4 resultados para Smooth Pulse

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Longstanding taxonomic ambiguity and uncertainty exist in the identification of the common (M. mustelus) and blackspotted (M. punctulatus) smooth-hound in the Adriatic Sea. The lack of a clear and accurate method of morphological identification, leading to frequent misidentification, prevents the collation of species-specific landings and survey data for these fishes and hampers the delineation of the distribution ranges and stock boundaries of the species. In this context, adequate species-specific conservation and management strategies can not be applied without risks of population declining and local extinction. In this thesis work I investigated the molecular ecology of the two smooth-hound sharks which are abundant in the demersal trawl surveys carried out in the NC Adriatic Sea to monitor and assess the fishery resources. Ecological and evolutionary relationships were assessed by two molecular tests: a DNA barcoding analysis to improve species identification (and consequently the knowledge of their spatial ecology and taxonomy) and a hybridization assay based on the nuclear codominant marker ITS2 to evaluate reproductive interactions (hybridization or gene introgression). The smooth-hound sharks (N=208) were collected during the MEDITS 2008 and 2010 campaigns along the Italian and Croatian coasts of the Adriatic Sea, in the Sicilian Channel and in the Algerian fisheries. Since the identification based on morphological characters is not strongly reliable, I performed a molecular identification of the specimens producing for each one the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene sequence (ca. 640 bp long) and compared them with reference sequences from different databases (GenBank and BOLD). From these molecular ID data I inferred the distribution of the two target species in the NC Adriatic Sea. In almost the totality of the MEDITS hauls I found no evidence of species sympatry. The data collected during the MEDITS survey showed an almost different distribution of M. mustelus (confined along the Italian coasts) and M. punctulatus (confined along the Croatian coasts); just one sample (Gulf of Venice, where probably the ranges of the species overlap) was found to have catches of both the species. Despite these data results suggested no interaction occurred between my two target species at least during the summertime (the period in which MEDITS survey is carried out), I still wanted to know if there were inter-species reproductive interactions so I developed a simple molecular genetic method to detect hybridization. This method is based on DNA sequence polymorphism among species in the nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 locus (ITS2). Its application to the 208 specimens collected raised important questions regarding the ecology of this two species in the Adriatic Sea. In fact results showed signs of hybridization and/or gene introgression in two sharks collected during the trawl survey of 2008 and one collected during the 2010 one along the Italian and Croatian coasts. In the case that it will be confirmed the hybrid nature of these individuals, a spatiotemporal overlapping of the mating behaviour and ecology must occur. At the spatial level, the northern part of the Adriatic Sea (an area where the two species occur with high frequency of immature individuals) could likely play the role of a common nursery area for both species.


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L’incidenza di patologie cardiovascolari come ipertensione e aterosclerosi è in progressivo aumento nel mondo, sia a causa del maggiore sviluppo di fattori di rischio quali obesità, sedentarietà e diabete, dovuti al tenore di vita che caratterizza la popolazione, specialmente quella risiedente in paesi sviluppati e con un alto tenore di vita, sia a causa dell’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita. Sembra quindi possibile considerare la complianza arteriosa totale e, in particolare, la complianza del primo tratto di aorta come un importante indice per la prevenzione e la valutazione del rischio della patologia arteriosa. La valutazione di questo parametro è però difficile da effettuare in vivo, motivo per cui diversi metodi sono stati sviluppati, alcuni basati sul modello Windkessel a due elementi, modello della circolazione sistemica proposto per la prima volta da Otto Frank nel 1899, altri su quello a tre. I primi risultano più accurati dei secondi. Tra i metodi di stima della complianza arteriosa totale ve ne è uno, il Pulse Pressure Method (PPM), ovvero metodo della pressione differenziale che, introdotto per la prima volta da Stergiopulos nel 1994, si è dimostrato essere tanto semplice quanto accurato. Questo consiste nel trovare il miglior valore di complianza che minimizzi, dopo opportune iterazioni, l’errore tra la pressione differenziale misurata, e quella calcolata in uscita da un modello Windkessel a due elementi. I vantaggi nell’uso di questo metodo non sono pochi: esso infatti non richiede flusso nullo in aorta ed è perciò applicabile in qualsiasi punto dell’albero arterioso, fornisce il valore della complianza alla pressione media Pm e necessita della sola conoscenza della pressione differenziale aortica e del flusso aortico, ottenibili non invasivamente. Studiando i risultati ottenuti, infine, si è visto come l’aorta prossimale, ovvero il tratto di aorta ascendente e l’arco aortico, sia il principale determinante della complianza arteriosa totale.


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The hadrontherapy exploits beams of charged particles against deep cancers. These ions have a depth-dose profile in which there is a little release of energy at the beginning of their path, whereas there is a sharp maximum, the Bragg Peak, near its end path. However, if heavy ions are used, the fragmentation of the projectile can happen and the fragments can release some dose outside the treatment volume beyond the Bragg peak. The fragmentation process takes place also when the Galactic Cosmic Rays at high energy hit the spaceship during space missions. In both cases some neutrons can be produced and if they interact with the absorbing materials nuclei some secondary particles are generated which can release energy. For this reason, studies about the cross section measurements of the fragments generated during the collisions of heavy ions against the tissues nuclei are very important. In this context, the FragmentatiOn Of Target (FOOT) experiment was born, and aims at measuring the differential and double differential fragmentation cross sections for different kinetic energies relevant to hadrontherapy and space radioprotection with high accuracy. Since during fragmentation processes also neutrons are produced, tests of a neutron detection system are ongoing. In particular, recently a neutron detector made up of a liquid organic scintillator, BC-501A with neutrons/gammas discrimination capability was studied, and it represents the core of this thesis. More in details, an analysis of the data collected at the GSI laboratory, in Darmstadt, Germany, is effectuated which consists in discriminating neutral and charged particles and then to separate neutrons from gammas. From this analysis, a preliminary energy-differential reaction cross-section for the production of neutrons in the 16O + (C_2H_4)_(n) and 16O + C reactions was estimated.