3 resultados para Sand dune ecology

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The neutrino mass ordering and the leptonic CP violation phase are key parameters of the three-neutrino flavour mixing still to be determined. Measuring these parameters is the main goal of DUNE, a next generation Long Baseline neutrino experiment under construction in the United States. DUNE will feature a Near and a Far Detector site. An important component of the Near detector complex is the SAND apparatus, which will include GRAIN, a novel liquid Argon detector that aims at imaging neutrino interactions using scintillation light. For this purpose, an innovative optical readout system based on Coded Aperture Masks is under study. This thesis work is aimed at a first quantitative assessment of a 3D neutrino event reconstruction algorithm for GRAIN. The processing procedure is optimized and the reconstruction performance is evaluated. Promising results are obtained.


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Polychaetes are one of the larger groups of macroinvertebrates with more than 9000 species recognised, distributed worldwide. Thanks to the broad ecological adaptability and high abundaces, this taxon plays a leading role and is considered an important component of all benthic assemblages. Our knowledge about the West Iberian Coast polychaete fauna are scarce, and the only studies are recent. In this sense, the aim of this work was to investigate the composition and the spatial distribution of the polychaete fauna along the NW Portuguese Coastal Shelf, focusing on their relationship to environmental factors (depth, grain size, longitude and latitude) and to add new data to the existing biological dataset. A total of 39 sites were analysed, collected in an area of about 5665 km², between 20 and 150 m depth, distributed in a way to cover the overall grain size gradient. A total of 9352 specimens belonging to 41 families were found, and the analysis based on the abundance of polychaete species revealed five affinity groups: (a) nearshore medium sand characterised by Pisione parapari and Hesionura elongata; (b) very coarse sand that showed the highest abundance of Syllidae and was characterised by Protodorvillea kefersteini and Syllis garciai; (c) fine sand dominated by Spiophanes bombyx and Glycera tridactyla; (d) very fine sand with Nepthys assimilis and Amage sp. and the highest abundance of Paraonidae; (d) mud characterised by Labioleanira yhleni and Ampharete finmarchica. The combination of the environmental variables and the biological data, done with BIOENV routine, demonstrated that depth, grain size and fine contents were the best related with the biological data (rho=0.598). In general, the results agree with the composition and the spatial distribution of the polychaete fauna in other parts of the world; further polychaete assemblages related to mud sediments were firstly recorded in the Northwestern Portuguese Coastal Shelf.


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The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is a long-baseline neutrino experiment which is under construction in the United States. It will be composed of a Near Detector system located a few hundred meters from the neutrino source at Fermilab and a far detector system composed of four multi-kt LArTPCs at Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota. The experiment will measure the leptonic CP violation phase of the PMNS matrix and discriminate the ordering of neutrino masses. Additional physics goals include detection of neutrinos from supernovae collapse and search for possible proton decay. One component of the Near detector complex is the System for on-Axis Neutrino Detection apparatus, which includes GRanular Argon for Interaction of Neutrinos, a novel liquid Argon detector that aims at imaging neutrino interactions using scintillation light collected by optical system and read-out by SIPM matrix. This thesis work aims at studying the GRAIN performances as a homogeneous calorimeter, able to measure the energy deposited by charged particles in LAr through scintillation photons emitted along their path inside the vessel. The energy calibration of the liquid argon volume required to write (and validate) an efficient software for the detector response simulation to the arrival of scintillation photons.