9 resultados para Rituais e performances
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The performances of the H → ZZ* → 4l analysis are studied in the context of the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC collider, with the CMS detector. The high luminosity (up to L = 5 × 10^34 cm−2s−1) of the accelerator poses very challenging experimental con- ditions. In particular, the number of overlapping events per bunch crossing will increase to 140. To cope with this difficult environment, the CMS detector will be upgraded in two stages: Phase-I and Phase-II. The tools used in the analysis are the CMS Full Simulation and the fast parametrized Delphes simulation. A validation of Delphes with respect to the Full Simulation is performed, using reference Phase-I detector samples. Delphes is then used to simulate the Phase-II detector response. The Phase-II configuration is compared with the Phase-I detector and the same Phase-I detector affected by aging processes, both modeled with the Full Simulation framework. Conclusions on these three scenarios are derived: the degradation in performances observed with the “aged” scenario shows that a major upgrade of the detector is mandatory. The specific upgrade configuration studied allows to keep the same performances as in Phase-I and, in the case of the four-muons channel, even to exceed them.
A growing interest towards new sources of energy has led in recent years to the development of a new generation of catalysts for alcohol dehydrogenative coupling (ADC). This green, atom-efficient reaction is capable of turning alcohol derivatives into higher value and chemically more attractive ester molecules, and it finds interesting applications in the transformation of the large variety of products deriving from biomass. In the present work, a new series of ruthenium-PNP pincer complexes are investigated for the transformation of 1-butanol, one of the most challenging substrates for this type of reactions, into butyl butyrate, a short-chain symmetrical ester widely used in flavor industries. Since the reaction kinetics depends on hydrogen diffusion, the study aimed at identifying proper reactor type and right catalyst concentration to avoid mass transfer interferences and to get dependable data. A comparison between catalytic activities and productivities has been made to establish the role of the different ligands bonded both to the PNP binder and to the ruthenium metal center, and hence to find the best catalyst for this type of reaction.
PhEDEx, the CMS transfer management system, during the first LHC Run has moved about 150 PB and currently it is moving about 2.5 PB of data per week over the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLGC). It was designed to complete each transfer required by users at the expense of the waiting time necessary for its completion. For this reason, after several years of operations, data regarding transfer latencies has been collected and stored into log files containing useful analyzable informations. Then, starting from the analysis of several typical CMS transfer workflows, a categorization of such latencies has been made with a focus on the different factors that contribute to the transfer completion time. The analysis presented in this thesis will provide the necessary information for equipping PhEDEx in the future with a set of new tools in order to proactively identify and fix any latency issues. PhEDEx, il sistema di gestione dei trasferimenti di CMS, durante il primo Run di LHC ha trasferito all’incirca 150 PB ed attualmente trasferisce circa 2.5 PB di dati alla settimana attraverso la Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). Questo sistema è stato progettato per completare ogni trasferimento richiesto dall’utente a spese del tempo necessario per il suo completamento. Dopo svariati anni di operazioni con tale strumento, sono stati raccolti dati relativi alle latenze di trasferimento ed immagazzinati in log files contenenti informazioni utili per l’analisi. A questo punto, partendo dall’analisi di una ampia mole di trasferimenti in CMS, è stata effettuata una suddivisione di queste latenze ponendo particolare attenzione nei confronti dei fattori che contribuiscono al tempo di completamento del trasferimento. L’analisi presentata in questa tesi permetterà di equipaggiare PhEDEx con un insieme di utili strumenti in modo tale da identificare proattivamente queste latenze e adottare le opportune tattiche per minimizzare l’impatto sugli utenti finali.
Il lavoro si è articolato in due parti: sintesi di una molecola antiossidante (lipofenolo), che in prospettiva dovrà essere prodotta a partire da sottoprodotti dell’industria alimentare. La molecola ottenuta, già studiata nello sviluppo di emulsioni, è stata in questo lavoro testata nella formulazione di prodotti da forno, nei quali l’ossidazione lipidica è un processo difficilmente controllabile, se non con l’impiego di grassi saturi, come palma o strutto e sego. L’ossidazione incide profondamente sulla qualità e sulla sicurezza dell’alimento. È per questo che numerosi studi si sono rivolti, in questi anni, verso i meccanismi di antiossidazione nei sistemi reali. Partendo da una panoramica sui sottoprodotti della filiera alimentare, in questo lavoro si è ottimizzata una reazione di lipofilizzazione tra tirosolo e acido oleico e si è impiegato il prodotto nella formulazione tarallini per verificarne l’effettiva capacità di allungare la shelf life del prodotto ritardando l’insorgenza dell’ossidazione, con esiti più che soddisfacenti evidenziati dai dati ottenuti tramite tecniche di ossidazione forzata (Oxitest®) , analisi della componente volatile (SPME-GC-MS) e misurazione del numero di perossido.
The Crescent Shaped Brace (CSB) is a new simple steel hysteretic device proposed to be used as an enhanced diagonal brace in framed structures. The CSB allows the practical designer to choose the lateral stiffness independently from the yield strength of the device, due to its peculiar ad-hoc shape. In the present thesis, a complete study referring to different CSB configurations has been presented. After the validation of the hysteretic capacities of the Crescent Shaped Braces, the seismic concept of the "enhanced first story isolation" system has been proposed within the PBSD. It relies on the total separation between the Vertical Resisting System (VRS) and the Horizontal Resisting System (HRS) in order to attain a certain objective curve of the structure. An applicative example has been studied following this concept and exploiting the advantages of the CSBs as seismic dissipative devices used for the HRS. Then several geometrical configurations called Single CSB system, Single 2 CSB system, Double CSB system, Coupled CSB system, Coupled with high length CSB system, and the final one was Cross bracing system have been introduced and modelled with SAP2000 and the results have been compared.
Le colture starter sono preparazioni comprendenti una o più specie microbiche aggiunte per condurre i processi fermentativi, con risvolti positivi sulle caratteristiche tecnologiche e igienico-sanitarie dei prodotti ottenuti. Questa tesi si inserisce in un progetto europeo volto a sfruttare la biodiversità microbica di salumi dell'area del Mediterraneo, utilizzandoli come fonte di isolamento di batteri lattici (LAB) da proporre come nuove colture starter e/o bioprotettive. Prove preliminari hanno permesso di selezionare un numero ridotto di LAB, considerati sicuri, che in questa tesi sono stati studiati per il loro potenziale tecnologico (cinetiche di crescita a 20°C) per valutarne l’attitudine ad essere utilizzati in salami prodotti a livello industriale. Sulla base di queste prove effettuate in laboratorio, 4 ceppi (Latilactobacillus sakei 2M7 e SWO10, Lactiplantibacillus paraplantarum BPF2, Latilactobacillus curvatus KN55) sono stati utilizzati per la produzione di salami a livello industriale, confrontando le loro performances con uno starter commerciale utilizzato comunemente in azienda. I risultati hanno mostrato come tutti i ceppi siano stati in grado di sviluppare nella matrice con cinetiche simili, anche se questa acidificazione non ha limitato il contenuto di enterobatteri, ad eccezione del campione controllo, dove tuttavia i LAB hanno mostrato una ridotta capacità di persistenza. Il ceppo BPF2 ha ridotto significativamente il contenuto di tiramina nel prodotto finito. L’analisi dei metaboliti volatili ha evidenziato un diverso accumulo di prodotti derivanti dallo sviluppo dei LAB (es. acidi, aldeidi), anche se tali differenze erano difficilmente percepibili a livello olfattivo e tutti i salami presentavano un odore gradevole. Ulteriori prove saranno necessarie per garantire la qualità microbiologica del prodotto finito (controllo degli enterobatteri) e per effettuare anche test sensoriali, al fine anche di favorire la differenziazione dei prodotti.
This work presents the experimental development of a novel heat treatment for a high performance Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ti6Al4V alloy. Additive manufacturing production processes for titanium alloys are particularly of interest in cutting-edge engineering fields, however, high frequency laser induced thermal cycles generate a brittle as built microstructure. For this reason, heat treatments compliant with near net shape components are needed before their homologation and usage. The experimental campaign focused on the development of a multi-step heat treatment leading to a bilamellar microstructure. In fact, according to literature, such a microstructure should be promising in terms of mechanical properties both under static and cyclic loads. The heat treatment development has asked for the preliminary analyses of samples annealed and aged in laboratory, implementing several cycles, differing for what concerns temperatures, times and cooling rates. Such a characterization has been carried out through optical and electron microscopy analyses, image analyses, hardness and tensile tests. As a result, the most suitable thermal cycle has been selected and performed using industrial equipment on mini bending fatigue samples with different surface conditions. The same tests have been performed on a batch of traditionally treated samples, to provide with a comparison. This master thesis activity has finally led to the definition of a heat treatment resulting into a bilamellar microstructure, promising in terms of fatigue performances with respect to the traditionally treated alloy ones. The industrial implementation of such a heat treatment will require further improvements, particularly for what concerns the post annealing water quench, in order to prevent any surface alteration potentially responsible for the fatigue performances drop. Further development of the research may also include push-pull fatigue tests, crack grow propagation and residual stresses analyses.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a critical pillar in the digital transformation because it enables interaction with the physical world through remote sensing and actuation. Owing to the advancements in wireless technology, we now have the opportunity of using their features to the best of our abilities and improve over the current situation. Indeed, the Internet of Things market is expanding at an exponential rate, with devices such as alarms and detectors, smart metres, trackers, and wearables being used on a global scale for automotive and agriculture, environment monitoring, infrastructure surveillance and management, healthcare, energy and utilities, logistics, good tracking, and so on. The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) acknowledged the importance of IoT by introducing new features to support it. In particular, in Rel.13, the 3GPP introduced the so-called IoT to support Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN).As these devices will be distributed in areas where terrestrial networks are not feasible or commercially viable, satellite networks will play a complementary role due to their ability to provide global connectivity via their large footprint size and short service deployment time. In this context, the goal of this thesis is to investigate the viability of integrating IoT technology with satellite communication (SatCom) systems, with a focus on the Random Access(RA) Procedure. Indeed, the RA is the most critical procedure because it allows the UE to achieve uplink synchronisation, obtain the permanent ID, and obtain uplink transmission resources. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate preamble detection in the SatCom environment.
The usage of Optical Character Recognition’s (OCR, systems is a widely spread technology into the world of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. It is a topic that interest many field, for example the automotive, where becomes a specialized task known as License Plate Recognition, useful for many application from the automation of toll road to intelligent payments. However, OCR systems need to be very accurate and generalizable in order to be able to extract the text of license plates under high variable conditions, from the type of camera used for acquisition to light changes. Such variables compromise the quality of digitalized real scenes causing the presence of noise and degradation of various type, which can be minimized with the application of modern approaches for image iper resolution and noise reduction. Oneclass of them is known as Generative Neural Networks, which are very strong ally for the solution of this popular problem.