5 resultados para Satellite communications

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La tesi descrive alcune applicazioni in ambito satellitare delle tecniche di radio cognitiva. In particolare si analizza la loro possibile implementazione in uno scenario dual-satellite in banda Ka nel quale l'utente primario si avvale dello standard DVB-S2 per la trasmissione. A seguire la verifica delle performance degli algoritmi di spectum sensing per la detection del segnale primario attraverso simulazioni in ambiente matlab con curve ROC e curve di probabilità di detection in funzione del rapporto segnale rumore.


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Scopo di questa tesi è la produzione di una serie di mappe di deformazione del suolo o della copertura superficiale del terreno mediante l'utilizzo di una tecnica di monitoraggio territoriale da satellite denominata Interferometria SAR. Tale tecnica si colloca nell'ambito del Telerilevamento a sensori attivi. Le mappe di spostamento sono state prodotte per quattro casi di studio, due riguardanti eventi sismici (terremoto del 2009 a L'Aquila in Italia e terremoto del 2003 a Bam in Iran) e due relativi al movimento di deriva conseguente allo scioglimento dei ghiacciai alpini (ghiacciaio dell'Aletsch in Svizzera) e delle calotte polari (ghiacciaio David-Drygalski in Antartide).


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In this report it was designed an innovative satellite-based monitoring approach applied on the Iraqi Marshlands to survey the extent and distribution of marshland re-flooding and assess the development of wetland vegetation cover. The study, conducted in collaboration with MEEO Srl , makes use of images collected from the sensor (A)ATSR onboard ESA ENVISAT Satellite to collect data at multi-temporal scales and an analysis was adopted to observe the evolution of marshland re-flooding. The methodology uses a multi-temporal pixel-based approach based on classification maps produced by the classification tool SOIL MAPPER ®. The catalogue of the classification maps is available as web service through the Service Support Environment Portal (SSE, supported by ESA). The inundation of the Iraqi marshlands, which has been continuous since April 2003, is characterized by a high degree of variability, ad-hoc interventions and uncertainty. Given the security constraints and vastness of the Iraqi marshlands, as well as cost-effectiveness considerations, satellite remote sensing was the only viable tool to observe the changes taking place on a continuous basis. The proposed system (ALCS – AATSR LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) avoids the direct use of the (A)ATSR images and foresees the application of LULCC evolution models directly to „stock‟ of classified maps. This approach is made possible by the availability of a 13 year classified image database, conceived and implemented in the CARD project (http://earth.esa.int/rtd/Projects/#CARD).The approach here presented evolves toward an innovative, efficient and fast method to exploit the potentiality of multi-temporal LULCC analysis of (A)ATSR images. The two main objectives of this work are both linked to a sort of assessment: the first is to assessing the ability of modeling with the web-application ALCS using image-based AATSR classified with SOIL MAPPER ® and the second is to evaluate the magnitude, the character and the extension of wetland rehabilitation.