6 resultados para Simultaneous interpreting

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This study is based on a former student’s work, aimed at examining the influence of handedness on conference interpreting. In simultaneous interpreting (IS) both cerebral hemispheres participate in the decoding of the incoming message and in the activation of the motor functions for the production of the output signal. In right-handers language functions are mainly located in the left hemisphere, while left-handers have a more symmetrical representation of language functions. Given that with the development of interpreting skills and a long work experience the interpreters’ brain becomes less lateralized for language functions, in an initial phase left-handers may be «neurobiologically better suited for interpreting tasks» (Gran and Fabbro 1988: 37). To test this hypothesis, 9 students (5 right-handers and 4 left-handers) participated in a dual test of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation (CI) from English into Italian. The subjects were asked to interpret one text with their preferred ear and the other with the non-preferred one, since according neuropsychology aural symmetry reflects cerebral symmetry. The aim of this study was to analyze:1) the differences between the number of errors in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 2) the differences in performance (in terms of number of errors) between right-handed and left-handed, both with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 3) the most frequent types of errors in right and left-handers; 4) the influence of the degree of handedness on interpreting quality. The students’ performances were analyzed in terms of errors of meaning, errors of numbers, omissions of text, omissions of numbers, inaccuracies, errors of nexus, and unfinished sentences. The results showed that: 1) in SI subjects committed fewer errors interpreting with the preferred ear, whereas in CI a slight advantage of the non-preferred ear was observed. Moreover, in CI, right-handers committed fewer mistakes with the non-preferred ear than with the preferred one. 2) The total performance of left-handers proved to be better than that of right-handers. 3) In SI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and fewer errors of number than right-handers, whereas in CI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and more errors of number than right-handers 4) As the degree of left-handedness increases, the number of errors committed also increases. Moreover, there is a statistically significant left-ear advantage for right-handers and a right-ear one for left-handers. Finally, those who interpreted with their right ear committed fewer errors of number than those who have used their left ear or both ears.


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This dissertation discusses the professional figure of interpreters working for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). The objective is to investigate specific job-related stress factors, particularly the psychological consequences interpreters may have to face, the so-called vicarious trauma. People working for the ICTR are exposed to genocide victims’ violent and shocking testimonies, a situation that could have negative psychological impacts. Online interviews with some interpreters working for the ICTR were carried out in order to arrive at a more thorough understanding of this topic. The study is divided into four chapters. Chapter I outlines the historical aspects of the simultaneous interpreting service in the legal field at the International Military Tribunal, in the trials of the Nazi leaders, and then it analyses a modern international criminal jurisdiction, the ICTR. Chapter II firstly discusses the differences between conference interpreting and court interpreting and in the second part it investigates job-related stress factors for interpreters, focusing on the legal field. Chapter III contains a detailed analysis of vicarious trauma: the main goal is to understand what psychological consequences interpreters have to cope with as a result of translating abused people’s accounts. Chapter IV examines the answers given by ICTR interpreters to the online interviews. The data collected from the interview was compared with the literature survey and the information derived from their comparison was used to put forward some suggestions for studies to be carried out in the future.


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This dissertation analyses the live simultaneous interpretation from English into Italian of six 2013 Formula 1 World Championship podium interviews and focuses on four main aspects: how the interpreter handled the décalage at the end of the interview and during the turn-taking; if he used any marker to indicate that he was starting to translate a new turn of the source text; what he did when overlapped speech in the source texts occurred; what happened when the Italian commentators talked during the interpreter’s translation. In the first chapter a description mainly of what a Formula 1 podium interview is and what an interpreter translates during the Formula 1 weekends is present. In the second chapter a literature review on media interpreting, with particular attention put on Straniero Sergio’s paper on translating Formula 1 press-conferences (2003), and turn-taking is provided. In the third chapter the methodology used to obtain and process the video and audio files of source and target texts and to transcribe them is described. We concentrated primarily on Thibault’s multimodal text transcription techniques (2000) and on how they were used and adapted to fit the purposes of this dissertation. In the fourth chapter the results obtained through the analysis of the source and target texts are shown and described, focusing only on the objectives of the dissertation, without aiming to provide a qualitative evaluation of the interpretations. In the fifth and last chapter the conclusions and some final remarks are made, based on the results obtained during the analysis and the hope for a more in depth knowledge of Italian Formula 1 interpreter’s working conditions.


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The digital revolution has affected all aspects of human life, and interpreting is no exception. This study will provide an overview of the technology tools available to the interpreter, but it will focus more on simultaneous interpretation, particularly on the “simultaneous interpretation with text” method. The decision to analyse this particular method arose after a two-day experience at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), during research for my previous Master’s dissertation. During those days, I noticed that interpreters were using "simultaneous interpretation with text" on a daily basis. Owing to the efforts and processes this method entails, this dissertation will aim at discovering whether technology can help interpreters, and if so, how. The first part of the study will describe the “simultaneous with text” approach, and how it is used at the CJEU; the data provided by a survey for professional interpreters will describe its use in other interpreting situations. The study will then describe Computer-Assisted Language Learning technologies (CALL) and technologies for interpreters. The second part of the study will focus on the interpreting booth, which represents the first application of the technology in the interpreting field, as well as on the technologies that can be used inside the booth: programs, tablets and apps. The dissertation will then analyse the programs which might best help the interpreter in "simultaneous with text" mode, before providing some proposals for further software upgrades. In order to give a practical description of the possible upgrades, the domain of “judicial cooperation in criminal matters” will be taken as an example. Finally, after a brief overview of other applications of technology in the interpreting field (i.e. videoconferencing, remote interpreting), the conclusions will summarize the results provided by the study and offer some final reflections on the teaching of interpreting.


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Scopo di questa tesi è argomentare l’utilità dello shadowing nella formazione degli interpreti, basandosi sulla Teoria motoria della percezione del linguaggio di Alvin Liberman e muovendosi all’interno del quadro teorico della più ampia embodied cognition, che include teorie sullo sviluppo del linguaggio e sull’acquisizione di seconde lingue. Nella formazione degli interpreti, lo shadowing è un esercizio che consiste nell’immediata ripetizione di quanto udito in cuffia, parola per parola e nella medesima lingua del testo di partenza ed è generalmente utilizzato come esercizio propedeutico alla simultanea, in quanto permette sia di “imparare” ad ascoltare e a parlare contemporaneamente, sia di migliorare la pronuncia e la fluidità in lingua straniera. Tuttavia, all’interno degli Interpreting Studies, ci sono studiosi che lo ritengono un esercizio inutile e, per certi versi, pericoloso poiché porrebbe l’accento su un processo eccessivamente “meccanico” dell’interpretazione. Per argomentare la sua utilità nella didattica dell’interpretazione, in questa tesi, dopo aver presentato le principali teorie sullo sviluppo del linguaggio e sull’acquisizione di seconde lingue, si passeranno in rassegna i risultati di ricerche condotte non solo all’interno degli Interpreting Studies, ma anche nella più ampia prospettiva della didattica delle lingue straniere/seconde, e soprattutto in neurolinguistica e psicologia cognitiva, dove lo shadowing è utilizzato per analizzare i processi cognitivi che sono alla base della ricezione e produzione del linguaggio (articolazione motoria, memoria di lavoro, attenzione selettiva, ecc.). L’ultimo capitolo di questo lavoro sarà dedicato alla descrizione di un approccio estremamente recente sulla percezione e sulla produzione del linguaggio, che coniuga la Teoria motoria della percezione del linguaggio di Liberman (1967) con la recente scoperta dei neuroni specchio, e che getta una luce nuova sull’utilità dello shadowing nella formazione degli interpreti.


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Lo studio si occupa di fluency e analizza alcuni aspetti che la definiscono (pause vuote, pause piene, segnali discorsivi, riformulazioni). Si analizzano frequenza e durata di tali fenomeni, attraverso due corpora di produzioni orali di due gruppi di parlanti della lingua inglese: gli studenti italiani del corso di Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale della Scuola di Lingue, Letterature, Interpretazione e Traduzione di Forlì, Università di Bologna, e partecipanti britannici di un programma radiofonico. Si è ritenuto utile comparare le produzioni orali di studenti della lingua inglese a quelle di oratori pubblici madrelingua. Si è cercato di bilanciare i due corpora in termini di genere. Sono stati utilzzati i software Praat, per identificare la morfologia e la durata delle variabili, e Notetab Light, per l'annotazione dei corpora. I risultati della ricerca mostrano che le differenze maggiori tra i due gruppi risiedono nella durata delle pause vuote e nella frequenza, durata e e varietà di suoni delle pause piene, oltre a sillabe aggiuntive, sillabe allungate e riformulazioni. Le sillabe aggiuntive appaiono tipiche della produzione orale degli studenti italiani, in quanto, per la maggior parte, le parole della lingua italiana terminano con un suono vocalico. E' inoltre emersa una questione di genere. Le parlanti di sesso femminile, in entrambi i corpora, impiegano maggiormente le variabili della fluency prese in esame, rispetto ai parlanti di sesso maschile. Sulla base di questa ricerca e ricerche future si potranno ideare moduli di insegnamento dell'inglese basati sulla fluency come fattore primario di competenza linguistica. Il Capitolo 1 introduce lo studio. Il Capitolo 2 presenta lo stato dell'arte sul tema. Il Capitolo 3 presenta la metodologia dello studio. Il Capitolo 4 è dedicato a illustrare e discutere i risultati della ricerca. Il Capitolo 5 presenta considerazioni conclusive e future prospettive per l'insegnamento dell'inglese e per la ricerca.