6 resultados para cross-flow heat exchangers

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The performance of microchannel heat exchangers was assessed in gas-to-liquid applications in the order of several tens of kWth . The technology is suitable for exhaust heat recovery systems based on organic Rankine cycle. In order to design a light and compact microchannel heat exchanger, an optimization process is developed. The model employed in the procedure is validated through computational fluid-dynamics analysis with commercial software. It is shown that conjugate effects have a significant impact on the heat transfer performance of the device.


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Improving heat transfer is a critical area of ​​research in various fields such as thermal engineering, energy conversion and aeronautical engineering. The aim of this thesis is to present the design, construction and testing of an experimental setup for the study of heat transfer enhancement in a turbulent boundary layer using cross-flow pulsed jets. The set-up is designed to generate and control pulsed jets, measure heat transfer and acquire all parameters related to wind tunnel flow and is also capable of varying the parameters of the pulsed jets, such as frequency, amplitude and the duty cycle, in order to study the effects on the increase in heat transfer. The thesis describes the design phases, the construction process and the final successful testing of the plant. The test results verify the functionality and accuracy of the set-up and ensure that it can be used to perform a full experimental campaign to investigate heat transfer enhancement using cross-flow pulsed jets in a turbulent layer boundary.


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In the last years, the European countries have paid increasing attention to renewable sources and greenhouse emissions. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have established ambitious targets for the next years. In this scenario, biomass plays a prominent role since its life cycle produces a zero net carbon dioxide emission. Additionally, biomass can ensure plant operation continuity thanks to its availability and storage ability. Several conventional systems running on biomass are available at the moment. Most of them are performant either in the large-scale or in the small power range. The absence of an efficient system on the small-middle scale inspired this thesis project. The object is an innovative plant based on a wet indirectly fired gas turbine (WIFGT) integrated with an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) unit for combined heat and power production. The WIFGT is a performant system in the small-middle power range; the ORC cycle is capable of giving value to low-temperature heat sources. Their integration is investigated in this thesis with the aim of carrying out a preliminary design of the components. The targeted plant output is around 200 kW in order not to need a wide cultivation area and to avoid biomass shipping. Existing in-house simulation tools are used: They are adapted to this purpose. Firstly the WIFGT + ORC model is built; Zero-dimensional models of heat exchangers, compressor, turbines, furnace, dryer and pump are used. Different fluids are selected but toluene and benzene turn out to be the most suitable. In the indirectly fired gas turbine a pressure ratio around 4 leads to the highest efficiency. From the thermodynamic analysis the system shows an electric efficiency of 38%, outdoing other conventional plants in the same power range. The combined plant is designed to recover thermal energy: Water is used as coolant in the condenser. It is heated from 60°C up to 90°C, ensuring the possibility of space heating. Mono-dimensional models are used to design the heat exchange equipment. Different types of heat exchangers are chosen depending on the working temperature. A finned-plate heat exchanger is selected for the WIFGT heat transfer equipment due to the high temperature, oxidizing and corrosive environment. A once-through boiler with finned tubes is chosen to vaporize the organic fluid in the ORC. A plate heat exchanger is chosen for the condenser and recuperator. A quasi-monodimensional model for single-stage axial turbine is implemented to design both the WIFGT and the ORC turbine. The system simulation after the components design shows an electric efficiency around 34% with a decrease by 10% compared to the zero-dimensional analysis. The work exhibits the system potentiality compared to the existing plants from both technical and economic point of view.


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Tra i temi di attualità, quello del risparmio energetico è tra i più dibattuti negli ultimi anni; tale tema è strettamente correlato al problema del riscaldamento globale, infatti, mentre sul prossimo esaurimento delle risorse energetiche tradizionali non vi sono ancora certezze assolute, per quanto riguarda l’azione nociva dei gas serra, la Comunità Scientifica Internazionale si ritrova d’accordo su una netta presa di posizione contro l’emissione di tali sostanze, provocata in larga parte dall’utilizzo dei combustibili fossili. In questo contesto, l’Unione Europea sta promuovendo la diffusione di tecnologie che non prevedano l’utilizzo di gas, petrolio o carbone, soprattutto per il settore dell’edilizia, ove una corretta progettazione e l’utilizzo di tecnologie non convenzionali può portare alla riduzione anche dell’80% dei consumi, con conseguente abbattimento delle emissioni. Tra questi interventi innovativi, il più comune e conosciuto è sicuramente quello del solare termico e fotovoltaico; ma ne esistono anche di altri, ancora non molto pubblicizzati in Italia, ma ampiamente conosciuti e utilizzati in altri paesi dell’Unione. Tra questi, vi è il sistema di riscaldamento analizzato in questa tesi: la pompa di calore geotermica. Tale sistema, come verrà spiegato nell’elaborato di laurea, ha indubbi vantaggi economici, energetici ed ambientali, a fronte di una non trascurabile spesa iniziale. Attualmente, nel Nord Italia, si incominciano a vedere impianti di questo tipo, sulla scia del successo riscontrato nei paesi confinanti (in particolare Austria e Svizzera). La progettazione si basa attualmente su modelli statici, sviluppati dall’Università Svizzera del Canton Ticino, per l’utilizzo della pompa di calore nel territorio alpino. Obiettivo della tesi, è la verifica di tali modelli, di cui si è venuto a conoscenza grazie alla collaborazione con l’Università SUPSI, sulle condizioni idrogeologiche della Pianura Padana, soffermandosi su alcuni parametri fondamentali della progettazione di una pompa di calore geotermica, quali la conduttività e la capacità termica volumetrica dei terreni incontrati, la presenza di falde, ed i parametri geometrici del pozzo, al fine di dare una valutazione tecnica ed economica dell’impianto. Tali analisi è stata infatti fino ad ora affrontata in maniera sommaria dai perforatori, che eseguono generalmente sempre lo stesso modello di pozzo geotermico, sulla base degli esempi consolidati di Svizzera e Germania. Alcune misure di temperatura in situ sono state rilevate in collaborazione con la società Geotermia SRL di Mantova, ditta specializzata nella perforazione di pozzi geotermici (tale esperienza è parte centrale dell’estratto “Laboratorio di Tesi Ls”), mentre la parte modellistica della tesi è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con lo studio di progettazione Studio Seta SRL di Faenza, il cui stabile è climatizzato in parte con una pompa di calore geotermica.


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We need a large amount of energy to make our homes pleasantly warm in winter and cool in summer. If we also consider the energy losses that occur through roofs, perimeter walls and windows, it would be more appropriate to speak of waste than consumption. The solution would be to build passive houses, i.e. buildings more efficient and environmentally friendly, able to ensure a drastic reduction of electricity and heating bills. Recently, the increase of public awareness about global warming and environmental pollution problems have “finally” opened wide possibility in the field of sustainable construction by encouraging new renewable methods for heating and cooling space. Shallow geothermal allows to exploit the renewable heat reservoir, present in the soil at depths between 15 and 20 m, for air-conditioning of buildings, using a ground source heat pump. This thesis focuses on the design of an air-conditioning system with geothermal heat pump coupled to energy piles, i.e. piles with internal heat exchangers, for a typical Italian-family building, on the basis of a geological-technical report about a plot of Bologna’s plain provided by Geo-Net s.r.l. The study has involved a preliminary static sizing of the piles in order to calculate their length and number, then the project was completed making the energy sizing, where it has been verified if the building energy needs were met with the static solution obtained. Finally the attention was focused on the technical and economical validity compared to a traditional system (cost-benefit analysis) and on the problem of the uncertainty data design and their effects on the operating and initial costs of the system (sensitivity analysis). To evaluate the performance of the thermal system and the potential use of the piles was also used the PILESIM2 software, designed by Dr. Pahud of the SUPSI’s school.


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The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility of using short linear polymer chains as additives in lubricating oil applications. Through previous works, it has been seen that they are particularly resistant to mechanical degradation, which is the main reason why lubricating oils need to be changed after a while. This is the main reason why they could be proposed as alternatives in the market. The results of this work have been split into two major phases: the first concentrated on characterizing a target product obtained through thermal degradation, starting from the original long chain parent polymer, and the second focused on the technological advancement of heat exchangers. Through the studies carried out, we’ve characterized our innovative polymers and the solutions made with them and base oil at different concentrations. The most promising result is that these short random coiled polymeric chains obey to a more general universal function which express the value of specific viscosity as function of a dimensionless quantity c/c*. For the design of the unit operation, several alternatives were proposed and these all shared the same final goal: cooling the polymer without the presence of oxygen to avoid oxidation and formation of unwanted substances. We’ve analyzed the main difficulties related to the presence of these highly viscous substances and, more importantly, how to deal with this situation (e.g. by considering radial static mixer or even more complex conformations).