5 resultados para airport security, vigilance, threat image projection, detection performance

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The main goal of this thesis is to report patterns of perceived safety in the context of airport infrastructure, taking the airport of Bologna as reference. Many personal and environmental attributes are investigated to paint the profile of the sensitive passenger and to understand why precise factors of the transit environment are so impactful on the individual. The main analyses are based on a 2014-2015 passengers’ survey, involving almost six thousand of incoming and outgoing passengers. Other reports are used to implement and support the resource. The analysis is carried out by using a combination of Chi-square tests and binary logistic regressions. Findings shows that passengers result to be particularly affected by the perception of airport’s environment (e.g., state and maintenance of facilities, clarity and efficacy of information system, functionality of elevators and escalators), but also by the way how the passenger reaches the airport and the quality of security checks. In relation to such results, several suggestions are provided for the improvement of passenger satisfaction with safety. The attention is then focused on security checkpoints and related operations, described on a theoretical and technical ground. We present an example of how to realize a proper model of the security checks area of Bologna’s airport, with the aim to assess present performances of the system and consequences of potential variations. After a brief introduction to Arena, a widespread simulation software, the existing model is described, pointing out flaws and limitations. Such model is finally updated and changed in order to make it more reliable and more representative of the reality. Different scenarios are tested and results are compared using graphs and tables.


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Nel mondo della sicurezza informatica, le tecnologie si evolvono per far fronte alle minacce. Non è possibile prescindere dalla prevenzione, ma occorre accettare il fatto che nessuna barriera risulterà impenetrabile e che la rilevazione, unitamente ad una pronta risposta, rappresenta una linea estremamente critica di difesa, ma l’unica veramente attuabile per poter guadagnare più tempo possibile o per limitare i danni. Introdurremo quindi un nuovo modello operativo composto da procedure capaci di affrontare le nuove sfide che il malware costantemente offre e allo stesso tempo di sollevare i comparti IT da attività onerose e sempre più complesse, ottimizzandone il processo di comunicazione e di risposta.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato svolto presso il servizio di Fisica Sanitaria del Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna. Lo studio si è concentrato sul confronto tra le tecniche di ricostruzione standard (Filtered Back Projection, FBP) e quelle iterative in Tomografia Computerizzata. Il lavoro è stato diviso in due parti: nella prima è stata analizzata la qualità delle immagini acquisite con una CT multislice (iCT 128, sistema Philips) utilizzando sia l'algoritmo FBP sia quello iterativo (nel nostro caso iDose4). Per valutare la qualità delle immagini sono stati analizzati i seguenti parametri: il Noise Power Spectrum (NPS), la Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) e il rapporto contrasto-rumore (CNR). Le prime due grandezze sono state studiate effettuando misure su un fantoccio fornito dalla ditta costruttrice, che simulava la parte body e la parte head, con due cilindri di 32 e 20 cm rispettivamente. Le misure confermano la riduzione del rumore ma in maniera differente per i diversi filtri di convoluzione utilizzati. Lo studio dell'MTF invece ha rivelato che l'utilizzo delle tecniche standard e iterative non cambia la risoluzione spaziale; infatti gli andamenti ottenuti sono perfettamente identici (a parte le differenze intrinseche nei filtri di convoluzione), a differenza di quanto dichiarato dalla ditta. Per l'analisi del CNR sono stati utilizzati due fantocci; il primo, chiamato Catphan 600 è il fantoccio utilizzato per caratterizzare i sistemi CT. Il secondo, chiamato Cirs 061 ha al suo interno degli inserti che simulano la presenza di lesioni con densità tipiche del distretto addominale. Lo studio effettuato ha evidenziato che, per entrambi i fantocci, il rapporto contrasto-rumore aumenta se si utilizza la tecnica di ricostruzione iterativa. La seconda parte del lavoro di tesi è stata quella di effettuare una valutazione della riduzione della dose prendendo in considerazione diversi protocolli utilizzati nella pratica clinica, si sono analizzati un alto numero di esami e si sono calcolati i valori medi di CTDI e DLP su un campione di esame con FBP e con iDose4. I risultati mostrano che i valori ricavati con l'utilizzo dell'algoritmo iterativo sono al di sotto dei valori DLR nazionali di riferimento e di quelli che non usano i sistemi iterativi.


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The problem of localizing a scatterer, which represents a tumor, in a homogeneous circular domain, which represents a breast, is addressed. A breast imaging method based on microwaves is considered. The microwave imaging involves to several techniques for detecting, localizing and characterizing tumors in breast tissues. In all such methods an electromagnetic inverse scattering problem exists. For the scattering detection method, an algorithm based on a linear procedure solution, inspired by MUltiple SIgnal Classification algorithm (MUSIC) and Time Reversal method (TR), is implemented. The algorithm returns a reconstructed image of the investigation domain in which it is detected the scatterer position. This image is called pseudospectrum. A preliminary performance analysis of the algorithm vying the working frequency is performed: the resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio of the pseudospectra are improved if a multi-frequency approach is considered. The Geometrical Mean-MUSIC algorithm (GM- MUSIC) is proposed as multi-frequency method. The performance of the GMMUSIC is tested in different real life computer simulations. The performed analysis shows that the algorithm detects the scatterer until the electrical parameters of the breast are known. This is an evident limit, since, in a real life situation, the anatomy of the breast is unknown. An improvement in GM-MUSIC is proposed: the Eye-GMMUSIC algorithm. Eye-GMMUSIC algorithm needs no a priori information on the electrical parameters of the breast. It is an optimizing algorithm based on the pattern search algorithm: it searches the breast parameters which minimize the Signal-to-Clutter Mean Ratio (SCMR) in the signal. Finally, the GM-MUSIC and the Eye-GMMUSIC algorithms are tested on a microwave breast cancer detection system consisting of an dipole antenna, a Vector Network Analyzer and a novel breast phantom built at University of Bologna. The reconstruction of the experimental data confirm the GM-MUSIC ability to localize a scatterer in a homogeneous medium.


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In the last twenty years aerospace and automotive industries started working widely with composite materials, which are not easy to test using classic Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) techniques. Pairwise, the development of safety regulations sets higher and higher standards for the qualification and certification of those materials. In this thesis a new concept of a Non-Destructive defect detection technique is proposed, based on Ultrawide-Band (UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging. Similar SAR methods are yet applied either in minefield [22] and head stroke [14] detection. Moreover feasibility studies have already demonstrated the validity of defect detection by means of UWB radars [12, 13]. The system was designed using a cheap commercial off-the-shelf radar device by Novelda and several tests of the developed system have been performed both on metallic specimen (aluminum plate) and on composite coupon (carbon fiber). The obtained results confirm the feasibility of the method and highlight the good performance of the developed system considered the radar resolution. In particular, the system is capable of discerning healthy coupons from damaged ones, and correctly reconstruct the reflectivity image of the tested defects, namely a 8 x 8 mm square bulge and a 5 mm drilled holes on metal specimen and a 5 mm drilled hole on composite coupon.