6 resultados para compound stimuli
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The importance of pyrazole and lactam-based molecules in medical and pharmaceutical fields is underlined by the multitude of active ingredients on trade, such as Sildenafil or Apixaban, by Pfizer. In this work, a synthesis of an organic molecule with promising anticancer activity has been developed. This molecular scaffold is characterized by a δ-lactam-fused pyrazolic core, with a well-known biological activity and amenable of further functionalization. The synthetic strategy adopted for the obtainment of the core was based on a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of a nitrilimine with an α,β-unsaturated δ-lactam. Secondly, in order to give the final compound an elevated pharmacological activity, a functionalization with a double “side chain”, namely molecular fragment able to improve the interaction with particular biological receptors, was achieved. The target compound was thus obtained, with a highly convergent synthesis, and will be tested for antiproliferative activities towards different cellular lines.
Nowadays, soy is one of the most used ingredients in the formulation of fish feed, due to the ample market supply, lower market price, high protein concentration and favorable amino acid composition. Nevertheless, soybean meal products are rich and primary diet source of phytoestrogens, as genistein, which may have a potential negative impact on growth, hormonal regulation and lipid metabolism in fish. The principal aim of this study was to better understand in vivo and in vitro genistein’s effects on lipid metabolism of rainbow trout. In adipose tissue it was showed an unclear role of genistein on lipid metabolism in rainbow trout, and in liver an anti-obesogenic effect, with an up-regulation of autophagy-related genes LC3b (in adipose tissue) and ATG4b (in liver and adipose tissue), a down-regulation of apoptosis-related genes CASP3 (in adipose tissue) and CASP8 (in liver). An increase of VTG mRNA levels in liver was also observed. Genistein partially exerted these effects via estrogen- receptor dependent mechanism. In white muscle, genistein seemed to promote lipid turnover, up-regulating lipogenic (FAS and LXR) and lipolytic (HSL, PPARα and PPARβ) genes. It seemed that genistein could exert its lipolytic role via autophagic way (up-regulation of ATG4b and ATG12l), not through an apoptotic pathway (down-regulation of CASP3). The effects of genistein on lipid-metabolism and apoptosis-related genes in trout muscle were not dose-dependent, only on autophagy-related genes ATG4B and ATG12l. Moreover, a partial estrogenic activity of this phytoestrogen was also seen. Through in vitro analysis (MTT and ORO assay), instead, it was observed an anti-obesogenic effect of genistein on rainbow trout adipocytes, and this effect was not mediated by ERs. Both in vivo and in vitro, genistein exerted its effects in a dose-dependent manner.
La tesi riguarda il ciclo di lavorazione di un compound polimerico realizzato dall'impresa forlivese So.F.Ter. . Il prodotto in esame, Polifor E 30 TR/20 UV Nero, è un tecnopolimero a base di polipropilene utilizzato nel settore dell'automobile per la realizzazione del fascione sottoporta e del passaruota. La tesi si sviluppa su tre capitoli attraverso i quali si descrivono, nel primo capitolo, le materie plastiche in generale e i prodotti realizzati dall'impresa, nel secondo capitolo il ciclo di lavorazione completo partendo dalla fase di miscelazione arrivando all'estrusione e al taglio nei granuli plastici. Infine nel terzo capitolo si rappresentano le analisi fisiche, meccaniche e termiche realizzate in laboratorio.
Il compound a matrice poliolefinica studiato è un materiale espandibile e reticolabile, usato per la produzione di manufatti espansi a celle chiuse mediante stampaggio ad iniezione. In questo progetto di tesi il compound viene studiato dal punto di vista reologico, per cercare di prevedere il grado di espansione del manufatto stampato. La correlazione tra l’analisi reometrica e il coefficiente di espansione del manufatto finale potrebbe essere sfruttata per un controllo di qualità del materiale, permettendo così di prevedere il comportamento e le dimensioni finali del manufatto prima dello stampaggio. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di prevedere le dimensioni del manufatto finale partendo da un campione derivante dai granuli del compound a matrice poliolefinica. La prima parte dello studio si concentra sull’analisi del materiale in condizioni ideali, cioè campioni che contengono solo agente reticolante e campioni che contengono esclusivamente agente espandente, valutando l’influenza di questi additivi singolarmente. La seconda parte si concentra sull’analisi del materiale in condizioni reali, co-presenza di reticolante ed espandente, e sulla ricerca di una correlazione tra le analisi reometriche e il coefficiente di espansione. L’ultima parte dello studio si focalizza sull’applicazione di un metodo di previsione lineare delle dimensioni di manufatti stampati, partendo da mescole incognite. Le tecniche di analisi impiegate spaziano da quelle termogravimetriche (TGA), calorimetriche (DSC) a quelle reometriche sui provini derivanti dai granuli, mentre sui campioni stampati sono state eseguite prove dimensionali, prove di densità, prove di durezza (SHORE A e Ascker C) e prove di abrasione.
Alpha oscillatory activity has long been associated with perceptual and cognitive processes related to attention control. The aim of this study is to explore the task-dependent role of alpha frequency in a lateralized visuo-spatial detection task. Specifically, the thesis focuses on consolidating the scientific literature's knowledge about the role of alpha frequency in perceptual accuracy, and deepening the understanding of what determines trial-by-trial fluctuations of alpha parameters and how these fluctuations influence overall task performance. The hypotheses, confirmed empirically, were that different implicit strategies are put in place based on the task context, in order to maximize performance with optimal resource distribution (namely alpha frequency, associated positively with performance): “Lateralization” of the attentive resources towards one hemifield should be associated with higher alpha frequency difference between contralateral and ipsilateral hemisphere; “Distribution” of the attentive resources across hemifields should be associated with lower alpha frequency difference between hemispheres; These strategies, used by the participants according to their brain capabilities, have proven themselves adaptive or maladaptive depending on the different tasks to which they have been set: "Distribution" of the attentive resources seemed to be the best strategy when the distribution probability between hemifields was balanced: i.e. the neutral condition task. "Lateralization" of the attentive resources seemed to be more effective when the distribution probability between hemifields was biased towards one hemifield: i.e., the biased condition task.