5 resultados para artifact
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Agile methodologies have become the standard approach to software development. The most popular and used one is Scrum. Scrum is a very simple and flexible framework that respond to unpredictability in a really effective way. However, his implementation must be correct, and since Scrum tells you what to do but not how to do it, this is not trivial. In this thesis I will describe the Scrum Framework, how to implement it and a tool that can help to do this. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is called Scrum. Here I will introduce the framework itself, its key concepts and its components. In Scrum there are three components: roles, meetings and artifacts. Each of these is meant to accomplish a series of specific tasks. After describing the “what to do”, in the second part, Best Practices, I will focus on the “how to do it”. For example, how to decide which items should be included in the next sprint, how to estimate tasks, and how should the team workspace be. Finally, in the third part called Tools, I will introduce Visual Studio Online, a cloud service from Microsoft that offers Git and TFVC repositories and the opportunity to manage projects with Scrum. == Versione italiana: I metodi Agile sono diventati l’approccio standard per lo sviluppo di software. Il più famoso ed utilizzato è Scrum. Scrum è un framework molto semplice e flessibile che risponde ai cambiamenti in una maniera molto efficace. La sua implementazione deve però essere corretta, e visto che Scrum ci dice cosa fare ma non come farlo, questo non risulta essere immediato. In questa tesi descriverò Scrum, come implementarlo ed uno strumento che ci può aiutare a farlo. La tesi è divisa in tre parti. La prima parte è chiamata Scrum. Qui introdurrò il framework, i suoi concetti base e le sue componenti. In Scrum ci sono tre componenti: i ruoli, i meeting e gli artifact. Ognuno di questi è studiato per svolgere una serie di compiti specifici. Dopo aver descritto il “cosa fare”, nella seconda parte, Best Practices, mi concentrerò sul “come farlo”. Ad esempio, come decidere quali oggetti includere nella prossima sprint, come stimare ogni task e come dovrebbe essere il luogo di lavoro del team. Infine, nella terza parte chiamata Tools, introdurrò Visual Studio Online, un servizio cloud della Microsoft che offre repository Git e TFVC e l’opportunità di gestire un progetto con Scrum.
L’obiettivo principale di questo elaborato è di mostrare in un primo momento i concetti fondamentali che stanno alla base del paradigma ad agenti. Una volta introdotti, essi verranno collocati in un determinato ambiente di programmazione attraverso una piattaforma specifica chiamata Jason. Come sarà facile capire dalla lettura di questa trattazione, un sistema ad agenti è costituito dagli agenti stessi e dall’ambiente in cui sono situati. L’ambiente risulta quindi un altro tassello fondamentale ed è stato introdotto allo scopo un nuovo paradigma per la programmazione di ambienti chiamato Agent & Artifact. Nello specifico, verrà ampiamente descritto il framework di riferimento di tale paradigma: CArtAgO. Dopo aver illustrato i concetti e gli strumenti per poter agilmente programmare e progettare sistemi ad agenti, verrà infine mostrato un esempio di applicazione di tale tecnologia attraverso un case study. Il progetto del sistema in questione riguarda un reale caso aziendale e integra la tecnologia RFID con quella ad agenti per fornire la soluzione ad un problema noto come quello del controllo periodico delle scorte.
This thesis focuses on advanced reconstruction methods and Dual Energy (DE) Computed Tomography (CT) applications for proton therapy, aiming at improving patient positioning and investigating approaches to deal with metal artifacts. To tackle the first goal, an algorithm for post-processing input DE images has been developed. The outputs are tumor- and bone-canceled images, which help in recognising structures in patient body. We proved that positioning error is substantially reduced using contrast enhanced images, thus suggesting the potential of such application. If positioning plays a key role in the delivery, even more important is the quality of planning CT. For that, modern CT scanners offer possibility to tackle challenging cases, like treatment of tumors close to metal implants. Possible approaches for dealing with artifacts introduced by such rods have been investigated experimentally at Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland), simulating several treatment plans on an anthropomorphic phantom. In particular, we examined the cases in which none, manual or Iterative Metal Artifact Reduction (iMAR) algorithm were used to correct the artifacts, using both Filtered Back Projection and Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction as image reconstruction techniques. Moreover, direct stopping power calculation from DE images with iMAR has also been considered as alternative approach. Delivered dose measured with Gafchromic EBT3 films was compared with the one calculated in Treatment Planning System. Residual positioning errors, daily machine dependent uncertainties and film quenching have been taken into account in the analyses. Although plans with multiple fields seemed more robust than single field, results showed in general better agreement between prescribed and delivered dose when using iMAR, especially if combined with DE approach. Thus, we proved the potential of these advanced algorithms in improving dosimetry for plans in presence of metal implants.
La tesi studia un algoritmo presentato per la prima volta da Elias Kellner et al. nell'articolo "Gibbs‐ringing artifact removal based on local subvoxel‐shifts" pubblicato nel 2016 nella rivista Magnetic resonance in medicine. Nella tesi viene dato un background teorico sia dell'acquisizione di immagini tramite risonanza magnetica, soffermandosi in particolare su come si forma l'effetto Gibbs, sia sul funzionamento dell'algoritmo. Vengono poi mostrati numerosi esempi di immagini, sia sintetiche sia acquisite da risonanza magnetica, per dimostrare l'efficacia dell'algoritmo.
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is an advanced mammography technique based on the reconstruction of a pseudo-volumetric image. To date, image quality represents the most deficient section of DBT quality control protocols. In fact, related tests are not yet characterized by either action levels or typical values. This thesis work focuses on the evaluation of one aspect of image quality: the z-resolution. The latter is studied in terms of Artifact Spread Function (ASF), a function that describes the signal spread of a detail along the reconstructed focal planes. To quantify the ASF numerically, its Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) is calculated and used as a representative index of z-resolution. Experimental measurements were acquired in 24 DBT systems, of 7 different models, currently in use in 20 hospital facilities in Italy. The analysis, performed on the clinical reconstructed images, of 5 different commercial phantoms, lead to the identification of characteristic FWHM values for each type of DBT system. The ASF clearly showed a dependence on the size of the detail, providing higher FWHM values for larger objects. The z-resolution was found to be positively influenced by the acquisition angle: Fujifilm sistematically showed wider ASF profiles in ST mode (15°) than in HR mode (40°). However, no clear relationship was found between angular range and ASF, among different DBT systems, due to the influence of the peculiarities of each reconstruction algorithm. The experimental approach shown in this thesis work can be proposed as a z-resolution quality control test procedure. Contextually, the values found could be used as a starting point for identifying typical values to be included in the test, in a DBT protocol. Clearly, a statistically significant number of images is needed to do this. The equipment involved in this work is located in hospitals and is not available for research purposes, so only a limited amount of data was acquired and processed.