6 resultados para SLAB

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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English: The assessment of safety in existing bridges and viaducts led the Ministry of Public Works of the Netherlands to finance a specific campaing aimed at the study of the response of the elements of these infrastructures. Therefore, this activity is focused on the investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs under concentrated loads, adopting finite element modeling and comparison with experimental results. These elements are characterized by shear behaviour and crisi, whose modeling is, from a computational point of view, a hard challeng, due to the brittle behavior combined with three-dimensional effects. The numerical modeling of the failure is studied through Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an alternative Finite Element method, with respect to traditional incremental and iterative approaches. The comparison between the two different numerical techniques represents one of the first works and comparisons in a three-dimensional environment. It's carried out adopting one of the experimental test executed on reinforced concrete slabs as well. The advantage of the SLA is to avoid the well known problems of convergence of typical non-linear analysis, by directly specifying a damage increment, in terms of reduction of stiffness and resistance in particular finite element, instead of load or displacement increasing on the whole structure . For the first time, particular attention has been paid to specific aspects of the slabs, like an accurate constraints modeling and sensitivity of the solution with respect to the mesh density. This detailed analysis with respect to the main parameters proofed a strong influence of the tensile fracture energy, mesh density and chosen model on the solution in terms of force-displacement diagram, distribution of the crack patterns and shear failure mode. The SLA showed a great potential, but it requires a further developments for what regards two aspects of modeling: load conditions (constant and proportional loads) and softening behaviour of brittle materials (like concrete) in the three-dimensional field, in order to widen its horizons in these new contexts of study.


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In this thesis is studied the long-term behaviour of steel reinforced slabs paying particular attention to the effects due to shrinkage and creep. Despite the universal popularity of using this kind of slabs for simply construction floors, the major world codes focus their attention in a design based on the ultimate limit state, restraining the exercise limit state to a simply verification after the design. For Australia, on the contrary, this is not true. In fact, since this country is not subjected to seismic effects, the main concern is related to the long-term behaviour of the structure. Even if there are a lot of studies about long-term effects of shrinkage and creep, up to date, there are not so many studies concerning the behaviour of slabs with a cracked cross section and how shrinkage and creep influence it. For this reason, a series of ten full scale reinforced slabs was prepared and monitored under laboratory conditions to investigate this behaviour. A wide range of situations is studied in order to cover as many cases as possible, as for example the use of a fog room able to reproduce an environment of 100% humidity. The results show how there is a huge difference in terms of deflections between the case of slabs which are subjected to both shrinkage and creep effects soon after the partial cracking of the cross section, and the case of slabs which have already experienced shrinkage effects for several weeks, when the section has not still cracked, and creep effects only after the cracking.


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In this work seismic upgrading of existing masonry structures by means of hysteretic ADAS dampers is treated. ADAS are installed on external concrete walls, which are built parallel to the building, and then linked to the building's slab by means of steel rod connection system. In order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention, a parametric study considering variation of damper main features has been conducted. To this aim, the concepts of equivalent linear system (ELS) or equivalent viscous damping are deepen. Simplified equivalent linear model results are then checked respect results of the yielding structures. Two alternative displacement based methods for damper design are herein proposed. Both methods have been validated through non linear time history analyses with spectrum compatible accelerograms. Finally ADAS arrangement for the non conventional implementation is proposed.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi è stato effettuato uno studio del trasporto di luce in sistemi diffusivi. Per effettuare tale studio è stato allestito un apparato sperimentale ottimizzato per acquisire profili di trasmissione risolti spazialmente di campioni con geometria a slab. Tramite delle misure su un campione diffusivo di riferimento è stato valutato il funzionamento dell’apparato e sono stati effettuati dei test per ottimizzare il procedimento di misurazione. L’apparato è stato poi impiegato per condurre un’analisi del trasporto in un altro sistema disordinato particolarmente interessante, una scaglia di scarafaggio bianco Chyphochilus. Questa specie presenta una bianchezza unica in natura, per via della particolare struttura ottica insita nelle sue scaglie. Le misure effettuate su questo campione hanno rivelato la presenza di anisotropia di trasporto, elemento che potrebbe rivestire un ruolo centrale nelle eccezionali proprietà macroscopiche della scaglia. Sia l’analisi sul campione diffusivo che sulla scaglia di Chyphochilus dimostrano come l’apparato messo a punto permetta di investigare le proprietà microscopiche e strutturali del processo di trasporto di luce, consentendo di stimare il grado di anisotropia dei sistemi esaminati. L’intero lavoro di tesi è stato svolto presso il laboratorio Europeo di Spettroscopia Non-lineare LENS di Firenze all’interno dell’attività di ricerca del gruppo di ottica dei sistemi complessi di Diederik Wiersma. Il campione di scaglia di Chyphochilus è stato fornito dal prof. Peter Vukusic dell’Università di Exeter, UK.


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A field study of thermal circulation over very gentle slope is described for a specific day characterised by weak synoptic conditions. The emphasis was on morning and evening transitions, but measurements cover the entire day; therefore a brief analysis is performed to represent the general thermal circulation pattern. Both transition periods are characterised by complex dynamic behaviours. During evening transition, the upslope flow has got through a stagnation condition characterised by wind velocity U<0:5 m=s. Only when the stagnating air has become negative buoyant, the flow is allowed to pour downslope like a slab. Some features of front formation has been found during the transition development, such as delay time of downslope flow start up along the slope, and the presence of positive turbulent kinetic energy at the onset of the motion. Eventually the observed evening transition has followed a mixed mechanisms, with features from different models. Therefore the Rayleigh number seems not to be a good criterion by which parametrise evening transition itself. Morning transition is characterised by destruction of nocturnal temperature inversion and the onset of upslope flow. Inversion destruction can be described in terms of CBL growth at surface and inversion decent from the top of the layer. KH has found to be a good indicator of inversion breakup, if used as parameter to study the inversion breakup in terms of temperature reversal. After the inversion breakup, buoyancy and mechanical productions supply the flow with the necessary energy to start the upslope wind. More quantitative analysis are provided by the study of stability parameters and turbulent kinetic energy budgets. Gradient Richardson number has been used in this terms, finding that a mixed SBL-CBL behaviour dominates the most of the observed layers. Tke budget has shown high turbulent behaviour during morning transition while the evening transition has developed entirely in laminar condition, apart from short intermittent turbulent events.


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Per investigare il ruolo del contrasto di densità fra rocce crostali e mantelliche, nell’origine dell’associazione peridotiti-migmatiti-gneiss della Zona d’Ultimo (Austroalpino superiore, Italia), durante l’orogenesi Varisica, sono stati studiati tre diversi litotipi provenienti dall’area in esame. Mediante l’utilizzo del software Perple_X, sono state modellizzate le condizioni P-T di equilibrio di: un paragneiss a granato e staurolite di grado metamorfico medio, un fels a granato prodotto per fusione parziale ed estrazione del fuso dalla roccia sorgente (restite), e una peridotite ad anfibolo rappresentativa del cuneo di mantello. A partire dalle peridotiti, sono state calcolate condizioni metamorfiche di picco per la Zona d’Ultimo di 900 °C e 13 kbar, in facies granulitica, confrontabili con profondità di circa 40-50 km. In queste condizioni, le peridotiti ad anfibolo presentano una densità di 3230 kg/m3, nettamente inferiore rispetto a quanto calcolato per il campione di restite, cioè 3730 kg/m3. In particolare, è stato calcolato che è necessario estrarre dalla roccia sorgente una quantità di fuso pari al 10-12 wt.%, per generare un residuo refrattario di densità equivalente alle peridotiti idrate. La differenziazione fra neosoma e paleosoma, prodotta dalla fusione parziale, può generare quindi una situazione di instabilità fra crosta e mantello, a causa del contrasto di densità fra le rocce poste a contatto. Per effetto di questa instabilità, possono verificarsi meccanismi duttili di trasferimento di massa, con inclusione di lenti di peridotiti all’interno della crosta, all’interfaccia fra lo slab continentale in subduzione ed il cuneo di mantello, ma anche, in caso di crosta inspessita, in corrispondenza della transizione crosta profonda-mantello litosferico (Moho) nella upper plate.