing event in PD patients. The first part focuses on the analysis of different methods for feature extraction which might lead in the FoG occurrence.