8 resultados para Ready-to- wear clothing
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
This thesis is developed in the contest of Ritmare project WP1, which main objective is the development of a sustainable fishery through the identification of populations boundaries in commercially important species in Italian Seas. Three main objectives are discussed in order to help reach the main purpose of identification of stock boundaries in Parapenaeus longirostris: 1 -Development of a representative sampling design for Italian seas; 2 -Evaluation of 2b-RAD protocol; 3 -Investigation of populations through biological data analysis. First of all we defined and accomplished a sampling design which properly represents all Italian seas. Then we used information and data about nursery areas distribution, abundance of populations and importance of P. longirostris in local fishery, to develop an experimental design that prioritize the most important areas to maximize the results with actual project funds. We introduced for the first time the use of 2b-RAD on this species, a genotyping method based on sequencing the uniform fragments produced by type IIB restriction endonucleases. Thanks to this method we were able to move from genetics to the more complex genomics. In order to proceed with 2b-RAD we performed several tests to identify the best DNA extraction kit and protocol and finally we were able to extract 192 high quality DNA extracts ready to be processed. We tested 2b-RAD with five samples and after high-throughput sequencing of libraries we used the software “Stacks” to analyze the sequences. We obtained positive results identifying a great number of SNP markers among the five samples. To guarantee a multidisciplinary approach we used the biological data associated to the collected samples to investigate differences between geographical samples. Such approach assures continuity with other project, for instance STOCKMED, which utilize a combination of molecular and biological analysis as well.
Due to its practical importance and inherent complexity, the optimisation of distribution networks for supplying drinking water has been the subject of extensive study for the past 30 years. The optimization is governed by sizing the pipes in the water distribution network (WDN) and / or optimises specific parts of the network such as pumps, tanks etc. or try to analyse and optimise the reliability of a WDN. In this thesis, the author has analysed two different WDNs (Anytown City and Cabrera city networks), trying to solve and optimise a multi-objective optimisation problem (MOOP). The main two objectives in both cases were the minimisation of Energy Cost (€) or Energy consumption (kWh), along with the total Number of pump switches (TNps) during a day. For this purpose, a decision support system generator for Multi-objective optimisation used. Its name is GANetXL and has been developed by the Center of Water System in the University of Exeter. GANetXL, works by calling the EPANET hydraulic solver, each time a hydraulic analysis has been fulfilled. The main algorithm used, was a second-generation algorithm for multi-objective optimisation called NSGA_II that gave us the Pareto fronts of each configuration. The first experiment that has been carried out was the network of Anytown city. It is a big network with a pump station of four fixed speed parallel pumps that are boosting the water dynamics. The main intervention was to change these pumps to new Variable speed driven pumps (VSDPs), by installing inverters capable to diverse their velocity during the day. Hence, it’s been achieved great Energy and cost savings along with minimisation in the number of pump switches. The results of the research are thoroughly illustrated in chapter 7, with comments and a variety of graphs and different configurations. The second experiment was about the network of Cabrera city. The smaller WDN had a unique FS pump in the system. The problem was the same as far as the optimisation process was concerned, thus, the minimisation of the energy consumption and in parallel the minimisation of TNps. The same optimisation tool has been used (GANetXL).The main scope was to carry out several and different experiments regarding a vast variety of configurations, using different pump (but this time keeping the FS mode), different tank levels, different pipe diameters and different emitters coefficient. All these different modes came up with a large number of results that were compared in the chapter 8. Concluding, it should be said that the optimisation of WDNs is a very interested field that has a vast space of options to deal with. This includes a large number of algorithms to choose from, different techniques and configurations to be made and different support system generators. The researcher has to be ready to “roam” between these choices, till a satisfactory result will convince him/her that has reached a good optimisation point.
In the last 10 years the number of mobile devices has grown rapidly. Each person usually brings at least two personal devices and researchers says that in a near future this number could raise up to ten devices per person. Moreover, all the devices are becoming more integrated to our life than in the past, therefore the amount of data exchanged increases accordingly to the improvement of people's lifestyle. This is what researchers call Internet of Things. Thus, in the future there will be more than 60 billions of nodes and the current infrastructure is not ready to keep track of all the exchanges of data between them. Therefore, infrastructure improvements have been proposed in the last years, like MobileIP and HIP in order to facilitate the exchange of packets in mobility, however none of them have been optimized for the purpose. In the last years, researchers from Mid Sweden University created The MediaSense Framework. Initially, this framework was based on the Chord protocol in order to route packets in a big network, but the most important change has been the introduction of PGrids in order to create the Overlay and the persistence. Thanks to this technology, a lookup in the trie takes up to 0.5*log(N), where N is the total number of nodes in the network. This result could be improved by further optimizations on the management of the nodes, for example by the dynamic creation of groups of nodes. Moreover, since the nodes move, an underlaying support for connectivity management is needed. SCTP has been selected as one of the most promising upcoming standards for simultaneous multiple connection's management.
Scopo della tesi è la valutazione del potenziale di crescita (δ) di Listeria monocytogenes espressa come differenza tra il carico cellulare (log10 ufc/g) alla fine e all’inizio della prova, in monoporzioni di battuta di vitello (tartare) confezionate sottovuoto e conservate a temperatura di refrigerazione. Si tratta di un alimento ready to eat – RTE – prodotto dalla Ditta INALCA Spa e destinato ad una catena di ristorazione. I challenge test hanno lo scopo di fornire informazioni sul comportamento in determinate condizioni di conservazione, di L. monocytogenes inoculata artificialmente in un alimento. L. monocytogenes è un microrganismo patogeno ubiquitario nell’ambiente e resistente a diverse condizioni ambientali. E’ stato dimostrato che il batterio è responsabile della contaminazione post-processo degli alimenti, in quanto è stato isolato da impianti di trasformazione, macchine per l’imballaggio, nastri trasportatori, guanti, congelatori e guarnizioni. Sono state oggetto di studio: - i) 3 u.c. inoculate con soluzione fisiologica sterile su cui sono stati valutati Aw, pH, carica aerobia mesofila, batteri lattici, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, muffe e lieviti; - ii) 1 u.c. non soggetta ad alcun inoculo per la ricerca qualitativa/quantitativa di L. monocytogenes; - iii) 9 u.c. contaminate con una miscela di 5 ceppi di L. monocytogenes (circa 100 ufc/g). Le confezioni inoculate sono state conservate per 21 giorni (pari alla shelf-life commerciale), di cui i primi 7 alla temperatura di +3°C, ed i successivi 14 giorni a +5°C. Il valore δ è risultato pari a 0.57: essendo superiore, seppure di poco, al valore soglia 0.5, le tartare in esame sono classificate come alimenti pronti che costituiscono terreno favorevole alla crescita di L. monocytogenes (categoria 1.2); in base al regolamento (CE) 2073/2005, il microrganismo deve essere assente in 25 g alla produzione e < 100 ufc/g durante la shelf–life (nota 5 e 7).
The aim of TinyML is to bring the capability of Machine Learning to ultra-low-power devices, typically under a milliwatt, and with this it breaks the traditional power barrier that prevents the widely distributed machine intelligence. TinyML allows greater reactivity and privacy by conducting inference on the computer and near-sensor while avoiding the energy cost associated with wireless communication, which is far higher at this scale than that of computing. In addition, TinyML’s efficiency makes a class of smart, battery-powered, always-on applications that can revolutionize the collection and processing of data in real time. This emerging field, which is the end of a lot of innovation, is ready to speed up its growth in the coming years. In this thesis, we deploy three model on a microcontroller. For the model, datasets are retrieved from an online repository and are preprocessed as per our requirement. The model is then trained on the split of preprocessed data at its best to get the most accuracy out of it. Later the trained model is converted to C language to make it possible to deploy on the microcontroller. Finally, we take step towards incorporating the model into the microcontroller by implementing and evaluating an interface for the user to utilize the microcontroller’s sensors. In our thesis, we will have 4 chapters. The first will give us an introduction of TinyML. The second chapter will help setup the TinyML Environment. The third chapter will be about a major use of TinyML in Wake Word Detection. The final chapter will deal with Gesture Recognition in TinyML.
The discovery of the neutrino mass is a direct evidence of new physics. Several questions arise from this observation, regarding the mechanism originating the neutrino masses and their hierarchy, the violation of lepton number conservation and the generation of the baryon asymmetry. These questions can be addressed by the experimental search for neutrinoless double beta (0\nu\beta\beta) decay, a nuclear decay consisting of two simultaneous beta emissions without the emission of two antineutrinos. 0\nu\beta\beta decay is possible only if neutrinos are identical to antineutrinos, namely if they are Majorana particles. Several experiments are searching for 0\nu\beta\beta decay. Among these, CUORE is employing 130Te embedded in TeO_2 bolometric crystals. It needs to have an accurate understanding of the background contribution in the energy region around the Q-value of 130Te. One of the main contributions is given by particles from the decay chains of contaminating nuclei (232Th, 235-238U) present in the active crystals or in the support structure. This thesis uses the 1 ton yr CUORE data to study these contamination by looking for events belonging to sub-chains of the Th and U decay chains and reconstructing their energy and time difference distributions in a delayed coincidence analysis. These results in combination with studies on the simulated data are then used to evaluate the contaminations. This is the first time this analysis is applied to the CUORE data and this thesis highlights the feasibility of it while providing a starting point for further studies. A part of the obtained results agrees with ones from previous analysis, demonstrating that delayed coincidence searches might improve the understanding of the CUORE experiment background. This kind of delayed coincidence analysis can also be reused in the future once the, CUORE upgrade, CUPID data will be ready to be analyzed, with the aim of improving the sensitivity to the 0\nu\beta\beta decay of 100Mo.
TARO (Tons of Articles Ready to Outline) è un progetto che ha come scopo quello di realizzare un sistema per la raccolta, l'analisi e il confronto di articoli di giornali online. Sono state scelte come fonti testate giornalistiche internazionali e i loro canali di pubblicazione, come ad esempio i Feed RSS e le Homepage. Gli articoli vengono quindi analizzati attraverso NER e Sentiment Analysis per poi individuare quali argomenti siano trattati da più testate e quali invece risultino esclusivi di una sola, sfruttando algoritmi di similarità. Il progetto è sviluppato in Python e sono utilizzate diverse librerie, tra cui Scrapy, per la raccolta di articoli, Argos, per la traduzione delle notizie al fine di allinearle linguisticamente, SpaCy, per le analisi semantiche, e Pandas per la visualizzazione dei risultati ottenuti. Uno degli obiettivi è sfruttare questa pipeline al fine di effettuare analisi socio-culturali interessanti utilizzando le informazioni date dagli articoli giornalistici stessi, oltre che osservare le potenzialità delle analisi semantiche fatte su notiziari.
The purpose of this thesis is to present the concept of simulation for automatic machines and how it might be used to test and debug software implemented for an automatic machine. The simulation is used to detect errors and allow corrections of the code before the machine has been built. Simulation permits testing different solutions and improving the software to get an optimized one. Additionally, simulation can be used to keep track of a machine after the installation in order to improve the production process during the machine’s life cycle. The central argument of this project is discussing the advantage of using virtual commissioning to test the implemented software in a virtual environment. Such an environment is getting benefit in avoiding potential damages as well as reduction of time to have the machine ready to work. Also, the use of virtual commissioning allows testing different solutions without high losses of time and money. Subsequently, an optimized solution could be found after testing different proposed solutions. The software implemented is based on the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm which implies different features such as encapsulation, modularity, and reusability of the code. Therefore, this way of programming helps to get simplified code that is easier to be understood and debugged as well as its high efficiency. Finally, different communication protocols are implemented in order to allow communication between the real plant and the simulation model. By the outcome that this communication provides, we might be able to gather all the necessary data for the simulation and the analysis, in real-time, of the production process in a way to improve it during the machine life cycle.