2 resultados para University of Turin (Italy)

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Sustainable development is one of the biggest challenges of the twenty fist-century. Various university has begun the debate about the content of this concept and the ways in which to integrate it into their policy, organization and activities. Universities have a special responsibility to take over a leading position by demonstrating best practices that sustain and educate a sustainable society. For that reason universities have the opportunity to create the culture of sustainability for today’s student, and to set their expectations for how the world should be. This thesis aim at analyzing how Delft University of Technology and University of Bologna face the challenge of becoming a sustainable campus. In this context, both universities have been studied and analyzed following the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) methodology that provides a common framework to formalize commitments and goals at campus level. In particular this work has been aimed to highlight which key performance indicators are essential to reach sustainability as a consequence the following aspects has been taken into consideration: energy use, water use, solid waste and recycling, carbon emission. Subsequently, in order to provide a better understanding of the current state of sustainability on University of Bologna and Delft University of Technology, and potential strategies to achieve the stated objective, a SWOT Analysis has been undertaken. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have been shown to understand how the two universities can implement a synergy to improve each other. In the direction of framing a “Sustainable SWOT” has been considered the model proposed by People and Planet, so it has been necessary to evaluate important matters as for instance policy, investment, management, education and engagement. Regarding this, it has been fundamental to involve the main sustainability coordinators of the two universities, this has been achieved through a brainstorming session. Partnerships are key to the achievement of sustainability. The creation of a bridge between two universities aims to join forces and to create a new generation of talent. As a result, people can become able to support universities in the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices for achieving sustainable campus operations and integrating sustainability in research and teaching. For this purpose the project "SUCCESS" has been presented, the project aims to create an interactive European campus network that can be considered a strategic key player for sustainable campus innovation in Europe. Specifically, the main key performance indicators have been analyzed and the importance they have for the two universities and their strategic impact have been highlighted. For this reason, a survey was conducted with people who play crucial roles for sustainability within the two universities and they were asked to evaluate the KPIs of the project. This assessment has been relevant because has represented the foundation to develop a strategy to create a true collaboration.


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Nowadays we live in densely populated regions and this leads to many environmental issues. Among all pollutants that human activities originate, metals are relevant because they can be potentially toxic for most of living beings. We studied the fate of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in a vineyard environment analysing samples of plant, wine and soil. Sites were chosen considering the type of wine produced, the type of cultivation (both organic and conventional agriculture) and the geographic location. We took vineyards that cultivate the same grape variety, the Trebbiano). We investigated 5 vineyards located in the Ravenna district (Italy): two on the Lamone Valley slopes, one in the area of river-bank deposits near Ravenna city, then a farm near Lugo and one near Bagnacavallo in interfluve regions. We carried out a very detailed characterization of soils in the sites, including the analysis of: pH, electric conductivity, texture, total carbonate and extimated content of dolomite, active carbonate, iron from ammonium oxalate, Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Index (IDCI), total nitrogen and organic carbon, available phosphorous, available potassium and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Then we made the analysis of the bulk chemical composition and a DTPA extraction to determine the available fraction of elements in soils. All the sites have proper ground to cultivate, with already a good amount of nutrients, such as not needing strong fertilisations, but a vineyard on hills suffers from iron deficiency chlorosis due to the high level of active carbonate. We found some soils with much silica and little calcium oxide that confirm the marly sandstone substratum, while other soils have more calcium oxide and more aluminium oxide that confirm the argillaceous marlstone substratum. We found some critical situations, such as high concentrations of Chromium, especially in the farm near Lugo, and we noticed differences between organic vineyards and conventional ones: the conventional ones have a higher enrichment in soils of some metals (Copper and Zinc). Each metal accumulates differently in every single part of grapevines. We found differences between hill plants and lowland ones: behaviors of plants in metal accumulations seems to have patterns. Metals are more abundant in barks, then in leaves or sometimes in roots. Plants seem trying to remove excesses of metal storing them in bark. Two wines have excess of acetic acid and one conventional farm produces wine with content of Zinc over the Italian law limit. We already found evidence of high values relating them with uncontaminated environments, but more investigations are suggested to link those values to their anthropogenic supplies.