3 resultados para Stochastic particle dynamics (theory)

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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In this work we address the problem of finding formulas for efficient and reliable analytical approximation for the calculation of forward implied volatility in LSV models, a problem which is reduced to the calculation of option prices as an expansion of the price of the same financial asset in a Black-Scholes dynamic. Our approach involves an expansion of the differential operator, whose solution represents the price in local stochastic volatility dynamics. Further calculations then allow to obtain an expansion of the implied volatility without the aid of any special function or expensive from the computational point of view, in order to obtain explicit formulas fast to calculate but also as accurate as possible.


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This thesis deals with inflation theory, focussing on the model of Jarrow & Yildirim, which is nowadays used when pricing inflation derivatives. After recalling main results about short and forward interest rate models, the dynamics of the main components of the market are derived. Then the most important inflation-indexed derivatives are explained (zero coupon swap, year-on-year, cap and floor), and their pricing proceeding is shown step by step. Calibration is explained and performed with a common method and an heuristic and non standard one. The model is enriched with credit risk, too, which allows to take into account the possibility of bankrupt of the counterparty of a contract. In this context, the general method of pricing is derived, with the introduction of defaultable zero-coupon bonds, and the Monte Carlo method is treated in detailed and used to price a concrete example of contract. Appendixes: A: martingale measures, Girsanov's theorem and the change of numeraire. B: some aspects of the theory of Stochastic Differential Equations; in particular, the solution for linear EDSs, and the Feynman-Kac Theorem, which shows the connection between EDSs and Partial Differential Equations. C: some useful results about normal distribution.


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Nella tesi viene studiata la dinamica stocastica di particelle non interagenti su network con capacita di trasporto finita. L'argomento viene affrontato introducendo un formalismo operatoriale per il sistema. Dopo averne verificato la consistenza su modelli risolvibili analiticamente, tale formalismo viene impiegato per dimostrare l'emergere di una forza entropica agente sulle particelle, dovuta alle limitazioni dinamiche del network. Inoltre viene proposta una spiegazione qualitativa dell'effetto di attrazione reciproca tra nodi vuoti nel caso di processi sincroni.