4 resultados para Preembedding Immunoelectron Microscopy

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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La microscopia Kerr magneto-ottica è una tecnica di caratterizzazione magnetica che permette di ottenere informazioni sulla magnetizzazione superficiale di un campione ferromagnetico. La sensibilità locale e superficiale di questa tecnica, che è determinata sia dalla capacità di un microscopio ottico di ottenere un'immagine della superficie del campione che dalla profondità di penetrazione della luce visibile nei metalli, la rende adatta allo studio delle proprietà fisiche di nanostrutture magnetiche. Attraverso l'uso del microscopio Kerr di proprietà del Gruppo di Nanomagnetismo parte del Centro Cooperativo di Ricerca nanoGUNE Consolider (San Sebastian - Spagna), è stato possibile indagare l'effetto dato dall'anisotropia di scambio in nanostrutture magnetiche, per capire il comportamento di tale effetto in geometrie confinate al variare della temperatura. Questo studio ha permesso di individuare i limiti dello strumento e di conseguenza di estenderne le funzionalità. I principali interventi eseguiti hanno riguardato la stabilizzazione meccanica del sistema e lo sviluppo di un nuovo programma di acquisizione dati. Inoltre, la capacità di ottenere cicli di isteresi da singole nanostrutture magnetiche è stata sfruttata nello sviluppo di un nuovo tipo di dispositivo per la manipolazione di nanoparticelle magnetiche in soluzione, il cui principio di funzionamento si basa sulla mobilità delle pareti di dominio all'interno di anelli ferromagnetici con dimensione micro o nanometrica e sull'accoppiamento magnetostatico tra tali pareti di dominio e nanoparticelle superparamagnetiche trasportate in soluzione.


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The concern of this work is to present the characterization of blue emitting GaN-based LED structures by means of Atomic Force Microscopy. Here we show a comparison among the samples with different dislocation densities, in order to understand how the dislocations can affect the surface morphology. First of all we have described the current state of art of the LEDs in the present market. Thereafterwards we have mentioned in detail about the growth technique of LED structures and the methodology of the characterization employed in our thesis. Finally, we have presented the details of the results obtained on our samples studied, followed by discussions and conclusions. L'obiettivo di questa tesi é quello di presentare la caratterizzazione mediante Microscopia a Forza Atomica di strutture di LED a emissione di luce blu a base di nitruro di gallio (GaN). Viene presentato un confronto tra campioni con differente densità di dislocazioni, allo scopo di comprendere in che modo la presenza di dislocazioni influisce sulla morfologia della superficie. Innanzitutto, viene descritto il presente stato dell'arte dei LED. Successivamente, sono forniti i dettagli riguardanti la tecnica di crescita delle strutture dei LED e il metodo di caratterizzazione adottato. Infine, vengono mostrati e discussi i risultati ottenuti dallo studio dei campioni, seguiti dalle conclusioni.


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Organic semiconductor technology has attracted considerable research interest in view of its great promise for large area, lightweight, and flexible electronics applications. Owing to their advantages in processing and unique physical properties, organic semiconductors can bring exciting new opportunities for broad-impact applications requiring large area coverage, mechanical flexibility, low-temperature processing, and low cost. In order to achieve highly flexible device architecture it is crucial to understand on a microscopic scale how mechanical deformation affects the electrical performance of organic thin film devices. Towards this aim, I established in this thesis the experimental technique of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) as a tool to investigate the morphology and the surface potential of organic semiconducting thin films under mechanical strain. KPFM has been employed to investigate the strain response of two different Organic Thin Film Transistor with active layer made by 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-pentacene (TIPS-Pentacene), and Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT). The results show that this technique allows to investigate on a microscopic scale failure of flexible TFT with this kind of materials during bending. I find that the abrupt reduction of TIPS-pentacene device performance at critical bending radii is related to the formation of nano-cracks in the microcrystal morphology, easily identified due to the abrupt variation in surface potential caused by local increase in resistance. Numerical simulation of the bending mechanics of the transistor structure further identifies the mechanical strain exerted on the TIPS-pentacene micro-crystals as the fundamental origin of fracture. Instead for P3HT based transistors no significant reduction in electrical performance is observed during bending. This finding is attributed to the amorphous nature of the polymer giving rise to an elastic response without the occurrence of crack formation.


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Amorphous semiconductors are important materials as they can be deposited by physical deposition techniques on large areas and even on plastic substrates. Therefore, they are crucial for transistors in large active matrices for imaging and transparent wearable electronics. The most widely applied candidate for amorphous thin film transistors production is Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO). It is attracting much interest because of its optical transparency, facile processing by sputtering deposition and notable improved charge carrier mobility with respect to hydrogenated amorphous silicon a-Si:H. Degradation of the device and long-term performance issues have been observed if IGZO thin film transistors are subjected to electrical stress, leading to a modification of IGZO channel properties and subthreshold slope. Therefore, it is of great interest to have a reliable and precise method to study the conduction band tail, and the density of states in amorphous semiconductors. The aim of this thesis is to develop a local technique using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy to study the evolution of IGZO DOS properties. The work is divided into three main parts. First, solutions to the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation of a metal-insulator-semiconductor junction describing the charge accumulation and its relation to DOS properties are elaborated. Second macroscopic techniques such as capacitance voltage (CV) measurements and photocurrent spectroscopy are applied to obtain a non-local estimate of band-tail DOS properties in thin film transistor samples. The third part of my my thesis is dedicated to the KPFM measurements. By fitting the data to the developed numerical model, important parameters describing the amorphous conduction band tail are obtained. The results are in excellent agreement with the macroscopic characterizations. KPFM result is comparable also with non-local optoelectronic characterizations, such as photocurrent spectroscopy.