7 resultados para branched ketene dimer

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Nella tesi sono trattate due famiglie di modelli meccanico statistici su vari grafi: i modelli di spin ferromagnetici (o di Ising) e i modelli di monomero-dimero. Il primo capitolo è dedicato principalmente allo studio del lavoro di Dembo e Montanari, in cui viene risolto il modello di Ising su grafi aleatori. Nel secondo capitolo vengono studiati i modelli di monomero-dimero, a partire dal lavoro di Heilemann e Lieb,con l'intento di dare contributi nuovi alla teoria. I principali temi trattati sono disuguaglianze di correlazione, soluzioni esatte su alcuni grafi ad albero e sul grafo completo, la concentrazione dell'energia libera intorno al proprio valor medio sul grafo aleatorio diluito di Erdös-Rényi.


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Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy is a conceptually simple and versatile tool for resolving photoinduced dynamics in molecular systems. Due to the fast development of new experimental setups, such as synchrotron light sources and X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL), new spectral windows are becoming accessible. On the one hand, these sources have enabled scientist to access faster and faster time scales and to reach unprecedent insights into dynamical properties of matter. On the other hand, the complementarity of well-developed and novel techniques allows to study the same physical process from different points of views, integrating the advantages and overcoming the limitations of each approach. In this context, it is highly desirable to reach a clear understanding of which type of spectroscopy is more suited to capture a certain facade of a given photo-induced process, that is, to establish a correlation between the process to be unraveled and the technique to be used. In this thesis, I will show how computational spectroscopy can be a tool to establish such a correlation. I will study a specific process, which is the ultrafast energy transfer in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dimer (NADH). This process will be observed in different spectral windows (from UV-VIS to X-rays), accessing the ability of different spectroscopic techniques to unravel the system evolution by means of state-of-the-art theoretical models and methodologies. The comparison of different spectroscopic simulations will demonstrate their complementarity, eventually allowing to identify the type of spectroscopy that is best suited to resolve the ultrafast energy transfer.


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Rationale: Coralligenous habitat is considered the second most important subtidal “hot spot” of species diversity in the Mediterranean Sea after the Posidonia oceanica meadows. It can be defined as a typical Mediterranean biogenic hard bottom, mainly produced by the accumulation of calcareous encrusting algae that, together with other builder organisms, form a multidimensional framework with a high micro-spatial variability. The development of this habitat depends on physical factors (i.e. light, hydrodynamism, nutrients, etc.), but also biologic interactions can play a relevant role in structuring the benthic assemblages. This great environmental heterogeneity allows several different assemblages to coexist in a reduced space. One of the most beautiful is that characterised by the Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) that can contribute to above 40% of total biomass of the community and brings significant structural complexity into the coralligenous habitat. In sites moderately exposed to waves and currents, P. clavata can form high-density populations (up to 60 colonies m-2) between 20 – 70 m in depth. Being a suspension feeder, where it forms dense populations, P. clavata plays a significant role in transferring energy from planktonic to benthic system. The effects of the branched colonies of P. clavata could be comparable to those of the forests on land. They can affect the micro scale hydrodynamism and light, promoting or inhibiting the growth of other species. Unfortunately, gorgonians are threatened by several anthropogenic disturbance factors (i.e. fishing, pollution, tourism) and by climatic anomalies, linked to the global changes, that are responsible of thermal stress, development of mucilage and enhanced pathogens activity, leading to mass mortality events in last decades. Till now, the possible effects of gorgonian forest loss are largely unknown. Our goal was to analyse the ecological role of these sea fan forests on the coralligenous benthic assemblages. Experimental setup and main results: The influence of P. clavata in the settlement and recruitment of epibenthic organisms was analysed by a field experiment carried out in two randomly selected places: Tavolara island and Portofino promontory. The experiment consisted in recreate the presence and absence of the gorgonian forest on recruitment panels, arranged in four plots per type (forested and non-forested), interspersed each other, and deployed at the same depth. On every forested panel 3 gorgonian colonies about 20 cm height were grafted with the use of Eppendorf tubes and epoxy resin bicomponent simulating a density of 190 sea fans per m-2. This density corresponds to a mean biomass of 825 g DW m-2,3 which is of the same order of magnitude of the natural high-density populations. After about 4 months, the panels were collected and analysed in laboratory in order to estimate the percent cover of all the species that have colonized the substrata. The gorgonian forest effects were tested by multivariate and univariate permutational analyses of the variance (PERMANOVA). Recruited assemblages largely differed between the two study sites, probably due to different environmental conditions including water quality and turbidity. On overall, the presence of P. clavata reduced the settlement and recruitment of several algae: the shadow caused by the gorgonian might reduce light availability and therefore their growth. This effect might be greater in places where the waters are on average more clear, since at Portofino it is less visible and could be masked by the high turbidity of the water. The same pattern was registered for forams, more abundant outside gorgonian forest, probably linked with algal distribution, shadowing effect or alimentary competition. The last one hypothesis could be valid also for serpulids polychaetes that growth mainly on non-forested panels. An opposite trend, was showed by a species of bryozoan and by an hydroid that is facilitated by the presence of P. clavata, probably because it attenuates irradiance level and hydrodynamism. Species diversity was significantly reduced by the presence of P. clavata forests at both sites. This seems in contrast with what we expected, but the result may be influenced by the large algal component on non-forested panels. The analysis confirmed the presence of differences in the species diversity among plots and between sites respectively due to natural high variability of the coralligenous system and to different local environment conditions. The reduction of species diversity due to the presence of gorgonians appeared related to a worst evenness rather than to less species richness. With our experiment it is demonstrated that the presence of P. clavata forests can significantly alter local coralligenous assemblages patterns, promoting or inhibiting the recruitment of some species, modifying trophic relationships and adding heterogeneity and complexity to the habitat. Moreover, P. clavata could have a stabilising effect on the coralligenous assemblages.


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In this thesis, the development of an enantioselective oxidation of α-branched aldehydes using covalent organocatalysis is described. At state of the art, the asymmetric organocatalysis approach, gave often serous difficulties for these kind of substrate respect “classic” aldehydes. We have used a primary cinchona alkaloid derived amine (specially the 9-epi-NH2-CDA) to develop the reaction in combinations with additives. With benzoyl peroxide as oxidant and 2-phenylpropionaldehyde as reference substrate, we have tried to optimize this system but we not found great results about enantiomeric excess.


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During this internship, the α-alkylation of branched aldehydes was taken into consideration. An enantiopure Betti’s base derivative was used as catalyst, applying a new concept in catalysis: organocatalysis. The Betti’s base may be of particular interest for organic chemists working in the field of “reactions catalysed by enantiopure small organic molecules”, in particular for the ones interested in enantiopure primary amines. The potential of secondary amines as catalysts has certainly been known for years. It is indeed more innovative to conduct reactions using primary amine derivatives as catalyst. In this work, the efficacy of the primary amine was checked first. Then, the focus was set on finding optimal reaction conditions. Finally, to have a more complete picture of the structure of the compounds used in the project, experimental and computational IR spectra were compared, after the method was validated. Durante il periodo di tirocinio è stata presa in esame la reazione di α-alchilazione di aldeidi branched, utilizzando un derivato dell’ammina di Betti come catalizzatore enantiopuro ed applicando un nuovo tipo di catalisi: l’organocatalisi. Questi composti possono essere di particolare interesse per lavori in chimica organica, nel campo delle reazioni catalizzate da “piccole” molecole organiche, in particolare da ammine primarie a chiralità definita; la potenzialità delle ammine secondarie chirali come catalizzatori è certamente nota da anni, ma innovativo è condurre il tutto con l’impiego di un derivato amminico primario. Altri aspetti significativi sono gli apparenti e innumerevoli vantaggi, dal punto di vista economico ed ambientale, oltre che operativo e sintetico, derivanti dal nuovo tipo di catalisi. In un primo momento è stata verificata l’efficacia dell’ammina primaria sintetizzata nella reazione in progetto, quindi sono state individuate le condizioni di reazione ottimali. Infine, per un’analisi più completa di alcune molecole organiche e dopo un’opportuna validazione del metodo utilizzato, sono stati ottenuti a livello computazionale gli spettri IR delle molecole di sintesi prodotto e catalizzatore.


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Temperature and light intensity is the most important environmental parameters that influence circadian cycle of scleractinian corals. In this context, modulation of the biomarkers Hsp60 and Hsp70 in situ was investigated by three different healthy coral species (Acropora tenuis, Echinopora lamellosa and Porites lobata) not stress induced during time course of 24h. Significance species-specific modulation under natural conditions is displayed by all corals under study. A strong fluctuation in Hsps expression is shown by the most susceptible, branched coral A. tenuis, instead of fine and low modulation is shown by the massive coral P. lobata. From the results match between morphology difference and physiological difference response its suggest and similarity pattern between Hsps with different cellular compartments location is suggested too. Starting from this study health of coral reefs could be able to be investigated in the future with a set of biomarkers composed also by Hsps which will be set up.


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Monomer-dimer models are amongst the models in statistical mechanics which found application in many areas of science, ranging from biology to social sciences. This model describes a many-body system in which monoatomic and diatomic particles subject to hard-core interactions get deposited on a graph. In our work we provide an extension of this model to higher-order particles. The aim of our work is threefold: first we study the thermodynamic properties of the newly introduced model. We solve analytically some regular cases and find that, differently from the original, our extension admits phase transitions. Then we tackle the inverse problem, both from an analytical and numerical perspective. Finally we propose an application to aggregation phenomena in virtual messaging services.