3 resultados para Renewall capability
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Laser shock peening is a technique similar to shot peening that imparts compressive residual stresses in materials for improving fatigue resistance. The ability to use a high energy laser pulse to generate shock waves, inducing a compressive residual stress field in metallic materials, has applications in multiple fields such as turbo-machinery, airframe structures, and medical appliances. The transient nature of the LSP phenomenon and the high rate of the laser's dynamic make real time in-situ measurement of laser/material interaction very challenging. For this reason and for the high cost of the experimental tests, reliable analytical methods for predicting detailed effects of LSP are needed to understand the potential of the process. Aim of this work has been the prediction of residual stress field after Laser Peening process by means of Finite Element Modeling. The work has been carried out in the Stress Methods department of Airbus Operations GmbH (Hamburg) and it includes investigation on compressive residual stresses induced by Laser Shock Peening, study on mesh sensitivity, optimization and tuning of the model by using physical and numerical parameters, validation of the model by comparing it with experimental results. The model has been realized with Abaqus/Explicit commercial software starting from considerations done on previous works. FE analyses are “Mesh Sensitive”: by increasing the number of elements and by decreasing their size, the software is able to probe even the details of the real phenomenon. However, these details, could be only an amplification of real phenomenon. For this reason it was necessary to optimize the mesh elements' size and number. A new model has been created with a more fine mesh in the trough thickness direction because it is the most involved in the process deformations. This increment of the global number of elements has been paid with an "in plane" size reduction of the elements far from the peened area in order to avoid too high computational costs. Efficiency and stability of the analyses has been improved by using bulk viscosity coefficients, a merely numerical parameter available in Abaqus/Explicit. A plastic rate sensitivity study has been also carried out and a new set of Johnson Cook's model coefficient has been chosen. These investigations led to a more controllable and reliable model, valid even for more complex geometries. Moreover the study about the material properties highlighted a gap of the model about the simulation of the surface conditions. Modeling of the ablative layer employed during the real process has been used to fill this gap. In the real process ablative layer is a super thin sheet of pure aluminum stuck on the masterpiece. In the simulation it has been simply reproduced as a 100µm layer made by a material with a yield point of 10MPa. All those new settings has been applied to a set of analyses made with different geometry models to verify the robustness of the model. The calibration of the model with the experimental results was based on stress and displacement measurements carried out on the surface and in depth as well. The good correlation between the simulation and experimental tests results proved this model to be reliable.
Nell'elaborato, dopo una breve descrizione di come vengono suddivise le macchine elettriche a seconda che vi siano o meno parti in movimento al loro interno, vengono esaminati inizialmente gli aspetti teorici che riguardano le macchine sincrone a poli lisci ed a poli salienti prendendo in esame anche quelli che sono i provvedimenti necessari a ridurre il contributo dei campi armonici di ordine superiore. Per questo tipo di macchine, spesso utilizzate in centrale per la pruduzione dell'energia elettrica, risultano di fondamentale importanza le curve a "V" e le curve di "Capability". Esse sono strumenti che permettono di valutare le prestazioni di tali macchine una volta che siano noti i dati di targa delle stesse. Lo scopo della tesi è pertanto quello di sviluppare un software in ambiente Matlab che permetta il calcolo automatico e parametrico di tali curve al fine di poter ottimizzare la scelta di una macchina a seconda delle esigenze. Nel corso dell'eleaborato vengono altresì proposti dei confronti su come varino tali curve, e pertanto i limiti di funzionamento ad esse associati, al variare di alcuni parametri fondamentali come il fattore di potenza, la reattanza sincrona o, nel caso di macchine a poli salienti, il rapporto di riluttanza. Le curve di cui sopra sono state costruite a partire da considerazioni fatte sul diagramma di Behn-Eschemburg per le macchine isotrope o sul diagramma di Arnold e Blondel per le macchine anisotrope.
Questa tesi, dal titolo “Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2 v 2.0)” si pone l’obbiettivo di studiare, analizzare, applicare e mostrare punti di forza e criticità di un modello atto a valutare la propria postura di cybersicurezza, al fine di migliorarne i punti critici, trovarne le priorità in cui investire e strutturare un security program integrato in tutti i processi aziendali.